Be Seen Helping, Be Seen Working, Be Seen Caring
By the time you read this the 36-G convention will be long behind me. It went really well without any problems or issues. The weather was pleasant, no snow fell nor did any rain. People traveled safe. Our ID Larry Edwards and wife Susan were so very nice. He was full of questions and answers. They seemed very impressed with the amount of projects each club in District G was doing. He took lots of notes to take home to his club.
One of the fun activities at our convention was PCC Steve Oliver selling his hair. Well ok he didn’t really “sell” his hair, but actually let a visually impaired Lion shave his head for money to go to childhood cancer research. Thank you Lions PCC Steve and PDG Mary Lee.
I also want to thank the Baker City Lions Club for their help. And for the beautiful flower arrangements.
Spring is just around the corner, which means more outdoor activities. Use this time to do all you can. Be seen helping, be seen working, be seen caring, and be seen doing what we do as Lions.