District 36-E
“June 2020 Issue”
Parting is such sweet sorrow again.
As I sit to pen this final column a lump rises in my throat as I realize I won’t be conversing with all of the Lions throughout MD 36 through this medium again, at least not for another year.
This year has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling years of my life. I have been humbled, surprised and exhilarated once again by the service of our fantastic members as they continue to help their communities in a variety of ways. You have endeared yourselves to me and hopefully I have been able to enlighten you in some way and strengthen your Lions spirit. Thank all of you for this incredible experience.
But wait, I am not going away. I will still be a part of the district team and hopefully will be able to revisit a lot of your clubs.
Okay now for the technical stuff, which you all know by now, I love to do.
These last three months have been trying at best. Not being able to convene with one another because of this pandemic has, to a degree, put a damper on an otherwise incredible year.
I finished my visitations in early December and have to say that, although we didn’t achieve the goals set at the beginning of this process, I feel this year was a success and together we have Continued to Rock the Roar.
I had the pleasure of inducting several new members into our Lions family along with the opportunity to install new officers for several clubs. As of this writing we as a district had inducted 45 new members for this fiscal year. Unfortunately we lost 78 for a net loss of 33. We also lost two clubs, Grants Pass Redwood and Cave Junction but there is the possibility of a new club on the horizon.
We have had 13 of our 33 clubs report service hours this year on MyLion. I know that all clubs have had service hours they just haven’t been reported but I think we are changing that dynamic. Thank you District 36E for your efforts.
Now for the sappy stuff. There are a few thanks that I want to hand out. First to Joyce and Vince for their continued support at every turn and their vast knowledge. Second, the Council. Sharon (Patsy) you have done a wonderful job in a troubled time. You have become a valued friend. Thank you for being there.
Now for my fellow DGs. This journey for us began some three years ago and we all bonded and became fast friends. Our friendships will last a lifetime and we will forever be linked. Terry (Elvis) you always kept us laughing and your words of encouragement and support were always appreciated. Thank you, Thank you very much Steve (Johnny), your knowledge and innovative thinking was always appreciated and your insight at times was greatly needed. Gary (Hank), what can I say. You, Sue and I hit it off from the beginning and have built friendships far beyond Lions. Thank you for all that you have done. And finally, Gail. You are my mentor, my rock and you have been a safe harbor for many a storm. Thank you for your assistance, your support and your continued advice. I will forever hold you as one of my closest friends.
Now as I try to end this I have to continually wipe the mist for my eyes. I have loved every second of this journey and feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to have served again and to end with that old adage, which just feels right in this instance, parting is such sweet sorrow.
Forever yours in Lionism. DG Bob
“May 2020 Issue”
Alone, together we will survive
Well, here we are in week four of isolation as I write this and it doesn’t appear that anything is going to change anytime soon. So, as we sit in our respective homes and view the world through a whole different lens than we have ever had to use before we must ask ourselves, “What can we do as Lions?”
We are so used to going out and caring for those who are lacking in some way, shape or form and now we are basically held hostage.
Well, there are many things that can happen while we are quarantined and even if, by the time you read this, the Governor has lifted the stay home order.
First, we all have a telephone of some sort and we have a directory of our local club members, our district friends and our multiple district contacts. We need to call them, especially our local folks and just touch base with one another to let each other know that it’s all right and we will get through this. We can also visit members one on one but don’t forget social distancing and wearing your mask. Take someone some food or check on them if you can’t reach them on the phone or you haven’t heard from them in a while.
Also, you can use this time to contact those prospective members you have been inviting to projects and meetings and let them know that you do care about their well-being.
Finally if you and/or your club feels that they need to meet then there are a myriad of ways to do so through teleconferencing or using the internet.
Once this ends we need to remember that as Lions our motto is We Serve and we need to do so in whatever capacity we can.
At this writing our Multiple District Convention was still in a holding pattern. If held we hope that a lot of you will be able to attend, however, we do understand the health risk.
One other thing I would like to touch on is the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation’s Keep the Promise BBQ that is set for Roseburg in June. I know that Eugene had to cancel theirs and we are still not sure about this one but at this point we are moving forward and we hope to be bringing forth more details as time allows so watch your emails.
Finally, I want to talk about our Guiding Lamp Award. We, as district governors, were a little surprised at how few stories we received throughout the year and then with two of the four conventions cancelled and the MD in limbo things got a little out of kilter. I want to assure you that we are moving forward and we will announce a winner at the MD Convention, if held, or if not shortly thereafter. As for our District E winner, I am pleased to announce that Martha Burkert of the Canyonville Club will represent our district in the finals.
I also want to congratulate and thank District E Lions for contributing to this project. District E had more entries (stories) than any other district and remember all of you will be included in the final product, our book.
Please stay safe and remember together we can Continue To Rock The Roar!
“April 2020 Issue”
Believe it or not we are into the final quarter of this Lions year and Spring is in the air. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, we had to cancel our annual 36E Convention. This was done after considerable consultation among the cabinet. As for the required elections, they will be held at the Multiple District Convention in Canyonville in May. This is per our constitution and bylaws which state that if a district convention is not held then the delegates will meet at the MD Convention to conduct the district elections and other district business and that will constitute the annual district convention.
We have received notice of intent that Carolee Blatter is running for District Governor, Steve Brewster for First Vice District Governor and Danny Hawkes for Second Vice District Governor. Thanks to all three of you for stepping forward. Also, Carol Swesso has agreed to run for another term on the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation Board of Trustees. Thank you Carol.
I want to thank all of you who wrote and turned in a story for the Guiding Lamp Award. We, as a district, had more stories submitted than all the other three districts combined. I guess perseverance pays off. I look forward to putting all these moments into book form and letting the rest of the world see what makes District 36-E so great.
As for all of the clubs that turned in award, these awards will still be selected and taken forward to the Multiple District Convention. Once the winners have been determined they will be announced and sent out.
As I have mentioned in this article, the Multiple District Convention will be in our district in Canyonville. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so.
There is going to be something new and unique this year. It’s a KICK walk. What is that, you might ask?. Well the KICK Walk is to benefit Children’s Cancers, thus the acronym K (Kicking) I (It) C (Cancer) in K (Kids). The walk will be on Thursday afternoon following the Council of Governors meeting. It will be about a ½ mile each direction with shuttle service for a return to the casino if you only want to walk one way. All entrants that sign up by the April 20 deadline will receive a T-Shirt. When you sign up please be sure to indicate what size you want.
As we wind down the one thing that keeps coming to the forefront is membership. There are a myriad of scenarios on how to bring in new members and not every one of them works every place. You just have to continue to try and find the one or ones that work for your club.
Finally, remember if your club is planning on presenting a Melvin Jones this year, we would like to have you have it ready for presentation at the Multiple District Convention so Dr. Littlefield can make a massive presentation of the awards to members of our district and multiple district.
Thanks to all of you for continuing to Rock the Roar.
“March 2020 Issue”
Countdown to Convention
Here it is the first of March and we are on the downward side of the Lions year and headed to convention! However, there is a problem because the message is not getting through that we want your Lions stories. Many of you have approached me and told me your story but you have not sent them to me. We are drawing near to the convention and we need to have those stories, not only for the Guiding Lamp competition, but more importantly so we can include them in our book and get those heartfelt moments out to the rest of the world. Secondly, we need entries in all of the district contests. Carol Swesso has done a great job, along with Carrie Bartley on the Multiple District level of getting the information out there now all we need is our Lions clubs to turn in some entries.
On the www.md36lionsclubs.org website there is a MD36 Awards section which details information on the awards manual and the contest check sheets. If you have an entry for Facebook page, website, Instagram page, and/or digital media you need to email them to Carol Swesso at cswesso@msn.com by March 7. Email her a PDF (she can print) or bring a hard copy to the convention. If you have an entry for bulletin newsletter, brochure and/or flyer (ALL clubs probably have a flyer that can be submitted), you MUST bring a hard-copy to be judged the day-of the convention. Storyboards MUST be NEW showcasing the current International Presidents theme: Greater Good Through Diversity. For PR Award, please bring supporting documentation for this as well as for Community & Cultural Award and Club Partnership Award. It would be nice to have at least one entry in each category to submit to the MD contest.
As for District E convention itself, it will be a great time of fellowship and learning. Our International guest is International Director Judge Shea Nickell. So, sign up now!
The last subject I would like to touch on is membership. We are struggling with membership and it continues to decline unless we as Lions make it turn around by simply bringing in one new member each for the year. Think about that. We all know someone who would benefit from being a Lion. It could be a family member or close friend or even a co-worker or just an acquaintance. All we need to do is offer them the opportunity to experience Lionism for themselves. If we do this then I know we will Continue to Rock the Roar throughout 36E and beyond.
See you at convention.
“February 2020 Issue”
Convention season is here!
Well here it is February already and the convention season is upon us. District R’s convention is February 8 in Corvallis. District O’s is February 28-29 in Hillsboro. District G’s is a little later on in the season. It is April 24-25 in La Pine.
Our very own District E convention is March 20 and 21 at the Evergreen Bear Hotel in Grants Pass. We have a lot of good things planned for this year beginning with our theme of a ‘50s Sock Hop. Friday night plans to be a return to yesteryear with a ‘50s Diner menu for the evening meal along with entertainment by The Clazzics. We are encouraging everyone to dress the theme because there will be prizes awarded.
We are really looking forward to the visit of International Director Judge Shea Nickell from Kentucky. I have had the opportunity to visit with him on two occasions and I think that Lions of District 36 E and MD 36 are really going to enjoy his time with us.
Convention season is a time that is needed and anticipated. At convention you not only have the opportunity for training but for networking with your fellow Lions and renewing friendships with Lions. I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to all the conventions because it revitalizes my Lions spirit. It rejuvenates my soul and I love to see all of the friends that I have made over the years and, yes, I look forward to see Vince.
I am also very excited about this year because we have a full slate of upcoming vice district governors and new people stepping into leadership roles. So, I hope to see each and every one of you in Grants Pass in March.
On a sad note, due to circumstances that were uncontrollable, we have lost a number of longtime Lions including PCC Chuck La Tourette, and are in the process of losing two clubs. Cave Junction and Grants Pass Redwood have decided to close up shop. It is unfortunate but I wish all the members of these two clubs the best whether they remain in Lions or go on their separate ways. Your contributions to Lions and your communities is and has been welcomed and appreciated.
So, instead of reporting about our dropping numbers next time how about giving me the opportunity to report about a growth. How? Simple. I challenge each and every member in this district to Just Ask one person to help with a project, come to a meeting and/or join Lions. Averages show that 3 out of 10 will say yes so if all 600 plus of us asked one then the averages tell us we would gain 30 for each 100 asked therefore we should gain 180 members. I will just leave it there and let you draw your own conclusions.
Until next time Continue to Rock the Roar
“January 2020 Issue”
Here we are in 2020 already. I trust that everyone had a very enjoyable holiday season and have already made their resolutions for this New Year.
As for our numbers, I know we are down again and it appears that after a long struggle to maintain and rebuild Cave Junction we are finally on the upswing.
This month we cross the halfway point of this journey and as I have talked with my fellow District Governors it feels like we just got started although I do have a leg up with this being my second time around.
I have said since my first term, along with others, that this process ought to be a two-year process and then immediately said, “Hey stupid, that would be another full year of commitment.” Silly me. All kidding aside, I do believe that it should be a two-year term, because you are just getting into the flow of things as it comes to an end. You really don’t have the time to implement any of the programs or revisit any of the clubs and take part in all of these great events and fundraisers you have heard about during your visits. I guess that will just have to be done as a PDG but it doesn’t carry the same weight as doing so as district governor.
Clubs are aware that you as DG have to make an official visit and some of them feel that is the only reason they ever see the DG or DG Team. We need to get rid of this notion and let our fellow Lions know that we care far beyond the boundaries of an official visit.
This year being 2020 fits perfectly into the purview of Lions: 20/20 vision. I think we have a banner year ahead of us. I have never been one to be big on resolutions because I feel it’s just another promise that most of us are sure to break. Still this year I have decided to make three resolutions but I need your help.
So here goes. I resolve to promote Lionism as loud and long as I can and to offer the opportunity to as many people as possible to feel the passion and satisfaction that I do by being a member of this organization
In other words My resolutions are: (1) to have every member in the district bring in one new Lion; (2) to have every member in the district commit to at least one service project this year; and (3) to give every member in the district the opportunity for advancement through leadership. If we can all agree on these then I know that together we will Continue to Rock the Roar!
Happy New Year Lions!
“December 2019 Issue”
Tis’ the season for Lions!
Believe it or not it is December already and the holiday season is upon us. So, I would like to pass along Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to all.
As December descends upon us, I find myself finished with my required visitations, having had the opportunity to visit all 36 of the clubs within our district. One thing I can say with certainty is that I have enjoyed each and every visit.
It is also my hope that through my visits I have been able to shed a little light and perspective on the future of Lionism throughout the world and especially here in District E and Multiple District 36.
Our clubs, despite our census running in the negative, are doing great things, adding members and providing service to their communities. During my visits this year I have seen and heard from clubs that are doing fantastic things but they don‘t publicize them. Well I want to highlight a couple of things that have really caught my attention.
First, the Ashland Lions really impressed me with the page and a half of projects that they are involved in throughout their community. We really need to ROAR about these accomplishments.
Second, the Applegate Club has a new member that is under the age of 25. It was very refreshing to see youth wanting to be a part of this club.
Probably one of the most impressive things to me has been the handing out of service chevrons to members. I have had the pleasure of handing out 55 year chevrons and a host of 45 year charter chevrons.
It humbles and amazes me that these individuals have been providing service to their communities for basically a half-century. These are the kind of instances we must embrace as Lion leaders. As I tell each of the clubs during my talks with them, it’s not about me (the district) but about them and the incredible work and sacrifices they do and make every day for the sake of their communities that matter because without them there wouldn’t be a district, multiple district or LCI.
Sometimes I feel we come into this with that stuffed shirt attitude, that “Hey Look at Me” philosophy and forget why we are really here. It is at times like these that we need to take a moment to assess things and make sure that we are serving in leadership roles for the right reasons; to assist, guide and further Lionism in a positive manner. If we can’t say that about ourselves then we shouldn’t be where we are and continuing to ask others to give. We have all had our A-HA moment as Lions and it is that passion that has driven us to where we are and maybe we need to experience another A-H moment to once again ground us.
I would like to finish with saying that I am very proud of the leaders and clubs of District E for taking to heart my passion and desire to Continue to Rock the Roar. As we embrace the holidays and renew family ties, remember that all it takes to Continue to Rock the Roar is to Ask and to Answer.
“November 2019 Issue”
Visits, goals and a domain. Oh, my!
The chaos of the first quarter of this year is now in the rearview mirror but for some reason I am still traversing the highways and byways of my district. Hmmm, maybe that chaos is not over. Maybe there is still a lot that looms ahead.
Seriously, all kidding aside, I have thoroughly been enjoying my visits to all the clubs in the district and as this column lands in your lap I will have only six first official visits left with one of those being my own club. I have to say this year has been so rewarding. Doing this for a second time gives you the knowledge of what this experience entails and I would tell anyone who has the opportunity to do it a second time to do it Early on in this process we were asked to come up with our goals for the year. Well, we sat down as a team (the district cabinet) and we developed and set the goals together, because, I feel that in order to achieve these goals, they have to belong to all of us.
Sometimes I feel we get too caught up in achieving the goals and lose sight of the bigger picture, which is providing service to our communities and the world. With that said, I do understand that LCI needs these goals for a host of reasons so I decided to highlight a couple of them here.
Leadership: We set a goal of having all incoming Zone Chairs receive training. That has been accomplished. We also said that we would identify at least five Lions to apply for local and LCI sponsored institutes. Well, we had eight people attend USA/Canada Leadership Forum and we have a couple people thinking about Northwest Lions Leadership Institute.
Membership: We set a goal of two branch clubs and one new club along with a Leos club. At this point we have three possibilities for branch clubs. None have actually been established as is the case with our Leos club, but they are close. As for the new club we are still working. Goals for new members in each quarter were set a nine. In the first quarter we had 16 new members. Goals for retention were to only drop 12. In the first quarter we have lost 24 so we have some work to do
Service: We set a goal of the district performing 750 acts of service. To date we have 52. This is why it is so important to report your club’s activities as well as service projects. Our goal was 100,000 hours of service. So far we have about 8,000. Also our goal was to have 75 percent of the clubs in the district reporting on MyLion. At this point we have EIGHT clubs that have reported service yet I know that all of our clubs have performed service because I have heard about it as I sit through the meetings on my visits. So I implore you to PLEASE REPORT YOUR SERVICE!
Finally, LCIF: We set a goal of $5,000 being donated throughout our district. So far approximately $500 has been donated. I know that will change as the year goes by so let’s try and reach that number.
The last thing I want to tell you about is that after two years District 36E finally has its own domain. We will work toward establishing a website but for now it’s a domain. That domain is district36elions.org
Until next month fellow Lions and let’s continue to Rock the Roar!
“October 2019 Issue”
District E is alive and well.
Believe it or not we have already finished the first quarter of this sojourn that we refer to as “Our year”. As District Governor, I have been very busy making certain that visits to clubs are scheduled, hotel rooms booked and there is plenty of gas in the proverbial tank, be it the literal gas tank of my vehicle or my own energy tank.
