Greetings to you, mighty and generous Lions of Multiple District 36! What an amazing convention season we’re having thus far! As you know, these columns are written about 3 weeks before you read them. That said, we’ve enjoyed 3 of 4 great District Conventions!
I mentioned the District R Conference and Convention in this space last month and DG Tom’s excellent International Director (ID) Guest, ID Nicolin Carol Moore and her husband, Lion Rudy. As DG Tom said, a truly “International” guest from Trinidad and Tobago.
On September 24th, we met at the Rock Creek campus of Portland Community College for District O’s Convention with DG Bert and his guests, ID Jenny Wade and Lion Jeff. What a great day! Including a lack of snow! More than150 Lions from all over MD36 attended, making almost 200 hygiene kits for the homeless and enjoying great forums from great Lions! ID Jenny gave a good accounting of how Lion’s International uses our dues money and she captured everyone’s hearts with her honest passion for what Lions do!
Just a couple of days ago, I got home from Pendleton and the wonderful District G Convention at the Wild Horse Casino and Hotel. DG Debi (“if it weren’t for bad luck, she’d have no luck at all”), contracted laryngitis but her amazing team rallied around her and the Convention went off without a hitch! DG Debi’s guest were ID Alan Lundgren and Lion Terri. I heard ID Alan’s message for flexibility, adaptability and change. You may see some pictures from DG Debi’s Convention, so I guess I won’t be able to deny almost anything!
In addition to the Convention, your Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation held its quarterly Board of Trustees’ meeting and your Council of Governors held our third quarterly meeting. Our COG meeting was efficient and productive. Look in these pages for an article about sponsorships that we discussed.
This Friday many of us will travel to Canyonville for DG Bob’s District E Convention at the Seven Feathers Casino and Hotel. Based on what a fun guy DG Bob is … well, I’m sure we’ll have a great time! We’ll get to meet ID Sam Lindsey and enjoy our time with him!
As I continue my Lions journey, I’ve found that I’ve enjoyed meeting every ID and Officer it’s been my good fortune to come across. Introduce yourself and take a few moments when you get the chance to meet International guests at Conventions, Forums, etc. These events are an awesome chance to meet new people who share so much with you. If you have an opportunity, travel to a Lions International Convention, (the 101st is in Las Vegas, June 29th-July 3rd), or USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, (Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 20th – 22nd).
I find I must discuss a topic that troubles me a bit. From time to time, I hear from people, usually Lions who serve other Lions, about communication that could be presented in a different way. Please, please, take a moment before you say something, and think about how you’d feel if someone said it to you. Please, my fellow Lions, do your best to be patient and be kind, especially to those Lions who are there to help you. Thank you!
Lastly, please make plans to attend the 94th Annual Multiple District 36 Convention at the Valley River Inn in Eugene, Friday, May 18th and Saturday, May 19th, 2018, (including an OLSHF Board of Trustees meeting and MD36 Council of Governors meeting on Thursday, May 17th). Our guests will be ID Bruce and Lion Erin Beck from Minnesota. I have it on good authority (other serving IDs!) that ID Bruce and Erin are a lot of fun and are up for almost anything!
Great MD36 Lions! Keep doing the great service you do in your communities! Keep feeding the hungry, screening the vision of school kids, getting exams and glasses and hearing aids for people in need and doing all the amazing, caring and generous things you do in and beyond your communities!
Be the source in your community of SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNICATION … Do it … Lead it … Enjoy it … Tell about it! Let’s keep “MOVING MD36 FORWARD”!
As always, I’m so very honored to serve you, so proud of your trust in me and humbled to be counted among you great Lions of MD36!