As I write my last article as Council Chair, I want to thank the four District Governors with whom I had the privilege of working. What an industrious group. They were working hard the whole year. They had success that they can be proud of. I also need to apologize to Leah for procrastinating on getting my reports and articles submitted. Writing has never come easily for me, so I wait to the last possible minute to get items written and sent. Leah has been very patient with me, which I appreciate.
When this article comes out, the year will be almost over. The new Council of Governors will be ready to take over. I wish them all a very successful year.
As I contemplated about what I should write about, I thought about a course I taught in my church a few years ago. It was called, If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat. The theme throughout the course was that if you want to accomplish something, you first have to get out of the boat and get started. You can't just sit in the boat and expect things to get done. I think we can apply this to Lions. We look at our successful Lions throughout our Districts and they didn't wait in the boat and hope things got done. They got out of the boat and went to work. If we want Lionism to grow in District 36, we all must get out of the boat and get to work. We can't just hope that someone else will do it. It may never get done. We have had and have now great Lions. The thing that made them great was that they made the commitment to get out of the boat. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for a great year.
CC Steve Oliver