To date I have had the opportunity to visit about half of the clubs in the district. I am once again amazed of all the wonderful things that our clubs do for their respective communities. It doesn’t matter if there are four or 40 members in a club, the community know who the Lions are! This is a tribute to clubs continuing to Rock the Roar! It may be as simple a White Cane Days, such as the small club of Riddle just completed or like the myriad of fundraisers and service projects that a club like Dorris is able to do.
No matter what we are able to do as clubs, it’s about the roar we create. I am not only talking about tooting our Lions horn but also the impact of our service on the community. This is the roar that is the most important. Yes, we want to spread the word of Lions throughout our district and multiple district, but actions speak louder than words and through our actions the roar will be heard louder than we can ever speak.
With that said we still have to toot our own horn. One way that has been significant in doing this is the public relations campaign engineered by PCC Rod Bach. Through a grant from LCI last year he, along with an incredible and dedicated team, put together a PR campaign entitled Planting the Seeds of Service. This campaign has been a welcomed addition to roaring in out districts. Every club I have visited has received the PR tools that the committee put together and I do believe that they are making a difference, especially the actual seeds.
Turning to the numbers. I was just reading through the Club Health Assessment that district governors and others receive each month and according to this District 36E is still has a positive growth for the year with a plus two members. We will continue to strive to make this a positive for the year but we need your help to make this happen. You might say, I don’t know how to recruit members. I say, yes you do! Everyone has the ability and opportunity to bring in new members just by living Lions and through daily conversations with family members and friends. Have you asked them to help out with a project or come see what you are all excited about? Try it, it works!
An update on the District 36E convention. It is set for March 20 and 21, 2020 at the Bear Hotel in Grants Pass. The theme is a 50s Sock Hop and on Friday night there will be a contest for the best theme dressed man and woman so don’t get rid of your outfit that you wear to the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation’s Gala on November 2, you will be able to wear it once again!
Thank you for your dedication and service to the greatest service organization in the world and together we will continue to Rock the Roar!
“September 2019 Issue”
As you read this, the first month of my traversing throughout southern Oregon will have been recorded on my odometer and 10 clubs will have experienced the déjà vu
of seeing me all over again. It has been very refreshing to visit with some of these clubs that I haven’t had the pleasure of conversing with for two years. It is by far the best aspect of being District Governor.
Those of you who have known me for any length of time know that I feel that the District Governor and his team are there to provide assistance to the clubs and not to “govern”. As I visit clubs, I try to make this known. Yes, there are times when governing is necessary, and we are charged with the financial and general welfare of the district.
What I really want to talk about is one of the questions that keeps coming up in my visits. How do we answer the question of why should I pay to volunteer?
There are several ways to answer this. One is to talk about how dues provide the finances for the assistance to clubs from the district, multiple district and international levels, via free training from all three levels, grants from LCI and other assistance such as legal and insurance.
Another way is to point out that they are not paying to be a volunteer but rather they are gaining membership in the largest and most respected service organization in the world and with this membership they are receiving all the benefits of LCI.
Sometimes potential members get caught up in the enormity of the amount of
the dues per year. It can be overwhelming to some that they have to pay the initiation fee then the pro-rated dues. What I like to do is break it down for them in easy terms. So, I use the analogy from an old credit card ad in terms of what you would be giving up monthly to pay for your $75 Lions membership dues per year:
One chocolate mocha latte $7 per month
A family trip to McDonalds $20 per month
Compare this to: Assisting in helping a person see or hear -- PRICELESS
We had our first cabinet meeting in Bonanza on August 10, and it was well attended. That was followed by the first Council of Govenors’ meeting in Yachats August 17 and coming up this month in Spokane is the USA/Canada Forum.
The final thing I would like to touch on is The Guiding Lamp Award contest. As most of you are aware this year the district governors are asking Lions throughout the multiple district to write their Lions story and submit them. Yes, there will be one story per district chosen to represent the respective district but all, let me say that again, ALL stories will be compiled and published in a book and sold with all proceeds going to the support of MD36 Lions efforts. So please write your story and submit it to me or any one of the district officers.
We are well on our way to Restoring the Roar and now it’s time to continue to Rock the Roar!
“July-August 2019 Issue”
Deja Vu all over again. Here we are starting a whole new Lions year and here I am getting the opportunity to once again serve our district as District Governor. I am so excited about what lies ahead for us over the next 12 months. Not many Lions get the chance to serve a second time as District Governor and I am honored to have this opportunity. Many throughout the district and multiple district have told me that I have to do it until I get it right, so here I am again.
As we begin this new journey our expectations and goals are renewed with the promise of New Voices, New Horizons and Service Opportunities. As we enter this new year, I want you to realize that everything that we do within this year must be done as a team. Nothing can be accomplished successfully without the support and commitment of the team.
Yes, as District Governor I had to set goals for membership, leadership, service and Lions Club International Foundation fundraising but these goals were not set without careful consideration and many hours of teamwork. If we look at this from the team prospective, the District Governor is in essence the coach. But a coach has to have assistant coaches whose input is paramount in developing a successful game plan. This is the District Governor’s cabinet.
Any successful team has to have team captains and in this case the club presidents throughout our district are our captains. But the most important component of a team is having the player with which to execute the game plan. That is each and every one of you. As members of your respective clubs you are the team. You are the ones who make the plan a success. You are at the grassroots level. You know what works and what doesn’t in each of your communities. So in order for this plan to take us to victory you have to embrace the idea and make the most of the opportunities to make District 36E successful.
As many of you know my theme the first time around was Together We’ll Restore the Roar. Well, staying with that Roar theme, I have decided this year that we will Continue to Rock the Roar.
What does that mean? Simply that if we continue to work as a team we will be able provide service and the Roar of the Lions will be heard far and wide.
By the time you read this we (District Governors) will have returned from the international convention in Milan, Italy. We had a grand time and came away with a renewed spirit.
International President Dr. Jung-Yul Choi’s theme is Service Through Diversity. Finally, I want to offer kudos and thanks to Immediate Past District Governor Bryan Longland for his dedication and tireless efforts to the members of District 36E. He did an exemplary job and I look forward to his input and continued support.
“June 2019 Issue”
Wow, where has the time gone?
At the December 2017 1VDG training in Yachats, I met three of the other governors and spouses from MD36 Lions and we formed a bond tighter than family. Then more training in San Francisco with more incoming governors from Area 1 and more friendships made. I remember our trainer Lion Denny saying in six more months we will be the 2018-19 Governors. It seemed to be a life time away, but it came quickly. End of June thru July 3, Patti and I were in Las Vegas with 20,000 Lions from all over the world – more training and the International Convention like I had never seen before.
I hit the road July 16 to visit Lion clubs on the East side of the Cascades; started my first visit in Bonanza, then Klamath Falls, followed by Klamath Falls South Suburban and Merrill. Then the fire started near Medford and smoke came toward Klamath Falls area – so much for nice clear drives for the summer. Smokey drives from here on became the norm. By the end of the year I had visited well over half of the clubs in District 36-E. Each and every club was a pleasure to visit. Each club takes a different approach to meeting community needs through a variety of service project from crab feeds to concession at the ball fields, raffles, burgers at the county fair and can collections. The money is raised for school scholarships, eye glasses and community needs.
None of this is possible without the club level Lions. You are the backbone of Lionism. Your hard work and dedication to your communities stay unmatched by any other service club worldwide.
I have had a few setbacks during my term. My home club of Bandon Lions was small when I started my governor year and I knew I was asking a lot for them to help host the convention, even with the support of the convention committee and other volunteers from local clubs. Sadly, our club lost three key Lions, one being our President last summer.
Some District Stats:
Membership: You're all tired of me asking you to find new members. District 36-E has been in the red for many years, but as of April 29 we were at minus 11, close enough to finish this year in the black by June 30.
Service Reporting/Hours: With better weather and Lion project time, I believe clubs will improve on reporting. Just remember membership and service hours are what LCIF looks at for grants for those slightly larger Lion projects.
Most of you will remember PDG Bob Chaney from last year. Well, PDG Bob will be our District Governor again for the 2019-20 year. Lion Bob has been through this before and has new ideas and directions for District-E Lions to grow. Lion Bob did an excellent job 2017-18 and will be on point this next year.
I would like to thank my mentors ID Sunny Pulley, PCC Joyce Anderson CC Gail Black, PDG Wes King, District Secretary Kathi Otero, PDG Bob Chaney SR and most of all my wife, Lion Patti, who has supported me since we met. You all have helped me so much this year thank you.
Wow, where has the time gone!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve. DG Bryan Longland
“May 2019 Issue”
Many Lions in District-E know that my wife has been down with two tears in her hip since August. Patti had surgery April 4, started a 12-week recovery and is doing well. That said, I will have to reschedule the 4th Cabinet Meeting. I'm working on the new date.
District-E Convention was March 15-16 in Bandon. The weather was perfect. We had a lot of current Lion information and a really good ID Connie LeCleir-Meyer and her husband Michael from Wisconsin. Even with some weather-related flight difficulties, they arrived Friday night to kick off the convention. Newly elected were PDG now DG-Elect Bob Chaney from Myrtle Creek Lions, who will continue to” Rock the Roar,” followed by Carolee Blatter from Gold Beach Lions as 1st Vice District Governor-Elect and Steve Brewster from Klamath Falls Lions as 2nd Vice District Governor-Elect. Also taking a three-year position with LCIF is Charlie Dehlinger from Klamath Falls South Suburban Lions. Congratulations to all of you. May you have an exciting and fun-filled year. I feel District-E has a strong future with these newly elected Lions. Convention was a fun time for all. To those who made it to Bandon, thank you for attending the convention. I thank all who helped behind the scenes to make the convention truly memorable.
Multiple District Convention in Seaside May 2-3 will have just finished by publication of this issue. Multiple District Conventions provide a whole lot of information, awards and time to talk to Lions from around the State.
Upcoming Forum: USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum September 19-21 in Spokane, Washington. For details and online registration, visit www.lionsforum.org or call (605)723-4007 if you have questions. You will learn how to be a better leader within multiple, district and club membership. Special events include: Strides Walk, diabetes screenings and blood pressure checks, graduation for the Lions University and a lot more. Several keynote speakers will also be on tap.
Membership growth has been a challenge for all service organizations including Lions Clubs, District Governors and membership chairs locally and Lions International USA. I have been monitoring membership and have seen steady growth in our District-E. We are only 11 new members away from last year at this time, something District-E has not seen for a while. Good job Lions. With a few new members we can be in the black and join Districts O and G.
Just a reminder, as we prepare for our local fundraisers and club projects: help your secretaries by providing them with the service hours for each club project. Also, if you need a grant for a larger project this summer apply for a LCIF grant. They want to help Lions get our message out to your communities.
“April 2019 Issue”
I hope everyone had a good time at our 36E Convention in Bandon and brought something new back to your club. We were pleased to have with us International Director Connie LeCleir-Meyer and her husband Michael. Conventions in both District-R and District-O also provided great new information from two outstanding international directors. They are all representative of the high caliber of leadership found in the Lions Club International.
A reminder: District 36-G Convention has been rescheduled to April 19 - 20 in Madras. I would like to see a good representation of 36E Lions showing support. It's hard enough to pull off a convention, but being forced to reschedule one must be twice as hard. If you are available to attend, please do.
I have five more clubs to visit this year and they have been tricky to get scheduled and make them happen due to weather or other conflicts. Don't worry, I will make it.
It is election time again. All Lions are encouraged to try all club projects and all club elected positions. You may find it exciting and fulfilling in your busy lives to serve your club and community better. Maybe you have served on all of the club level positions and it might just be the time to put your name in the hat for a district position. Zone chairs are always needed. You get to travel a short distance -- 100 miles or so —to meet with other clubs and learn what is going on in each of your zone's clubs. Zone chairs also attend four cabinet meetings during the year if at all possible or at least send in a report. Cabinet meetings are informative and fun. After all, we're Lions. We work hard to serve and we like to have fun along the way.
Membership in Oregon is growing. District-O and District-R have shown a positive growth for this year. Congratulations! District-E is in striking distance to show a positive growth. If we can grow each club by an average of one more new Lion and retain them, we will join Districts O and R in positive growth this year. I have a couple new members in mind. My goal is a modest "plus one”. We can do it.
Reporting of service hours is important to clubs that want to apply for grants from LCIF for Lions projects that can be a huge asset for your community but are a little larger than your budget will allow. On the last report, only one club out of thirty-five reported service hours.
Campaign 100 is our front focus. For over 50 years, LCIF has worked with the Lions to help them make a greater impact in communities around the world. Now comes the most ambitious campaign ever -empowering Lions to expand service to address new global causes for years to come.
The goal of the three-year campaign initiated last summer is to raise $300,000,000 by June 30, 2021, with 100% Lions participation, enabling LCIF to serve 200 million people each year. Campaign 100 will support the needs of a changing world, with focus on: Vision, Youth, Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Causes, Diabetes, Hunger and Childhood Cancer. Remember, this is a worldwide campaign. A contribution of just one hundred dollars can provide: immediate relief for four people in the wake of a natural disaster; 100 measles vaccinations; 18 diabetes screenings; clean water for 14 people; feed 14 elderly or low income people; or fund two cataract surgeries.
“March 2019 Issue”
As I write this article just after the District R Convention, I'm reminded of how much information is available at conventions. Every convention has a different International Director from somewhere in the USA. Each one speaks about Lions clubs in their areas and current information from our International President. Forums vary from convention to convention, providing valuable information for you to bring back to your club. Everyone will learn something by attending both conventions and breakout sessions. Please – if you can make time in your schedule, attend a convention or the Multiple District Convention in Seaside May 3-4.
Ah March, springtime, daylight saving time and rainy days, snow in the mountains. So much to do, only if we can get outside. Warm nice days are around the corner. Just hurry up and get here. It's freezing outside.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend the 36 “E” Convention March 15-16 in Bandon. International Director Connie Le Cleir will bring inspiring and motivational news on hot Lion topics. Our convention will have several things to do, like assembling “Blessing Bags” for the homeless and women in need. Bring your decorated purse in International President Gudren's Theme “Beyond the Horizon.” Bring Club baskets to be judged and Silent Auction items. We will have four Forums, covering Public Speaking, Vision Quest, Diabetes, a video of a Helen Keller reenactment and a food drive by region. Bring canned food drop it in the box for your region to be given out at local food banks. New this.year is a photo contest “Outdoor Scenic Photo,” 11x 17 photos that cannot be professionally taken or photo shopped. District E offers a Celebration of Life to remember our lost Lions from this past year. Did I mention, the food will be top notch? Come join us for fun, food and friendships March 15-16, 2019, in beautiful Bandon by the Sea.
The District 36 E 3rd Cabinet Meeting will follow the convention on Sunday March 17 from 10 a.m to noon. All Lions can attend.
A few years back, Lions had a motto “Where there is a need there is a Lion.” This stands true for the Oregon Lions today as we partner with the Chico Breakfast Lions Club to help restore the lost community of Paradise, California. Cash is the need for now. Lions clubs of Oregon can send checks to: Chico Breakfast Lions Club, P.O. Box 1094, Chico, Ca. 95927. Be sure to write in the Memo field “Camp Fire” to make sure the monies go to the victims.
Construction of the “Heartfelt House” in Springfield is well under way; donations are still being accepted. This is a 20-room guest house for families to stay for little to no cost while loved ones get treatment at the Riverbend Hospital. This is an invaluable project for the Lions of 36 E. No one plans for loved ones to need medical help, especially for long term treatments. We must fill out a donation form from www.peacehealth.org/foundation/sacred-heart to make sure Lions clubs get recognition for the donation.
Lastly, a reminder to Lions clubs with active Lioness clubs. We need to encourage the conversion from Lioness to Lions by 2021 when LCIF will no longer recognize the Lioness clubs and all Lioness will lose their years of service, all positions held and Lioness accomplishments.
“February 2019 Issue”
Convention Season Starts this Month:
*District R Convention February 2 in Corvallis; *District O Convention February 23 in Hillsboro; *District G Convention March 1- 2 in Madras; *District E Convention March 15-16 in Bandon; *Multiple District Convention May 3-4 in Seaside. Each of these conventions will be different and have the latest news on Lionism locally, in the USA and globally. If you can attend one or all of the conventions, you will leave proud you serve as an Oregon Lion.
The District E Convention in Bandon welcomes International Director Connie LeCleir and her husband Michael from Wisconsin. One of several contests at the 36E Convention will be a Food Drive Challenge by region. Bring your food items or cash and drop them in your region's box. A prize will be awarded at Saturday's dinner to the region with the heaviest box.
All 36E clubs are asked to bring a “Bedazzled” purse in International President Gudrun's theme “Beyond the Horizon.” They will be judged at the 36E Convention and the winning purse will be taken to the Multiple District 36 Convention in Seaside. The overall winning club's purse will win the prestigious “Golden Lamp Award.”
Oregon Scenery Photo contest: Submit a regular photo NO PHOTO SHOPPING to Ted Carlin @ vptcarlin@yahoo.com by April 15. Top 5 photos will go to the MD 36 Convention where delegates will vote on #1.
As history repeats itself, Lion membership of 36E has dropped (not bad, -7 so far). We are about 50 new members shy of the goal of 800 Lions in District E this year. As we continue to seek new members we cannot forget the “New Voices” campaign for attracting women into Lions clubs. I thank Club Secretaries for keeping accurate numbers of Lions in your club.
Spring is around the corner and clubs are actively planning for club summer projects. Project chairs need to have a sign-up sheet and check-in and check-out times so we can better report to Club Secretaries the hours served on each project. I was pleased with the last “Club Health Assessment Report” showing 30 of 35 clubs had reported Service Hours (86%). Keep up the good work! LCIF uses these reports to make grants available to better serve your community. 36E is small in numbers but mighty in serving our communities.
