Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



November Newsletter

    As the time draws near for me to submit my article for this magazine, I start stressing over it.  I never have been at ease writing, so I procrastinate to the last possible moment, which I have done again. However, things are different this month; I have several things to write about.
    First, PCC Joyce Anderson sent me an e-mail regarding the USA/Canada Forum to be held next year in Portland.  Her committee has almost everything ready to go.  The one thing she really needs now is people to volunteer.  She could use at least 300 volunteers to fill the various jobs at the Forum.  So, please put this on your calendars right away and e-mail PCC Joyce when you can work.  Thanks in advance.
    Second, PDG Wes King called with a special request.  He is putting together a grant request to Lions Club International for $85,000 to help fund a $2.5 million expansion at their facility south of Eugene.  Dogs for the Deaf not only provides dogs for the hearing impaired but also trains and provides dogs for autistic children.  It is remarkable how these dogs help autistic children.  PDG Wes needs to raise $42,000 in matching fund.  If you would like to donate individually or as a Lions club, make your checks out to Dogs for the Deaf, 10175 Wheeler Road, Central Point, OR 97520.  Let’s all get on board and help this worthy cause.  PDG Wes has to submit his grant application sometime mid-December.
    Third, International President Corlew sent out an e-mail regarding Lions-sponsored parades.  Recently, a Lion’s club in Indiana received some very negative publicity regarding controversial floats in their parade.  So if your club sponsors a parade, please check out the float entries prior to giving them permission to participate. This will save a lot of embarrassment for Lions here in Oregon.  If your club is submitting a float in a non-Lion sponsored parade, it is ok, just try to stay away from any controversial or negative float if you can.  If you need more information, check out President Corlew’s website.
    Remember the holidays are coming up so please help your local food banks. Thank you.  WE SERVE

Three months have come and gone since our new Lions year started. What have you done for the Lions of Oregon and Northern California?  I know the Lions who are working on the Centennial Celebration have done a lot already and are continuing to work to make Multiple District 36's Centennial Celebration extremely memorable.

Those Lions working on the USA/Canada Forum are also working hard. Both groups could use additional help.

How many of you have asked someone to join your Lions Club this past three months?  I know it isn't always easy as none of us like rejection, but go ahead and try.  You will be surprised at the responses you get.  Invite them to come to one of your projects.  Many join when they see the good they can do for their communities.

Now to change the focus a little. Two years ago we asked Lions to reach out and help 100 million people prior to our Centennial Celebration. We've already reached that goal and then some. Don't stop now just because we have surpassed our goal.

Our International President Corlew has asked Lions to join him in a worldwide week of service in Sight, to end preventable blindness and visual impairment in our communities during the week of October 10-16.  Each club that has a service project such as a vision screening or White Cane donation will receive special recognition. We can change lives this October.

October 1 was the deadline to get the peace poster kits. I hope that each club got their kits and distributed them to the schools.

As I finish this column, I urge each of you to register for the Centennial Convention in Chicago.  Be a part of Lions history.

Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
— Hope K.

June Newsletter

Last month I identified how a healthy body is similar to a healthy Lions club.

Attitude is also an essential ingredient in a Lions club being able to be of service.  A positive outlook towards our club projects and our members will produce positive results.

The more our members are appreciated for their volunteer work, and acknowledged by other Lions in the club and the District, the more they will want to serve the community.  One of the best things the District leaders can do is to thank the Lions for what they do.

At the MD36 Convention this year, Lions were appreciated and recognized for their volunteer work.  I was impressed with our Governors and their clear and substantial “thanks” for the Lions in their respective District’s.

Our International Director Rod Wright delivered an impressive speech at the Saturday night banquet emphasizing how Lions are there to support each other in times of stress and need.  I was personally appreciative of his message because of the help provided by the Council of Governors, particularly Vice Council Chair Brad King for his chairing the COG meeting while I was at a doctor’s appointment.  Thank you, Brad.  The Governors also did an exemplary job while fulfilling their assigned sessions.  Thank you, Wes, Chuck, Hank and Paul.

This last article as Council Chair gives me an opportunity to personally thank each of the Committee chairs for fulfilling their requested responsibilities throughout the year.  Thank you. 

“Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion “; our MD36 Lions were all in this year.


Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925