Dear Lions of MD36,
As we find ourselves immersed in the holiday season, it's a time to pause and reflect on the abundance of things we hold dear. We're grateful for our families, our friends, and the communities we call home, where we proudly serve as Lions. What's even more heartening is the knowledge that each day, through our dedicated service, we have the power to make a positive impact in countless ways.
During this season, there's a natural inclination to extend our acts of kindness and service, illuminating the lives of those around us. We reach out to those who may never have witnessed such compassion before. As Lions, we possess the ability to effect change not only during the holidays but throughout the entire year.
I often think of the kindness and service I witness being provided from Lions as I travel our District. I see nothing but service from the heart. This is a practice Lions do every day. I believe when we serve with kindness we set an example for others to follow.
Each one of you, dear Lions, should recognize the profound impact you're making in your communities and the lives of those you serve. Think of those that observe your kindness and move forward themselves to serve others. This is proof that kindness and service are contagious.
I know Lions give selflessly. Your unwavering service and boundless kindness are transforming lives and communities. Let's not limit our reflections to the holiday season alone, but carry them with us throughout the year. Remember, somewhere out there, a stranger recalls your kindness when no one else was there.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for all that you do. My warmest wishes go out to you and your loved ones during this season, and throughout the year. Cherish one another and hold gratitude for what you have, as well as for the ability to share with others. Always bear in mind that true service springs from the heart. I am steadfast in my belief that when Lions serve with heart, we transcend the boundaries of our communities. In essence, we are indeed changing the world.
With Kindness and Service,
DG Lion Lynn & Kathy District 36-R