California “Camp Fire” Update
California's “Camp Fire” totally destroyed the foothill town of Paradise, but the community is rebuilding. Lions of Oregon are working with the California Lions in this effort. Cash is what is most needed right now. You can send a club or personal checks to “Chico Breakfast Lions Club, P.O. Box 1094 Chico, CA 95927 or to LCIF, 300 West 22nd St. Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842. In the memo field, earmark the monies for the “Camp Fire.” Chico Breakfast Lions or LCIF will get the money to the proper agencies. The money will be used for prescription medicine, food and where the need is greatest.
“January 2019 Issue”
As we move into 2019, an open book is waiting to be filled with new challenges to be met and opportunities for more and better community service.
As Lions, we will continue to grow and serve in our 5 service causes: Diabetes Awareness, Environment, Hunger, Vision and Children’s Cancer.
Each community has different needs, from feeding and clothing the homeless, to a new park, or helping our neighbors after a devastating fire consumed their city. Lions will be there.
Lions clubs of District 36-E continue to grow. Currently we have 766 members. Thirty dropped since July 1, 2018, and thirty-eight were added, for a net growth of +8. The goal is 800 by June 8, 2019. Club Secretaries need to report MMRs. Only 15 of our 35 clubs are reporting MMRs. We are reminded to “Ask One.” Invite a potential new member to a fun Lions project or to a meeting with an interesting speaker.
Awards are available for Club Net Membership Growth and Membership Sponsor of the Year at the 4th Cabinet Meeting in Roseburg in the Littlebrook community building June 8, 2019.
With club elections coming up in a few months, it’s time to think of advancing in your club or your district. New leadership brings new challenges and rewards for growth as a Lion and personally.
Guidelines for all Lions club positions are available online at the My Lion website: www.mylion.org. Go to download material, Mylion action plan for Lions leaders, download free to check out.
Lions of District 36-E have several impressive signature service projects that work well in your communities.
Check with local agencies about the need for additional help, be it a food drive or assisting seniors unable to drive to the doctor, pharmacy or to get groceries. Remember to report your service hours to your Secretary for hours worked on club projects.
36-E Convention “Beacon of Lionism” March 15-16, 2019
Mark your calendar for the March convention to be held in Bandon at the Community Center, Sprague Theatre and Library (all in City Park). ID Connie LeCleir-Meyer and husband Michael from Wisconsin will bring fun, excitement and a new direction for Lionism as we go into our next 100 years.
We will be offering fun, amazing food, entertainment and training. See you there!
“December Issue”
The days are shorter and Christmas is near which means that the tax man will soon appear. Our Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation is a good idea for a donation for tax purposes. Become a “Pride” member and donate once a year or make monthly payments via the www.OLSHF.org web site.
By the end of December, I will have completed 30 out of 35 club visits. It has been a pleasure visiting all of these Lions. Don’t forgot to report Service Hours and current Membership by December 30 for proper billing by LCI.
Best News for 36-E: we have a Second Vice District Governor! Lion Carolee Blatter from Gold Beach had read the November article and became aware she was more than qualified to fill the post. Carolee has been a dedicated Gold Beach Lion and has held many positions in her club including president and zone chair for the district. With a nomination from Council Chair Gail Black and many kind words from others, Carolee was voted into Second Vice District Governor by the Cabinet on November 3.
District Challenges: Membership, Service, Convention
For District 36-E “Membership Challenge,” the person who sponsors the most new members between July 1, 2018, and the time of the District 36E Convention in Bandon will receive a Gift Basket filled with all kinds of goodies.
For the MD36 Service Project, PDG Jim Jaggers suggested each club put a “Birdcage” library in town. This is a trading post for books (leave one – take one idea) with your club name and contact information. The desired effect is to enhance the SMART program. Put your club name in the public eye and grow membership.
Keep assembling your purses with ladies’ 28-day kits and eye glass cases with women’s hygiene items. Don’t forget to document your club’s service hours for this project and report where you distribute the items.
Here’s a fun idea: Each club is invited to decorate a purse in International President Gudrun’s theme “Soaring above the Horizon.” Bring it to the District 36E Convention in Bandon. The winning purse at the 36E convention will be then taken to the Multiple District convention in Seaside to be voted upon again. The four purses will be auctioned off and the money will go to their districts. The winning purse’s club will win the “Golden Lamp” award.
Heartfelt House
Contributions have been pouring in for Heartfelt House, a new 20-room extended stay facility on the RiverBend Campus of PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center, where families of hospital patients from outside the Eugene-Springfield area may stay for little or no cost. The initial goal is to collect $6 million. At last report, $5.6 million had been collected which includes significant contributions from Lions.
District 36-E Convention
It’s just around the corner: District 36-E’s Convention will be held March 15-16, in Bandon at the Community Center on West 11th St. I’m excited to have International Director Connie Le Cleir-Meyer and her husband Michael from Wisconsin. Connie will be speaking on New Voices, Membership and Campaign 100, amongst other news of the future of Lionism as we go into our next 100 years of service. Good Food, Up to date information and Entertainment. You won’t want to miss this convention!
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
“November Issue”
Happy Holidays Lions of 36-E
The holiday season is my favorite time of the year, as Lions and families gather to reflect on achievements and new milestones and goals met for the year. It is a time to be grateful for the contributions of time and talent of Lions or family members who have passed in 2018. It is also a chance to look back at what we could have done differently for the betterment of our lives, both as Lions and personally.
As you plan your club's holiday parties this year, consider asking a nearby club to join your club for the celebration or invite a potential member to go with you. Just ask!
Membership: I think my lucky number is 22. Since July 1, District 36-E gained 22 new members and dropped 22 members, and the average club size is 22, for a net gain/ loss of zero as of October. A year ago, District 36-E had 800 members. Now we sit at 758 members and I would like to see 36-E near 800 again by July 30th. If each club has a “plus 1” by June 30 that would be 35 new members, only 7 people short of that very achievable 800 goal.
District-G Governor Phyllis Carlin has put up a friendly “Membership Madness Challenge” to all districts of Oregon and Northern California. The winner would be based on a percentage of growth. At a recent Global Action Team (G.A.T.) meeting, the possibility of a cash award (perhaps $500) was mentioned, but no decision was reached.
District 36-E has a new, second time 1st Vice District Governor. PDG Bob Chaney has been elected to fill the position. District 36-E still needs a 2nd Vice District Governor at this time. If you meet the requirements and have a desire to become 2nd Vice District Governor, please call 541-404-8751 or email me at bryan@sunsetmotel.com
Visitations: All visitations are going well. I have visited 25 of the 35 clubs in District 36-E. All of the clubs visited have had at least one signature service project and some smaller projects, all reflecting the unique needs of the communities they serve. One of the most popular common club projects is school screenings. Most clubs screen children in the last quarter of the year.
Global Action Team (G.A.T.) The first G.A.T meeting was held in Bandon on September 29. I felt it was well attended for a first meeting. We had twenty-some Lions attend from all districts. The Global Action Team consists of Membership, Service and Leadership Chairs. G.A.T starts at the club level to help club secretaries report to LCI, zone chairs, district governors, districts and multiple district. This helps with overall club health. All attendees were glad they that they had come and everyone left with some new information.
Convention will be in Bandon, March 15-16, 2019, at “The Community Center” aka the Barn. Clubs bringing raffle baskets should have a Lighthouse Theme. Clubs are also asked to bring purses filled with lady's hygiene supplies, to be distributed to women’s shelters.
Cabinet Meetings: District E offers training at all cabinet meetings for president, secretary, and zone chairs. Remember all Lions are encouraged to attend cabinet meetings. It's a good way to better understand our district (and have fun too).
Upcoming Dates:
November 3: District 36-E 2nd Cabinet Meeting, Lions Sight and Hearing Center, Medford,
10 a.m. (officer training will be available at this.)
November 14: National Diabetes Day
March 15-16: District 36-E Convention, Bandon
March 17: 36-E 3rd Cabinet Meeting, Community Center 11th Street, Bandon, 10 a.m. (officer training will be available at this.)
“October Issue”
Greetings Lions of District 36E,
Wow, already one quarter down and so much more to do! I hope Lions of 36E had a great summer. With the nice fall weather there is still time for an outside project or fundraiser. As a reminder, our district still has the picture boards from a few years back with images of Brookings-Harbor Lions doing Lions projects, including vision screening of children. These boards are a great way to give a visual impression of what Lions do. Display them at your project or fundraiser. Contact Brookings-Harbor Lions (Pamela Deraita, cell 541-661-2199) or me (cell 541-404-8751) and we will see you have them for your event.
Membership in District 36E remains in the red. Bandon Lions are experimenting with a night meeting at a local restaurant once a month – not in a back room, but out with the customers. This is more of a social meeting to be seen as Lions in an open environment. Bandon Lions went to a pizza parlor and had 5 patrons ask who we are and what we do. Lion members outlined club projects and local activities and gave a short rundown on our 5 major Lions causes and informed them ladies and families are also welcome. They took home a pizza and a Lions membership application. Hopefully they will join.
“Ask 1” is still in effect. Have membership applications at your fundraisers and club projects. It never hurts to ask a friend if they might have some time to help your club with a service activity or project, and don't forget to ask them if they might consider joining your club.
Membership and Veterans:
Any Veteran from any branch of service can become a Lion member with the $35 registration fee waived. The new Veteran Lion member pays full dues, just like all other Lions.
Membership growth makes way for leadership development. Who could be the next President, Secretary, Treasurer, District Governor to lead us? Lions Leadership Institute and Lions University are great ways to learn more leadership and helpful personal growth skills.
All clubs in District 36E have great service and fundraising projects. Remember to report your service hours to LCI. Service time starts when you leave home and ends when you return home. (And, of course, the time you spend at your projects.)
District Governor Visitations:
I have enjoyed all clubs visited to date. Wonderful Lions, impressive clubs both large and small! Your Lions pride in the service you do locally is utterly amazing. Many Lions join because of what they see Lions do in their community and want to be a part of that. Keep showing and telling friends and family what your club has done to help meet the needs of your community. Several of my visitations will be in October. See you soon.
Upcoming Dates:
November 3: District 36E 2nd Cabinet Meeting at SOLSHC Medford at 10 a.m.
November 14: National Diabetes Day
March 15-16: District 36E Convention at The Barn in Bandon City Park
Thank You, DG Bryan Longland
“September Issue”
Vegas was great! 20,000 Lions from over 200 Countries with 743 incoming district governors.
Our new International President Gudrun Yngvadottir from Iceland has hit the ground running with several messages for Lions: Membership, Membership Retention, Leadership and Service to Our Communities. Gudrun asks that we reassess our service projects, explore new projects and get our new members involved.
As summer turns to fall, it's a great time for visiting clubs in Southern Oregon and Northern California. I have visited 9 clubs so far. Many towns I have never been to before. It’s so exciting to meet new Lions and hear about their community needs and the service and fundraising projects to meet those needs.
September brings school screenings for most of us. This is one of my most rewarding service projects of the year. OLSHF sends a Lion to train and assist clubs doing screenings with multiple Spot cameras. We screened 182,000 children in 617 schools last year in Oregon and in Dorris and Crescent City, California, and we still have more communities to reach out to and screen.
Most clubs will be doing their signature club projects and getting Lions in the public eye. It's a good time to ask a prospective new member to help and see firsthand the joy of doing public service the Lions way.
Oregon and Northern California have had an early and devastating fire season. Many communities need help and that's where the Lions step up. Ask local motels if they can donate soap, shampoo, towels or blankets and pillows and take items to your local shelters. Ask local grocery stores for water, food items or anything they can donate to help families and firefighters at this time of need. Locally, the City of Bandon recalls the fire that started east of town and moved westward to the beach 82 years ago, totally destroying the community. Recovery took a long time.
A service project challenge by PCC Lion Rod Bach is a simple and good way to use those eyeglass covers we all have in abundance: make first aid kits. Ask local pharmacies to donate first aid supplies and at a meeting without a program, put the kits together and drop them by shelters in your area.
Upcoming dates:
November 3: Cabinet Meeting, Medford Lions Sight and Hearing Center, 10am.
“July-August Issue”
I’m writing this just before the 101st International Convention in Las Vegas, where approximately twenty thousand Lions will land June 29th through July 3rd. Seven hundred incoming District Governors-Elects from all around the world will graduate into District Governors. Weather forecast: a cool 105-ish. For this coast boy, where a warm day is maybe 70, I'll be in the cooler. It will be a busy and exciting time and I look forward to making several new friends from around the world.
My theme this year is “Beacon of Lionism,” meaning a guiding light toward a safe harbor for people and communities in need. When Lions get involved, We Serve.
I'm a 2-time Bandon Lion. First, in the early ‘90s, I focused on local community and club projects. When I returned in 2006, I focused more on learning about Lionism at club, district and multiple district levels.
In the past 12 years, I have chaired several Lions Club committees and served as Board Member, Tail Twister, 2-time President, Convention Chair, Zone Chair for two years and have just finished a three-year term with the Sight and Hearing Foundation that I will miss.
I married Patti in February 2016. Together we have 4 grown children and an old dog, Bud. We enjoy fishing, Lions activities, working around the house and auto racing.
My brother and I have managed the family business for 18 years of my 30-year employment here at Sunset Oceanfront Lodging in Bandon.
Moving forward, the International message is simply “We Serve.” LCI's 5 focal points for the new century are: Vision, Environment, Children’s Cancer, Hunger and Diabetes.
I'm excited to start my visitations in mid-July, meeting the Lions of 36-E, learning about your service projects, club membership, club leadership and the needs of your local communities that are close to you.
LCI has a new application starting in July 2018 called MYLION. It can be downloaded into your computer, laptop and/or phone, making club reporting easier. We have gone to electronic online reporting only, so please download the APP. Give it a try – we have a year to work out the bugs.
Important dates coming up: the first Cabinet meeting will be August 25th at Yesterday's Plaza, 125 North 9th in Klamath Falls. (And I know some think it's too early to mention 36-E Convention March 15 -16, 2019 in Bandon only 8 months away!)
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who volunteered to fill the Cabinet and MD Cabinet positions. District 36-E will be represented well. Special thanks to PID Sunny Pulley, PCC Joyce Anderson, PCC Vince Bishop, CC Gail Black and PDG Bob Chaney, Sr. for all of the training.
Yours in Lionism, Bryan Longland
“June Issue”
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
As I sit to pen this final column, a lump rises in my throat as I realize I won’t be conversing with all of the Lions throughout MD36 through this medium again.
I have to say that this year has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling years of my life. It has brought such great joy to me as I have traversed the highways and byways of District 36E to meet with the clubs and members of this great District.
I have been humbled, surprised and exhilarated by the service of our fantastic members as they continue to help their communities in a variety of ways. You have endeared yourselves to me and hopefully I have been able to enlighten you in some way and strengthen your Lions spirit. I thank you all for this incredible experience.
But wait, I am not going away. I will still be a part of the District team and hopefully will be able to revisit a lot of your clubs.
Okay, now for the technical stuff, which you all know by now, I love to do. I finished my visitations in late May and have to say that although we didn’t achieve the goals set at the beginning of this process I feel this year was a success and together we began to Restore the Roar.
I had the pleasure of inducting several new members into our Lions family along with the opportunity to install new officers for several clubs.
As of this writing we, as a District, had inducted 59 new members for this fiscal year. Unfortunately we lost 118 for a net gain of -59. We also lost another club, but there is the possibility of a new club on the horizon. We have had 21 of our 35 clubs report service hours this year. I know that all clubs have had service hours they just haven’t been reported, but I think we are changing that dynamic.
Thank you District 36E for your efforts.
Now for the sappy stuff. There are a few thank-yous that I have to hand out. First, to PCC Joyce and PID Sunny for their continued support at every turn and their vast knowledge. Second, to PCC Vince and Leah for their work and dedication in making sure the Council was on the right page and that all the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed.
Third to the Council. Lion Brad you’re an incredible man. You have become a valued dear friend and I do believe we are of kindred spirit, just ask anyone who was at the District G Convention. Thank you for being there at all costs. Now for my fellow DGs. This journey for us began some three years ago and we all bonded at Northwest Lions Leadership Institute and became fast friends. I feel we have a relationship that goes far beyond the boundaries of the Council of Governors. Our friendships will last a lifetime and we will forever be linked. Lion Bert (Felix), you always kept us laughing and your words of encouragement and support were always appreciated. Lion Tom (Oscar), your go-with-the-flow attitude was always comforting and your help at times was greatly appreciated. Lion Debi (Dianna), what can I say. You, Sheri and I hit it off from the beginning and have built friendships far beyond Lions. Chicago would never have been the same without you two along. Thank you for all that you have done.
Fourth, to my 1st VDG Brian. You have helped me immensely throughout this year and the friendship that we have built means volumes to me. I know we will continue to work closely for years to come.
Finally, to Lion Gail. You are my mentor, my rock and you have been a safe harbor for many a storm. Thank you for your assistance, your support and your continued advice. I will forever hold you as one of my closest friends.
Now as I try to end this I have to continually wipe the mist from my eyes. I have loved every second of this journey and feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to have served and to end with that old adage, which just feels right in this instance, parting is such sweet sorrow.
Forever yours in Lionism, DG Bob
“May Issue”
As twilight creeps in
As the sun begins to set on this year-long pilgrimage and I have finished all of my official visits, save one, I just want to point out how incredibly lucky I am to have had the opportunity to visit each and every one of the clubs in District E.
