As I sit here recuperating from surgery, it occurred to me that what we go through to keep our body healthy parallels how we keep healthy Lions clubs.
- First, recognize that there is a possible situation which needs to be checked out; something is amiss but we don’t know what.
- Next, get an educated opinion, with tests and trusted evaluation of the concerning signs of the situation that need to be addressed.
- A very crucial step: accept and put a plan in place to alleviate the concern. At this stage, we may find out the issue is more serious than we thought.
- Trust the team who will help you solve the problem.
- Preparation for dealing with the situation is crucial, but following instructions will help you with the solution.
- Listen to your team. They all play a crucial part of the solution to your becoming healthy.
- Once the steps are carried out to solve your situation, be aware there will still be changes to be made and healing time.
- Put into your follow-up plan reviews, tests, and re-evaluation to ensure your continued health and possible improvements.
- Realize, when you stop working towards a healthy body (club), it will not be the best it can be.
I’m continually amazed by the number of people who are supportive of you in times of crisis. Also, what we may consider unique to ourselves is usually more common than we realize.
Let’s be healthy, in body and with our Lions club.
“Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion.“