Hearty greetings Mighty MD36 Lions! I’m writing this column the day after the 2018 District R Convention. Boy! We sure had a good time! I must give credit where credit is due. DG Tom’s International Director Guest, Director Nicolin Carol Moore inspired the basis for this column: “Sustainability” is defined as “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level”. We were talking about Leadership and sustainability came up.
How do we sustain our Lions Clubs and what we do? As ID Moore later demonstrated, Service, Membership and Leadership, the three parts of our new Global Action Team (GAT), are constantly inter-related and feed one another. To sustain our service in our communities, we must consistently be mindful of our membership. To sustain our membership we must be mindful of how we exercise our leadership. To sustain our leadership we must continue our service in our communities. Pretty “circular” stuff, eh?
As I mentioned in our January Oregon Lion, we should consistently evaluate our projects, our service, our membership efforts, our communication and public relations, (yes, I’m on that PR thing again!), and how we can improve and broaden our leadership. If we are not achieving our goals, we should examine what we’re doing and change that, (THERE HE GOES WITH THAT CHANGE WORD AGAIN!!!), evolve a bit so we can sustain, improve and grow our SERVICE, LEADERSHIP and MEMBERSHIP. Thank you Director Moore!
The other night, I went to the LCI website and looked at recent service activities by MD36 Lions Clubs. I’ll admit I was specifically looking to see how much food clubs collected in response to the challenge I put out 2 months ago. I haven’t tabulated that number yet, but … as usual, I’m so very impressed with what Lions all over Oregon and Northern California are doing to help people and to make their communities stronger! Yes, we’re filling the shelves of our local food banks. We’re also seeking out the families in our communities who need help the most and we’re providing it! Food, medical assistance, transportation and what we do best, selfless compassion!
I’d like to take a moment to mention the recent loss of some long-time Lions. We’re all getting a little older, but please, take a moment and check up on the older members of your club. Be the friend you want to have.
I must also brag about the great work being done by your District Governors! DGs Debi, Bob, Tom and Bert are working so hard for you, and bragging to me about you! And they’re having a ton of fun together as they work together! Why would that surprise anyone? Every time Lions work together we have FUN!
Please start making plans to come to our Multiple District Convention at the Valley River Inn in Eugene, May 17-19, 2018! Our guests will be International Director Bruce Beck and Lion Erin who I got to meet in September at USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum and I can guarantee a great time! Come see old friends, make new ones and celebrate with us!
Be the source in your community of SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNICATION … Do it … Lead it … Enjoy it … Tell about it! Let’s keep “MOVING MD36 FORWARD”!
As always, I’m so very honored to serve you, so proud of your trust in me and humbled to be counted among you great Lions of MD36!