It has been so exhilarating for me to hear and see the myriad of ways that each club is making a difference in its community. I have found it so satisfying to see how those clubs that are small in numbers, of which we have several in the District, continue to be big in service. Each and every one of you should be proud and stand tall for the things you do as Lions for your communities.
The one thing with which t I do have a problem is not being able to make two visits to these clubs, one for the official visit and a second one to attend and help out at each of their big service projects and/or fundraisers during the year.
That is why I am, and have been for some time, a proponent of two-year terms for District Governors. But who am I other than a low line District Governor in the rural communities of the Northwest? LCI is not going to listen to that. But wait, maybe I should ROAR. Who knows it might make a difference. Whatever the outcome I have already made a promise to myself to make it back to as many clubs as I can. It may not be as District Governor but as a PDG.
Well enough on that subject. Now it is time for the numbers. All of you know by now that I don’t like to spend a lot of time dwelling on the numbers, but I think it is significant that you understand why I am excited about our membership.
Yes, we continue to have a negative net gain in the overall numbers in District E but, just like most numbers, those totals are skewed. In all Lions clubs there are two sets of Lions. There are the ones I like to call the Book Lions. Those are the members that clubs have kept on their rosters for years. They are not active as far as participation in events. They may contribute in other ways. Then there are the Active Lions, those who participate in everything, hold offices, etc. A lot of clubs are beginning to take a lot of the Book Lions off of the rolls, so although the overall numbers are dropping, the number of active Lions is increasing.
I would be willing to bet that, if we could separate the Active and Book numbers and take a look at the new members that have joined over the last five years, you would see a positive net gain for all Districts not just E.
This excites me because it shows that we are once again on the rise and soon, very soon I hope, you will see our overall numbers begin to shift from a negative to a positive. There you have my dissertation for the numbers for this month.
What’s on the horizon? Well, we have the Multiple District Convention coming up this month. This is the culmination and celebration of our achievements for this year as a Multiple District. It is also the last big get-together for Lions for this fiscal year, so it does have a bitter-sweet vibe to it.
I know I am looking forward to this event and I hope to see a lot of familiar faces from throughout District E there as well. Remember it is through conventions that we renew old acquaintances and rejuvenate our Lions spirit. The friendships that we generate through these get-togethers are friendships that will last a lifetime and the more the ROAR.
See you all in Eugene and Together We’ll continue to Restore the Roar.
“April Issue”
Is your Lions radar turned on?
How does that saying go? March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lion. No that’s not it. What about that one that say April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Lions? No that’s not right either but maybe this is the way we should start saying these old adages. It might spark membership growth if we continue to look at everything with our Lions glasses on.
You’ve heard, and I know this one is right: You can’t go through life looking at everything with rose colored glasses. Well it’s my proposal that we go through life looking at everything with Lions colored glasses. Maybe then we would remember to invite the clerk at the local mercantile or the waitress at our favorite restaurant to either a service project or a meeting. They all know we are Lions, don’t they? Maybe not, but why not error on the side of caution and let them know you are a Lion.
We are always trying to come up with new ways to bring new members into our clubs and what better way than through everyday life. We must, in our everyday activities, touch base with at least one person and do we always have our Lion radar up and running? Most times not and there goes an opportunity to offer someone the opportunity to experience the Lions family. I know that I have on many an occasion had my radar turned off and missed that chance to introduce that person to Lionism.
However, if we remember to keep our radar on and let others see how passionate and exuberant we are about Lions they are going to want to know why. When that moment arrives, you’ve got them, especially if you offer them the opportunity to help out with a project that you know they have an interest in.
How do you know they are interested? You know through conversation or in this day and time through chats or by being in a Facebook group
Let’s face it we need to utilize social media as much as possible and truthfully it opens up a lot more avenues for possible connection than just a one-on-one conversation.
You can build in to any friend request or put into a daily post on your page your passion for Lions and how anyone interested in Lions can get more information. Add a Lions logo to your home page or any messages you might send as long as they are not political or for monetary self gain.
We need to Roar as Lions and that can be as simple as a magnet on your car door or a Lions logo on your shirt or coat.
Also be persistent with local media, especially those in rural small communities where there are local newspapers. Call them when you have a project coming up. Send in pictures and a short story every time your club does anything within the community
Urban clubs don’t overlook your media. They still want that feel good piece be it a 30 second blip on the evening news or a picture in the Club News section of the daily paper.
I know what you are saying. You sure talk a mean game but how often do you practice what you preach? My answer is every day. I have magnets on my car. My Facebook page profile picture is one of me wearing my blue DG blazer and my background is my DG pin. I wear a jacket with a Lions logo on it almost every day. Yes, I’ll admit there are times when my Lions radar is turned off and I have to remind myself to fire it back up and then I feel guilty for having let opportunity slip by.
So my fellow Lions all I ask is that you continue to strive to find new ways to Roar and I know that Together We’ll Restore the Roar throughout Multiple District 36.
“March Issue”
Rejuvenation by Convention
By the time this issue of the Oregon Lion hits all of your proverbial desks all four District Conventions will have taken place. Boy what a time we had!
I’m sure that most of you suffer from the same abnormality that I do, Lions Club Fever, which is much the same as Cabin Fever. We spend the first five months of our fiscal Lions year involved in all kinds of summer activities and fall fundraisers not to mention the holiday activities where we are volunteering throughout our communities in a myriad of ways that are beneficial to the less fortunate.
However, once we finish with the Christmas baskets or the holiday meals or candy sales our clubs have a tendency to go dark until after the new year dawns. For a lot of us this contributes to losses in membership because we don’t have that support network to fall back on. For others it’s like “I need my Lions fix”. We need the camaraderie of fellow Lions. We become lazy, complacent and begin to procrastinate, pushing off duties and obligations. In addition, this time of year typically carries with it the annual illnesses like a cold or the flu and there goes all of your energy and any stamina you may have been able to retain. Now, you are really needing that Lions fix.
Thanks to Leah your Oregon Lion magazine just showed up in the mail and in an effort to ease this yearning you settle down on the couch with a cup of your favorite warming beverage, open the cover and begin to read about all the things that are going on throughout the multiple district. Your overall need for a dose of Lionism begins to ease just a bit but the need for interaction is still pounding within your veins.
Never fear help is near.
You turn the page and there it is, the registration form for District R’s Convention. What a way to drive away the Lions Club Fever. You tear out the page, grab a pen and quickly fill out the form and get it in the mail. You kick back and begin to daydream about how nice it will be to see and talk with Tom, Burt, Brad, Debi, Joyce, Sunny, Dale, Don, Brian, Phyllis, Wes and many, many others.
This infusion of possible interaction with other Lions eases the fever and before you know it the convention is upon you and those conversations you dreamt about are upon you and your Lions psyche is back in tack.
This is what we refer to as Rejuvenation by Convention.
Although this is a tongue-in-cheek scenario, there is a modicum of reality that accompanies it and that is how important our conventions can be to our collective Lion souls. The seminars that are offered, the relationships that are built and the restoration of needed ideas, all part of our Lions psyche.
So, I implore you, if you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a District Convention make sure you do and rejuvenate your Lions soul. If you have attended a convention you already know what I am talking about and I look forward to seeing you at the Multiple District 36 in Eugene in May.
As for those of you who had the opportunity to attend District E’s Convention, you know that Together We Are Restoring the Roar.
“February Issue”
Getting Over the Holiday Letdown?
Well, here we are with another month under the belt and one closer to the end. I am willing to bet that almost every previous District Governor hit this point in their tenure when things began to devolve from the idealistic dreams we had as we entered the year to the reality of what the year will actually reflect.
Unfortunately, we as leaders, after having visited almost all of our clubs and had some wonderful experiences, tend to morph from enthusiasm into cynicism as we work through the mechanisms of the office.
Whoa! Stop! Time for a mood changer. Let’s find a meeting to re-energize this failing faith in our philosophy. So grab the directory and see who is meeting now because we know our own club is not (they decided to take the majority of December and January off). Ah, there’s one. Jump in the car and head on over.
But wait. Here is another club, not any different than our own, which is also going through the motions and suffering from the proverbial holiday letdown. Stop me if you have lived through this scenario…
This is why I implore all Club Presidents, program directors and secretaries to keep their meetings interesting, especially this time of year. Traditionally it is from February through the end of the fiscal year when we see the majority of losses on MMRs. We all know that the number one reason why people have left Lions over the past several years is boring meetings.
There are a number of ways we can address this letdown and your District GAT offers training and resources to assist with this. There are also a number of aids on the LCI website.
Another thing I would like to offer up at this point is incorporating a new service project into our local club offerings this time of year. This is a great way to draw new and potential members into the club, along with keeping current membership engaged and retention numbers up. These service projects can be as simple as promoting an area-wide glasses drive or a one-time handout of items needed for the homeless. They can escalate in sophistication from there. The lesson to be remembered: there are many ways in which we can Restore the Roar even in the off months.
I am going to apologize now for this being a shorter-than-normal column but this holiday and early winter season has seen me being under the weather the majority of the time. However, I am looking forward to returning to the road and getting out to those of you we have not had the opportunity of visiting yet. So please don’t get discouraged we are here for you.
Together We’ll Restore the Roar.
“January Issue”
A new year dawns.
Here we are in 2018 already and I still feel as if I haven’t even got my feet wet yet. I guess that’s how it goes. Now for the numbers. I know we are down again and it appears that after a year or so of struggling to maintain them we are losing Crescent/Gilchrist. This is unfortunate but could not be avoided.
With this month, we cross the halfway point of my journey and as I have talked with my fellow District Governors it feels as if we just got started. I have said, along with others, that this process ought to be a two-year process. They immediately said, “Hey stupid, that would be another full year of commitment.” Silly me.
No. With all kidding aside, I do believe that it should be two years because you are just getting into the flow of things as it comes time to wrap it up. You really don’t have any time to implement any of the programs or revisit any of the clubs to take part in all of these great events and fundraisers you have heard about during your visits. Oh well, I guess that will just have to be done as a PDG, but it doesn’t carry the same weight as doing so as District Governor would. Clubs are aware that you, as DG, have to make an official visit and some of them feel that is the only reason they ever see the DG or DG Team. We need to get rid of this notion and let our fellow Lions know that we care far beyond the boundaries of an official visit.
I trust that everyone had a very enjoyable holiday season and have already made their resolutions for this New Year. I have never been one to be big on resolutions. I feel they just another set of promises that most of us are sure to break because they usually deal with diets, bad habits, and family visits. This year, however, I have decided to make one resolution, but I need your help in doing so. I think that if we all resolve the same thing together we have a better chance of seeing it succeed.
So here goes. I resolve to promote Lionism as loud and long as I can and to offer the opportunity to as many people as possible to feel the passion and satisfaction that I do by being a member of this organization. In other words, it’s my resolution that Together We’ll Restore the Roar!
“December Issue”
District E is starting to Roar!
Believe it or not here it is December already and the holiday season is upon us. With that said, I would like to pass along Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to all.
As December descends upon us, I find myself almost finished with my required visitations, having had the opportunity to visit 25 of the clubs within our District. One thing I can say with certainty is that I have enjoyed every visit. It is also my hope that through my visits I have been able to shed a little light and perspective on the future we have in store for District E over the next 100 years.
Our clubs, despite our census running in the negative, are doing great things and are continuing to add members and provide service to their communities.
There are a couple of instances throughout the District that I feel need to be made known across our Multiple District. First and foremost is that Medford Host has a new member and Jacksonville has two new members, one being the first woman in their club. Also, Cave Junction is adding new members, which warms my heart. Two years ago, this Club was on the verge of collapsing, but with the due diligence of a dedicated President and the guidance of one PDG Wes King this Club has come full circle and is on the rise. Certainly, there is still a lot of work to do, but they are definitely on the path to recovery and Roaring like never before.
These are the kind of instances we must embrace as Lion leaders. Sometimes we, as leaders, get caught up in the “politics” of Lionism and tend to forget about the grassroots level of things. It’s where the rubber meets the road that matters and we leaders need to remember this. As I tell each of the clubs during my talks with them, it’s not about me (the District) but about them and the incredible work and sacrifices they do. It’s making every day for the sake of their communities that matters. Without them there wouldn’t be a District, Multiple District or LCI.
Sometimes I feel we come into this with a stuffed shirt attitude….that ‘Hey Look at Me’ philosophy and forget why we are really here. It is at times like these that we need to take a moment to assess things and make sure that we are serving in leadership roles for the right reasons, i.e., to assist, guide and further Lionism in a positive manner.
If we can’t say that about ourselves then we shouldn’t be where we are.
We have all had our A-HA moment as Lions and it is that passion that has driven us to where we are. Maybe we need to experience another A-HA moment to once again ground us.
Well enough of the negative. I would like to finish this on a positive note and say that I am very proud of the leaders and clubs of District E for taking to heart my goal of Restoring the Roar. We are working together throughout the District to insure that projects and fundraisers continue and we are re-establishing entities that have been neglected for several years such as Region meetings. So as we embrace the holidays and renew family ties, remember that all it takes to Restore the Roar to Ask and to Answer.
“November Issue”
Well, here we are with the first quarter in the books and staring the holidays right in the face and what have we got to show for it: One of the most inspiring and enjoyable three months of my life! Yes, there is a lot of hard work and travel that goes into each and every one of a District Governor’s official visits but the rewards reaped from each visit far outweigh the book work required.
Here it is November already and believe it or not I am over halfway through my club visits. By the end of this month, I will have only a handful left.
As you all know and I have said in past articles, I don’t believe in dwelling on the numbers, but rather want to embrace the people that make up this District. With that said, I do want to point out that over the first quarter we are only at a minus 9 in membership and that can be turned around so easily with just a couple of innovative maneuvers. If just one quarter of our District membership were to bring in a new member each, we would be looking at a turnaround that would ROAR!
Chicago would take notice and think we were cooking the books. Wouldn’t that be a change? So, District 36-E, what do you say let’s ROAR and make Chicago take notice.
Now enough about numbers, I want to talk about people, specifically the incredible and outstanding people within this District!
You continue to amaze me as I make my official visits. From the gentleman in Roseburg who has over 50 years in Lionism to the newest Lion I inducted in Crescent City in September, each and every one of you are outstanding Lions having made the commitment to serve your community and your fellow man.
I must, at this point, talk a little about a dedicated Lion whom we lost in September. He was a very dear friend of mine and my sponsor as well as one of my mentors. I am speaking of PDG Chuck Johnson. Chuck and I had a very unique relationship within our Club. During meetings, we would banter back and forth just to keep the Tail Twister on their toes, which most times was one of the two of us. At times, I must admit, it got a little out of hand, but it was all done in fun and for the Club.
PDG Chuck was the ultimate Lion and I loved that man not only for who he was but also for what he was able to give or even sacrifice for the sake of Lions. I will forever miss him, but will always know that he is looking down and that his presence in this world has left an indelible mark upon the landscape of Lions. I will do my best to continue to fulfill his dream, just as it is mine, to offer the unique experience of Lionism to everyone whose path I cross throughout my life. Rest in Peace, my dear friend.
Back to the matters at hand. Let’s go out there and spend these next few months continuing to do service and recruitment even as the holidays consume our time and attention and as emotions run high as family and friends visit. What a great way to let them hear us ROAR! I know that we’ll do it. Together We’ll Restore the Roar!
“October Issue”
Here it is October already and we are putting away the summer toys and now those wool blue blazers are welcomed as I make my visits throughout the District. Speaking of visits, this year since the middle of August has been challenging to make scheduled visits due to all of the wildfires burning throughout District E and the State. I was scheduled to go to the southern end of the District on the coast the first part of September, but due to the Chetco Bar fire burning near Brookings I decided to cancel those visits and reschedule. The last thing that was needed during this crisis was another vehicle on the road and a District Governor telling local clubs about service. I think they know all too well about service to the community. Besides the fires were also affecting local club members in these areas personally.
As you read this the USA/Canada Forum will have come and gone in Portland with a lot of people putting forth efforts far beyond the normal, especially the host committee and host chair, Mother Joyce. It was a success despite our wildfires and all the things that seemed to be working against us.
Another thing that came to mind over the past month was the reporting by local clubs and the payment of LCI dues. As I looked at these reports I thought, do we really understand why LCI requires these reports and why the dues are so essential in the overall? First, the reports are essential in maintaining accurate numbers for each clubs, which, in turn, determines how much the clubs are billed for international dues. Second, these dues are paramount in helping to maintain sustainability in LCI and for our clubs and districts to be able to receive assistance, like disaster relief grants, from LCI.
As I looked at the District Governor’s recap report I was a little shocked at just how many clubs are not current on the MMRs or dues. Okay, I can understand being one or even two months behind on reports because of all the summer activities and also being 30 days out on dues because they could have crossed in the mail but when I see clubs that haven’t sent in reports for over six months to a year and dues that are over 60 days past due it really concerns me.
It makes me wonder if we as district leaders are not doing an adequate job of training our local clubs.
So, Club Secretaries, I implore you to make sure you get these reports turned in each month. Even if there are no changes in anything, they still need to be filed and if you are having problems please don’t hesitate to contact the District for help. That is what we are here for. We work for you. We are here to guide and assist you and that is how we will together. Restore the Roar to the District.
I look forward in the coming months to visiting with those clubs that I have not had the opportunity to meet with yet and see the great things that all of you are doing within your local communities. Continue the good work and Together We’ll Restore the Roar.
Yours in Lionism.
