Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Create A New Future For Our District

Greeting Lions of District 36R

     I’d like to share with you this month several things that I have read that I believe relate directly to us as Lions.  The most recent is from Greta Thunberg’s new book.  She writes:  “To me, hope is not something that is given to you, it is something you have to earn, to create.  It cannot be gained passively, through standing by and waiting for someone else to do something.  Hope is taking action.”  The next quote/sentiment is from an article from Susan Joy Hassol that I read: “To inspire people we need to tell a story not of sacrifice and deprivation but of opportunity and improvement in our lives, our health and our well-being – a story of humans flourishing...."  That same article had a list of how to talk to people:  “Make it personal; Appeal to people’s priorities; Connect on values; Find common ground; Address the here and now; Stress the urgency of action; Show where action is working; Highlight our choice of futures.”

     The final quote, from Naomi Oreskes, I would like to leave with us:  “Conventional realism asserts that we cannot live any other way than the way we do now. The fossil-fuel industry asserts that we cannot live without its products.  But history shows that humans have lived and thrived in many different configurations. It is not unreasonable to think we could, in the future, live in a less destructive manner than we do now.  And if aspiration appears to be unrealistic, then we need to find strategies to make it real.” Ok, I’m done with the heavy stuff, but as I read the above and upon reflection it made me think about our District and how we can all come together to create a new future, no matter what anyone says if we desire it.

     We have just come off what some might say is our most successful District conference in years. I would argue that all that participated in the planning, those that played active roles delivering the program, and all those that attended made a choice to create a new future for our District. By the numbers we had over 130 individuals attend, 31 first timers, numerous prospective members, 30 clubs, an awesome International Director and his wife, 3 outside organizations, a great presentation by OLSHF, 12 raffle baskets, over 20 display tables, and a service project collecting warm socks and gloves. And if that is not enough, we started strong with a welcome from the Eugene City Mayor and a response from Eugene Downtown’s President that reminded us why we had given our precious time to attend and engage for the day.

Happy Winter - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

Our District Leadership is Here for Our Clubs

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     At the time of publishing, I will have finished my last three official DG Club Visits of our 32 clubs. Lion Patty and I had the opportunity to share a Christmas Dinner with our smallest club (Jefferson) and two of their community partners and a lunch with our second largest club (Eugene Downtown). While being small (5 members) the Jefferson Lions club is active in their community as are many of our smaller clubs.  Did you know District R has 16 clubs with less than 15 members.  This is not an impediment for our members to serve their communities.  I have heard too many times that if a club falls below 20 members, they can no longer be a Lions Club and that is not true, 20 members are required when starting a new Lions Club.

     Another thing I have experienced this year is that LCI is very responsive to the District Governors (DGs). For our clubs, what that means, if you need something from LCI and are not getting a response, get the DG involved. Our district leadership is here for our clubs but it is a two edged sword as our district leadership comes from our clubs. We have many open positions on the cabinet and committees that need our club leaders, seasoned or otherwise, to step up. This coming year we will also have a need to fill and replace our 8 Zone chairs as there are new term limits. I choose the perspective that this is a great opportunity to get our newer Lions involved and launch our District forward on its next period of growth and the increased service to our communities that comes with it.

     Our next district cabinet meeting is coming up on February 18th and is being hosted by one of our small clubs, Salem North East. Once again we encourage all of our members to attend, especially the club presidents and secretaries. One of the topics that we will be discussing is LCIF Grants that are available at the district level. Many of these are from $10K to $100k and require multiple clubs to be involved with some level of Lions and community match. Lion International President, Brian, has challenged us to think outside of our often-self-imposed boxes and to “Think Big When We Serve”. This is one way that LCIF helps us with that sentiment and encourages partnerships with other organizations in our communities.

Happy New Year - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

We Can Create Capabilities

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     As my club visits come to an end, I am looking forward to MD36 Convention season and the beginning of our focus on welcoming new leaders to our district team. Our District, 36R, starts the season out on February 4th and is quickly followed by District 36O on February 25th. The district conventions offer our members a chance to renew old friendships, create new ones, listen and engage with speakers that enlighten us, hear from our International Directors, as well as renew our commitment to Lionism.

