Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


We Are Experiencing Positive Membership Growth

     Lions of 36-R, as I write my last article for this Lions year, reflecting on my journey as your District Governor fills me with profound gratitude. Having the opportunity of serving you a second year brings me back to what I’ve always said, district governors should serve two years. The first year is a period of learning and growth, and the second year would allow you to enjoy everything you learned the first year and share with those you serve the second.

     I am immensely proud of what our District has accomplished this year. Together, we have done so much for our communities.   I asked for input and received it.  I realized the first time I was your DG that it is important to hear what others want and need and this input has guided our actions. 

     In my visits to clubs in District R I have seen clubs grow. Not necessarily with membership, but working together to serve their communities. This unity reminds me of the story shared by CC Lion Phyllis Carlen at our first Cog meeting about Texas Longhorn coach Darrel Royal. How we are all different yet when we come together as Lions:  those differences and opinions are set aside as we serve those in our communities.

     My theme as DG this Lions year was Service from The Heart, because when we serve from our hearts  -- we are going beyond making a difference in our communities we are CHANGING THE WORLD, echoing the sentiment of International President Lion Patti Hills theme. The Lions of 36-R have served from their hearts and made a difference. 

     This Lions year has been marked by memorable events, including a remarkable 36-R convention that saw 145 attendees, thanks to the tireless efforts of a dedicated committee. As a District we were part of screening 168,000 school children, propelling MD36 to #1 in the country for school screenings. We gave out flags to first graders and helped with food banks.  We received two grants:  (1) was for $75,000.00 to build a food bank and (2) was for $10,000.00 for Disaster preparedness.

     We are experiencing positive membership growth, with 91% of clubs reporting service. I’m confident in the incoming DG and 1VDG who will serve next year. Recognizing exemplary service, I've had the honor of presenting International Certificates of Appreciation (the fourth highest international award to eight Lions across our District, acknowledging their outstanding contributions).

     At the MD36 convention, alongside International Director Lion Bob Lee, I had the privilege of awarding Lions Karen Norton (Eugene Downtown) and Fran Silbernagel (Stayton) with the third highest international medal. This is for the service to their communities, their clubs and the District.

     As I finish my second term as your District Governor, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support and dedication. In closing, I want to leave you with this one thought as I have served you great Lions:  “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.

In Service, District Governor Lion Lynn

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925