Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Be Instrumental in Service

     Greeting Oregon Lions of 36G!   Unusual for the ‘new’ Past District Governor to be writing this first article of the new Lion year, but here I am!  Following the District Convention where we had no candidates for the office and hopes someone would step up, it hasn’t happened.  So, following Lions policy, we have to go through a process to place me or a past DG back in for another year.  At the time of writing and submitting this letter … that process has just started as it couldn’t begin until after the International Convention.  In the meantime, as I finished up my year I agreed to set up the cabinet and schedule dates for the cabinet meetings and our district convention.

     We really need to look at filling our cabinet positions around the District.  I have said before that starting there is a good place to see what goes on away from your club at the next level.  It really helps and is an office you must have held to become a District Governor (along with Club President).

     Another goal we have discussed and already garnered a grant for is training.  We will be holding one and hopefully two trainings for Club Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers and anyone else with interest is more than welcome.  Watch for some dates for these trainings … our intent is to hold one in the Central Oregon area on the Hwy 97 corridor and another in the northeast corner along I-84 somewhere.  We hope to minimize travel as much as possible so as many that want to can attend.  It will be for a few hours on a Saturday.  Please watch for dates on this.

     I’m sure you are all busy with club activities and working hard in your communities this time of year.  Keep up the good work LIONS, you’re the BEST!

Pete Runnels

District Governor 36G  “Be Instrumental in Service”          

Seeing A Club In Action Within Their Community Is Where It's At

     Well Lions, here we are …. the year has come to an end! To say it has gone by rather quickly is an understatement.  At the beginning you feel like you have a daunting task ahead of you but then the COG meetings begin, your district Cabinet meetings begin and to me, the most enjoyable .. the individual club visitations begin.  At every one of these gatherings you find support, friendships, fun, energy and the resulting motivation moves you on to the next one.  Attending the meetings is enjoyable as I have mentioned before … We are so similar, yet different in the service we provide to our communities.

     That brings up a piece of what I felt I missed out on … being able to attend the different events, fundraisers, community service projects, etc. that all clubs do.  With the distance and cost of fuel on a limited budget it makes visiting clubs twice impractical out here on the east side. I think seeing a club in action within their community is where it's at. To me that is one of the best places to recruit and visit with folks, where they see the good we are doing, the fun we are having and the service we are providing!

     Our vests stand out, our emblem is easily recognized, our pancakes are delicious! From the Opera House in Elgin to The Follies in Hood River, catfishing derby in Huntington, golf tournament at Crooked River Ranch, building birdhouses in Burns, Holiday gift store in Sisters, and car shows to eye screenings everywhere … our SERVICE is AMAZING!

     Keep it up MD36 Lions, it has been a pleasure to meet you and assist where I can. Thank you for allowing me into your meetings and the welcome gifts.  You have given me fond memories!


Pete Runnels - District Governor 36G

‘Be Instrumental in Service’

Slice of Cake, For All!

     It’s hard to compare one club to another, as it is comparing your grandma’s top prize winning cake recipe at the fair to your best friend’s grandma’s top prize winning cake recipe at the next county fair over.  Are the ingredients the same?  Did all of the ingredients get added this time the cake was made?  Or did we miss adding the vanilla, or the baking soda and half the flour?

     Leaving the vanilla out could leave the taste off a bit, yet it’s still a decent cake.  But leaving the baking powder out and half the flour … you aren’t left with much of a cake and it doesn’t look very tasty either.

     Are we seeing this in our clubs … are all of the ingredients there to make everything run smoothly?  The meetings go as planned … Lion tamer gets there in time to set the room up, greeters are there welcoming members, especially the new ones, the agendas are prepared and kept on schedule, members step up and take a lead role in a project or assist with another.  Membership is bringing in new members, program chair keeps interesting topics coming forward, etc. etc. That’s a recipe for a good meeting and you leave with a good taste of accomplishment.

     Or do you see some of the ingredients in place and others missing or short in commitment?  When we were sworn into our clubs, we vowed to help and assist for the betterment of the club.  Some clubs are short on ingredients and the results can be like a fallen cake.  It might be that we need to look at our members and see what ingredients might be missing from having the best club ever.  We need to get them back in the mix!  It doesn’t matter if it’s from scratch with lots of ingredients or a jiffy mix with just a few, when all ingredients are present the taste left in our hearts and minds brings us back for another slice.

Pete Runnels  -  District Governor 36G

‘Be Instrumental in Service’

Have You Ever Wondered If What We Do Makes A Difference?

