Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



     As this issue goes to press most of the district conventions will be completed.  Sorry that DG Kerith Vance of District O had to re-schedule, but I am certain that convention will be great!   It has been fun traveling across the State and getting to know Lions from other districts and meeting with more clubs in District 36G.  We have such great people in Oregon, we have lots to be proud of and there are so many new ideas for service that have come forward.

     The yard signs and magnets have been a big hit and I can't wait to drive through our towns and see how we are getting the message of Lions out to our neighbors and communities.  I want to personally thank all the District Governors in Oregon and the other Lions that took the initiative and time to get the grant that brought these colorful signs to our towns.  They sure catch your eye as you are passing by.  I am certain it will get the community to ask questions and bring more members wanting to serve as do all our currents Lions.

     We still have the Multiple District Convention in Seaside in May.  I hope to see lots of you there enjoying our Coast!

Yours in Lionism,

Cheri Jackson DG 36G

Fresh New Ideas

Dear Lions,

     I am hoping the weather is finally showing some improvements in your area.  It is time to start that Spring cleaning and getting those "honey-do" lists completed.  It is time for that in our Clubs also.  Get business caught up, present those new ideas for ways to help our communities and think of fundraising ideas.  We have started inducting some new members and I hope they also come with some fresh new ideas.  It seems summer goes too fast and winter lasts too long in Eastern Oregon but we really do have 4 beautiful seasons.  Perfect for plenty of outdoor and indoor activities.

     I have met with a few more clubs that were willing to combine the clubs into one visitation which is so helpful with the cost of visitations.  They also got club visit credits so it was an extra win for them.  As the weather permits, I will get my visits in to the more outlying clubs.  I can't wait to see everyone!

     I’m looking forward to Spring.  The yard signs and car magnets are slowing getting delivered and I am anxious to get them to everyone.  They look so great being displayed around town!  If I haven't made it to your club you can also pick them up during convention March 31st and April 1st.  I have ordered sunshine and no wind for that weekend.  I hope to see you all there!

Your in Lionism,

Cheri Jackson

DG 36G

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Dear Fellow Lions,

     As we move further into 2023 I am hoping you all are well and recovering from the Holidays.  The yard signs have arrived so we will begin distributing them to all our members as soon as possible so we can share our pride in being Lions.

     It is the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit but to me it will be the Year of the Lion!  I want you all to reflect on why you became a Lion and share that with others. Although we are one Lion family we are all different people and we all have our own reasons we joined a club that helps others and our communities. I am starting to hear from clubs that they are inducting some new members and I am so happy we have made it through the worst of the Pandemic and are ready to move ahead and join with others in service.

     I have a goal for 2023 that each Lion member give themselves a challenge to bring in at least one new member.  Let's show our enthusiasm to friends and folks we meet, proudly wear your Lion pins, anything to show you are part of a wonderful group of folks. Many will ask you what Lions do.  Explain that we care, we share and we serve. Greet new people moving into the community, take them information on Lions and help them step right in to feel like a part of their new community. Joining a Lions Club is a perfect way to make them feel like they are a part of something. If I had not become a Lion I would not have met what has become some of my dearest friends and my world has become larger.

     A big reminder that we still are needing members to step up into offices.  I personally helped the Lions for years but held back on joining. I am a great worker bee but not a leader. I had my arm twisted to join, yes we have it on film, and look what I am doing now. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, be brave, step up and help lead! You will have lots of help from others and there is great information on the Lions website. I have been able to travel to places I never would have seen had I not stepped up and agreed to broaden my sights from our little Eastern Oregon town.  So, as we prepare for conventions and Spring I want to wish you all the best and God Bless.

Yours in Lionism,

DG 36G Cheri Jackson 

We Are All Part Of A Big Lions Family

     As the New Year approaches I look forward to getting more clubs visited.  At each visit I get so inspired hearing of all the projects our clubs are accomplishing and how some clubs work together to get things done for their communities.

     I know we are all very busy with Holiday projects and of course we are all asked to encourage and bring in new members.  My push as District Governor is to remind all of you what a great membership we have and to make sure we are keeping our current members involved and inspired.

     Call each other, ask for a bit of help from members that are not attending meetings.  There is a reason they are not attending.  Keep them involved and feeling welcome and part of a team.  Remember we are all part of a big Lions family.

     I especially want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and may 2023 be a better year for all of us.

Inspired to Strive

As we move into our new Lion’s year, I have started my club visits. As you know, I want to promote the use of technology for learning and understanding what you can do as a Lion. A duty of the District Governors is to help inspire our clubs and maybe bring together new members.

