April Newsletter
No fooling, it’s already April! Are you on track with the goals that you have set for the year? You have three months to push hard to get where you want to be before the Lions Year ends.
The month of April for Lions is a busy one. It’s Membership Month, Friends & Family Month and Club Open House Month. This would be a good time to plan a service project to which you can invite friends and family to participate. Maybe you could find a location that needs a little care and clean-up, hold a work party, treat them to hot dogs and hamburgers and talk about the other things in which your Lions Club is involved. Be sure to add a few projects and successes that Lions Clubs International has held.
By now, I hope you have elected the slate of officers for the coming year. Be sure that the Club Secretary files the PU 101 with LCI and includes the email address of all officers listed on the form. A copy of that form needs to go to Glynis at the State Office and one to the District 1st Vice District Governor. Please send the information on to LCI for your Treasurer. This makes it easier for LCI to get financial information about your club directly from the Treasurer. The PU 101 needs to be at LCI by May 15.
Again this year, our district winners in the Annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest did a great job and all districts should be proud of the work of these youth. Each district has given special recognition to their winner at their respective District Conventions. This is such a great way to involve your club with youth in the community and your school! New Peace Poster Kits are now available to order through the LCI Club Supplies Sales Department.
Join the Lions Worldwide Week of Service, May 16 – 22. Plan a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment during that week, promote the activity with local media and social media and then report your success on MyLCI. Our Multiple District Convention will be held in Seaside during this time and we are looking for a service project that we could participate in during convention.
]Plan to register and attend the Multiple District Convention in Seaside, May 21st-23rd. The planning is going well and we will hold a “Lions Pinewood Derby” race on Thursday, May 21st in the afternoon and follow that with a bonfire on the beach and the making of s’mores. Come join the fun and fellowship with Lions from all over Oregon and Northern California. This is a great place to visit and an even better opportunity to renew friendships with Lions.
Call me at 503-644-2753 or email lionjo45@gmail.com for your kit to build a race car.
Happy Spring!