     I recently had the opportunity to hear and read about how and what Lion’s do can affect the lives of so many, in ways you and I never would have thought of.  I was attending District O’s Convention, and we had the pleasure of listening to a presentation from Canine Companion’s and Guide Dogs for the Blind. These are amazing organizations that train dogs for the blind but also for other disabled needs. The handlers train their dogs in a variety of ways for all the interactions that they will come across and succeed in, to be that ‘top dog’.  Some dogs don’t always reach the ultimate high mark to go on and guide or aid a need we humans may have, but they always have a place in the system to utilize their talents.

     But what really caught my attention was the telling of a true-life story of a dog (companion) that was trained out of the San Rafael Guide Dogs for the Blind location in California. The base that the dogs which come to Oregon are from. The receiver of funds our clubs donate to when we choose to donate to them. My club or your club may have had a financial part in the training of a dog that was in the World Trade Center Tower #1 when it was flown into on 9/11.

     The handler of this certain dog was employed in the tower when the jet was intentionally flown into the building. It is a remarkable story of a calm handler, his well-trained companion and an outcome of that horrific morning. I encourage you to read this book, ‘Thunder Dog – A True Story …’,  you will enjoy it from start to finish.

     Then when requests come before your club, for whatever purpose it may be, take time to think just how it could benefit folks down the road. We don’t always know the results of our generosity … as witnessed in the aforementioned book … but we do know that nobody benefits when we don’t.  WE SERVE … so we can help, in many unknown ways.

‘Be Instrumental in Service’

DG Pete Runnels

Sharing Of Ideas

     Hello again Lions of 36G and all Oregon Lions.  The convention season is on us and by the time this issue comes out two will be complete and there will be two to go. They have been well attended with well over 100 Lion’s attending each one and with good friendship and sharing of ideas expanding to all.  There are still 3 opportunities to attend a convention if you wish. District E and District G are still ahead and then the Multi District 36 Convention in Bandon where we will be celebrating the 100th MD36 Convention … promises of exciting times for this one!

     Speaking of ‘sharing of ideas’ I want to share with you ideas for activities or public relations. PDG Lion Gerald Hopkins - 50 year member from the Elgin Lions Club and our PR chair for 36G recently mailed all club presidents in 36G a list of ideas.  I want to share some of these with all of MD36 as we can always consider doing something new in our clubs.  IDEAS for SERVICE - Sponsor an exchange student, collect tabs for Ronald McDonald house, BINGO, can and bottle recycling, purchase supplies for school children, set up a student video contest, recognize a ‘student of the month’, photo contests, collect dime for diabetes, quilt shows, car shows, help at local parks and museums, walk-a-thons, community picnic or fly-in breakfasts, firework sales, Christmas tree pick-up and help serve community meals to seniors or shut ins. IDEAS for CLUB building - promote Lions through improved communications within the club, develop three member teams to bring in new members, club activities that encourage younger member participation, mentor program to work with less tenured Lions, have FUN at meetings, raise/grow our own through Leo clubs, mix and mingle at you meetings (don’t always sit by the same Lions), listen and learn from other clubs by visitations and when it comes to membership use the “Lose One, Gain One” philosophy - for every member you lose, the club adds one.

     You may be doing some or most of these already and maybe not. This is just meant to be a guide and source for new ideas. There was more Lion PDG Gerald shared with us that we appreciate and thank him dearly for.

DG Pete Runnels ‘Be Instrumental in Service’

Mark the date … April 5th and 6th, 2024

     What is Mission 1.5? You may have heard the term, and maybe not! The thought process behind Mission 1.5 is definite. A definite goal for membership in Lions Clubs worldwide. 1.5 million members by 2025. It is a pledge that we continue to serve our communities and people for the growing needs world-wide. It helps continue the promise made to Helen Keller to be the Knights of the Blind - continuing her work is aiding and assisting those with that specific need.  And there are so many more needs in our communities that we help with. So many new unknowns with which we are dealing with.

     One need in communities that are seldom talked about on a smaller scale is the needs of those kids whose families cannot afford park and recreation fees, or fees for an extracurricular activity. There are organizations out there that have the proper protocols in place that do a good job of screening those in need. With the cooperation of another entity, you know your clubs’ donations will be used properly. There’s another way that WE SERVE!