     This month I want to highlight the Mill City Lions Club. They have an annual tradition every February called their Sweetheart Dinner. This year it will be held on February 11th and includes dinner, music, dessert auction and a basket raffle at their local high school’s gymnasium. This event brings their community together and raises between 6k-8k in support of their graduating seniors and other local charitable causes for education. What I most liked about it is the specificity of the event that is for a single purpose which enhances the donations that are made.

     I have come to believe that our District needs to create some capabilities that can benefit our current clubs, reestablish clubs where Lions are no longer present, and enlighten our members on what it means to be a Lion in our multiple district (MD).  We can create capabilities that provide expertise and assistance in conducting Community Needs Assessments, provide monthly member orientation on both the district and MD as well as Lions Club International (LCI), and provide zoom training to assist our members in the new hybrid world.  We can also have our OLSHF trustees return to speaking at our clubs as well as offering monthly orientation on the support that OLSHF provides for the communities that we serve.

     In our District and MD, we have many committees that we need volunteers to lead as well as participate. The sad reality is many of these committees are currently not effective in delivering value to our clubs and more broadly to our communities. If we as a District were to focus on the five global causes (Vision, Diabetes, Hunger, Environment, Childhood Cancer) and for us Oregon Lions, Hearing, would that be something we could find members willing to support outside of their clubs?  If you have a passion for any of these areas, please contact our District’s leadership.

Happy New Years - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

Expanding On The Existing Relationship

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     I have continued to focus on visiting our clubs.  At this point all my visits are scheduled and thank you to all that have made this happen.  By the middle of December, I will have visited 29 of our 32 clubs and will finish up in mid-January.  These visits continue to reinforce the many reasons that I became a Lion.  I would highly recommend individual or club visits to our district’s clubs as it can also reinforce your commitment to Lionism.

     This month I would like to call out my own club, Yachats, and the Waldport Lions club as they represent two clubs that are working together to increase service in our communities and fellowship with our members.  Lion Presidents Kevin (Yachats) and TiAnne (Waldport) are expanding on the existing relationship between our two clubs. We even had a joint meeting where each club conducted their business, shared a meal and a speaker.

     It appears that our District will not find a 1st Vice District Governor (VDG) this year and will have to appoint a PDG at the start of next year. To not have this to occur the following year, we have until the end of this year to either get a 2nd VDG or fill one of our other cabinet positions with someone willing to become the 1st VDG next year.  In life we understand that it takes a team and when you have a team, positions complement each other, and all members find that their individual role is much easier to fulfill.  We have four cabinet level positions open and a few more currently filled by PDGs who would happily step aside for someone with passion and energy.

     We just had our second district cabinet meeting and had four clubs represented that participated in the activities.  We continue to improve the format of the cabinet meeting and we did two exercises, a SWOT and needs assessment that will help us start discussions on the future direction of our District.  Our multiple district (MD) PR grant ($16.5k our district cost $375) will also become real by the end of this year when we receive our yard signs and magnetic bumper stickers.  We need an effective district and MD as grant money in Lions can only be accessed above the club level.

     Happy Holidays - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Service     

Innovating And Reimagining Our District

     Since I last wrote I did attend the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Calgary. Lion DG (36O) Kerith Vance and I spent time attending the seminars, learning new things, reinforcing previous habits, getting inspired, connecting with old friends, meeting new friends, spending time with our convention International Director (ID) speakers, coming back with innovative ideas, and getting an update from Lion International President, Brian Sheehan. An experience I would recommend to any member in our District.

     During September, I have been busy visiting our clubs and I am amazed at the amount of service that our members provide to their communities. The diversity of this service is quite amazing and fully represents our simple motto of “We Serve.”  If we listen to our members and recognize their service passions, there is nothing that we cannot do as Lions for our communities.  As Lions International President asks us, “Are you excited to be a Lion?!?”

     During my DG Visit to the Corvallis club, I had the honor of inducting a new member into their club.  At the end of the ceremony, I experienced a new thing that made the ceremony even more memorable for the new Lion and fun for the club.  First, they had “Buy A Roar” in which members contribute to the club’s administrative fund and they chant this: “Roar Lions! Roar Lions! Roar Lions! Bite’em, Bite’em, Bite’em, New Lion <name>.”

