Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


March Newsletter


The month of March is the time of year around our Multiple District that starts to remind us that spring is on its way.  We see the tips of flowering bulbs begin to poke their way out of the ground.  Trees start to bud and we and our neighbors venture out into the yard to begin preparations for new and exciting plans for the rest of the year.

By now, clubs should be in the process of selecting new club officers.  It would be good to look around your club and find some newer faces to fill some of the officer spots in your club.  The best way to help develop new leaders and generally strengthen your club is to encourage members to take on new positions of leadership.  You might be surprised to find a member of your club who is interested in serving on your Board.  Why not ask your members if there is something that they would like to do or if there is a position that they could help with and be mentored.  This would prepare them for that position of leadership in the future.

There is still time to get Lions registered for the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute in Salem on April 10-12.  There are some funds available to help offset the cost of registration.  Please contact your District Governor if you would like to be considered for some of these funds.  This is one of the best programs that Lions Clubs International offers to our members so now is the time to REGISTER!
    It has been exciting to see how our Lions membership is growing.  With the chartering of two new Lions Clubs in our Multiple District, we have added more hands to help with more service.  Along with these new clubs, many of our clubs have also added members.  Congratulations to all of you with those new Lions members and keep up the great work.  We all need to remember President Joe Preston’s new program of “Ask 1”.  If we each ask one person and then ask one more, we will help the health and growth of our clubs and that will allow for us to have more hands for service.

With two District Conventions in March, we will complete all of the individual District Conventions and or Conferences for the year.  District R held their Convention in Corvallis and District O held their Conference in Beaverton during February.  Both of these events were well attended and Lions had the opportunity to learn more about other Lions activities and too enjoy making new friends and renewing old friendships.  This month District G and E will enjoy the same benefits.  During the District G Convention, we will hold our third Council of Governors meeting.  It will be on Friday, March 6th, in Pendleton at the Wildhorse Casino.  The meeting starts at 1:30pm and if you are in the area please join us.  This is an opportunity to see what is happening around the Multiple District.

Hoping for more sunshine and beautiful days and exciting Lions programs.

As YOUR CLUB holds the election of new officers, be sure to complete your PU101 (Officer Reporting Form).  Save your form to a file, print two copies and send one to Glynis at the State Office and one on the LCI.   PLEASE REVIEW the information on the form to make sure that all information has been updated. Your accuracy insures that both LCI and the Lions of Oregon have correct information.  Please include the email address of all officers that you are reposting including the Treasurer.  Thanks for your help! 

February Newsletter

Do you feel like time is speeding past? Are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions?  How about your Lions Club?  Are you well on your way to completing the goals that were set at the beginning of this Lions Year?  Well, the good news is, you still have five months left of the year to reach those goals! 

Most of our Lions Clubs participated in Worldwide Service Week in January.  Make sure that your project was submitted to Lions Clubs International.  Also, please report your success to your Projects Oregon Representative: in District O – 2nd VDG Garry Charbonneau -; District R – PDG Cy Kauffman –; District E – Wes King – and District G – Debi Castor – While this information is important to LCI, Projects Oregon would like to be able to track our successes in MD 36.

One of the major advantages we have in our membership in Lions is the opportunities available for Leadership Training.  Leadership Institutes, Forums, online classes (through LCI and Lions University), webinars and local training programs are just some of the many choices we have to obtain this training. Much of it is FREE.  The Northwest Lions Leadership Institute (NWLLI) is now accepting applications for the training in Salem on April 10 – 12, 2015.  To obtain an application, go to the MD 36 website:  Although there is a charge for this event, some Districts have scholarship funds available.  Please contact your District Governor to see what is available.  There is a possibility that additional funds will soon be available.

Now is a great time to look toward your club leadership for 2015-16 and into the future.  Nominating committees should be appointed this month.  This will allow your club to vote for those officers and will give the Club Secretary time to prepare the PU101 (officer reporting form).  I know it seems like a long time until this is due at LCI but we all know that time slips past us far too quickly and it will be May before we know it!