“September Issue”
We’re on our way to Restoring the Roar! As the first two months of this fiscal year end I will have visited over one-third of the clubs within District E. I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with what these clubs are doing in their communities.
I have been collecting agendas from these clubs and listening to committee and project reports and it is incredible the involvement of the Lions in their cities and towns. They are ingrained in each community’s structure of service and respected throughout. Now we just have to ROAR loudly to let the rest of the District, Multiple District and LCI know how much is being done by Lions.
I would love to list out all of these projects, fundraisers and events but it would take pages upon pages to do so and that is not the purpose of this report.
As for the numbers, they are not the greatest and not really what I would like to see, but on a positive note, we have not lost any more clubs in July and the number of new members was 11. However, the number of members dropped was 24 thus giving us a net growth of -13 or a 1.75 percent. Our total member count for the District is 814.
Service, of course, is one of the areas in which these clubs excel, but not the only area. For the most part, they all have membership plans in place for recruitment and retention and I even had the pleasure of inducting a new member into the Sutherlin Club during my visit.
So far the clubs are embracing the new areas of focus that LCI has outlined under the global framework; hunger, environment, vision, children’s cancers and diabetes.
As I make my official visits to the clubs I do so with almost a back seat approach. Let me explain. I believe that the clubs and their business at hand are the most important things and my visit is secondary to what they are accomplishing within their communities. Therefore, I like to have them conduct all of their business first before I speak. After all it’s what they are doing at a grassroots level that makes or breaks the viability of a club within their area. I am merely a conduit to give them some possible tools that help them to focus their efforts, to provide easier ways for them to weave what they are doing into the framework of LCI’s new emphasis areas and to show or guide them to making a large ROAR out of what they are doing.
It is through projects like this that “Together We’ll Restore the Roar”.
There is a lot more that can be said about District E but we don’t have the space to allow for me to rave on about this experience. I just want to say that when I agreed to do this job I knew it would be a job and consume a lot of time and effort, but now as I am immersed in the reality of such I must say it has been much more. It has thus far been an exhilarating experience that I would not trade for anything. I truly believe that it can only get better the more involved we become. Before we know it, the year will be over and we will be left with a multitude of memories that will last a lifetime.
Until next month, Yours in Lionism
“July-August Issue”
By the time you all get a chance to read this my fellow District Governors and I will have returned from the Midwest whirlwind adventure a.k.a. DGE school and Lions International Convention in Chicago. We will also have been firmly entrenched in our District Governor roles for a little over a month. However in order to meet deadlines, we must author this column in June before we embark on these travels so it makes it a little hard to write about the experience. With that said, I decided I would write a little more about what my philosophy is and express some of my goals for District 36-E.
As many of you know, especially those who attended the 36-E Convention in Klamath Falls in March, my theme for the year is “Together We’ll Restore the Roar.” And most of you are probably saying to yourselves and amongst your peer groups, “What the heck does he mean by that?” Well I will try and convey my reasoning behind choosing this particular theme.
First, we as Lions must continue to promote ourselves and be proud of the ways in which we serve our various communities. We need to roar and roar loud about the greatest service organization in the world. We should shout it from the mountaintops and valley floors that last year we provided, along with the support and partnership of our incredible Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation, vision screenings for over 173,000 kids throughout the State. We need to be proud of the fact that we as a collective group in MD36 provided 1,150 pairs of glasses for those who couldn’t afford to do so on their own through the Leap Lab and thousands more through our local club programs.
Second, we as individual clubs need to realize that with our numbers continuing to dwindle we can only survive if we partner together with other clubs to make events and long-standing projects in our communities continue. We have to put aside the differences that have existed for years, tear down those barriers and stereotypes that have limited us for the last 100 years and realize that working together as a whole is the only way to accomplish that. After all we are all Lions and we have but one motto “We Serve.” It doesn’t say The Myrtle Creek Lions Serve or the Brookings-Harbor Lions Serve it simply states We Serve.
Third, we as Lions must think outside the box to retain and grow and that begins at the grass roots level which is our clubs. If we can, on an individual level, personify our passion for being a Lion, Lionism will blossom and become contagious throughout our club, our zone, our region and our District. I want to hear us roar so loud that LCI will take a collective look from their headquarters in Chicago and say “What the heck is going on out there in Southern Oregon?”
Finally, I want to hear from you, the members and clubs of this fine District as to what you do and what makes you roar as Lions. Yes, I have done the traditional obligations of entering goals for membership, leadership, and expansion but those are just numbers and that is not what drives me as a Lion. It is the passion of the people, the emotion of seeing a little child being able to truly see clearly for the first time in their life, the joy of an elderly person being able to hear the world around them for the first time in a long time and the appreciation of a family being able to put food on the table on a regular basis. That’s what it’s all about and that’s what I am looking forward to experiencing throughout this next year as I have the incredible opportunity to visit with each one of the clubs within 36-E. I know that because we are Lions and we have a passion to serve that Together We’ll Restore the Roar.
“June Issue”
Hi Lions – Wasn’t the Convention in Pendleton great? The parade was well received and the Centennial Celebration was fun. June 1 was Helen Keller Day and that date serves as a reminder to us that in 1925 she challenged the Lions to be “Knights of the Blind”. It has been the catalyst to LCI success in serving throughout the world. The actual birthday of Lions Club International is June 7, 1917. Since the Centennial Celebration does not end until June 30, 2018, you still have time to do the Centennial Service Challenge Campaigns and implement a Legacy Project that will make your club visible in your community. Our District will continue to celebrate Lions’ success story for years to come as we live up to the reputation of LCI being the biggest and best service organization internationally. Give yourself a hand; you all deserve it.
I visited Riddle Lions; they are an inspiring club....small but healthy. Seven members continue to provide for the sight and hearing needs of people in their area. Their Lions are active in many ways in Riddle but as a Club they haven’t taken on more than they can handle. There are 2 key elements to the survival of your small club:
1) get one or more new members, 2) don’t schedule so many activities that your members get burned out. Annually, take a look at your service projects and fundraisers. Figure out which projects continue to be of benefit in a present-day environment. Can they be updated and the workload shared by other non-profits or youth? Don’t fall into the trap where only a few Lions are doing a tremendous amount of work to the point they are ready to call it quits. You can’t do it all even though your generous Lion nature begs you to do it all. Pare down your activities in a healthy way. I want your club, no matter the size, to carry on for years to come with strength and determination. You will inspire other clubs!
What’s next? I am about to hand over my bell and gavel to a well-deserved District Governor Elect Bob Chaney from Myrtle Creek Lions. He has worked hard training all year so he can assist clubs in “Restoring the Roar”. Doug and I are going to spend some time this summer with family in Texas and Michigan before taking on Lion roles in our Sutherlin Club and 36-E. I will carry on with a project close to my heart, the E-COM monthly 36-E newsletter. Sharing retention and membership ideas will be my focus. I want to keep you informed about Lionism and help you to continue to celebrate “The Heart of a Lion”.
“May Issue”
Hi Lions – The March 36-E Convention in Klamath Falls has come and gone and I was very happy to see Lions from all over the state in attendance. We had a good time in “Celebrating the Heart of a Lion”. We honored clubs and Lions with awards, listened to informative speakers and got to see some beautiful snowflakes fall, which thankfully, didn’t stick to the ground. Now we are looking forward to attending the MD36 Convention in Pendleton on May 18-20. Fifteen Lions from 36-E emailed me that they are attending. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get 5 more Lions from our District? Clubs? Maybe you can pay hospitality books for your Lions as an incentive and form carpools with your members. I hope many of you will be there to celebrate the Centennial and have fun participating in the short one-half mile parade route (return by bus).
Question: What can I do in the parade? (Registration Form, https://www.facebook.com/District36-E-Lions)
1. Wear silly hats, costumes or Lion Mask (find printable masks on internet also Oriental Trading)
2. Ride Stick Horses wearing a Cowboy Hat (as a child my pet stick horse was Mom’s broom)
3. Decorate your car with banners, crepe paper streamers, balloons, magnetic Lions signs
4. Ride a decorated bicycle with a Big Stuffed Lion behind you or put one on your car
5. Pull one or more stuffed Lions in a decorated wagon or push in a wheel barrow
6. Walk, wearing your Lions vest or shirt along with Lion hats
7. Carry your club banner with another Lion
8. Carry signs with big Lions logo “Thank You to All Veterans” or “Pendleton You Roar”
9. Wave small U.S. Flags or cheerleader pompoms (Dollar store)
10. Play miniature guitars, flutes, noisemakers, plastic hand clappers (Dollar store)
11. Blow bubbles with bubble wand or small bubble machine (Dollar store)
12. Hand out candy directly to the kids (not allowed to throw it)
Have fun, be creative but use judgement in how you dress or in what you carry in the parade.
I am happy to report Dogs for the Deaf grant is going well thanks to PDG Wes King from Brookings Harbor Lions. He has been instrumental in coordinating the process and we both want to thank all those who have donated matching funds for the $85,000 grant.
Let’s Hear the Roar in Pendleton Celebrating Lions 100th Birthday in a Big Way.
“April Issue”
Hi Lions - Right now the two largest clubs in District 36-E have 52 members each. Our two smallest clubs have 5 members each and 15 out of 36 District clubs have 15 or fewer members. That means that about 42% of our clubs are in the smaller club category. We have many sparsely populated towns in District 36-E. Our bigger town clubs are having trouble getting new Lions, so think how hard it must be for a town like Silver Lake, with a population of about 145, to find another member or Bonanza, a town of around 415. Many of our small town clubs have already closed down like Sprague River, Bly, Chemult and Chiloquin. These communities are economically depressed and need our help. The children need us for vision screening; the people need us for their sight and hearing needs and for food donations. Your club might go away but the need doesn’t.
Our District is dwindling rapidly. We are down 75 members since last July. District clubs are doing a good job of getting members, 47 new Lions this year. That’s an average of 1.3 new Lions per club. But there are 19 clubs in the District that haven’t added a new member this year. If your club hasn’t inducted a new member try and see if you can find just one new Lion. I know you can do it and, if you need help, let me know and we will get your Zone Chair to assist or I can assign a Guiding Lion to help you. According to Lions Club International, with every new Lions member you get, you can serve 70 more people in your area. Your community needs you.
Let’s concentrate on the positive things our clubs can do and think outside of the box. For example, Langlois’ population is about 175 and they have less than 15 Lions. They have been thinking outside the box by asking Bandon to partner with them. Langlois and Bandon have gotten together and decided to help each other with their projects. That is awesome. Maybe your club can partner with another nearby club. As our clubs dwindle in size, we need to start looking for ways of getting volunteers or developing partnerships. Team-up with other non-profits in your city or get the Scouts, Middle School and High School students to assist you. Some people can’t afford the annual dues. Offer scholarships to help with the annual dues and joining fee. You can earn Admin money with a fundraiser like a yard sale for scholarships as long as you don’t advertise the Lions in any way. Some people are willing to work but don’t want to join a group. Call them and see if they are willing to help with your next fundraiser. Maybe the more they help, the more they will feel part of your club and eventually want to join. Lastly....
..You Gotta Have Heart Lions; Don’t Give Up; We Can Work Together as One, You Gotta Have heart!
“March Issue”
Hi Lions….It’s been a pleasure for Doug and I to attend District Conferences and Conventions. There have been some great speakers and I learned new Lions information; did I hear you say I am too old to learn? Now that is not true - you are never too old to learn new facts about Lionism or anything else that is “important to you”. For example, I learned from ID Quinn from Alaska that LCI is ramping up their Lions Marketing Campaign. They are devoting $5.8 million to make the Lions name become so recognizable that people will be coming to our clubs and asking if they can be part of our great organization. Wouldn’t that be something to have our clubs overwhelmed with new members?
ID Quinn also said because of digital technology the demand for Lions to assist people with their sight needs will increase. Scientific American reported that 70% of our kids today are going to need help because they don’t get outside much, thus their eyes don’t get a break from close-up work and they are not getting the Vitamin D that is healthy for their eyes. Kids spend a lot of time using pcs, smart phones, iPads, etc. which may lead to near sightedness.
I did some online research and according to The Vision Council, “Because this is a new phenomenon, not much is known about the long-term impact of computers or other digital gadgets on pediatric eyes. However, eye care providers have reported seeing an increase in cases of myopia, or nearsightedness.” According to the National Eye Institute, more than 34 million Americans suffer with myopia or near sightedness, a number that is projected to rise to nearly 40 million by 2030. In the US, 42 percent of those aged 12 to 54 are now myopic, triple the rate of only 30 years ago. Computers and smartphones are often tied to every facet of a young person’s life—from school to socializing, there is little respite from the constant use of technology. Digital devices are here to stay, yet it is still unknown how all the exposure will impact eyes in the long term.” www.thevisioncouncil.org/sites/default/files/VC_DigitalEyeStrain_Report2015.pdf
Lions, you can learn new facts and figures. You just learned that LCI is planning to market the Lions name. You also learned that when you volunteer to help at youth vision screenings you are instrumental in early detection of myopia. The hard work you put into fundraising helps provide money for the increasing need of eyeglasses for children and adults. You are essential to your communities now and well into the future. You have the heart of a Lion and that is a fact!
“February Issue”
Hi Lions….The 36-E Convention is coming!! It is scheduled on Fri/Sat March 24-25 at the Shiloh Inn in Klamath Falls (registration form in February Oregon Lion). The theme is “Let’s Celebrate Together the Heart of a Lion”. Our guest speaker is PID Haynes Townsend from Dalton, Georgia (wife Donna). I appreciate PID Sunny Pulley for hosting their visit. My Convention Committee and other Lions are working hard to make this event one that you will remember.
To offset Convention costs there will be a Silent Auction, Lion Quilt Raffle, Basket Raffle and Convention Book where businesses/clubs can place an ad or add Lion names to a Booster list.
Attendees please bring canned food for the Klamath Falls Food Bank, for a “Relieving the Hunger” 36-E Centennial Convention Project. We are also collecting art supplies like crayons, drawing paper, coloring books, watercolor paints, washable markers, activity books, etc. for children at the CHS Visitation Center (where Klamath Falls foster kids spend time with parents).
There will be a Friday night fun event after dinner. On Saturday our a.m. speaker will acquaint us with the Blue Zones Project, a community well-being improvement initiative designed to make healthy choices easier. After the Celebration of Life, honoring deceased Lions, the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation will host lunch and a Parade of Checks followed by an update by Southern Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Center. The afternoon forums include a Robotics demonstration by the Lost River High School Robotics class, showing the importance of teamwork. You will also be able to learn more about the debilitating disease of Alzheimer’s. If you want to understand Your Role as a Lion, be sure to attend this forum.
What Can You Expect to Get From the Convention?
~ Meet up With Current Friends, Make New Ones for Fundraising and Service Networking
~ Sharing of Ideas for Membership and Retention
~ Officer Training: Club President, Secretary, Treasurer
~ Peace Poster Awards, Club Awards, DG Past, Present, Future Club Poster Award
~ Recognition of 36-E Members Who Demonstrate the “Heart of a Lion”
~ Centennial Celebration. . .Happy 100th Birthday Lions
Wow….It is going to be a jam packed weekend that will be fun and informative. Come and join us in “Celebrating the Heart of a Lion”.
“January Issue”
Happy New Year and it’s going to be a great one. The Centennial Celebration is in full bloom. On the Lions Club International website, lionsclubs.org, LCI is asking clubs, during the month of January, to focus on “Relieving the Hunger Centennial Service Challenge”.
Most of the 36-E clubs help “Feed the Hungry” in some manner during the year. Several clubs like Crescent/Gilchrist and Sutherlin take part in a Backpack Friday food program that partners with local schools. Lions provide easy-to-fix, unbreakable items like granola bars, noodle bowls, peanut butter, etc. to feed the kids over weekends, especially long holiday weekends. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, clubs gave out food boxes. Many clubs in 36-E hold Food Drives and others have Lions bring in food at each meeting that is taken weekly or monthly to a local food bank. It warms my heart to hear Lions talk about how they are providing food for others.
The “Worldwide Week of Service to Fight Hunger” is January 9-15. What can your club do? Here are ideas to help you host a project to fight hunger in your community during that week.
© Help stock a local food pantry by having a food drive,
© Donate money to a food bank (they get discounts at stores and money can be stretched),
© Bag school lunches,
© Give out holiday food baskets,
© Serve food at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter,
© Start a Backpack Friday program, food for kids,
© Hand out quart-size bags filled with granola bars, nuts, jerky and crackers to the homeless.
As a bonus, if your club secretary reports your project in MyLCI you will receive a Centennial patch for your club banner. No matter how you choose to serve Lions, you can be assured you have the “heart of a Lion” and you are heroes in your community. Keep up the good work!
“December Issue”
Christmas is fast approaching and there has been a flurry of activity in District 36-E since Thanksgiving.
Fundraiser Flurry:
See’s Candy Sales: Coquille, North Bend, Klamath, Roseburg, Sutherlin, other clubs
Christmas Wreath Sales: Eagle Point Lions
Service Flurry:
Blanket and Coat Collection: Sutherlin Lioness
Christmas Kettle Bell Ringing: Roseburg Umpqua, Brookings-Harbor et al.
Salvation Army’s Dress a Child: Roseburg Noon Club, et al.
Christmas Coloring Contest: Keno, Sutherlin Lions
Children’s Parties, Gifts: Ashland, Sutherlin Lions, Brookings-Harbor, Roseburg Umpqua
Family, Senior Christmas Baskets: Canyonville, Crescent/Gilchrist, Jacksonville, Keno
Display Christmas Lights in City and Parks: Powers, Grants Pass, Redwood Lions, et al.
