Soaring Beyond the Horizon as We Serve
My Fellow Lions - For those of you who have attended Northwest Lions Leadership Institute this phrase is very familiar to each and every one of you and I happily use it as I greet you as the Council Chair for 2018-2019. As I write these words, the District Governors-Elect and I, along with a host of other wonderful Oregon Lions, are preparing for our visit to Las Vegas for the International Convention. This is the last year that the DGEs will go to the convention site for the four days preceding the convention to finalize their training. So, they will be heading out the last part of June and then rest of the Oregon Lions and Leos should be meeting up with them at the parade.
Attending International Convention is an experience unto itself. The camaraderie and excitement in the air, meeting new and old friends, hearing the reports of the wonderful things the Lions have done throughout the world, learning of new plans and projects, to name just a few things that go on, simply cannot be understood if you have not had the opportunity to attend a convention. When your District Governors return from the International Convention they will bring with them more knowledge and ideas, as well as plans for making this a great year for the Lions of Oregon.
Our Multiple District theme this year is “Soaring Beyond the Horizon as We Serve” and is in keeping with the ideas of the new International President Dudrun Yngvadottir who is “Sailing beyond the Horizon”. There is no doubt that we Oregon Lions will be looking beyond the horizon as we strive to serve in all ways in support of the five missions of our great organization: Diabetes, Environment, Hunger Relief, Vision and Childhood Cancer. There is much work to be done, but where there is a need there is a Lion, and we are Lions and “We Serve.”
Your District Governors have been meeting together through their terms as 2nd VDG and 1st VDG into this year as they take over the duties of District Governor. During that time they have had the opportunity to know each other and to bond into a cohesive working group as a District Council of Governors. It is my honor and privilege to be a part of this group having been elected as your Council Chair and I will do my utmost to fulfill the obligation I have been entrusted with.
With input from these new District Governors, the MD36 Committee Chairs have been selected and have agreed to fill their respective positions. And with the able assistance of our GLT, GMT, GST and GAT leaders, I look forward to an active and effective year of MD36 Lions “Serving” their communities, their nation, and the world. The District Governors have plans and projects and in working with their DG teams in each of the districts, the Lions of Oregon can and will certainly “Soar Beyond the Horizon” as they serve.