     Doing our part for Mission 1.5, do not forget our ongoing club challenge to win a registration fee to our District 36G convention. It is shaping up to be a fun-filled weekend in Sisters, Oregon. Mark the date … April 5th and 6th, 2024. Registration fees have been held down the best we could at only $95 per person for all activities. Friday night there will be a hosted BBQ for your enjoyment. All you are responsible for is your beverage of choice. Registration form is in this issue of the Oregon Lion – do not delay, register today!

‘Be Instrumental in Service’                                                                                         DG Pete Runnels



     Hello and Happy New Year Lions of Oregon’s MD36-G!  I hope it’s off to a great start for you personally and for your clubs. It is a good time of year to plan ahead and maybe initiate that new project you’ve talked about in the past.

     Also a good time to work on that membership challenge we have going throughout 36-G. Two free registrations to our District 36G Convention to be held in Sisters, Or. are up for grabs! Save that date in April … the 5th and 6th.

     I was really challenged this month on what I should write about and then I received a small package in the mail from Lion’s International. Not knowing what was inside I carefully broke into it and found 78 award letters for years of service and I had my story!

     1,870 combined years of service from 78 dedicated Lions is well worth celebrating! I will give a quick breakdown of the awards here and call out a few Lions for the milestones they have reached serving their club and communities. Here we go:  19  10-year awards; 17 15-year awards; 12 20-year awards; 8 25-year awards; 1 30-year Charter award; 3 35-year awards; 5 40-year awards; and 4 45-year awards!

     I wish I had room here to list all of you by name.  Congratulations and thank you from myself and the clubs and communities you serve. Geez, I feel like a rookie amongst all of that Lionism!

     And here are some shout outs by name for those 50 years and above!  2 50-year Charter Monarch awards:  PCC Al Starns (Burns) and Kenneth Beeman (Island City).  6 50-year Chevrons:  Martin Vavra (LaGrande), Michael Brown (Madras), Frederick Jette (formerly Odell Lions), Elton Fadness (The Dalles), John Duckworth (Wallowa) and PDG Gerald Hopkins (Elgin). Last but not least and hats off to John Byers of The Dalles Lions for 70 years of service! THANK YOU!

     A year from now there will be another whole new group reaching milestones for their respective years of service. We just need to keep it going, a new recruit today is celebrating their year achievements before you know it. And it continues into the future for all to see - WE SERVE - it is clear for all to see!


‘Be Instrumental In Service’

Lion Pete Runnels, District Governor MD36-G




     First of all, let me wish you all heartfelt holiday greetings to you and your families! The stress only builds this time of year … manage it your way, and enjoy the memories that can and will be made this holiday season.  Renew old traditions, continue family traditions, or try something that could become a new tradition for years to come!


     Many of our clubs have community service projects that help folks in so many different ways during the holidays. Kudos to all of you for working on a project that benefits those less fortunate in our communities. This is where ‘We Serve’ really becomes obvious to our communities and is a great time to recruit a new member. Many people offer to help with this type of community project - non-Lions a plenty to tap on the shoulder and invite to a meeting.


     As mentioned in my article last month, the 36G Club Membership challenge is on!  The two clubs that recruit the most members by 1) percentage gained and 2) total individuals will win a free registration fee to the district convention!  Again, I remind you to look ahead and plan now to attend the 36G Convention which will be held in Sisters Oregon. Registration information will be out soon. Reserve April 5th and 6th, 2024 on your calendars now for a memorable weekend!  We encourage families to come join in the fun. Teaser … the first 30 people to register will win something for their ‘soles’!


I wish you all A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


‘Be Instrumental In Service’

Lion Pete Runnels

District Governor MD36-G

So Far Apart … Yet So Similar in Service!

     Hello again Lions of 36G and the Multiple District as well. As I step into my fifth month as District Governor, I find myself traversing the expanse of our District, having visited nearly half of our vibrant clubs, spanning from Hood River to Jordan Valley.  And it has been a joy! There is truly some ‘PRIDE’ out there, whether it’s in the form of dedicated clubhouses and parks, those looking to build a clubhouse, and those that opt to meet at local establishments, supporting our local businesses.  I truly enjoy attending your club meetings and hearing about the variety of projects enriching our communities. It is always remarkable to hear about the fundraisers we have in common. And those that are unique to a club and very cherished by the respective communities.

     There is also the ‘behind the scenes’ work that goes on with many events -- coordinating venues, navigating legalities, and ensuring our dates don’t conflict with other local happenings. Then ‘hope’ that we get a good response, particularly as some projects re-emerge following the COVID pandemic.