Pancake Breakfast With Santa: Myrtle Point Lions
These are all wonderful fundraiser and service projects. I am delighted that Lions clubs in my district are providing fantastic holidays for their local communities and children. I “apologize if I missed naming some of 36-E clubs” because I know you all “Have the heart of a Lion” and are doing something in your area to brighten the lives of families around the holidays. Below are other service ideas for Lions clubs; some are inexpensive but may involve your time.
Food Pantry: Hold a Food Drive; donate money for holiday baskets; buy hams, turkeys
Christmas Parade: Enter a float, could be simple like a golf cart with Lions signage, lights
Christmas Cards: Sharon Elder’s idea - have your clubs sign Christmas cards and take them to Assisted Living, Hospitals and Veteran Centers, let people know you care
Christmas Cookies: Thanks for Serving - take to Police Dept., Fire Dept., Library, City Hall
Homeless Shelters or Veteran homes: Serve food; take women’s and men’s’ socks, blankets, gloves, warm hats to shelters/homes; make “Care Kits” for the homeless that include a bottle of water, a granola bar, and a $5 gift card to a local pharmacy
Nursing Homes to Shut-ins: Visit senior citizens, veterans to sing Christmas Carols, read stories residents, play board games, or just sit and talk with them.
Whatever you do you also will be served, served joy in your heart....Merry Christmas Lions.
“Let’s Celebrate Together the Heart of a Lion” by doing many acts of kindness this month.
“November Newsletter”
“The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” ~Marcel Proust
New eyes, young eyes, eyes to read a book, eyes to see the white board; I believe children’s eyes are windows to creativity. Many times teachers or parents don’t realize their youngsters are not able to see well. This may cause them to have lower grades and not pay attention in the classroom. Lions want children in their communities to use their eyes to seek and learn about the beauty of their surroundings, to read and understand books and to continue to grow and shape their lives in a positive way. Studies show that children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life. Lions are instrumental in supporting children’s education through many venues and vision screening at schools is one of them.
I visited the Applegate Lions in early October and they were very excited about having the Mobile Vision Screening vehicle come to their area for the first time. An Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) staff member showed them how to use the hand-held digital Spot Vision Screener and in a short amount of time they were able to check children’s vision in several of their schools. Lions clubs of the Klamath Falls Area Council do region-wide school vision screening with the help of their Lions over a 2-week period. While I’m writing this, my husband Lion Doug, is at the Sutherlin Elementary School screening K-3 children. Tomorrow our Club will be screening grades 4-6 and also the nearby city of Oakland’s Elementary School. The Sutherlin Lions Club usually screens about 850 children in a day and a half. It’s quick, easy and we have fun.
If your club has never used the Spot Vision Screeners to test the eyesight of the youngsters in your city schools; it’s not too late to start. Perhaps your Lions do screening in your local schools but there are cities close to you that don’t have a Lions club. Think about adding a nearby city’s school to your schedule and help more children to see. Our kudos go out to OLSHF for implementing this program. They truly have “the heart of a Lion” in service.
During program year 2015-16, OLSHF in partnership with Lions clubs vision screened 172,000 children at 550 schools; with a 10% referral rate. Oregon House Bill 3000 requires students seven years of age or younger who are beginning school in Oregon to have a vision screening or eye examination (www.olshf.org/health-screening). Oregon schools need our help. If your club has never used the Spot Vision Screener to test children’s sight in your schools contact Kerith at kerith@olshf.org 800.635.4667.
“Let’s Celebrate Together the Heart of a Lion” and help children to open their eyes to creativity.
“October Newsletter”
Hi Lions. . . .Kids and teens have been back to school for a month but over the summer some have had the opportunity to attend a Lions event with parents or grandparents. More and more clubs are starting to include children and teens in their meetings and activities. I’m so happy to hear that because they are our future Lions.
Did you know that there is a Family Cub Program? Lion Cubs are children of Lions club members in a Family Lions club. The Family Cub Program divides Cubs into three age groups: Age 3 and under, 4-7 and 8-12.
At lionsclubs.org you will find an Activity Guide (MPFM-33) that contains suggestions for integrating a Cub Program. It is filled with age-specific fun activities for all sorts of Lions events. Clubs may also order Cub patches by age level to help Cubs feel like part of the club and get them excited to participate.
Leos clubs provide wonderful opportunities for teens and young adults. Alpha Leo clubs are designed for young people between 12 and 18 years of age and focus on the individual and social development of teens and preteens. Omega Leo clubs are tailored for young adults between 18 and 30 years of age and focus on the personal and professional development of young adults.
In District 36-E, the Merrill Lions Club sponsors the Lost River High School Leos Club that has 55 teen members. That is so awesome; I applaud Jennifer Johnson and other Lions for working with them. The Myrtle Point Lions Club sponsors Myrtle Point Leos with Trudy Sefers as their advisor and PCC Charles LaTourrette is the advisor for the Rogue Leos sponsored by the G.P. Redwood Lions Club. Leos is a great way for teens to work as a team, have fun, make new friends and develop valuable leadership skills. If your club would like to sponsor a Leos group in District 36-E, contact PCC Chuck LaTourrette at 541-264-0437 or at towers7@charter.net.
If you are not already doing so, I encourage you to take your children to a Lions meeting or have them help at your club’s events. The Bonanza Lions Club is using the Student Program to get teens involved by helping with activities and sharing in the experience of serving. The Sutherlin Lions Club has Lions in Training that include two children and two teens who attend meetings and assist at events. There are maybe other clubs in the District teaching the younger generation about Lionism. Perhaps when they are older our youth will remember the satisfaction and fun experienced by them in serving others and will hopefully join their local Lions club. Get our youth excited now about volunteering.. They are our hope for everlasting survival of U.S. Lions Clubs.
“Let’s Celebrate Together the Heart of a Lion”. .
“September Newsletter”
Hi Lions…I have started my club visitations. The first one was to Prospect, a town of 400-500 people in the Rogue River National Mountains close to Crater Lake. The Lions built a wonderful clubhouse in Prospect on a sizeable piece of land that can be used for community events. Their Club was busy preparing for the city’s annual Jamboree and Timber Carnival, one of the last three timber carnivals in the state of Oregon. Prospect is a small Club but a big Club in terms of helping the community. Like other clubs they are suffering the loss of members for various reasons and they need new members to continue to provide needed service to the people in their area. Their membership plan is “Just Ask” and their Lions are asking people in their local church, community and at the Medford Vision Clinic. They have a couple of leads on new members and I wish them all the best in growing their Club. Get a copy of “Just Ask” from the LCI website www.lionsclubs.org/resources/EN/pdfs/me300.pdf “Just Ask” is a great plan. You have to talk, talk, talk… to people everywhere.
Be sure to let people know what your club is doing for the community, not the fundraisers but the service you provide like Youth Vision Screening. It’s a good time to brag about your club. Tell prospective Lions about your favorite service project or your club’s next service project. Talk to prospective members about the opportunity to make long time Lion friends. Let potential members know that Lions give 100 percent of public donations and fundraising money back to the community and that Administrative costs are covered by dues and come out of Lions pockets.
If someone asks “Why Should I Pay to Be A Lion”, here’s what PCC Lion Richard Smith wrote in 2009. “As a Lions club member you are automatically included under an umbrella insurance policy of several million dollars covering Lions activities. The dues help with Administrative costs on a district, state and International level. The Conventions, Lions International magazine and the Oregon Lion magazine you receive are forms of communication among members and are a way of sharing ideas. It is true that you can volunteer without paying dues but would you alone buy glasses for a needy resident or support an expensive surgery for someone who cannot afford a Cochlear Implant, or help eliminate River Blindness. Lions work together as an organization to do those things that as an individual we probably would not do or could not do. It is belonging to an organization to participate in something bigger then ourselves to make a difference in the quality of life of people. That is why we pay to be a Lion!”
By the time you read this my husband Lion Doug and I will have spent a couple of weeks meeting with Lions in the Klamath Falls area. Our plans are to visit Lions clubs in that region before the snow flies and it becomes harder to get through the mountains. See you soon.
“Let’s Celebrate Together the Heart of a Lion.”
July/August Newsletter"
“If you want to be a Lion, you have to train with Lions” . . . anonymous. The four MD36 DGEs did that with Group 20 in Fukuoka Japan, June 21-24. Our leader PID Brian Sheehan from Bird Island, MN, made our training not only fun but interesting. In our group there were 20 men and 10 women, Lions from Australia, U.S., India, Kenya and Uganda. We shared ideas, encouraged each other and talked about our experiences. The common link was service and we all spoke the same language when it came to talking about what we do to help others in our communities. Group 20 Rocks!
After training we attended the convention. LCI President, Chancellor Robert Corlew is a dynamic speaker who shared his dream of success for Lions in 2016-2017. “New Mountains to Climb”, he said “was inspired by the sights and sound of his home state of Tennessee. Each mountain represents a new challenge - a new opportunity. As our world continues to change, each of us face new challenges - new opportunities to serve others. Lions must continue upward, finding new ways to serve and scaling each mountain provides each of us a chance to make the world better for another person.”
Lions, we will be “Soaring to the Mountains” (MD36 theme) together this year. Our Centennial festivities bring Lions together to celebrate 100 years of service. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to be your 36-E District Governor during the heart of the celebration in 2017. I believe that at the core of our 100 years of service is the “Heart of a Lion”. My theme this year is “Celebrate the Heart of a Lion”.
Helping Hands
Attitude Positive for Success
Respect for Others
Remember the song “You’ve Gotta Have Heart”? My version is . . . Lions you gotta have heart, miles and miles to impart; you should help encourage each other to create attitudes of success respecting others at best. You gotta have heart, miles and miles to impart; without heart nothing ever gets done, we should work together as one.
Lions you gotta have heart! It’s an exciting time to be a Lion. Let’s celebrate together the “Heart of a Lion!
“June Newsletter”
The Multiple District Convention at Seven Feather’s Casino in Canyonville was the best Convention of several we have had at that location. Carol and I had a wonderful time. Wasn’t the food great?.
We were able to attend the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Grand Rapids last year and we really enjoyed ourselves. The Forums were great and the presenters were very knowledgeable. It was well worth our time. This year the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum is in Omaha, NE. We are looking forward to the Forums. You learn more each time you go and make such great interesting Lion friends. This year is even more special for the Lions of MD36. We will be paying a lot of attention to how the event is run as well as enjoying the Forums. We get to be the host for the next USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. The location will be Portland, OR on September 21-23, 2017. We will be talking to Lions all over the world about Portland and signing them up for the 2017 Forum.
Last year we had quite a few Lions who received their Diplomas from Lions University, which is part of the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, providing training courses in Lionism online. Successfully completing the required courses can lead to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Lionism. The training is just great. I will be receiving a Bachelor’s degree and if I can complete the rest of the required courses, in time, I will receive the Master’s degree. I encourage all Lions to utilize Lions University courses to improve their knowledge of Lionism.
Lions will be 100 years old on June 2017. We will be busy between now and then with many projects. One project is preparing panels for floats to be used in parades throughout Oregon. We all need to send photos to PDG Sharon Rollins who will use these on the float panels. Action photos should reflect the three areas of service: Environment, Youth and Hunger. Vision pictures will be provided by OLSHF. Each District will have its own set of panels and should coordinate with their Centennial Coordinator for best results.
Our term as District Governors is over at the end of June 2016. I have had a wonderful time meeting with so many wonderful Lions and all the clubs in 36-E. I learned a lot about different service projects and fundraisers used to provide money to do these service projects. What a great bunch of Lions! Although my term as DG will be over, that doesn’t mean I will be going away. I will continue to be available to Lions clubs in 36-E and to assist District Governor Elect Carol Brink wherever she asks me to serve.
Waves of Lionism
“May Newsletter”
I know that we keep hearing over and over that we need to keep working hard on getting new members. The truth is, if we don’t recruit new members, through attrition our clubs will fail. Unfortunately I have seen this over and over in District 36-E. We have had three clubs fold this year due to low membership. Even though the few remaining members in each of these clubs was doing their best to provide service to their communities, the tasks became overwhelming and the extremely overworked few were forced to realize they could not do it all alone and eventually gave up.
The second part of the problem is just as serious as the first. Retention of our members needs to be improved. Each member needs to feel needed and that they belong to something larger than themselves. Each member needs to be involved in the services we provide and have the opportunity to grow. This can be achieved through having members look for needs in their communities that are not being met and work on ways to meet these challenges. Clubs need to give members a fair hearing on new projects and not be afraid to try something new.
Recognition: When a member steps up and does a great job a simple thank you has been earned. But thank you alone doesn’t cut it. You need to state why you are saying thank you. For example: “You did a great job today helping screen our school children for eyesight. Your contribution has helped make it possible to provide this great service to the children. Thank you for helping.”
There are other service clubs in our communities that are having the same kinds of problems with membership as the Lions clubs. I encourage you to work with other service clubs as together you can do so much more. There is nothing to keep someone from belonging to more than one service organization. Therefore, when other service club members see all the work that Lions do in their communities they may join the Lions club. Remember “Where There’s a Need There’s A Lion.”
Waves of Lionism
“April Newsletter”
With all the District Conventions/Conferences behind us, it is time to talk about what is on the horizon.
The next big event is the Multiple District Convention at Seven Feathers in Canyonville on May 13-15, 2016. Plan to attend. The agenda will be available around the first of May. Our International Director Guest Speaker will be Rodrick “Rod” Wright from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia.
The last USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and was well attended by Oregon Lions. It was a wonderful event. The next USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be in Omaha, Nebraska, on September 15-17, 2016. A great group of Lions from Oregon is registered for the Forum but we need more Lions to attend and help spread the word about the USA/Canada Forum in Portland, Oregon, on Sept 21-23, 2017. At that time we will need lots of Lions to help make this great event successful. PCC Joyce Anderson is Host Committee Chairman. Please let her know how and when you can help. This will be the best chance we will have to show off our wonderful Northwest/Oregon hospitality.
Let’s don’t forget about Lions University. This is a wonderful chance to learn about leadership that will help you in everyday life as well as in your years as Lions. I have completed course requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree and am working on courses for the Master’s Degree in Lionism. By going online to USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum and selecting Lion’s University, you too can take advantage of this training. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
With Waves of Lionism
“March Newsletter”
With almost all visitations to Lions clubs in District 36-E completed, I now have the opportunity to work closely with any of our clubs that desire to increase their membership and the number of services they are able to provide. Unfortunately, we have lost two clubs in District 36-E this year: London Peak Lions Club and Tri City Lions Club have closed due mostly to lack of membership. Looking around the United States, this is a serious problem. Alaska and California, just to mention two states, are suffering serious decreases in membership, as well.
I would like draw an analogy between Lions clubs and the web created by a master spider. Our industrious spider spends a long time building its web, carefully choosing and anchoring the structure to strong anchor points. In our Lions clubs we are all part of the strong anchor points. Each one of us, as in the spider’s web, is an extremely important anchor point. Just like the spider’s web, when an anchor point fails the web loses strength and functionality. In our clubs, when we lose a member, a similar reaction is inevitable. The club is not as strong as it was and with fewer members our ability to provide the excellent services for those in need suffers and often precludes our ability to provide these services. I cannot overstress the importance of each and every member of our Lions clubs. As leaders, it is up to us to ensure all members know they are valuable and extremely important to the organization. It is up to us to ensure that each member has the opportunity to serve and is provided the opportunity to be involved in developing service projects. Retention of members is the goal.
When the need arises for the spider to increase the size of its web to become more effective, new anchor points must be included. Just like our Lions clubs, when we see the need to increase the services we provide, we must increase our membership. Thus new anchor points. New members must be found. More people need to be given the opportunity to help serve the community. In order to get these new members, we must show potential members the need for services and “ask” them to stand with us to provide these needed services.
Waves of Lionism
“February Newsletter”
The holidays have passed and it’s time to look to the future. I have visited the clubs in 36-E and will be concentrating on membership retention and bringing new members into our Lions organization. We all know that, in order to provide all the wonderful services that Lions can provide in our communities and worldwide, we have to continue to grow our membership. I encourage you to wear the “Ask One” pin while performing your daily activities. This pin can just be the ice-breaker you need to get a conversation started with potential Lions about what Lions do and how with more members we can do so much more service work.
The new Lions Club Handbook is available to all Lions. Thank you USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. This Handbook is an excellent resource for all Lions from the newest members through all the officers of the club. Each club should have several copies and it is available for only $10.
The Northwest Lions Leadership Institute will be providing training for emerging leaders. These training opportunities are excellent and great confidence building experiences. This year’s training will take place in Yakima, WA, February 4-6, 2016. Your club may be able to assist you in covering the cost of the training.
This year, the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be in Omaha, NE. This is a great opportunity for excellent training and building friendships with Lions all over the world. The Forum is planned for September 15-17, 2016. If at all possible, plan to attend. The USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum for 2017 will be held in Portland, OR. There will not be a better opportunity than this to attend a Forum for a long time. Remember this is also the year Lions turn 100 years old. Plan to attend and help Lions celebrate 100 Years of Service.
District 36-E Convention is scheduled for March 18-19, 2016 in Medford, OR, at the Ramada Medford and Convention Center. All of the Club Secretaries in the Multiple District have registration forms available. Early registration will help us with planning so save the date and plan to attend. This Convention plans to be educational and fun.
Waves of Lionism
“January Newsletter”
Here we are in December and halfway through the District Governor’s term. So how are we doing?
