Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Inspired to Strive

As we move into our new Lion’s year, I have started my club visits. As you know, I want to promote the use of technology for learning and understanding what you can do as a Lion. A duty of the District Governors is to help inspire our clubs and maybe bring together new members.

I did my first club visit in early September and got to help with vision screenings. I have to let you all know this is a very remote club and I am certain they feel they are operating on their own without a lot of visiting from other clubs. I was so impressed with this group and they truly inspired me! They have been making full use of technology applying for grants from many sources to build a community center for their area. They work with the schools and help with their functions, members run the local ambulance and they all stay busy helping out in any way they can to keep their community running. This club seems to be there for everyone in need and they are very important to the area. I am sure without the Lions the area would be in dire need, but this group of Lions in Jordan Valley just keeps helping. May we all be inspired to strive to show true Lionism as this club does!

Cheri Jackson

DG District 36G

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925