I did my first club visit in early September and got to help with vision screenings. I have to let you all know this is a very remote club and I am certain they feel they are operating on their own without a lot of visiting from other clubs. I was so impressed with this group and they truly inspired me! They have been making full use of technology applying for grants from many sources to build a community center for their area. They work with the schools and help with their functions, members run the local ambulance and they all stay busy helping out in any way they can to keep their community running. This club seems to be there for everyone in need and they are very important to the area. I am sure without the Lions the area would be in dire need, but this group of Lions in Jordan Valley just keeps helping. May we all be inspired to strive to show true Lionism as this club does!

Cheri Jackson

DG District 36G

Look For New Opportunities To Serve

Hey Team!

      We are off and running on our new Lions year.  I am hoping to make it an eventful year for all of us.   My first stop will be in Jordan Valley with many to follow.

     We all love the time spent with other Lions and get great satisfaction from helping others in our communities.  Keep up the enthusiasm, keep smiling and spread our goodwill to everyone in our communities.  Look for new opportunities to serve and don't be afraid to think a bit out of the box.   We do many things but can always find more places where we can help.

     Let's build our membership by showing others how they can join and help to enrich their lives and our communities.  Some may not be able to put on their boots and work but can bring in new fresh ideas.  Listen to all members as they all need to have a say and be heard for the team to flow like a well-oiled machine. 

     Lions are the best volunteers in the world and part of the best team in the world!  Keep your enthusiasm flowing!!!

Boot Up For Service

     As we enter our new year of 2022-2023 I am very excited about being your District Governor for 36G.  What an experience we had in Montreal at the Lions Clubs International Convention!   I feel that attending conventions boosts our spirits and reminds us why we are Lions.

     I am anxious to get started with club visits and meet new folks and see old friends.  This year our goal is to Boot Up For Service.  I love doing projects where we help our communities in work boots, mud boots or whatever.  But, this year I also hope to encourage use of our technology also.  (reboot the system, etc.)

     There is so much training available free through LCI which can answer many questions our members have.  We also can make better use of social media to get our faces in the community.  Maybe we can encourage younger members and give them a project of sharing our service to others.

     I get asked often "What do Lions do?".   Why doesn't the public know?  Because we are not getting our message out there enough!   Let's have some fun taking lots of photos and sharing them with the public through various types of media.  This year let's ROAR our message across the District!

Yours in Lionism, DG Cheri Jackson, 36-G

We Are Lions, Hear Us ROAR!

     Here’s my last column:  What an amazing year.  I have learned so much about people.  People are stronger, braver and kinder than before the pandemic.  We have found better ways to accomplish what needs to be done.  My hat goes off to Lions everywhere.  You found ways to help others without being unsafe.

     Now everyone seems to be back in full swing with projects and drives as before.  My hope is that Lions keep headed in the direction of progress and technology to reach our goals of service.

     Thank you to each club that has let me visit.  You all have treated me with much respect.

     I plan to keep busy with my club, and to offer my help to anyone who needs me to.

Remember “We are Lions.  Hear us ROAR”.

DG Kathy Oliver

Keep Up The Good Work

     Lions hunt for food to eat.  Lions roar to be heard as king of the jungle.  Lions rest, sleep and hunt again.  Lions (people) hunt for people in need.  Then hunt for a way to fill that need.  Lions (people) roar to be heard alright but for a good cause or a good deed done.  Lions (people) don’t live quite as simply as a lion.  However, I believe we share a somewhat similar drive to accomplish as they do.

     In visiting clubs I am amazed at how much is being done.  Each club has their own ideas and ways of how each project or need will be fulfilled.  You all are great Lions. Keep up the good work.

     Two months and my term will be over.  First Vice District Governor Cheri Jackson will then be your leader.  She will do a fantastic job I’m sure.  Hopefully there will be no catastrophic things happening to keep her from doing all the visits in person.  That way she can see how you work as a club.

     I must also add that I have met some really neat people this year and hope to keep up these new friendships.


DG Kathy Oliver

Be Seen Helping, Be Seen Working, Be Seen Caring

     By the time you read this the 36-G convention will be long behind me.  It went really well without any problems or issues.  The weather was pleasant, no snow fell nor did any rain.  People traveled safe. Our ID Larry Edwards and wife Susan were so very nice.  He was full of questions and answers. They seemed very impressed with the amount of projects each club in District G was doing.  He took lots of notes to take home to his club.

     One of the fun activities at our convention was PCC Steve Oliver selling his hair. Well ok he didn’t really “sell” his hair, but actually let a visually impaired Lion shave his head for money to go to childhood cancer research. Thank you Lions PCC Steve and PDG Mary Lee.

