“March Newsletter”
The month of March is the time of year around our Multiple District that starts to remind us that spring is on its way. We see the tips of flowering bulbs begin to poke their way out of the ground. Trees start to bud and we and our neighbors venture out into the yard to begin preparations for new and exciting plans for the rest of the year.
By now, clubs should be in the process of selecting new club officers. It would be good to look around your club and find some newer faces to fill some of the officer spots in your club. The best way to help develop new leaders and generally strengthen your club is to encourage members to take on new positions of leadership. You might be surprised to find a member of your club who is interested in serving on your Board. Why not ask your members if there is something that they would like to do or if there is a position that they could help with and be mentored. This would prepare them for that position of leadership in the future.
There is still time to get Lions registered for the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute in Salem on April 10-12. There are some funds available to help offset the cost of registration. Please contact your District Governor if you would like to be considered for some of these funds. This is one of the best programs that Lions Clubs International offers to our members so now is the time to REGISTER!
It has been exciting to see how our Lions membership is growing. With the chartering of two new Lions Clubs in our Multiple District, we have added more hands to help with more service. Along with these new clubs, many of our clubs have also added members. Congratulations to all of you with those new Lions members and keep up the great work. We all need to remember President Joe Preston’s new program of “Ask 1”. If we each ask one person and then ask one more, we will help the health and growth of our clubs and that will allow for us to have more hands for service.
With two District Conventions in March, we will complete all of the individual District Conventions and or Conferences for the year. District R held their Convention in Corvallis and District O held their Conference in Beaverton during February. Both of these events were well attended and Lions had the opportunity to learn more about other Lions activities and too enjoy making new friends and renewing old friendships. This month District G and E will enjoy the same benefits. During the District G Convention, we will hold our third Council of Governors meeting. It will be on Friday, March 6th, in Pendleton at the Wildhorse Casino. The meeting starts at 1:30pm and if you are in the area please join us. This is an opportunity to see what is happening around the Multiple District.
Hoping for more sunshine and beautiful days and exciting Lions programs.
As YOUR CLUB holds the election of new officers, be sure to complete your PU101 (Officer Reporting Form). Save your form to a file, print two copies and send one to Glynis at the State Office and one on the LCI. PLEASE REVIEW the information on the form to make sure that all information has been updated. Your accuracy insures that both LCI and the Lions of Oregon have correct information. Please include the email address of all officers that you are reposting including the Treasurer. Thanks for your help!