Greetings from Eastern Oregon's winter wonder land, still. By the time you read this article, hopefully I will have visited District G's and E's Conventions (weather permitting). I was able to travel to District O's Convention without mishap. And a wonderful convention it was. The highlight for me was the opening, a takeoff from an old time game show. Everyone in attendance was given a stick on mustache. DG Charbonneau’s 1st and 2nd Vice District Governors wore a DG Charbonneau look-alike mustache. The MC had the real DG Garry Charbonneau stand up. What a great time.
I understand District R's Convention was also great. I wish I could have gotten out of the snowdrift so I could have attended. I 'm sure District G's and E's will be equally as good.
I recently read a 1960’s quote from a Baptist minister. He said, "Religions differ to some extent because some require the participants to come out of the grandstands and on to the playing field.” I think we can apply the same philosophy to our Lion clubs. We see some clubs failing or stagnating while other clubs are thriving and growing. The failing clubs are probably still in the grandstands watching the others perform while the thriving clubs are out on the playing field doing whatever they can to serve mankind. What do you want your club to be, a spectator or a player? Each club member must make that choice.
I hope everyone had a chance to watch the recent webinar on women in the Lions on how to encourage women to participate in service projects and to use service projects to recruit new women members. What would we do if we didn't have women in Lions? Kathy and I visited the only Lions Club in Aruba a few years back, a men only club. They were shocked to find out that Kathy was a Lion. I believe this club was a strong viable club but how much better it would have been if it had women members.
International President Corlew sent out a message: He is encouraging each District Governor to rise to the moment and do everything in their power to increase membership in their districts. Make membership growth a priority especially working with clubs that haven't inducted a new member this year. There are your marching orders. Until next time.