     I also want to thank the Baker City Lions Club for their help.  And for the beautiful flower arrangements.

     Spring is just around the corner, which means more outdoor activities.  Use this time to do all you can.  Be seen helping, be seen working, be seen caring, and be seen doing what we do as Lions.

That’s What We Are All About

     What can I say “time flies when you’re having fun.”  Now, I cannot believe we are less than five months from the finish line.

     Being a Lion is one of my favorite things I have done in my lifetime. Knowing that you have helped a fellow human being along their way (perhaps through a difficult time) is the most rewarding feeling.

     Remembering helping with vision testing grade schoolers and seeing the kids who really needed glasses was such an eye-opener for me. That’s when I knew I’d always be a Lion just so I could help kids see. “That’s what we are all about”.

     Even though there seems to be some issues of being able to be in schools and testing, don’t give up. Counties are opening back up slowly and soon we will be back to the “old” schedule.

     I also want to give an “ATTABOY” to the clubs in District G for the new members they have brought into the Lions. Thank you for your work and do not slow down. This means that there are more members for more projects and we can help more and more people in need.

     I am so excited that Spring is right around the corner. Don’t forget March 13th Daylight Saving’s Time begins. That means we have an extra hour of daylight to do an extra hour of help with projects for the Lions.

Ask Someone To Join And To Serve

     Convention time is very near.  Please support your District Governor by going to your district’s convention.  We need you there.  Some of the things you can learn would be: solving difficult situations, getting new ideas for new projects, new friendships, and just plain having some fun.  Come enjoy and learn.

     I’m so happy to see New Members, at the club meetings I’ve gone to.  At a visitation yesterday, while enjoying our meal, a young man walked in and asked if this was the Lions Club.  After assuring him that it was he said he wanted to join so he could help serve the community.  No one had asked him -- he just knew about what Lions do.  I know it’s not always that easy, but sometimes it is.

     Be thinking of ways to invite new possible members.  Remember being seen in public doing needed services, wearing our vests is a big plus for encouraging new members.  Our opportunities are many if we remember who we are and what we do.

     I also want to mention that it is not just about how much money you can raise -- it’s also how we help with the needs of the community.  We should also consider helping each other.  After all we are not in competition with each other.  We all have the same goals, which is SERVICE.

     Please keep in mind to ask someone to join, and to serve, .. how easy is that.

District Governor Kathy Oliver

There Is Always Someone Who Needs Help

     Happy New Year to all!

     I hope your Christmas was wonderful.  Lions have the perfect projects at Christmas. Gift shopping for families needing help and food boxes.  Some clubs actually take the whole family shopping, so that involves 4 or 5 Lions.  What a great time that is.

     So a new year to start fresh is 2022 -- what will it have in store for us?  Can we conquer COVID?   Will kids get to stay “in” school?  Will people still be working from home?   Will prices keep going up?   Whatever happens we will still be Lions serving our communities, still helping with disaster relief, still working to keep others fed, clothed and well.

     Things may not be the same as they used to be, but one thing never changes and that is, there is always someone who needs help.  Winter in our part of Oregon is maybe not the easiest time to recruit members but don’t give up.  For instance, don’t give up on someone the first time they say NO.  Maybe they are just needing to be asked twice.  Be seen when you’re out doing service in the community, show people you are having a good time helping.  Sometimes when they see you having too much fun, they want to have too much fun also.  Attend meeting as much as you can.  The officers need your support and you need to know what’s going on.  Don’t be afraid to volunteer, you’ll have fun.  Help with committees that are putting together new projects. “Do all you can to be all you can.”

     May this be your best year ever.

DG Kathy Oliver

Everyone Wants To Help

     With the holidays upon us we certainly can become too busy.  I find that an occasional time out is necessary to check what is important to do next.  Sometimes a checklist is a good way to keep on track.  And sometimes simply to delegate is the answer.

     Everyone wants to help.  Forming small committees can be an answer to reaching some goals.  This of course is about Lions Clubs.  This time of year can tend to be stressful and give people that bah-humbug attitude.  So if more members pitch in and help your holiday projects can be enjoyable.  Please remember that the food banks need help, Christmas shopping needs doing, trees need set up, and parades need to be watched.  Find what you can do to help.

     Also I would like to say GOOD JOB Clubs who have been getting new members.  This is what we are striving for right now.  Set goals to reach for spring.  See who can gain 10 new members by then.  Not only gain them but plug them in to a project so they too can feel the joy of helping others.

