Boot Up For Service
As we enter our new year of 2022-2023 I am very excited about being your District Governor for 36G. What an experience we had in Montreal at the Lions Clubs International Convention! I feel that attending conventions boosts our spirits and reminds us why we are Lions.
I am anxious to get started with club visits and meet new folks and see old friends. This year our goal is to Boot Up For Service. I love doing projects where we help our communities in work boots, mud boots or whatever. But, this year I also hope to encourage use of our technology also. (reboot the system, etc.)
There is so much training available free through LCI which can answer many questions our members have. We also can make better use of social media to get our faces in the community. Maybe we can encourage younger members and give them a project of sharing our service to others.
I get asked often "What do Lions do?". Why doesn't the public know? Because we are not getting our message out there enough! Let's have some fun taking lots of photos and sharing them with the public through various types of media. This year let's ROAR our message across the District!
Yours in Lionism, DG Cheri Jackson, 36-G