     As I write this, we are about to have our first district Information Seminar, hosted by the Corvallis Lions club.  This is our first attempt at a hybrid format which will allow more of our members to attend. Our topics will be on Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing (OLSHF) and Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF).  We intend to do at least one more of these sessions in the spring on the camps that we support as Oregon Lions.  If the attendance is good (demand), we will work to have additional seminars that provide more orientation/learning opportunities to our members.

     Our next district cabinet meeting, hosted by the Keizer Lions club, is coming up on November 5th. We hope to see even more clubs attending this time as we will have activities to help our district continue the journey we embarked on last year.  Innovating and reimagining our district where we will continue growth in membership and more importantly providing more service to our communities.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

This is a Journey

At the end of August, we had our first District cabinet meeting. 12 clubs attended and five clubs sent their leaders/members. The meeting minutes have been distributed as well as our District goals. As a District we need members to step up and fill out our committees. This means chairpersons as well as members. If you have a passion, please let us know and our District will be better for it.

If you have reviewed our District goals, you will notice that over the last 20 years on average we lost 40 members and approximately one club a year. Last year was the first year since, 2009-2010 (+49) that we have had net member growth (+5). In fact, with all our efforts, our District improved all metrics over the previous year. This is a journey, we are at the beginning of it and with a lot of hard work, innovation and focus we can put our District back on the path of growth.

During my DG Visit to the Gardiner-Reedsport Club I brought them 10 new member packets. They currently have 8 new members signed up and a pathway to an additional two. When asked why their club is exploding, the response I got was they have members talking up their club wherever they go in their community, others asking their friends, neighbors and associates to join their club and inviting folks to join them at their service events. They represent one club in our District, with new/old leaders, that is finding a way to growth and expanding the service that they provide to their communities.

Your club may have received your LCIF Empowering Service collection jar, if not contact your Zone Chairperson. To meet our goal of 250,000 nickels each of our 700 members needs to collect only 357 nickels or $17.86 this year. We made it half-way to our goal last year, let’s challenge ourselves to reach our goal this year.

I now have 17 club visits scheduled with only 12 to go. I will be reaching out to get the remaining clubs scheduled and with your help should make my goal of all visits this year. I leave in a few more days to attend the annual Lions USA/Canada Forum in Calgary where I hope to connect with new Lions, visit with our convention ID speaker, meet old acquaintances, and continue to learn.

A New Challenge

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     We started our year off right when all four District Governors and our Council Chair for 2022-2023 were able to attend the International Convention in Montreal, Canada.  It was a busy week for all, and the four incoming DGs got to know each other better as we finished up our DGE Seminar.  We also met most of our DGE Seminar classmates in our final two days of training.  We got to experience our new International President’s, enthusiasm, and energy firsthand – and boy does he have both in spades.  I am looking forward to dedicating myself to his theme, “Together We Can” and beginning our District’s Global Membership Approach (GMA) journey.

     At the District level we have been focused on getting our club leaders trained and at the time of this writing we have accomplished getting 33% (goal of 60%) of them trained.  Entering our third and final phase for training this year, the self-training, I feel that our goal is within reach.  We have also been working at the MD36 level to secure a PR Grant for $15k from LCIF, that all four districts are participating in, and will be focused on yard-signs, car magnet stickers, and coffee cup sleeves.  This will allow us to advertise Lions in our communities with the intention of gaining new members and awareness of our great organization.

     PDG Steve Moser, our LCIF Coordinator, is also back this year and has a new challenge for us to collect 250,000 nickels starting in August and going through October. We can bring 15% of those funds back to our District to fund local projects in our District.  Last year’s million pennies raised ~$5,000 dollars and with other “Empowering Service” donations we will have ~$1,500 and per Lion PDG Lynn’s wishes this money will be donated to Heartfelt House in Eugene.  This year we will be polling our members to see where we will donate the money for next year.

     I have visited two clubs to date and am working on getting my other visits set up with the goal of accomplishing most of the visits by early October.  So far, I have enjoyed meeting our fellow Lions and am impressed with the service that our clubs do as well as the variety based on their community’s needs.  I look forward to visiting each of our clubs, meeting fellow Lions, experiencing the incredible fellowship, and learning how I can serve our District this year.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

Practicing Servant Leadership

     I am excited to begin my year of service, 2022-2023, as your District Governor. While I do not know many of our clubs in our district, I intend to work diligently to get my initial club visits done in Q1 (Jul-Sep) and then will follow up with additional visits later in the year. I want to listen and learn from each of the clubs about the great service that you do in your communities. Our district cabinet is here to serve all our members and please feel free to reach out to any of us whenever there is a need.

