Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



As I sit here recuperating from surgery, it occurred to me that what we go through to keep our body healthy parallels how we keep healthy Lions clubs.

  • First, recognize that there is a possible situation which needs to be checked out; something is amiss but we don’t know what.
  • Next, get an educated opinion, with tests and trusted evaluation of the concerning signs of the situation that need to be addressed.
  • A very crucial step: accept and put a plan in place to alleviate the concern.  At this stage, we may find out the issue is more serious than we thought.
  • Trust the team who will help you solve the problem.
  • Preparation for dealing with the situation is crucial, but following instructions will help you with the solution.
  • Listen to your team.  They all play a crucial part of the solution to your becoming healthy.
  • Once the steps are carried out to solve your situation, be aware there will still be changes to be made and healing time.
  • Put into your follow-up plan reviews, tests, and re-evaluation to ensure your continued health and possible improvements.
  • Realize, when you stop working towards a healthy body (club), it will not be the best it can be.

I’m continually amazed by the number of people who are supportive of you in times of crisis. Also, what we may consider unique to ourselves is usually more common than we realize.

Let’s be healthy, in body and with our Lions club.

                                         “Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion.“

April Newsletter

    The theme for the MD 36 Convention in May is “Lions Are All In” and I encourage Story Boards from each Lions club.  I have seen some excellent Lions club history, current projects and future project plans from the Story Boards already presented at District Conventions.  

    The MD 36 committee chairs are doing their individual work and will continue to do so.  I am especially pleased with our youth chairs and how they are involving future Lions in their Lions clubs.  The future of Lions is in our youth and our new Lions clubs.  We have four months to reach our individual club goals and I am confident more will be fulfilled.  

   There are challenges that are coming up which need the help and support of all the Lions of MD 36.  A new Executive Secretary, the additional commitments of the USA/Canada Leadership forum and our celebrating LCI’s Centennial celebration along with the continued loss of Lion members in our MD are depending on our Lions being “All In”.

    “Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion”, and when the “Lions Are All In”, we are “Leaders in Outstanding Noteworthy Service”. 

March Newsletter

March Newsletter

In communicating with our Council, I believe each District is working towards improvement, yet has the usual challenge of membership and new club growth. I congratulate those Lions who have sponsored new Lions and those clubs which have chartered new Lions clubs. We still have four months in this Lion year and enough time to build our membership and add new Lions clubs.

I have discussed the opportunity for sponsoring new Champion Lions clubs with several clubs throughout the Multiple District and at our GMT MD meetings. Working with our Special Olympics men and women in partnership is an important opportunity promoted by LCI’s Membership Department. I encourage every Lions club to look at this chance to sponsor a new Champion Lions club in your community.

Several years ago the Redwood Lions Club had a branch Club consisting of men and women with developmental challenges and the members were the most cheerful and pleasant members of the Club. In addition, the new members who joined with the purpose to help work with the core members were special dedicated Lions who loved their opportunity to assist those who needed help. If you or your club wants to look into this chance to sponsor a Champion Lions club, you will find special criteria on how to do this on the LCI web site. Determine what the needs are for the new club; then get permission from LCI to proceed and have the local Special Olympics organization open to partnership with the Lions in your community to start the Champion Lions club. I have personally started the process to partner with our local Special Olympics and am encouraged.

How are you progressing with your Story Boards? If you have already had your conference/convention and did not have your board displayed for judging, work with your Governor to have them judged before the Multiple District Convention in May so your District will have a Story Board to be part of the final round of judging. The thought your Lions club puts into organizing and presenting its projects and activities on the Story Board is an opportunity to “goal set”, and share how you are going to celebrate LCI’s Centennial year.

Plan now and think about attending the MD-36 Convention, May 13-15, 2016 at Seven Feathers Casino, in Canyonville. Celebrate this Lion year and help welcome in our 2016-2017 Council of Governors. “Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion” 

February Newsletter

Wow, can you believe the 2015-2016 Lion year is almost over?