District R will hold their District Conference on February 7th in Corvallis.  This one-day event will be filled with fun, fellowship, food and forums.  They are making this a one day event again this year.  The price of registration is low and a registration form can be found on the MD36 website.  The other Districts will follow with their Conventions or Conferences.  Those dates are: District O – February 21st in Beaverton, District G – March 6-7 in Pendleton and District E – March 13-14 in Canyonville.  All Lions are welcome and invited to attend each of these events.  It’s a great way to meet new friends or renew old friendships and learn more about Lions and what others in our Multiple District are doing.  I hope to see you at one or all of the meetings.

While you’re checking your calendar, be sure to mark May 21 – 23 so you can to attend the Multiple District Convention in Seaside.  There will be plenty of activities for everyone.  The plan is to hold a “Pinewood Derby” car race on the evening of May 21st.  Who knows, weather permitting (and if you live in Oregon, it will be permitting) we can spend some of that evening with a bonfire on the beach!  I have Pinewood Derby kits available now!  Contact me at to obtain your kit.  The cost is $5.00 per kit and a club can build as many as they wish.  This is a fun event and one that you will not want to miss!

Hearts, Flowers and Candy 

Welcome 2015

January Newsletter

As we begin a new year, I hope that 2015 will bring great things to you, your family and the Lions of MD 36.

Each of our districts is hard at work with plans for District Conventions and Conferences. These events are such great ways for Lions to re-energize and to share ideas with other Lions. I hope that you are making plans to attend your district event.  This is a good time to involve your new members.  They will have the opportunity to make more Lions friends and hear about what others are doing in their communities.

Our Multiple District is hosting the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute, April 10, 11 and 12, in Salem at the Red Lion.  This is a great training for all Lions and I want to encourage you to register and attend.  Please encourage your club to support this event and help a club member attend.

Be sure to visit the MD 36 website to more information on the Conventions and the Institute.  Registration forms and additional information can be found at

The month of January is a busy month for Lions.  January 10 – 16 is Lions Worldwide Week of Service and a great way to celebrate the birthday of our founder, Melvin Jones.  When your club holds any type of service project, be sure that it is reported on MyLCI.  There are banner patches available to clubs that participate and then report the event.  This is part of the beginning steps of preparation for the 100 year Anniversary of Lions Clubs International that happens in 2017.

A big THANK YOU to all Lions Clubs who participated in the 2014 Peace Poster Contest this year.   From the four District Winners that were sent to me, you had great participation and terrific talent.  The Multiple District 36 winner is Kalea Adams from Hedrick Middle School in Medford.  Congratulations Kalea and the other finalists.  What beautiful talent we have in the children in our Multiple District.  Please consider participating in this inspiring program next year.  The new kits will be available from Lions Clubs International on January 15th.

Wishing each of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!  

Happy Holidays to You

December Newsletter

Does this year feel like it passed by in the blink of an eye?  I suppose that may be partially because we have all been busy during 2014!  The Lions of MD 36 have helped so many with such a variety of things.  We have provided baskets of food during the holidays, shoes and socks for kids, flags for 1st graders, books to children, eyeglasses and hearing aids, vision screenings and collected used eyeglasses and hearing aids.  We’ve helped build parks, play structures and paths to help our neighbors enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.  In addition to all of this and much more, we have chartered two new Lions Clubs and have two more in process.

I hope that our Club Secretaries are reporting all of the wonderful service projects to LCI.  We really need to let Lions worldwide know that the Lions of Oregon and Northern California are alive and well and busy working to make our part of the world a better place, both for our friends and neighbors but also for the communities where we serve.

As the New Year begins, we will be challenged to provide more service to those in need.  This would be a great time to invite a friend or neighbor to join you in a service project.  Give them the opportunity to see and feel what it’s like to be involved.  While many of our Lions work to provide food during the holidays, January is a great time to help re-stock the shelves in food pantries.

This year, to celebrate the birthday of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions Clubs International, LCI is asking that Lions around the world celebrate Lions Week of Worldwide Service.  Why not plan an activity in your community to promote a service project for your community?  After you complete your project, be sure to send photos and information to Glynis to be included in future issues of The Oregon Lion.  If you have questions about how to share, please contact your District Governor, your District PR Chair or Glynis.  

Information about each District Convention/Conference as well as the MD 36 Convention will all be available to you on line at  Every convention planning committee has terrific ideas for their event and you won’t want to miss out on the fun and excitement!

From the Andersons to all of YOU, the Lions of MD 36, we wish for you the best through the holidays and through 2015.

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925