     Our International President, Brian E. Sheehan, has the motto of “Together We Can” which is so simple, so fundamental, and so true. He has asked the incoming District Governors to further enhance the Global Membership Approach (GMA) in each of our districts. It focuses on the 3Rs: Rejuvenating districts with new clubs; Revitalizing clubs with new members; and Re-motivating existing members with fellowship and exciting service. It relies on goals and action plans, accountability, focus areas made up from club members while utilizing the well-established processes of LCI.

     There are six goals for our district this year and each goal has an action plan (steps, responsibility, resources, and dates) behind it, and we will review and modify them as needed to meet our shared district goals. At the heart of these goals is service and fellowship. As Lions we have the simple motto of “We Serve.”

     This is the first year we have offered membership and service chairperson training. Both positions really support the success of your club, assist your club secretary in their duties, and ensure that you are providing service that is relevant to your members and communities. We added a district administrator in 2021-2022 and clubs can add an administrator too that helps with both your president and secretary tasks.

     Practicing Servant Leadership, I look forward to serving you this coming year. I’m excited about a full year of service and fellowship, getting to listen and learn about each club in our district, and ensuring that the district is here to add value to our clubs.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

Thank All Of You For The Service You Provide

     Well my Lion friends here I am sending my last news article as your District Governor.  I am pleased with the strides our District has accomplished.  I have been honored to serve with some great DG’s from Districts O, E and G. I believe we all worked together to make MD36 better for all Lions. Thank you Council Chair Lion Bob and to my District Cabinet for your input and help along the way.

     I especially want to thank the clubs and Lions of 36-R. You Lions have made this journey as your DG one that I will always remember and cherish.  I had the opportunity of visiting all of the clubs of 36-R in person. Thank you for allowing me these visits.   I have learned from every club I've visited. Each club has served their communities and made them a better place to live. You Lions have changed peoples’ lives and for that be proud of who you are and what you do.

     As you continue to serve remember what teamwork is all about:  the ability to work together towards a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.  Also remember what Helen Keller said in 1925 “The best thing you can do for yourself is do something for someone else.” It’s what we do as Lions.

     One of our goals was to communicate and keep clubs aware of happenings in the District, and I hope we accomplished this. We had a goal of having a positive net gain which we have accomplished by working together. We had a goal of increasing our reporting of service and this increased thanks to our District Administrator Lion Michael Wards working with our club secretaries.  We had a goal of training our Zone Chairs and our Guiding Lions and thanks to PCC Lion Rod Bach and our GLT we have accomplished this. We had the goal of starting two new clubs, something I am sorry to say did not happen, but we will continue to work to accomplish. One thing I believe we did do was bring the District and clubs back together after the pandemic period.  I am so pleased we were able to hold our convention in person as well.

     I want to again thank all of you for the service you provide. This has truly been a Lion’s year of "SERVICE FROM THE HEART" that was our International President Lion Doug Alexander’s theme. As we continue serving our communities, giving back and making a difference -- Always remember that Lions Change Lives Today and Forever. I know serving with all of you has changed my life and I will forever be grateful.

DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R

Empower Each Lion To Serve From The Heart

Hello Lions,

     As we close in towards the end of our Lion’s year there is so much we have accomplished, but still much to do.  International President Lion Doug Alexander talks about service from the heart:  By letting our passion shine through there is nothing we cannot accomplish.  I believe the same thing.  If we go out and show compassionate service, putting our hearts in action, taking care of our clubs, our members and our communities -- WE WILL GROW.

      With our growth and engagement with our communities and our members we can support global causes.  We can encourage new service ideas that can benefit us all. 

We have membership willing and ready to serve.  We all feel good when we are serving and helping others.  If not we would not of joined the largest service organization in the world.  THE LIONS.  Invite your friends, neighbors, fellow employees and change someone’s life.

     President Lion Doug Alexander has wants to empower each Lion to serve from the heart.

1)    Compassionate Service.  Putting our hearts in action, prioritizing club and community health and safety, encouraging innovation and new service, and supporting our global causes.

