May Issue
Four conventions down and one more to go. District E had a great convention. District Governor Carol and her team did a super job. I finally won a basket, my first ever! The trip home Sunday was an adventure. It snowed all the way from Klamath Falls to Bend. I did manage to stay out of any snowdrifts, which was an accomplishment for me.
The Multiple District Convention is right around the corner. Get your registrations in. If you are going to have an entry for the parade, please get your parade permit filled out and mailed. I believe we are going to have a great convention. You won't regret being there. We always have a special convention when in Pendleton.
I just read a very interesting article in the Oregon Masonic News from the Grande Master. He compared the Masons to dogs and cats. I am going to plagerize his thoughts as I believe they fit Lions Club members as well. Some members are like dogs. These members often have the same characteristics as dogs. They are often friendly, loyal, eager to please and by your side when you need them. They are with you through thick and thin. They attend meetings and become involved in all the activities and projects. They experience Lionism by serving those in need in their communities.
Then there are Lions that tend to be like cats. They tend to be more reserved, independent and may need coaxing before they get really warmed up to the club and its members. They may not attend meetings regularly. They probably don't help out a lot in the clubs activities or projects. This doesn't mean they don't care about being a Lion. They may need to be coaxed and encouraged to be part of the Lion family. There are ways to get these "cat" Lions back to the meetings. Call and invite them to the next meeting. Ask them to help out on projects such as "Flags for First Graders". Assign a dedicated Lion to mentor and encourage them. In other words connect with them and make them feel like they are an important part of their club. If you show them you really care for them, it is likely they will become more involved.
For many years I was one of those "cat" Lions. I seldom went to meetings. I did help with projects, sometimes. When my wife joined the Elgin Lions Club and I transferred my membership to her Club, I quit being a "cat" Lion and became a "dog" Lion. What a change in my life. All those years I wasted not serving my community. If you have members that may be described as "cats", please start contacting and encouraging them. You may get a great Lion for your club. I just hope I haven't offended anyone by calling them a dog or a cat. They both are great. One may just need a little more coaxing than the other.