     Then comes the ‘reality’ part some of our clubs are facing. We are aging out and with that comes the decision to give up an event to another organization or let it dissolve completely. Sometimes these decisions come from new laws or legal issues or reasons beyond our control and we just have to move on. But one way to keep that special event going is to recruit new members. Ask a friend, relative or neighbor!   We have a membership challenge underway in District 36G. The two clubs that excel in recruiting, by (1) percentage gained and (2) total individuals will win a free registration for the district convention! The details of our district’s convention are being finalized and it will be one you do not want to miss. Reserve April 5-6, 2024, and prepare for a memorable weekend! We encourage families to come join in the fun.

     If you’re curious about Lions Club on a broader scale, seize the opportunity to become a Zone Chair. At this level, you will see and hear more about Lions above the club level. The time commitment is minimal and the rewards can be great. Send me an email if you're interested or ask me when I visit your club.

‘Be Instrumental In Service’

Lion Pete Runnels

District Governor MD36-G


     Well, it has been a busy month and also a time to recall many old traditions, think of the heritage within our clubs and family ties to carry on what are or may become new traditions today or into tomorrow. We just came off our biggest fund raiser of the year here at the Burns Lions Club…operation of our hamburger stand at the local fair and rodeo. The music was playing, we Lions were singing and a good time was had by all. Of course we didn’t miss “Cheeseburger in Paradise’ in tribute. The most famous item we sell at our stand is what has been infamously named ‘Lion Balls’. How proud would the Lions who have left us be, knowing we continue to the day to carry forward this whimsical sweet treat that has put smiles on faces of our youth, now grown adults and senior citizens without fail. How many unique things does your club do that have been carried on for years that has become a local tradition? Be proud of that, what you are doing now may become one of those 50+ year old traditions that will be inherited for future Lion’s use in your club?

     We are fortunate here to have had assistance from our local Boy Scout Troop in selling at the stand. We couldn’t do it without their assistance and our communities helping hands. This is a very big event for a small community and small club. The support of our community is evidenced year after year in our results. We can never say enough thank-yous to express our sheer gratitude.

     And family…How grateful are we to our families to allow us to be gone while we volunteer for our clubs! This year especially hit home for me as I was able to allow my 9 year old granddaughter to assist in the booth. Maybe a future Leo or Lion, yet the seed has been planted for future community service.

‘Be Instrumental In Service’

Lion Pete Runnels

District Governor MD36-G

The Year Begins In Earnest

     It was a heck of a convention! The Lions International Convention held in Boston did not disappoint.  The enthusiasm and exuberance were on full display.  A time when nationality didn’t matter and all came together to show that ‘We Care’ world-wide. The ‘Parade of Nations’ had every country dressed in traditional wear - it was flamboyant and a sight to see!  And it was ‘HOT’ walking that route that seemed to go on and on.

     The Leo’s from Oregon walked earlier than our Oregon contingent and they came back around and walked some with us. It was an honor to represent Oregon along with the rest of Oregon’s contingent.  In my previous article I mentioned family in Spain and would I meet someone … Well, no relatives but I did meet the Spanish contingent who knew of the area my family is from. They however were from the south of Spain and my family is more northern from the Basque region.  Even with broken communication we laughed and communicated like old friends!

     So now the year begins in earnest. I will be scheduling club visitations, carrying my message on to all. I touched on it last month a bit - all the extra stress now in our lives and how I like to deal with it through music. Anxiety, stress, pent up emotions … We all deal with it. The new name for stress syndrome or burn out is Adrenal Fatigue.  Let’s find ways to deal with it for the betterment of Lions everywhere.  If we take care of ourselves first, we have more to give to others for a great cause. The cause of course is what you do locally through your club activities.  And recruiting new members for the cause only helps reduce the pull on each and every one of us.

     MY challenge to you is for each of us to try and recruit just ‘one’ new member … just think of the extra helping hands and sharing of activities reducing your anxiety or stress of an upcoming project.  “In the jungle, the mighty jungle .. the Lion sleeps tonight ……”


‘Be Instrumental In Service’

Lion Pete Runnels

District Governor MD36-G


Hello District 36G Lions,

     As I write my first article for the Oregon Lion’s Magazine, I am looking forward to the International Convention in Boston in July. It is such an honor and opportunity to have been elected the District Governor! What will it bring?  Who all will I meet?  What friendships will I make from other parts of the world?  Will I meet someone from the region in Spain where I still have relatives living in the same house as my grandfather .. .who, where, what, when?  There is a lot to look forward to …. But, will I not be so burned out that I miss the chance?

