Time for Service, Fun and Fellowship!
Happy February greetings to you, Mighty MD36 Lions! I hope this finds you and your Lions Sweetheart happy and in excellent spirits! February is a month for lovers, thanks to St. Valentine, his bow and arrow and his day, February 14th! But … it also begins the convention season here in MD36! Please closely check these pages of your Oregon Lions magazine as well as the Multiple District website, www.md36lionsclubs.org for registration forms for your up-coming District Conventions, fill out those forms and send them in with plans to make new friends, reunite with old friends and work together to have more fun and more fellowship than ever while we “Move MD36 Forward”!
The first of our conventions is the District R Conference on Saturday, Feb. 3, at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center in Corvallis on the beautiful OSU Campus. Join DG Tom and his theme: “Service Through Fellowship” and welcome your International Director Guest, ID Nicolin Carol Moore from Trinidad and Tobago! ID Moore is a lovely lady and you’ll certainly enjoy meeting and talking with her, especially her message and … her great accent!
Three weeks later, on Saturday, Feb. 24 (10 days after Valentines!), join DG Bert for the District O Conference and Convention at Events center on the Rock Creek campus of Portland Community College. You’ll certainly have “Fun Through Service” with DG Bert and your International Director guests, ID Jenny Ware and her husband, Lion Jeff, from Michigan. ID Jenny and Lion Jeff have visited Oregon before and they will bring a new, bright level of energy!
The very next weekend, Friday, March 2 and Saturday, March 3, join DG Debi and all the great District G Lions for their Convention at the Wild Horse Casino in lovely Pendleton! Get your “B.O.O.T.S.” ready for DG Debi’s Convention, “Bringing Opportunity to Others Through Service” and all the fun you’ll have with International Director Guest ID Alan Lundgren from Arizona. I have known ID Alan for several years and you’ll enjoy his sense of humor and especially his speaking “delivery”! You’ll remember ID Alan for a long time!
And … the very next weekend, (yes, we do call it “convention season”!), join DG Bob and all the great District E Lions in scenic Canyonville at the Seven Feathers Casino for the March 9-10, 2018 District E Convention. We’ll “Restore the Roar” in Canyonville with International Director Guest ID Sam Lindsey from Texas. ID Sam is a “straight shooter” and you’ll enjoy your time with him and all the amazing Dist. E Lions!
All of these Conventions will feature great service, leadership and learning experiences. There’s always time to catch up with friends and meet new people. I can’t urge you enough to meet and talk to the visiting International Directors! I’ve met all of them and they are absolutely the most wonderful, easy to talk to and nice people you’ll ever meet! There’s also fun entertainment, the food is always delicious and there’s important business, too! You’ll be electing your up-and coming leaders!
As I travel about the Multiple District I am consistently impressed with the selfless service I see from Lions in every community: from providing exams and eyeglasses and hearing aids, to reading with elementary students, to providing food for our less fortunate neighbors! (I hope I can brag at all of these Conventions that the Lions of MD36 raised 15 tons of food during the month of January!). Mighty Lions, I truly salute you! What would Oregon be like without Lions?
Be the source in your community of SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNICATION … Do it … Lead it … Enjoy it … Tell about it! Let’s keep “MOVING MD36 FORWARD”!
As always, I’m so very honored to serve you, so proud of your trust in me and humbled to be counted among you great Lions of MD36!