“February Newsletter”
Do you feel like time is speeding past? Are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? How about your Lions Club? Are you well on your way to completing the goals that were set at the beginning of this Lions Year? Well, the good news is, you still have five months left of the year to reach those goals!
Most of our Lions Clubs participated in Worldwide Service Week in January. Make sure that your project was submitted to Lions Clubs International. Also, please report your success to your Projects Oregon Representative: in District O – 2nd VDG Garry Charbonneau - gmcharbonneau@gmail.com; District R – PDG Cy Kauffman – jckauffman@aol.com; District E – Wes King – wgking72@gmail.com and District G – Debi Castor – castor3324@gmail.com. While this information is important to LCI, Projects Oregon would like to be able to track our successes in MD 36.
One of the major advantages we have in our membership in Lions is the opportunities available for Leadership Training. Leadership Institutes, Forums, online classes (through LCI and Lions University), webinars and local training programs are just some of the many choices we have to obtain this training. Much of it is FREE. The Northwest Lions Leadership Institute (NWLLI) is now accepting applications for the training in Salem on April 10 – 12, 2015. To obtain an application, go to the MD 36 website: md36lionsclubs.org. Although there is a charge for this event, some Districts have scholarship funds available. Please contact your District Governor to see what is available. There is a possibility that additional funds will soon be available.
Now is a great time to look toward your club leadership for 2015-16 and into the future. Nominating committees should be appointed this month. This will allow your club to vote for those officers and will give the Club Secretary time to prepare the PU101 (officer reporting form). I know it seems like a long time until this is due at LCI but we all know that time slips past us far too quickly and it will be May before we know it!
District R will hold their District Conference on February 7th in Corvallis. This one-day event will be filled with fun, fellowship, food and forums. They are making this a one day event again this year. The price of registration is low and a registration form can be found on the MD36 website. The other Districts will follow with their Conventions or Conferences. Those dates are: District O – February 21st in Beaverton, District G – March 6-7 in Pendleton and District E – March 13-14 in Canyonville. All Lions are welcome and invited to attend each of these events. It’s a great way to meet new friends or renew old friendships and learn more about Lions and what others in our Multiple District are doing. I hope to see you at one or all of the meetings.
While you’re checking your calendar, be sure to mark May 21 – 23 so you can to attend the Multiple District Convention in Seaside. There will be plenty of activities for everyone. The plan is to hold a “Pinewood Derby” car race on the evening of May 21st. Who knows, weather permitting (and if you live in Oregon, it will be permitting) we can spend some of that evening with a bonfire on the beach! I have Pinewood Derby kits available now! Contact me at lionjo45@gmail.com to obtain your kit. The cost is $5.00 per kit and a club can build as many as they wish. This is a fun event and one that you will not want to miss!
Hearts, Flowers and Candy