Conventions are coming soon and many of the leadership opportunities have passed.  I recommend you begin scheduling your leadership training now;  Emerging Lions Leadership and Faculty Development Institute are not yet scheduled for next year. For more information, visit the website:  The USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be in Omaha, Nebraska, September 15-17, 2016. You can register by going to the website:

Remember the need for your club to create a “tri-fold display” showing your past projects, current projects and future projects within the LCI Centennial Celebration years, now through June 2018.  In order to provide a permanent “Legacy” for your Lions club, Lions International is recommending every Lions club have a “Community Legacy Project” completed by June 30, 2018.  During our Centennial Celebration, Lions will no longer be the “best kept secret” in your community.  I suggest you begin planning your “Community Legacy Project” now.  LCI will have suggestions for projects online and I would be open to hearing what your “Community Legacy Project” will be.  Plan now to Celebrate Lions Clubs International’s 100th Anniversary.  

“When There’s a Need, There’s a Lion” is our Centennial slogan.  Remember to do your community needs assessment to determine the “need”, then fulfill the need.

Our Lions clubs have a need and that is more Lions!  I congratulate District 36-O for our newest Lion’s Club; the Gales Creek Lions Club.   Their charter event was January 23, 2016. Please support this new Lions Club by making them feel welcome to the pride.  We are more able to “serve” our community with more members.  Membership means more people to work on our projects.

When there’s a need, there’s a Lion”

January Newsletter

I wish the Lions of Oregon a
Happy New Year.
May your New Year’s resolutions
reflect your Lion spirit.

                              CC Chuck La Tourrette


December Newsletter

The holidays are here, the time for celebration and a busy time for Lions.  

Donating to our food banks, providing baskets to help those families celebrate the holidays, sponsoring toy drives, Santa Claus and parades and decorating for the holidays are some of the ways Lions celebrate this special  season.  We continually make a difference in our communities in special ways.  Now is the time be let our communities know what we do, by highlighting our service projects, displaying our Lion logo and sharing via radio, TV and social media.

 “We serve” is our mantra and is easily seen during the holiday season.  

I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  May the Holiday Season be fulfilling to you and your loved ones.

November Newsletter

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest volunteer service organization.  It is important to focus on Lions as “volunteers“, as such, Lions clubs are providing an organized place for members to SERVE their communities.  As volunteers, Lion members must have a reason to continue to be members by fulfilling their purpose as volunteers.  When a Lion feels as if he/she is no longer serving the community or is treated as an employee, the fire of volunteerism flickers and may die out.

Thanksgiving will be here soon. Thanks to every Lion volunteer for the many service activities performed every day in the community.  

  • Thanks for:  helping the hearing and visually impaired;
  • Thanks for:  serving our seniors with food, wheelchair ramps, companionship, etc.;
  • Thanks for:  providing our youth scholarships, playgrounds, leadership training, art and the many Santa projects, etc.;
  • Thanks for:  decorating for the holidays and for parades, providing flags and assisting with the developmentally handicapped and Special Olympics, etc.;
  • Thanks for:  everything you do!

Many Lions clubs have a “Happy Bucks” opportunity to share something they are thankful for. Let November be the time to pay special attention to those things you are thankful for as a Lion.

                                              Happy Thanksgiving!

October Newsletter

Fall is here, cool weather, beautiful leaves and Halloween.  The seasons change, but Lions continue to serve their communities and assist those individuals in need.  

LCI estimates that for every “new” Lion member, your club will be able to “serve” 30 additional people in their community.  It’s simple to say, “Get some new members so we can do more service.”  

Not true, you must first determine what your Lions Club has to offer a “new” Lion, which is best done by sharing your projects and involving potential new Lions to assist.

The District Governors are well into their year and have expressed appreciation of the Clubs and what they are doing.  Each District has realistic plans to add new members and new Lion Clubs.  

The District Governors are also promoting the “Story Board” where the clubs display their projects: past, present and planned (during our Centennial).  Clubs who have a “Story Board” have an excellent tool to share what they do in their community.  My recommendation is to start working on the “Story Board” now and display it at every activity your club undertakes. 

Let’s continue doing what we do best “Serve” and have this Lion year be the “Year of Growth” for MD-36.