     You see, that is a concern for me and should be for all of us, so this is how I like to deal with it …. Turn on some music, sit back, relax, and give yourself some time to unwind.  We all need to do it; we all have a need to decompress.  Even if you think you don’t, you do!  There is so much going on in our lives today that has been added over the years through electronics, social media, etc. that we now have put ourselves on the go more than we ever have. Oh, how I wish it was just choosing from 3 channels on TV or dialing in the one radio station that we could get locally, or the only mail I have to check is in the original mailbox …  awe!

     The more we don’t take care of ourselves, the less we have to give to others through Lions.  “We Serve” becomes a bit more of a struggle. So please take care of the one Lion who can help take care of others – yourself!  Now, with music playing in the background … remember my theme this year … “Be Instrumental in Service.”

Relax and do good things,

Pete Runnels – DGE - District 36G


     As my year as District Governor comes to a close, I am filled with immense excitement as I warmly welcome Pete Runnels of Burns, the incoming District Governor for District G. I have no doubt that he will excel in his new role and accomplish great things for our District.

     As we approach the end of the year, I am pleased to report that it looks like we are going to end the year with a positive number for membership.  Throughout my travels, I have witnessed numerous inspiring initiatives undertaken by our clubs, as they think innovatively to uplift their communities.  I am exceedingly proud of the dedication and efforts exhibited by each member in our clubs.

     I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for entrusting me with the position of District Governor. This journey has been nothing short of amazing and fun to boot. Let's not forget my motto, "Lions Boot Up to Serve," and let us embrace the prospect of stepping outside our comfort zones.  I firmly believe that remarkable opportunities lie ahead for each and every one of you.

Yours in Lionism, Cheri Jackson DG 36-G

Being a Lion is Heartwarming & Fun!

     Get excited, Lions! The highly anticipated Multiple District at Seaside is just around the corner and I can't wait to see many of you there! We've already had an incredible time at the four District Conventions, and they were all wonderful.  I know District G had a blast at Wildhorse this year with a laid-back vibe that everyone enjoyed. We were fortunate to have the delightful presence of ID Ron Keller and his wife Kitty, and I hope they will make their way back to Oregon soon.

     As we move forward, our District is on an upward trajectory, and we have some exciting news to share. Pete Runnels from Burns has stepped up to be our District Governor for the upcoming year, and Betty Jane Bugbee will be our 1st Vice!  This is fantastic news for our District, and I have no doubt that they will both bring exceptional leadership qualities to the table.  While we are still looking for a 2nd Vice and a District Secretary, I know we will find some outstanding individuals to fill these roles.  If you are considering or even have the slightest thought of taking on one of these positions, please reach out to our leaders and let them know.  It's an incredibly rewarding experience to serve at the District level.

     Let's not forget that being a Lion is not only heartwarming, but it can also be a lot of fun!  So let's make the most of it and have a blast while we serve!

Yours in Lionism,

Cheri Jackson DG 36-G


     As this issue goes to press most of the district conventions will be completed.  Sorry that DG Kerith Vance of District O had to re-schedule, but I am certain that convention will be great!   It has been fun traveling across the State and getting to know Lions from other districts and meeting with more clubs in District 36G.  We have such great people in Oregon, we have lots to be proud of and there are so many new ideas for service that have come forward.

     The yard signs and magnets have been a big hit and I can't wait to drive through our towns and see how we are getting the message of Lions out to our neighbors and communities.  I want to personally thank all the District Governors in Oregon and the other Lions that took the initiative and time to get the grant that brought these colorful signs to our towns.  They sure catch your eye as you are passing by.  I am certain it will get the community to ask questions and bring more members wanting to serve as do all our currents Lions.

     We still have the Multiple District Convention in Seaside in May.  I hope to see lots of you there enjoying our Coast!

Yours in Lionism,

Cheri Jackson DG 36G

Fresh New Ideas

Dear Lions,

     I am hoping the weather is finally showing some improvements in your area.  It is time to start that Spring cleaning and getting those "honey-do" lists completed.  It is time for that in our Clubs also.  Get business caught up, present those new ideas for ways to help our communities and think of fundraising ideas.  We have started inducting some new members and I hope they also come with some fresh new ideas.  It seems summer goes too fast and winter lasts too long in Eastern Oregon but we really do have 4 beautiful seasons.  Perfect for plenty of outdoor and indoor activities.

