Where has the year gone? Oh my goodness Mighty MD36 Lions, my year as your #1 Servant is almost over! It seems that it was just a couple of weeks ago that a bunch of “fresh off the presses” District Governors Bert, Tom, Bob and Debi were standing with me on the front steps of the McCormick Convention Center in Chicago, having our “inaugural Council of Governors meeting” while I furiously took notes on my cell phone!
Well! It’s been an amazing experience as our Council, including smart and articulate Vice Council Chair Judith Poage, (who makes every meeting and event better by just being there!) has gelled into a cohesive and communicative team, bringing the message of increasing and improving SERVICE in all the Lions Clubs in MD36; mentoring and teaching LEADERSHIP in Clubs and communities; enjoying the immense FELLOWSHIP that Lions produce when they work and play together and … promoting COMMUNICATION! As many of our International Directors have made clear to us … when we communicate in the media about the things we do as Lions, (remember: SERVICE, LEADERSHIP and FELLOWSHIP), we’re not bragging, we’re simply stating facts. Like my old hero, Sgt. Joe Friday used to say on “Dragnet”: “Just the facts, mam’”.
Let’s all take a moment to remember the good Lions who’ve recently passed away. It’s been a difficult spring for many of us. Please, if your neighbor club has lost a member, offer your thoughts, give them a call or make a visit. If it’s one of your own club members, make sure you take care of yourselves. Make sure you take care of your late member’s family. Remember the good times, the fun service and the Lion-style fellowship you’ve shared and let a smile come to your face and heart as you remember your good Lions who passed on.
As I write this, it’s 10 days before the 94th MD36 Annual Convention! I’m getting a little nervous, but, I can assure you that your MD Convention Committee has worked very hard to get things ready for an exceptional and memorable Convention! I know that we’re going to have (that we had … by the time you get to reads this) a wonderful time with International Director Bruce and Lion Erin Beck. I’ve been communicating with them and I have no doubt that they plan to have a good time!
Speaking of Conventions, the 101st International Convention is quickly approaching in beautiful Las Vegas! Everything is happening at the amazing MGM Grand, so you don’t even have to go outside (if you don’t want to). Go to http://lcicon.lionsclubs.org to register and for more information. I truly wish I could go but … “someone’s” only daughter is getting married this summer and I’ve been “grounded”.
I’m saddened by the closing of some clubs this year. I understand that sometimes it’s difficult to keep things moving when your club’s membership wanes or ages or loses interest. Really, I do understand that. But I also, I understand that when some dedicated Lions make up their mind, they can bring a club back from the brink and make it vibrant and sustainable. There are tools to help you and your club do more than just keep your club alive, but to grow it, culture it and make it self-sustaining. Just talk to your Zone Chair, Region Chair or any member of you District Governor’s leadership team! They’re all prepared and anxious to help! But … it starts with you!
I frequently peruse the My LCI portion of the Lions Clubs International website to see what you great Lions are up to service-wise and I’m always so very happy to find what I find! You’re giving needy neighbors exams, glasses and hearing aids; you’re feeding your needy neighbors and school kids and virtually everyone who needs it; you’re leading your clubs, your communities and the youth that are the future (Scouts, Leo’s, etc.)! You do so much good in your communities and beyond!
Be the source in your community of SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNICATION … Do it … Lead it … Enjoy it … Tell about it! Let’s keep “MOVING MD36 FORWARD”!
Throughout my Lions journey I continue to be honored to serve you, so proud of your trust in me and humbled to be counted among you great Lions of MD36!