     I did want to mention too that you should look into leadership.  Being a leader in Lions is rewarding and very satisfying.  There is all kinds of training (free) online for those who are interested.  Don’t be afraid to try.  So in closing, volunteer when you can, enjoy the holiday season and try leadership.

     Looking to the future.  DG Kathy Oliver

Where Lions Meet Grrrreat Things Happen

     WOW!!  USA/CANADA Forum was great.

     It was well-attended despite COVID- 19.  It was organized well and presented well.   Where Lions meet Grrrreat things happen. 

     There were so many seminars available and not enough time to attend each one.   Some of the topics to name but a few were:  Diabetes from a Blind perspective, Growing Public Speaking Skills, United We Stand Divided We Fall, How Advocacy Can Help Your District, Leadership Training, Gathering The Pride, and Adding and Retaining Members. I could go on but space won’t allow.

     Did you know that any Lion can attend the forum? What an experience meeting other Lions from all over the United States and Canada.   Next year will be in Calgary, Canada.  How awesome is that.

     After attending the Forum and heading home, I started to think about what I brought away with me that will make me a better leader.  It was so much in such a short period of time that I’m still processing it all.

     Lions are a dynamic organization that touches the lives of millions of people around the world each day.  To be a part of this makes me very proud.  Each Lion should share that feeling.  Every time we help with vision testing or when we do a project to raise money for childhood cancer or go Christmas shopping to help a family have a great Christmas instead of no Christmas at all, we are doing things that matter in our communities.  Be proud to be a Lion.

     As we head into the holiday season let’s set our hearts and minds on things we can do for those who need a helping hand.

     Be a Lion “Serve” from the Heart.


Respectfully yours, DG Kathy Oliver

Help All You Can And Do It From The Heart

dg kathy 2021.jpg

October 2021 - Lions Magazine

     Hello again fellow Lions.   Everyone is back from vacation.  School has started.  Things are getting back to our new normal.

     In looking at membership reports, it is sad to see clubs folding and members leaving.  We are an awesome organization and need to really buckle down and see what needs to be done to change this situation.  I realize we are tired of masks, social distancing and some don’t want one more zoom meeting.  Regardless, we need to be out there saving clubs and members.  We have help available for beginning new clubs, reviving old ones, and brining in new members.  There are many ways to bring in new members.

     I have found lots of ideas in the older Lions magazines.  The projects other clubs do can work for you too.  Maybe you have to tweak it a little for your area.  But, keep your eyes and ears open for what might work for you.

     Here’s are a few ideas:  Summer breakfasts in the park, honoring our heroes, clean-up day, planting trees, Christmas opportunities to raise money and help the unfortunate, asking at the grade schools about helping with reading, fireworks stands, basketball tournaments, parades, random acts of kindness.  I could go on but I’m sure you get the idea.  Remember to thank your community for their support, and include your community in an effort to gain members.  Help all you can and do it from the heart.

Now Is The Time For Lions To Lend A Helping Hand

September 2021 - Lions Magazine

dg kathy 2021.jpg

     Well we’re into the heat of it now.  High temperatures, fires all over our state and those states all around us.  Now is the time for Lions to lend a helping hand to those in need.  There are so many things needed in some situations:  housing, food, animal care, vehicles, and most of all understanding from the heart to name a few.

     Each Lions club should have a plan for helping in disasters.  Some clubs have and are working on emergency trailers and are stocking them with things such as blankets, mattresses, water and first aid equipment.  Don’t forget those food trailers that some of your clubs have.

     Then there is the aftermath.  I know of a club that is willing to rent a storage unit to store good furniture in, appliances, etc.  Things to get by with until insurances kick in.  

     The other thing I wanted to mention is membership.  Be creative and find ways to involve non-members in one of your projects.  With a little bit of effort and a bit of genius you’ll be surprised what can happen.  Sometimes people are just waiting to be asked.

     By the way my theme this year is “Look to the future”.   Our future in Lions depends on membership and that is up to each one of us to help with.  So roll up your sleeves and start doing what we do best as Lions:  “WE SERVE.”

DG Kathy Oliver

Building Back Our Numbers

July/August - Lions magazine

     I want to thank those who encouraged me to do this awesome job.  I hope that I can make a difference in my year as District Governor.

     This past year has been a real challenge for all of us.  Membership has wavered.  We now face the challenge of building back our numbers as there is much to do in the coming year. 

     Please join me in moving on with what we do as Lions do. 