     I have met with a few more clubs that were willing to combine the clubs into one visitation which is so helpful with the cost of visitations.  They also got club visit credits so it was an extra win for them.  As the weather permits, I will get my visits in to the more outlying clubs.  I can't wait to see everyone!

     I’m looking forward to Spring.  The yard signs and car magnets are slowing getting delivered and I am anxious to get them to everyone.  They look so great being displayed around town!  If I haven't made it to your club you can also pick them up during convention March 31st and April 1st.  I have ordered sunshine and no wind for that weekend.  I hope to see you all there!

Your in Lionism,

Cheri Jackson

DG 36G

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Dear Fellow Lions,

     As we move further into 2023 I am hoping you all are well and recovering from the Holidays.  The yard signs have arrived so we will begin distributing them to all our members as soon as possible so we can share our pride in being Lions.

     It is the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit but to me it will be the Year of the Lion!  I want you all to reflect on why you became a Lion and share that with others. Although we are one Lion family we are all different people and we all have our own reasons we joined a club that helps others and our communities. I am starting to hear from clubs that they are inducting some new members and I am so happy we have made it through the worst of the Pandemic and are ready to move ahead and join with others in service.

     I have a goal for 2023 that each Lion member give themselves a challenge to bring in at least one new member.  Let's show our enthusiasm to friends and folks we meet, proudly wear your Lion pins, anything to show you are part of a wonderful group of folks. Many will ask you what Lions do.  Explain that we care, we share and we serve. Greet new people moving into the community, take them information on Lions and help them step right in to feel like a part of their new community. Joining a Lions Club is a perfect way to make them feel like they are a part of something. If I had not become a Lion I would not have met what has become some of my dearest friends and my world has become larger.

     A big reminder that we still are needing members to step up into offices.  I personally helped the Lions for years but held back on joining. I am a great worker bee but not a leader. I had my arm twisted to join, yes we have it on film, and look what I am doing now. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, be brave, step up and help lead! You will have lots of help from others and there is great information on the Lions website. I have been able to travel to places I never would have seen had I not stepped up and agreed to broaden my sights from our little Eastern Oregon town.  So, as we prepare for conventions and Spring I want to wish you all the best and God Bless.

Yours in Lionism,

DG 36G Cheri Jackson 

We Are All Part Of A Big Lions Family

     As the New Year approaches I look forward to getting more clubs visited.  At each visit I get so inspired hearing of all the projects our clubs are accomplishing and how some clubs work together to get things done for their communities.

     I know we are all very busy with Holiday projects and of course we are all asked to encourage and bring in new members.  My push as District Governor is to remind all of you what a great membership we have and to make sure we are keeping our current members involved and inspired.

     Call each other, ask for a bit of help from members that are not attending meetings.  There is a reason they are not attending.  Keep them involved and feeling welcome and part of a team.  Remember we are all part of a big Lions family.

     I especially want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and may 2023 be a better year for all of us.

Inspired to Strive

As we move into our new Lion’s year, I have started my club visits. As you know, I want to promote the use of technology for learning and understanding what you can do as a Lion. A duty of the District Governors is to help inspire our clubs and maybe bring together new members.

I did my first club visit in early September and got to help with vision screenings. I have to let you all know this is a very remote club and I am certain they feel they are operating on their own without a lot of visiting from other clubs. I was so impressed with this group and they truly inspired me! They have been making full use of technology applying for grants from many sources to build a community center for their area. They work with the schools and help with their functions, members run the local ambulance and they all stay busy helping out in any way they can to keep their community running. This club seems to be there for everyone in need and they are very important to the area. I am sure without the Lions the area would be in dire need, but this group of Lions in Jordan Valley just keeps helping. May we all be inspired to strive to show true Lionism as this club does!

Cheri Jackson

DG District 36G

Look For New Opportunities To Serve

Hey Team!

      We are off and running on our new Lions year.  I am hoping to make it an eventful year for all of us.   My first stop will be in Jordan Valley with many to follow.

     We all love the time spent with other Lions and get great satisfaction from helping others in our communities.  Keep up the enthusiasm, keep smiling and spread our goodwill to everyone in our communities.  Look for new opportunities to serve and don't be afraid to think a bit out of the box.   We do many things but can always find more places where we can help.

     Let's build our membership by showing others how they can join and help to enrich their lives and our communities.  Some may not be able to put on their boots and work but can bring in new fresh ideas.  Listen to all members as they all need to have a say and be heard for the team to flow like a well-oiled machine. 

     Lions are the best volunteers in the world and part of the best team in the world!  Keep your enthusiasm flowing!!!

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925