I will always remind you that Lions are the “Leaders In Outstanding, Noteworthy Service”.  Keep up the good work.

“Lions are, All In”.

September Newsletter

Most Lions who know me know that there is no such thing as a stranger for me.  When we talk to potential new Lions (everyone could be in this category), it is important that we have pride in our own Lions club.  When my Club was going through growing pains 12 years ago, it was hard to find something good about the Club.  The solution was to let potential Lions know that we could use their ideas and their vision of what the Club could do.  There is always a way to invite new members.  Lion clubs provide service for those needs our communities have and are the “Leader In Outstanding Noteworthy Service”.  When your service is easily seen in your community, you will gain new Lions.

In looking at the District health report for July, District 36-O had a gain in membership; the other three Districts lost members.  The reason one District gained in members and the others lost members is directly attributed to the sponsoring of a new Lions club in 36-O and not in the other Districts.  The four years prior, one District had a gain in membership while the others did not.  This was directly attributed to the sponsoring of a new Lions club each year.  Sorry to say that last year 36-E did not sponsor a new Lions club and thus lost membership.

Let me introduce you to Lions University, the most inclusive and easy to use education on Lionism I have seen at LCI.  I believe anyone serious about Lions and who is “all in”, will find any information they want in the curriculum of Lions University.  Go to the LCI website, search Lions University and begin. You will be glad you did and your club will be better as a result of your effort.

Yes, we are building our membership and it could not be at a better time.  Our celebration of Lions Centennial Anniversary and the USA/Canada Forum will require as much help as we can get.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to build Lions.  

Let’s get it done.


July/August Newsletter

Lions of MD36: We are off to a new year and our Council of Governors are “All In” with their goals to continue with the positive growth accomplished last year.

Lions are “Leaders in Outstanding Noteworthy Service” and as such the Council of Governors has continued the Story Board where each Lions club can share its past service, its current service and its future plans for service projects between now and LCI’s Centennial Celebration in 2017.  The Story Board will be on a standard tri-fold bulletin board.  The past will be on the left side, current projects will be in the larger center section and the future on the right side.  Please use the Story Board to highlight your club’s service projects.  Fundraisers can be shared, but only in the context of the projects their funds support.  You can get started now by doing the following:
1) Collect pictures, articles and testimonials; 2) Keep good records of your activities        and projects with Lion hours worked; 3) Have your Club Secretary or President        report activities monthly on the LCI website; 4) Be proud of what your club is doing in   your community and share with your fellow Lions.

This year the Lions of MD 36 will be laying the foundation and plans for:

  • Lions Clubs International’s Centennial Celebration in 2017
  • USA/Canada Leadership Forum 2017 in Portland, Oregon

Both the Centennial Celebration and USA/Canada Leadership Forum will require an additional effort from the Lions of MD36 to carry out.  We are “All In” and will do a commendable job.

Our MD36 Chair for our Centennial Celebration recognition is PDG Sharon Rollins.  Our MD36 Chair for the 2017 USA/Canada Leadership Forum is PCC Joyce Anderson.  Please volunteer your time and expertise to supporting both of these important events. You will be put to work. 

Our first Council of Governors meeting is August 15th, 2015 @ 1pm at Rockaway Lions Clubhouse, 268 S. Anchor St, Rockaway, Oregon.  If you have something to present at the Council of Governors meeting, please let me know in advance so it can be placed on the agenda.  Committee Chair reports can be sent to MD36 Headquarters Office, 1075 Washington St. Ste. #212, Eugene OR 97401 prior to the meeting or copies brought with you when you give your report.  

As Lions, you are “Leaders in Outstanding Noteworthy Service”, as your Council Chair, I am “All In”.  

Yours in Lionism, 
Chuck La Tourrette

May Newsletter

                     Get Ready! 

Hey Lions of MD 36, it’s almost “TIME TO START YOUR ENGINES”!  The racing of Pinewood Derby cars begins about 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 21st, in Seaside at the Seaside Convention Center.  This will be the kick-off of the MD 36 Lions Annual Convention.  I’m looking forward to seeing you in Seaside to celebrate all of our successes with you this year.  After the race, we will head out to the sand to stay warm and enjoy the fun with a bonfire on the beach and s’mores.  (I’ve heard some say this is where you burn the cars that didn’t win, but we will have firewood so the cars will not be necessary fuel!)