A Roaring Success


Dear Lions,

DG John Taylor.png

     It has been my pleasure and honor to serve you this past challenging year as the 36G District Governor. Although the year did not go as intended (Ha!) we have nonetheless managed to carry on and make some positive changes in the district. Innovation was the hallmark of successful clubs this year as we all worked to serve our communities under the restrictions of COVID-19 lockdowns. Successful clubs found new ways to raise funds and new projects to carry on the tradition of Lions service. Another highlight was the implementation of virtual meetings, usually on the Zoom platform. This format allowed willing clubs to continue to meet, saved countless travel hours and dollars to attend District meetings, and even allowed the district to hold a highly engaging and informative convention this year! Lastly, the four current District Governors are proposing a new foundation for the express purpose of helping Lions to prepare for, respond to, and survive disasters. Remember we have experienced three Federally declared disasters this year: February 2020 floods, COVID-19, and wildfires so the need is great. Another article in this issue more fully explains what we are proposing.

     I am turning over District 36G to a highly motivated and experienced Lion, Kathy Oliver from the Elgin Lions. Her husband is PCC Steve Oliver, she has been president of the Elgin Lions, a Zone Chair, and has held many other positions in Lions. She will be an excellent leader for our District, but I want to give District Lions some suggestions about how to work with Kathy and help make her term a roaring success.

·         Mind your manners! Don’t ignore email and phone calls from DG Oliver or other District leaders. First, it is just plain rude, and secondly communication must happen in both directions; DG Oliver will do her part, but will you?

·         Keep DG Oliver and your Zone Chair informed about what your club is doing. Be sure to enter all projects, activities, and fundraising activities in MyLion so your club gets LCI credit for your good work. This also helps LCI pursue funding from large donor organizations who want to know how their money is and will be spent.

·         Invite DG Oliver to attend your club meetings, whether in person or online. Be aware of the protocol (manners) expected of a club when enjoying an official visitation by the DG. Here is a handy link to running a meeting, and a governor’s visitation:

·         If you are a club officer, especially a president, please know that as a part of your presidential responsibilities you are expected to attend Zone Meetings and to report on your club’s activities. This is a great way to learn about Lions and to support DG Oliver.

·         Plan to attend District and Zone training sessions. This is an easy way to stay current with Lions, and you might actually learn something new. Again, this will really help DG Oliver with improving the District.

·         Last but not least, if you have been a club officer in the same position for three or more years, don’t you think it is time to train your replacement and step up to a different position, like Zone Chair? Both you and your club will benefit from the change.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your District Governor.

Soon-to-be Past District Governor, John Taylor

There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

DG John Taylor.png

     Lions, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m not referring to an oncoming train. That has already passed; didn’t you see its tracks? Many of us now have or are getting vaccinated against COVID, businesses are slowly beginning to open up again, kids are going back to school in person, and mask wearing by responsible Lions is not (or should not be) the political statement it was.  Even the Pendleton Round-Up is roaring back into Pendleton Wednesday to Saturday, September 15-18, 2021. This year the Top Professional Bull Riders will appear in the PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tour Finale on Monday and Tuesday, September 13-14. These are the TOP riders competing for over $100,000 just before the National Finals. Why do I mention the Round-Up and PRCA? Because in addition to the Round-Up and Happy Canyon being nice people, it just so happens they are donating family tickets for the Round-Up on Wednesday or Thursday which YOU could score in the 36G Convention Spin-the-Wheel!

     The 36G Convention Committee has been working really hard at putting together an engaging and informative convention. This will not be your father’s traditional convention by any means. Here are just some of the speakers, programs, and activities that will be in the convention. will take you to the registration page, hosted by the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. Here you can enter your name, email address, and decide if you want to participate in the fundraiser or not, enter your secure payment information, and you are set!

     Here are just some of the presentations and activities that are part of this convention:

·         Lions and Membership - ID Larry Edwards                                                           

·         Parkinson’s Story - Carol Clupney -

·         February 2020 Floods - Christy Lieuallen and Charlene Larson

·         Grant Writing Made Simple - Karen Taylor -         

·         Loop Technology - Tim McGlothlin

·         Diabetes Awareness and Emergency Prep - Christine Guenther and Christine Naff

·         Diabetes and COVID-19 Updates - Dr. Scott Gibson                          

·         Fire District #1 Disaster Prep –Scott Stanton

·         Life Flight Helicopter – Polly Buzzini

·         Pendleton Unmanned Aerial System Range – Steve Lawn

·         CPR – Charlie Clupney

·         Spin the Wheel

·         District G Election and Results

·         Memorial

·         Lions Individual and Club Recognitions

·         Videos

·         More

We hope to “see” you at the convention!

Register today. Now, before you forget.  You’ll be glad you did.

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925