I have visited 38 of 41 clubs. The remaining clubs are scheduled except for Sprague River. I hope to be able to reschedule that club in the spring. All of the clubs are busy providing services to their communities. Several clubs are low in membership and that reduces the amount of services they can provide. I continue to stress the “Ask One” plan. If you don’t ask, people don’t have an opportunity to join. I lived and worked in one small town for 20 years that has an active Lions club. I was never asked once if I knew what Lions did or if I would like to help provide needed service to the community. When I moved to Brookings, a Lion told me about Lions and some of what they did. Then I was asked if I would be willing to help Lions provide much needed community service. The rest is history. Membership is the key to a club’s ability to provide service.
I am still working to get a new Lions club started with some possibilities being explored. Our second cabinet meeting, like our first, was well attended. I told all the east side clubs that the meeting would be held in Keno to give each of them a better opportunity to attend a cabinet meeting. There was also a little challenge extended: could they have more attendees than at the first cabinet meeting? There were 48 Lions at the first cabinet meeting and 50 at the Keno cabinet meeting. Wow! Our next cabinet meeting will held at the Southern Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Center in Medford on March 20, 2016 from 9-11a.m. Many Lions from the District will already be at our Convention in Medford and I’m hoping for a large turnout for our third cabinet meeting.
District 36-E Convention is March 18-19 in Medford at the Ramada Medford and Convention Center. Friday will be a Fun Night “Beach Party”. Reservation forms have been sent out to all clubs in the Multiple District. Reserve this date and plan to attend this exciting event. Additional forms may be requested by emailing Cabinet Secretary Areta Schock at aschock1@frontier.com or by mail to P.O. Box 3184, Brookings, OR 97415
Waves of Lionism, DG Wes King
“December Newsletter”
The Lions of District 36-E have been very busy providing the excellent services Lions do.
Our Lions Centennial Service Challenge to benefit 100 million people is being taken seriously and all our Lions clubs are “all in”. The week of January 10-16 is to focus on hunger and poverty. We need to increase efforts of vision, youth, environment and hunger.
The USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was well attended. Multiple District 36 had at least 25 Lions in attendance. The forums presented were excellent and the speakers did an outstanding job with their presentations. The forum next year will be in Omaha, Nebraska, on September 15-17, 2016. On September 21-24, 2017, the forum will be in Portland, Oregon. We will need many Lion volunteers to help with a myriad of tasks necessary to support this event. Anyone who can help should let PCC Joyce Anderson know when you would be able to volunteer.
Lions University offers online classes that will benefit everyone in your club. It is highly recommended that all club members be made aware of the opportunity.
We need to remember to continue energizing and increasing membership in our existing clubs and to developing new clubs. We need more Lions to provide the excellent services Lions do. The Ask One Pin, when worn daily, is a great way to begin conversations about Lionism.
“November Newsletter”
First and foremost the good news: We are in the process of forming a new Lions Club at Western Oregon University! As I write this, we have eleven members who have completed an application and paid dues. We have thirteen completed applications of students who intend to join. I expect that we will have a new Lions club with at least 20 members in the near future. So, welcome Western Oregon University Lions.
I want to discuss leadership training opportunities. The LCI website, lionsclubs.org, offers many leadership training modules. These include Club Officer training with specific modules for President, Secretary and Treasurer as well as general club management. The LCI website also offers interactive modules covering basic leadership skills such as Delegation, Communication, Time Management and Organization. These training modules are well worth the time to it takes to do them. These training modules are not just for current Lion leaders. Every Lion is encouraged to take advantage of this training.
These leadership skills can be applied at your job, in other volunteer organizations and in your life in general. They will make you a more effective Lion leader but they can help you in everything you do.
LCI also offers advanced Lions training through Lions University. There are two courses offered: Basic Degree and Advanced Degree. The training consists of a series of modules that you complete in order, moving up as you learn more about Lions Clubs International. I would be delighted to present the first Lions Club University diploma in District 36R.
This concludes my discussion of Lions on-line training opportunities. Next month I will continue my discussion of Lions Leadership Training Institutes, some of the best training available!
District 36-E
“October Newsletter”
I am proceeding rapidly along with my goal of visiting all clubs in District 36-E and, at the same time, looking for areas that have had Lions clubs that could be reestablished as well as new areas that show promise for new clubs. To date, I have had the pleasure of visiting 15 Lions clubs. Each club has many strong points and provides excellent service to its community. The Lions themselves are very impressive and want to do as much as they can to assist those individuals who find themselves in need of the excellent services Lions throughout the world provide.
The OLSHF and the So. Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Center continue to do outstanding work, supporting Lions and enabling them to provide greater, superb service to their communities. This excellent service does not go unnoticed. The Lions of Oregon have recently received a special thank you from the staff of Lions Kidsight USA for screening 142,000 children this past year. This is an excellent beginning, but we have a long way to go before all children in Oregon have their eyesight properly screened. Kudos and a challenge. Let us, Lions of Oregon and Northern California, do all that we can to reach every child in Oregon and Northern California to provide eyesight screening and follow-up care.
My first cabinet meeting was filled with information and fun things and was very well attended. Our next Cabinet meeting will be November 7, 2015, at the Keno Fire Hall.
The District 36-E convention will be March 18-19, 2016, at Ramada Inn in Medford OR. Mark the date on your calendar and plan to attend. We have a lot of great events and fun things planned.
With Wave of Lionism
“September Newsletter”
One month has passed and I have visited six clubs and conducted our first Cabinet meeting. The clubs I visited were: Applegate, which is an all men’s Club with strong membership; Myrtle Creek, which is a very busy Club with very active members; London Peak at Wolf Creek is a small Club planning to grow soon; Merrill is a strong Club with a number of large community projects which has a Leo’s Club with 54 member that help with the Lion projects. I also visited Klamath Falls South Suburban, which is a small Club with nine members but has a positive attitude for service projects and they are planning new fundraisers to finance these projects; Jacksonville is a medium sized Club that provides sight and hearing services through the Southern Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Center in Medford. They also provide members to staff projects at the Center. This is an all-male Club. The month of August also promises to be a very busy with twelve clubs scheduled to be visited.
Our Cabinet meeting was well attended with 48 Lions present. I reported to the group on the training I received in Hawaii and the International President’s theme of Dignity, Harmony and Humanity. The many accomplishment of IP Dr. Yamada were also relayed. Lion Areta Schock, our Centennial Service Challenge Chairperson, shared the new Centennial Membership and Sponsor certificates and pins and encouraged everyone to get busy and sponsor new members so they could wear this new eye-catching pin. She also made a presentation on Lions University online training and how it leads to a Lions Bachelor and Master’s Degree.
Lion Carol King made a presentation about USA/Canada Forum and related how important this training is to Lions. She encouraged Lions to attend the Forum in September.
We are conducting a club visitation contest along with a Story Board competition. The rules for each have been sent to all the clubs and they have been encouraged to participate.
Lion Chuck Hulings presented information on the Peace Poster contest. The theme is “Share Peace”. I presented a framed 2014-15 signed Peace Poster print to Chairman Chuck Hulings. All clubs were encouraged to support and participate in the Peace Poster Contest.
My theme is “Waves of Lionism”. Through waves of Lionism members we will be able to provide the ever increasing demand for the excellent services Lions provide.
With Waves of Lionism,
DG Wes
“July/August Newsletter”
I’m happy for the opportunity to serve as your District Governor. I plan to visit all the clubs in our District.
The International Convention was in Hawaii and was attended by about 30,000 Lions from all over the world. The District Governors attended three days of training to help prepare us for the coming year as District Governors.
The International President Dr. Yamada is from Japan and is truly a Lion in his heart. His theme is “Dignity – Harmony – Humanity”. He practices all of these traits in his everyday life.
My goals for the year include: (1) increasing membership and clubs, (2) sponsoring new clubs and (3) reducing the number of dropped members in order to provide much needed service to the increasing number of people who find themselves unable to make it on their own.
My theme for this year is “Waves of Lionism”. With more Lions we can provide more of the needed service which supports our motto “We Serve”, a motto which we all hold dear to our hearts.
One thing we should keep in mind is the District Governor exists to assist the clubs and communicate with Lions International.
I am ready to assist you in any way I can.
Yours in Lionism.
“April Newsletter”
Once again District E had a great Convention. We opened up the Convention with a tribute to our military and a thanks to all those who serve our great country. We were honored to have International Director Linda Tincher with us for the Convention and were inspired by her keynote address. Our new DGE, 1VDG, and 2VDG were elected and have already either started their training or are scheduled to do so. We were privileged to have a Mobile Hearing Unit available at the Convention and were able to examine and fit “over the ear “hearing aids to some very needy and very happy individuals. Kudos goes to veteran Convention Chair Lion Dale Thomas, who once again made sure everything ran smoothly and efficiently.
The NWLLI coming up on April 11-12 is a great opportunity for all Lions, as it is a great training session for future leaders in the organization. Both the District and Multiple District have leadership training funds available to assist with scholarships for this training. As a graduate of the NWLLI, I can honestly say that I found it to be stimulating, educational and a most worthwhile training session. So if you haven’t yet signed up, go on line, get the application and get it in! You won’t regret doing so.
By all means, don’t forget the Multiple District Convention. This year we are going to be in Seaside on Memorial Day weekend. On Thursday, our Council Chair Lion Joyce is going to have the soap box derby car races and all who enter should have a great fun time, followed up by a bonfire and sharing on the beach. The Multiple District Convention is the place where you renew old friendships, gain new and learn about what is happening all over the state. You should come away with new ideas, new challenges and new enthusiasm for accomplishing good things in your own District, your own community and your own club.
In keeping with St Patrick’s Day - an Irish saying – “Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity”. As Lions we do keep prepared and thus as we meet opportunity “We Serve” and “We “Soar”.
“March Newsletter”
The Ides of March
This is a phrase I have heard as long as I can remember, but did not know what it really meant. March 15th is a day on the Roman calendar that was marked by several religious observances and known as the “Ides of March”. In 44 BC, on the 15th of March, Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome, was stabbed to death by several Roman Senators. His death made the “Ides of March” a turning point in Roman history,
In 2015 AC, District E will be holding it Convention at Seven Feathers on the 13th and 14th of March and a Cabinet meeting on the 15th. It is my fervent hope that no one sees fit on “The Ides of March” to stab their lowly District Governor to make any type of a turning point in the history of our District. Please note that we are already well established in our goals, our service and our love of Lionism throughout our community, our country and our world.
District E was honored in February to have a filming crew from LCI film several activities in the District. Lion Chuck Hulings was our go to guy for the handling of the filming at Hedrick Middle School and showing kids creating their peace posters. With the assistance of some Roseburg, Canyonville and Myrtle Creek Lions, we covered singing President Joe’s song, and doing an induction of 4 new members. Getting right into the thick of things, Myrtle Creek President Bob Chaney and PDG Chuck Johnson were there for filming of the food bank operation. Finally was the activity that prompted this whole event, filming the “Cans for Kids” in Brookings where Lions Areta and PDG John Schock and the Brookings Harbor Lions Club members showed how things get done in District E. So, if you go to the International Convention in Hawaii, you may see some of District E Lions on the big screen or view them on the LCI video programs.
Remember that every day you should reach out and touch someone in some way. It is what we as Lions do as “We Serve” and Soar.
“February Newsletter”
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone
With all visitations completed, this District Governor is now concentrating on getting ready for the District E Convention to be held at Seven Feathers Hotel and Casino Resort in Canyonville on March 13-14. I am sure that all the clubs in our District are busily preparing their story boards for the event. I am so looking forward to seeing all 40 of them and thus sharing the projects and fundraising that the clubs are doing throughout our District. Our opening night is going to be an Americanism program and a tribute to our military. We are honored to have International Director Linda Tincher from Riley, Indiana, a member of the Riley Township Lions, as our guest and keynote speaker for the Convention.
You will find the registration form in this month’s Lion magazine and a Convention Call is being sent to each club in the District. Please be sure to consider having the club submit names for the booster page or sponsoring an ad for your club. Don’t forget complete the necrology form. Most importantly get registered to attend. This is such a great time to renew old friendships, make new ones, hear about other club activities and share your own memories as well as activities you have participated in that have made a difference in the life of someone in your community.
Congratulations to Kalea Adams of Medford, whose school was sponsored by the Medford Host, for being the winner of MD36 Peace Poster Contest. She will be honored at our District E Convention, as well as at the MD36 Convention in May. Also congratulations to Chuck Hulings for another great year of chairing the Peace Poster Contest in District E. And not to forget a special thank you to Karen Shaw from Gilchrist, who volunteered at the Gilchrist School 3 days a week to teach art and assist the students who were participating in the Peace Poster Contest. It is amazing what a simple project can do in a community to bring out the very best in all of us.
Please remember that we cannot expect others to believe in us unless we first believe in ourselves. As Lions, “We Serve” and “We Soar” because we do believe in ourselves and what we stand for. Continue to soar my fellow Lions.
“January Newsletter”
Happy New Year Fellow Lions
As we start this new year, we need to dig within and find what we want to happen in our life this year. We need to set goals, for goals are what gives direction to our lives. As Lions we need to determine what we would like to attain this year., what we want to accomplish and what problems we want to see solved. The new year brings us 365 blank pages in the book of our life to be written. The new year brings us new challenges and new opportunities; it is up to us to make the most of them.
There are two main goals I would like to see set by the clubs in our District: 1) we need to have a goal for each member to “Ask 1”. I keep telling each club that if you continue to ask, eventually you will wear the person down or find that one special person you need in your club. We will unfortunately lose members to death, but that should be the only reason for losing a member. If a club is losing members for any other reasons, we need to insure that new projects are instituted that will encourage and utilize those members who may be getting bored or losing interest. Yes, not only gaining new members, but retention of current members is a very big part of keeping up our numbers. 2) Secondly, I would like to see each of our club Secretaries, with the assistance of all the club members, enter activities in MyLCI. Since the beginning of this fiscal year, out of 40 clubs we have averaged 10 clubs reporting activities each month. A couple of clubs are showing multiple activities while others show just 1 or maybe 2 activities. Now we all know that each club is actively doing projects and/or fundraisers in their own communities. It doesn’t take much to go ahead and enter these activities to show LCI what we are actually doing in our District. I know December was a busy month, so I will be looking forward to seeing that numerous clubs have entered their activities.
As we start this new year, we are clearly soaring and will reach new heights as we enter into this calendar year of 2015.
“December Newsletter”
May the joy of this season be
with you and yours!
As I prepared for a District E Cabinet meeting, I was approached by a Lion member who asked if he could come to the meeting. He hoped that as District Governor I was the right person to contact to be allowed to attend. The reason for this query was that he had been told by another person that the only way a member could attend was by having an invitation to do so. I assured him that he was welcome, but this situation weighed on my mind. I reviewed what I could find in the Constitution and Bylaws from LCI, MD36 and the District and, finding nothing, contacted others I felt had more knowledge. No one else found anything either. Please know that the Cabinet meeting and all Lions meetings are open to all Lions members and there is a wealth of information that can be gained by attending. So I urge members to attend whenever possible.
Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday the four District Governors were in Toronto and yet here we are half way through our year already. I have completed the visitations in the District and have found all of the clubs to be doing projects of meaning in their communities. Lions are making themselves visible throughout the year, but never more so than during the holiday season. Numerous fundraisers abound with sales of candy, wreaths, etc. Projects for the communities involve setting up Christmas lights in parks and special areas of town, providing wood for insuring warmth and comfort, assisting in some way with food baskets for those in need, assisting with “clothing a child” programs, as well as many other activities. The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing others’ loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives become the magic of Christmas as “We Serve”. Helen Keller said “The only real blind person at Christmas time is someone who has no Christmas in his heart.”
So as Tiny Tim said in A Christmas Carol, “God Bless us everyone!”
“November Newsletter”
In real estate there is the saying “Location-Location-Location.” In Lions our saying is “Membership-Membership-Membership.” As we look ahead to our Centennial in 2017, it is the challenge to all Lions to have 1 million members. I want to congratulate District E for doing their part in accepting the challenge. Our year started out with 960 members and since July 1 we have dropped 20 and added 41 giving us a total, as of September 30th, of 981. Our goal this year, of course, is to reach that magic 1250 number making us a legal District. So I am urging everyone to continue to honor the request by International President Joe Preston to, “Ask 1”. Let’s have District E gain those other 269 members by June 30th, 2015. Perseverance and persistence gives us wings of vision and skill on which we can take flight and soar to make this a reality.
As we head into the Thanksgiving season, I marvel at all the things our Lions are doing in their communities to “Strengthen the Pride”. I know that all the activities we do not only strengthen the pride of our clubs, but, perhaps even more importantly, they strengthen the pride within ourselves. It has been apparent as I have traveled that even though many of our clubs do not participate at the state and/or LCI level, they are all very active in their respective communities. From visiting a club of some 60 members to a club of just 4 members, no one is sitting on their laurels; they are indeed taking action: from a Basketball game fundraiser with the Harlem Ambassadors, to a flag presentation to honor a fallen veteran, to making arrangements for fire wood to those in need, to vials of life for records for youth with fire departments and police and so much more.
As “We Serve” we do indeed soar and all of us need to remember that whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want, then go for it and keep soaring!
“October Newsletter”
As I am visiting the clubs in District E, what a great feeling of Lionism pours into me. Although each club is so different and although each club has its own agenda of what service in its community means, there is no doubt of each club’s commitment to “Strengthen the Pride”.
