Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Happy Holidays to You

December Newsletter

Does this year feel like it passed by in the blink of an eye?  I suppose that may be partially because we have all been busy during 2014!  The Lions of MD 36 have helped so many with such a variety of things.  We have provided baskets of food during the holidays, shoes and socks for kids, flags for 1st graders, books to children, eyeglasses and hearing aids, vision screenings and collected used eyeglasses and hearing aids.  We’ve helped build parks, play structures and paths to help our neighbors enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.  In addition to all of this and much more, we have chartered two new Lions Clubs and have two more in process.

I hope that our Club Secretaries are reporting all of the wonderful service projects to LCI.  We really need to let Lions worldwide know that the Lions of Oregon and Northern California are alive and well and busy working to make our part of the world a better place, both for our friends and neighbors but also for the communities where we serve.

As the New Year begins, we will be challenged to provide more service to those in need.  This would be a great time to invite a friend or neighbor to join you in a service project.  Give them the opportunity to see and feel what it’s like to be involved.  While many of our Lions work to provide food during the holidays, January is a great time to help re-stock the shelves in food pantries.

This year, to celebrate the birthday of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions Clubs International, LCI is asking that Lions around the world celebrate Lions Week of Worldwide Service.  Why not plan an activity in your community to promote a service project for your community?  After you complete your project, be sure to send photos and information to Glynis to be included in future issues of The Oregon Lion.  If you have questions about how to share, please contact your District Governor, your District PR Chair or Glynis.  

Information about each District Convention/Conference as well as the MD 36 Convention will all be available to you on line at  Every convention planning committee has terrific ideas for their event and you won’t want to miss out on the fun and excitement!

From the Andersons to all of YOU, the Lions of MD 36, we wish for you the best through the holidays and through 2015.

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925