June Newsletter
Last month I identified how a healthy body is similar to a healthy Lions club.
Attitude is also an essential ingredient in a Lions club being able to be of service. A positive outlook towards our club projects and our members will produce positive results.
The more our members are appreciated for their volunteer work, and acknowledged by other Lions in the club and the District, the more they will want to serve the community. One of the best things the District leaders can do is to thank the Lions for what they do.
At the MD36 Convention this year, Lions were appreciated and recognized for their volunteer work. I was impressed with our Governors and their clear and substantial “thanks” for the Lions in their respective District’s.
Our International Director Rod Wright delivered an impressive speech at the Saturday night banquet emphasizing how Lions are there to support each other in times of stress and need. I was personally appreciative of his message because of the help provided by the Council of Governors, particularly Vice Council Chair Brad King for his chairing the COG meeting while I was at a doctor’s appointment. Thank you, Brad. The Governors also did an exemplary job while fulfilling their assigned sessions. Thank you, Wes, Chuck, Hank and Paul.
This last article as Council Chair gives me an opportunity to personally thank each of the Committee chairs for fulfilling their requested responsibilities throughout the year. Thank you.
“Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion “; our MD36 Lions were all in this year.