As the month of October begins, so does Membership Month. Last year President Barry said, “Just Ask”, while this year President Joe says, “Ask 1”. No matter how you go about it, asking is the key. The worst that can happen is that you will receive a no answer, while the best that can happen is a yes answer. In many cases, the person has never been asked before; in other cases, they may have been asked but the time was just not right. Don’t give up on people who says they are too busy. At some time they will become less busy and there you are once again asking them to join this great organization of which you are a part.
Also please remember that October is Eyeglass Collection Month in Oregon with the 10th being Lions World Sight Day. I know that eyeglass collection is year round service for clubs, but I urge each club to set aside a day or a week in October to make a concentrated effort in its community for collection of used eyeglasses.
Now, as schools have started up again so has the concentrated effort by OLSHF in conducting screening at all of the schools. As I have visited the clubs here in District E, I have heard of schedules being set up and volunteers getting ready to assist. What kind of impact does screening have on the children? Well, if a child needs glasses, the impact is something that no price can be put on.
Dr. Suess said:
“You’ll be on your way up!
You’ll be seeing great sights!
You’ll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights.”
And indeed our Lions of District E are high fliers as they keep on soaring.
“September Newsletter”
“People who soar are those who refuse
to sit back, sigh and wish things would change. They neither complain of their lot
nor passively dream of some distant ship coming in. Rather, they visualize in their minds
that they are not quitters; they will not allow life’s circumstances to push
them down and hold them under.”
As Lions we research what our communities’ needs are and do something about those needs. We do not sit around and do nothing; instead we take advantage of the opportunities around us to fulfill the needs in our community and to soar to new heights. Sometimes we can do it as a single Lions club, while other times we work with other organizations in the community to achieve even greater results and in doing so we are applauded for our good work.
The first Cabinet meeting was held in Langlois at the Langlois Lions Clubhouse. We covered a variety of topics including our IP Joe Preston’s theme of “Strengthen the Pride” with the focus on strengthening our clubs, our service and our Association. All clubs have been informed of the multitude of awards that are available, as well as the vast number of training programs available. I urge all clubs to check into the new “Blueprint For a Stronger Club”, just one of the many resources that are available to you at LCI.
This year each District Governor is asking the clubs in their District to do a story board of their clubs’ activities. This will include both service projects and fundraising events. The clubs will submit their story board for judging at the District Convention. The District E Convention is scheduled for March 13-14 at Seven Feathers in Canyonville. The story boards will be judged at the Convention and awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The 1st place story board will go on to be judged against the other districts at MD36 Convention scheduled for May 21-24 at Seaside. Above all, the main thing is to have fun with this little project, while the underlying purpose is to show other clubs in the Multiple District what activities and projects you are doing in your home community.
“We never soar as high as when we serve!”
So keep soaring!
“July/August Newsletter”
We Never Soar As High As When
“We Serve”
This is my motto for this 2014-15 year as District Governor of District 36E. LCI has really prepared the District Governors for their year of service with classroom training, online training, and, of course, the final training in the beautiful city of Toronto, Canada, at the International Convention.
I start out my year being so proud to be able to say that our District ended our fiscal year with a plus in membership thanks to the addition of one of the District’s Lioness clubs members joining the Lions club in their area, along with chartering the new Southern Oregon Drifting Club. Kudos to immediate Past District Governor Bruce Boone and GMT chair PDG Chuck LaTourette.
I know from reports from last year that the clubs in District E are very active. Each and every club is so very important to their individual community and I am looking forward to visiting each club and learning how it is serving its community. I have set up my itinerary this year to be able to visit each of the clubs in our district and hope to have those visits completed by the time of our District Convention. There are some vast distances to cover with clubs from the coast to the Klamath and, of course, we have our two California clubs included in this District.
I want to take this opportunity at the beginning of my year as the District Governor to thank those Lions who have stepped up and taken Cabinet positions. We have already started working with some of our Zone Chairs and with the GMT and GLT teams to retain one of our clubs having some difficulties and are working on starting another new club. With the help of the Cabinet members and good communication between all of us via phone, social media and personal contact, I know we will soar very high as “We Serve”.
“June Newsletter”
Hello Fellow Lions
As this is my final report as District Governor, I’d like to say it has been a wonderful year for me. My favorite part of serving as Governor has been the visitations to nearly all the clubs, meeting the Lions, seeing the way you conduct your meetings and learning about your various fundraising and service activities.
I would for you all to keep in mind my Governor’s theme of “Focus on Lions”; being sure you are seen as Lions in all your activities but using vests/shirts, signage, media etc. Remember to keep touting the way we handle finances: 100% of monies collected from the public go back to the public. I do not know of any other service organization that can make this claim and I feel it can go a long way in our fundraising and recruitment efforts. District E is in pretty good shape due to all your efforts, but we must keep working on our membership recruitment to stay in the plus column.
The MD 36 Convention in Salem was one of the best ever and, as I was sitting up at the head table, all the buttons popped off of my shirt when my daughter Carol Brink was chosen as “MD 36 LION of THE YEAR”. Wow, what an honor! I must say it was certainly well deserved!
I want to thank you all for allowing me to serve as District Governor. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I love you all!
“May Newsletter”
Hello Lions
It’s a beautiful time of the year and I’m enjoying the flowers, the budding trees and the sunshine. This time of year also brings Lions a challenging time of the year as it’s when we typically lose members due to relocation or struggles with funding as well as other reasons.
It’s essential that we double down our efforts to recruit and retain new members. One of our assets that I feel we do not make the most of is the way we handle public contributions. When talking to potential new members, we need to tout the fact that 100% of the monies we collect from the public goes back to the public. I do not know of any other charitable organization that can state this and, after all, everyone wants the most bang for their buck.
Please remember to keep the Lions logo out in front whenever you’re working on a project. Use sandwich boards, media, handbills or flyers with the Lions logo prominently displayed and wear your Lions shirts/vests. These actions will pay off more than you can imagine, I’ve seen it work in my hometown.
Our GMT and GLT leaders are doing a wonderful job here in District E and we are, hopefully, well on the way to ending this fiscal year with a gain in membership. I want to personally thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to our wonderful Lions organization.
I’m looking forward to our MD36 Convention in Salem, May 15-17. I hope to see you there!
“April Newsletter”
Hello Lions
Our District E Convention was held in the beautiful City of Bandon and was a complete success. The Convention Committee did an outstanding job putting together one of the finest gathering of Lions I’ve ever attended. Our International Director, Esther La Mothe, from Jackson, Michigan, gave a wonderful inspiring talk and Sam Hill, a US Coast Guard Helicopter Pilot, gave an awe-inspiring presentation on Coast Guard rescues off the Oregon and California coasts complete with videos. We had a heartwarming presentation from a Sutherlin High school sophomore, Lukas Roman, on how a hearing aid we Lions provided him has helped change his life; he received a standing ovation from Lions, many with tears in their eyes.
I was happy to award the Brookings/Harbor Lions my “Public Relations” award of $500 to go towards a Melvin Jones Fellowship award. The Brooking/Harbor Lions have worked very hard to promote the name of Lions in their community. Nearly all their Lions have the magnetic signs on their vehicles and they always wear their vests and shirts with our Lions Logo on them when working on projects. When driving around the Brookings/Harbor area I observed the Lions Logo everywhere. CONGRATULATIONS!
I was able to do four club visitations on the coast in the days preceding our Convention and I’m planning more very soon. The end of our fiscal year is fast approaching and this is a time we often see a drop in membership. Let’s double our commitment to make sure all our members are kept busy with projects and are involved in everything we do, especially having fun. This is the way we’ll retain members.
Our GMT Chair PDG Chuck La Tourette is putting the finishing touches on a new Lions Club in the Rogue Valley, they will “possibly” call themselves Rogue Drifters.
How May I Serve You?
“March Newsletter”
Hello to all Lions
I’m finally getting back to club visitations and as always the things I’m learning from these visits never cease to amaze me: the little differences in the way we do our fundraisers and community service projects or the way we run our meetings. These visits provide us with knowledge we can share with our own clubs and throughout the District.
I would like to encourage all Lions to take their Lions vests/ shirts along when traveling anywhere in the world and to go to the LCI website to “find a club” and do a visitation. You will always be welcomed and look at what you can learn and share with your fellow Lions.
The District E Convention is March 14 -16 on the beautiful Oregon Coast in Bandon. I encourage all who are able to attend. I promise a wonderful time will be had by all!
Our GMT Chairman PDG Chuck La Tourrette has informed me he is putting the final touches on forming a new club in the Rogue Valley! This is wonderful news and I’m looking forward to another Charter Inauguration Celebration. Thank you, Lion Chuck, for all your hard work.
I want to remind all Lions to keep in mind my theme “Focus On Lions” and keep the Lions Logo prominent at all of your functions. This will make your fundraising and member recruiting efforts much easier in the future because people will see who we are and what we do and they will want to support us.
How May I Serve You?
“February Newsletter”
Greetings Fellow Lions
I am saddened by the loss of our Winston Safari Club that turned in its charter recently, but encouraged by the efforts of our district Global Membership Team, PDG Lion Chuck La Tourrette who continues to work on the formation of new clubs.
Guiding Lions are very important to our growth. Last November, GMT PDG Lion Chuck and GLT Lion Cheryl Johnson assisted Ashland Lion Jerry Gomez and Redwood (Grants Pass) Lion Janice Slusser in becoming Certified Guiding Lions. I sincerely thank all of our Lions who have completed the training. Our District currently has 27 Certified Lions from 12 clubs who are available to guide any new club through its first 2 years of operation, train new club officers and motivate and support club growth. I congratulate our Guiding Lions for their part in the growth of District 36E. Also individual clubs in 36E do a great job in continuing to add new members to their team. Keep up the good work Lions.
The flip side to our growth is retention. I recommend that clubs use available LCI tools such as the CEP (Club Excellence Process) to discover what club members can do to encourage, motivate and bond with each other. Become a family of Lions who love working together to help others in your community. Listen to each other's ideas. Be adventurous and try new fundraisers. The important thing to remember is that no matter what your background is nor what your expectations are, work together to forge a common ground to serve. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."- Helen Keller
I am really excited about our Convention Committees plans for the District 36-E Convention March 14-15, 2014, in Bandon. Thank you committee members: Bryan Langland, Bandon, Dale Thomas, Roseburg, Gail Black, Myrtle Creek and Ken Yeager, Bandon. Look for the Registration Form in February E-COM, March E-COM and this issue of The Oregon Lion.
"How May I Serve You?
Happy New Year Fellow Lions
“January News Letter”
As we start this new year of 2014 we embark on a new year of wonderful opportunities given to us one day at a time to make our presence known as Lions as we serve our communities. Each one of us has the chance to make each day extraordinary.
Here in District E, as I am sure in all the other districts, the presence of Lions wearing their gold vests was visible in many activities over the Christmas season. There were Christmas Tree sales as well as See’s Candy sales in Roseburg; Free chili, cider and cookies at the Lighted Truck parade in Myrtle Creek; Festival of Lights in Grants Pass; Christmas Baskets given out in Canyonville as well as See’s Candy sales and Winter Festival with gifts and trees given out to 29 families in Sutherlin. Also Dorris had a Christmas Parade; Klamath Falls sold See’s Candy; Merrill marched in the Snow Flake Parade with their big flag; our new Crescent-Gilchrist Lions Club raffled off a load of firewood and one of their Lions members donated 60 hams for Christmas baskets, which they are helping to assemble. I know that many other activities are going on, but these are just the few that I am familiar with.
In keeping with our theme for the year “How may I serve you?” Region 3 had an Area Council meeting recently and donated 60 of the “DandeLion” children’s books written by Eddie Richardson to the SMART program.
We are continuing to work on being a big part of the Honor Flight program, which arranges for flying veterans to Washington DC to view the Veterans monuments.
Now that Christmas is over, let’s keep the generosity and the need to serve upper most in our hearts and our minds. Work hard. Be kind. Do what you can to make each day be one that is filled with inspiration in some special way. Remember: goodness will be rewarded. Smiles will pay you back. Have fun. Find strength. Be truthful. Have faith and make 2014 a great year for Lions.
Due to health reasons, this months article was
submitted by VDG Gail Black
HGreetings Fellow Lions
“December News Article”
I will be taking a couple of weeks off to take care of some personal matters. Our 1st Vice District Governor Gail Black will be at the helm. You can contact her at sgblack@charter.net or contact our Cabinet Secretary Carol Brink at dcoregon@yahoo.com if you have urgent business.
I don’t want to sound like a broken record but I’d like for all of you Lions to keep in mind my theme of Focus On Lions. I feel it is imperative that we be recognized for what we do. If we are doing a fundraiser or a community project we need to be wearing our vests and have adequate signage along with our Lions Logo on display for all to see. The benefits of doing this will not be immediate but will definitely pay off in the near future. Being seen for what we do will make future fundraising and member recruitment easier. I’ve seen it work in my hometown.
I’m looking forward to visiting the rest of the clubs in our District. I’ve been so impressed with what I’ve seen and learned from the clubs I’ve visited so far. You are all so awesome! I want to thank you and wish all of you a very safe and happy holiday season.
Be Sure To Remember The Reason For The Season!
“How may I serve you?”
“November News Article”
Hello Lions and Lioness
My visitations have been focused on the clubs on the Eastern side of the Cascades as I want to complete as many as possible before the snow flies. I have been warmly welcomed everywhere and have really enjoyed my visits.
I would like to step away from my theme of “Focus on Lions” in this message and remind all clubs of the importance of using the Club Excellence Program “CEP”. This program offers all Lions Clubs, both healthy and struggling, a great way to evaluate themselves and identify possible club problems of which they may be unaware. It’s all focused within the club and has anonymous input. Here are a couple of testimonials.
“Through the CEP process the Sutherlin Lions Club learned some minor dissatisfaction (anonymously) by Club members which surprised us but the good news is we found out what our members liked about our Club. We also learned what our community needed help with. Due to the process we dropped one of our fundraisers that our Lions didn’t want to do anymore and replaced it with a new one” … Lion Carol Brink
“The Dorris Lions Club has gone through the CEP process. At times it was like pulling hens teeth but I think we learned a lot more about ourselves as a club and more importantly it reinforced the good that we have and are accomplishing!” …Lion Melinda Griffin
If you are interested in the CEP process, which can be done in one day or more days contact: Cheryl Johnson, by email at cjohnson@scu.edu or by phone at R) 541-415-2104 or C) 541-415-0199.
The LCI focus for November is Diabetes Awareness and the International Diabetes Federation, (IDF), promotes November 14th as World Diabetes Day.
One of the ways your Club can support its campaign is by making a contribution to Gales Creek Camp www.galescreekcamp.org. The Camp, in Glenwood, Oregon, is a place where children and teens gain confidence in managing their diabetes.
How May I Serve You?
“October News Article”
Hello Lions
I had the opportunity to attend the Crescent/Gilchrest Charter Dinner and all I can say is “WOW”! The room was full of DGs, VDGs, PDGs, CC and PCCs. There was even one PDG from the year of 1960, Tom Bessonette. I don’t think I’ve ever been around so many acronyms! The food was excellent and it was truly a history making event.
I would like to encourage all Lions to make a greater effort to do more club visitations. While we all conduct our meetings with the same basic format, there are some variables, i.e., tail twisting, 50/50 raffles, storytelling etc. It is a great way to see the differences and perhaps present them to your club for consideration. When you are traveling out of town make it a habit to pack your Lions vest and make visitations. You can go online to the LCI website and click on Club Locater to find club meeting places and times nearly everywhere in the world.
In District E we have a contest this year to see which club has done the most visitations and there will be a prize awarded at our Convention in March. Let’s start visiting!
“September News Article”
Hello Lions
I would like to share with you a couple of reasons we need to promote our name and Lions logo.
About 15 years ago, I became a Sutherlin Lion and one of the projects that was ongoing for several years was the posting of our American Flag throughout the city on every holiday. Those flags, about 225 of them, were put up in the early morning and were taken down in the evening. It wasn’t long before I noticed as I went about town many people commented about how wonderful it was the way the City of Sutherlin posted the flags. I, of course, informed them of the facts. It soon became clear to me that this one-on-one, information sharing wasn’t going to get me very far.
I approached our Club and suggested we make ourselves better known for the things we do in our community. Our Club, for several years now, has flashing lights on all our vehicles (for safety), and magnetic Lions Logo signs on them (available from your LCI Lions Club merchandise catalog) and there’s little doubt now, in Sutherlin, who posts the flags.
This type of recognition goes a long way in fund raising and membership recruitment. The Lions decals in both 18” and 30” inch sizes were designed to refurbish entrance to the city signs but they work great on sandwich boards or anywhere you are doing fundraising or projects. Think about it.
“July/August News Article”
How May I Serve You?
Hello Lions. I just returned from our Lions convention in Hamburg, it is a beautiful city and I had a great time sightseeing, shopping etc. My time there was not all fun and games however. There were some days spent in seminars learning how to better serve our clubs with improved methods for projects, fundraising and membership growth and retention. I am looking forward to meeting with you this coming year to share some of the things I’ve learned. I’m anxious to share ways to increase our visibility in our cities. When John & Jane Q. Public see what we are doing I am confident they will want to join us because I feel it is human nature to want to help our fellow man. There is a plethora of resources from, LCI, OLSHF and Lions Vision Gift to help us with our goals. I am looking forward to working with you this coming year! Remember to “ROAR” when you serve, because that’s what Lions Do! Your District Governor For 2013/2014
DG Lion Bruce Leon Boone (how may I serve you?)