2)    Membership Growth and Engagement.  Be ready to serve.  Achieve new service through new clubs, invite a member and change their life, empower each Lion to serve from their heart.

3)    Communication.  Our connection across all levels.  Listen to your Lions and share your success with your community.  Communication is the key.  Listen to our Lions, listen to our communities and then act.  We have success stories every day of clubs and Lions serving and making a difference.  Continue to serve, continue to invite and continue to change lives as you do so.  I'm proud to serve with each of you as we are making a difference on this journey together.    

     Remember SERVICE FROM THE HEART.  I Believe Lions Change Lives Today and Forever. DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R.

Involvement Of Our Members Is Key

     Fellow Lions.  Here we are deep into the Lions year with many areas going in the right direction.  I would like to report a few more things about our District’s convention that we held in February.  It’s about our basket raffle to help our pediatric cancer camps and our Heartfelt House.  I can’t thank the clubs of 36-R enough for your fantastic baskets that you provided for this cause.  I am pleased to say we brought in $656 to go towards these causes.  The winning theme basket went to the Zone Chairs of District 36-R picked by ID Lion Deb Weaverling.  The basket with the most tickets sold went to the Florence Lions.  I would like to thank my home club Junction City Lions for helping me round the amount up to $2,000: which we will be dividing by presenting a check for $1,000 to Camp UKANDU, $500 to Camp Millennium and $500 to the Heartfelt House from District 36-R.  All of our baskets showed SERVICE FROM THE HEART.

     As I said earlier, we have accomplished many things in our District but we still have lots of work to do.  On March 19th we held a Guiding Lion Training and an Orientation training:  Two very important trainings for our District.  Guiding Lions to go into our communities as we would like to establish new clubs and to canvas areas where we already have clubs, but are low in numbers.  The other is Orientation for our new members and our established members needing a refresher as to why they became Lions. This will be conducted by your Zone chairs and your GAT team.

     The last item we want to work on is RETENTION.  We want to keep our meetings positive, upbeat and of interest to our members.  Are we working on our programs?  Are we getting feedback from our members?  Are we asking our members to participate?  All of this is part of retention.  Involvement of our members is key.  I often ask myself are we listening to our members?  In my DG training we had a class on LISTENING and what I took away from that class was that if I'm talking I'm not LISTENING.  We need to ask ourselves are we truly listening to our clubs’ members?  I want to thank all of you for what you do for your clubs, your District and most of all for your communities.   

     SERVICE FROM THE HEART.  I believe Lions Change Lives Today and Forever.

DG Lion Lynn 36-R 

Lions Are One Of Those Caring Groups

     Hello Lions of MD36. What a great day to be a LION.  We just wrapped up our 36-R Convention, which was held in-person and I’m pleased to say it was a success.  We brought our clubs together as a District with great participation from our clubs. I want to thank our convention committee for the work they put in to make it happen. Our ID Lion Debra Weaverling and her husband Lion Ron's presence made it even better. My wife Kathy and I had the opportunity of hosting them for the weekend.  We so enjoyed our time getting to know them and they us. I shared about the Lions of my District and the 32 clubs we have.  I shared how proud I was of our Region and Zone chairs, our Cabinet and the goals we have set and where we are with those goals.

     After picking ID Debra and Lion Ron up from the airport and having lunch we had the opportunity of visiting the Heartfelt House at RiverBend.  Our incredible host there, Robin Yozzo, is a new Lion of the Eugene Downtown Lions Club with such a big heart. She loves her job and it shows.  We were joined by Zone Chair Lion Henry Miller who took photos throughout our tour.

     The Heartfelt House is a place next to RiverBend Hospital where families with children in the hospital can come to stay. There they can have just a little normal in what is a stressful time in their life.  It was opened on September 10, 2019 and so far has served 1,006 families. The longest family so far has stayed for 108 days.  They have a beautiful room with access to a kitchen and food provided by gracious donations.  They can do laundry, shower and rest all the while knowing they are in a caring and safe environment   All of this is at no cost to them.

     Individually and as Clubs you Lions were a big part of this with your generous donations. These donations were matched by a grant from LCIF. There are also so many other individuals and organizations that contributed and helped to build and keep the Heartfelt House running.  I'm proud Lions are one of those caring groups.

