Lions should NOT be territorial
I admit I spend a lot of time on my computer. I’m reading emails from various clubs announcing upcoming service projects and fundraisers. I’m reading various club and district websites.
I love what I’m seeing. Lots of activities but also the fact that they’re being shared with everyone in the district. Sharing can be helpful in many ways. Clubs may need help with a project (vision screening, Flags for First Graders, chicken barbeques, Sees candy sales, 5K/10K walks, bingo) and nearby clubs can help out in two ways – volunteer to help at an activity or participate in a fundraising event and make a donation. Of course, the biggest sharing event is our District convention (February 8), where all sorts of ideas are passed among attendees.
Imagine my dismay when it was reported to me that there was an unfortunate incident regarding sharing. Club A posted information in what Club B claimed was their “area.” Club B removed Club A’s flyer.
No club owns an “area.” Clubs should be welcoming information about other service activities or fundraisers – all of which support our Lions motto of “We Serve.” Sharing can be among clubs, among districts, and even nationally or internationally. If your club is having an activity, you should feel comfortable that you can pass it out and it will actually get to other Lions or even non-Lions.
Remember – “We Serve.” Now, let’s practice “We Share.”
DG Linda Stent