April Newsletter
The theme for the MD 36 Convention in May is “Lions Are All In” and I encourage Story Boards from each Lions club. I have seen some excellent Lions club history, current projects and future project plans from the Story Boards already presented at District Conventions.
The MD 36 committee chairs are doing their individual work and will continue to do so. I am especially pleased with our youth chairs and how they are involving future Lions in their Lions clubs. The future of Lions is in our youth and our new Lions clubs. We have four months to reach our individual club goals and I am confident more will be fulfilled.
There are challenges that are coming up which need the help and support of all the Lions of MD 36. A new Executive Secretary, the additional commitments of the USA/Canada Leadership forum and our celebrating LCI’s Centennial celebration along with the continued loss of Lion members in our MD are depending on our Lions being “All In”.
“Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion”, and when the “Lions Are All In”, we are “Leaders in Outstanding Noteworthy Service”.