Did your Lions Club hold a “Friends & Family” membership event during the month of April?  If so, please share your information about your event and be sure to report it to LCI.  Many clubs recruited new members in April so we need to continue to build and grow our clubs.

There were 37 Lions from MD 19 & MD 36 combined that participated in 2 ½ days of Northwest Lions Leadership Institute training in Salem, April 10 – 12.  I’m looking for new great leadership from these Lions.  If one of your club members was part of that group, please encourage them to share the experience and enthusiasm with you and the rest of the club.  You will recognize these Lions if they start any report or introduction with, “My Fellow Lions”, it was part of their work during the Public Speaking portion of the Institute.

The Executive Committee of USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will arrive in Portland for three days of inspection of hotels, the Oregon Convention Center, public transportation, food service providers and much more in preparation for planning of the 2017 Forum in Portland.   Some time after this visit, we will know the name of the Lion from our Multiple District who will be the Host Committee Chair of the event.  Then the planning will begin.  We will need the help of all of the Lions of MD 36 and some from MD 19 to make this event a huge success.  We did it in 2003; we now need to show that we can do it again!  The Forum in Portland will be the first major event to showcase what Lions Clubs International and our local Lions have planned for the next 100 Years.

You still have time to register and attend both the International Convention in Honolulu in June and to go to Grand Rapids, Michigan in September for this year’s edition of the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum.  We will have a host and information-only booth in Grand Rapids to spend time inviting Lions to plan a trip to Oregon in 2017. We want to encourage our Lions from all over MD 36 to help promote and participate in all of the Forums especially in Grand Rapids and then again next year in Omaha.  We anticipate well over 2,000 Lions to join us in 2017.

Now, celebrate all the good successes you and your fellow Lions have accomplished so far this year!  The year is not over.  There are two months left to do more GREAT things in your communities.

Recognize and reward your members as you plan for the next year with your new officers.

April Newsletter

    No fooling, it’s already April!  Are you on track with the goals that you have set for the year?  You have three months to push hard to get where you want to be before the Lions Year ends.

The month of April for Lions is a busy one.  It’s Membership Month, Friends & Family Month and Club Open House Month.  This would be a good time to plan a service project to which you can invite friends and family to participate.  Maybe you could find a location that needs a little care and clean-up, hold a work party, treat them to hot dogs and hamburgers and talk about the other things in which your Lions Club is involved.  Be sure to add a few projects and successes that Lions Clubs International has held.

By now, I hope you have elected the slate of officers for the coming year.  Be sure that the Club Secretary files the PU 101 with LCI and includes the email address of all officers listed on the form.  A copy of that form needs to go to Glynis at the State Office and one to the District 1st Vice District Governor.  Please send the information on to LCI for your Treasurer.  This makes it easier for LCI to get financial information about your club directly from the Treasurer.  The PU 101 needs to be at LCI by May 15.

Again this year, our district winners in the Annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest did a great job and all districts should be proud of the work of these youth.  Each district has given special recognition to their winner at their respective District Conventions.  This is such a great way to involve your club with youth in the community and your school!  New Peace Poster Kits are now available to order through the LCI Club Supplies Sales Department.

Join the Lions Worldwide Week of Service, May 16 – 22.  Plan a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment during that week, promote the activity with local media and social media and then report your success on MyLCI.  Our Multiple District Convention will be held in Seaside during this time and we are looking for a service project that we could participate in during convention.

]Plan to register and attend the Multiple District Convention in Seaside, May 21st-23rd.  The planning is going well and we will hold a “Lions Pinewood Derby” race on Thursday, May 21st in the afternoon and follow that with a bonfire on the beach and the making of s’mores.  Come join the fun and fellowship with Lions from all over Oregon and Northern California.  This is a great place to visit and an even better opportunity to renew friendships with Lions. 

Call me at 503-644-2753 or email for your kit to build a race car.
Happy Spring!

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925