     Now I want to talk and share a little about Lion Robin and how she became the Director of Guest Services at the Heartfelt House. Lion Robin worked in a retirement home as the assistant administrator. Her son had to have a surgery at RiverBend Hospital.  While there with her son during the ground-breaking for the Heartfelt House, Lion Robin went down to the Heartfelt gift shop.  As she put it she was eavesdropping on a conversation about what was happening across from the hospital.  She went on to say they said it was the Heartfelt House -- the new place going in to help families who had children in the hospital.  That night Lion Robin went home and told her husband she had found the job of her dreams. He commented “Sure, OK Robin.”  She decided she would follow the progress and apply for the job.  When they were at the point where the windows were going in, she would run by and press her nose and hands against the glass to check how far along they were.  Lion Robin says that at her interview she needed to take a bottle of Windex to wipe the smears of her nose and hands caused by her excitement.  Well to make a long story short ID Lion Debra and I decided she is a Lion with heart. The job she does and loves to do putting a little normal in a stressful time in these families’ lives makes her THE HEART of the Heartfelt House.

     I am always stressing to Lions that SERVICE FROM THE HEART is what Lions is all about and Lion Robin is a prime example of what that means.  I want to thank all of you Lions serving others in our communities. You’re all making a difference thru the service you provide following our theme this year which is SERVICE FROM THE HEART.  I believe Lions Change Lives Today and Forever.

We Can Make A Better Life For Everyone

     Lions here we are in February 2022 and I hope everyone has started the New Year with positive thoughts and determined to make 2022 better than 2021.  I find myself reflecting on how we as a District are doing, how we as clubs are doing and how we as members are doing.  We as a District are moving forward with growing our clubs.  We as clubs are meeting in person for most of the clubs and we continue to provide service to our communities.  We need to ask ourselves are we doing all we can for our members are doing all we can for our communities?

     As I have said many times we all had a goal and reason for becoming Lions and that was serving others and making things better for the future. That is who and what we Lions are about.  It's not just helping our communities but also helping our fellow Lions.  I think of all of the service our Lions have provided and continue to provide.

     As our International President Lion Doug Alexander has stressed from the beginning of this Lion’s year “SERVICE FROM THE HEART.”  He stressed the importance of a community.  If we all work together and support each other we can make a better life for everyone.  Being a Lion is more than what we do – it’s who we are.  We give our service from the heart.  We all have that vision to make this world a better world for all people.  It all begins with us Lions in our own clubs, with our members working with our communities.

     In 2021 our Lions did great things.  Let’s continue great things in 2022 and be guided by our hearts.  Let’s keep working together with our members, our clubs, our District and our communities.  As International President Lion Doug has said "LET’S SHOW THE WORLD WHAT IT TRUELY MEANS TO HAVE A HEART OF A LION.”

     I want to thank each of you Lions as we continue this journey together serving all with Service From The Heart.  I believe Lions Change Lives Today.

DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R.

Remember N.O. means Next Opportunity

Lions of MD 36 -- As we pass from 2021 into 2022 I ask all Lions to continue to be positive as we move forward this Lions year. Service, Membership Growth and Retention will keep us moving in the right direction. As we District Governors were taking our training prior to becoming your DGs there was something said that stuck with me. I believe it is something that can help all of us as Lions as we serve our communities and work on recruiting new members and establishing new clubs.

If you fail never give up because FAIL means First Attempt In Learning.

End is not the end in fact. END means Effort Never Dies.

If you get no as an answer remember N.O. means Next Opportunity. Change your Mindset. I'm saying this because as we work towards new members or new clubs not everyone we approach will say yes and want to join. Remember NO means Next Opportunity. If we don't ask we will never know. I know I would not be a Lion or your DG had my friend and neighbor at the time Lion Paul not asked me to join him at a club meeting over 30 years ago. I myself thought I was too busy with things going on in my life but Lion Paul asked again so I said I would. When I saw what Lions were all about helping others in the community I said to my wife I needed to join. You see I've always believed in giving back to my community and helping others. Lion Paul had that mindset to ask again. What I'm trying to emphasize is if you are told no just look at it as another opportunity to ask again. Lion Paul has moved from Junction City and is now a member of the Woodburn Lions. Thank you Lion Paul for asking again and showing me what Lions were all about. Thank all you Lions for what you do. Let’s ask our neighbors and our friends because you never know who your future DG could be. It could be that man or women who said NO but was asked again because some Lion took NO as the next opportunity. Remember SERVICE FROM THE HEART. I believe Lions Change Lives Today.

DG Lynn Coon 36-R

(l-r) Lions Paul Nordling, DG Lynn Coon, Jerry Weir and Clarence Timmons.

Following Your Heart and Doing Something Kind Today

     Here we are in the holiday season Lions and we all have so much to be thankful for:  our families, friends and the communities we live in.  I hope we think about those who have nothing.  Maybe we can brighten their day by doing a little something to help them with a lift up.  As Lions we have the power to change someone’s life, not only during the holiday season but throughout the year.  I want to thank each of you Lions for everything you do in service to others.

     My wife often hears me talk about service and kindness.  She was reading a magazine and pointed out an article that she thought I could use as I speak to our clubs in the district.  I read it and decided it was perfect to use in my visits and to use in this article to share with the multiple district.  It was titled “DO SOMETHING GOOD.”  It talked about following your heart and doing something kind today. That this will not only make you smile, it can set off a wave of generosity.  It goes on to say that researchers reviewed decades of studies of more than 25,000 people in which participants saw someone act in a helpful way and then had the opportunity to be of service themselves. The results were that when people witnessed a good deed, they were often inspired to pay it forward themselves.  It’s called "GOAL CONTAGION," which occurs when people catch the desire to be of service after seeing someone else act selflessly.  More proof that service and kindness really are contagious.

     So Lions as we continue serving our communities and showing kindness to others, think about the lives we change daily.  Thanks again to all of you Lions for all you do. May all of you and your families have a Happy Holiday season.  Enjoy each other and be thankful for what you have and for what you can share with others.  SERVICE FROM THE HEART.  I believe Lions Change Lives Today.

District Governor Lion Lynn Coon 36-R

Provide Service From The Heart

     Lions of 36-R thank you for who you are and what you do.  When we talk about Lions and service, to me they go hand in hand.  Like apple pie and vanilla ice cream. 

When a Lion is introduced to me, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I am meeting an individual that cares about others.  Someone that wants to give back to their community.  Someone that wants to make a difference on this planet we live on.  Someone that wants to make another's life better and easier as they deal with daily challenges. Someone that wants to make things better when they leave this earth for future generations.

LIONS = Loving Individuals Offering Needed Service

     Each of you Lions serves from your hearts.  As we continue our Lion’s year - don't forget why you joined Lions.  Don't forget to invite your friends or your neighbor to join you in your service project. Invite them to a meeting, let them know what we are all about.

     Lions really are the best kept secret.  Be proud of what you stand for.  Be proud to wear your Lion’s pin, the pin you were presented when you were sworn in as a new member of your club, your district and Lions Clubs International.  Your Lion’s pin stands for something.  It represents your membership in the world’s largest service organization.

     Your Lion’s pin consists of a gold letter L on a circular purple field.  Bordering this is a circular gold area with two Lion profiles at either side facing away from the center.  The Lions face both the past and the future.  Proud of the past and confident of the future.  Lions remember this as you continue to serve and doing what you do for others.  Think about the difference you have made in others’ lives, in your communities, and what you can continue to do as a Lion – provide service from the heart.  Remember you are making a difference in this world we live in, in the communities you serve, and in the lives of those you serve.  I'm proud to serve with each of you.  I Believe Lions Change Lives Today.  So go out and Change someone’s life.

District Governor Lion Lynn Coon 36-R

Moving In The Right Direction


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     Lions we are moving in the right direction for our 2021-2022 Lion’s year.  As I have been out visiting the clubs of 36-R, I am excited to see clubs meeting in person and continuing to serve their communities. You've heard me talk a lot about service in my visits and in my DG newsletter I send out to the Lions of 36-R. I believe that we all joined Lions with one common reason - to serve and give back to our communities. Lions are giving of their time and energy making things better for those they serve. As we are serving our communities we are doing more. As International President Lion Doug Alexander put it "We lions share a belief in making things better for our communities". 

     We as Lions have the power to make a better future for those we serve. So as you Lions and your clubs go out and do service you are doing more than making a difference in peoples’ lives. You are inspiring them to do the same for others. As your District Governor, I'm asking you Lions to continue your service and change someone’s’ life today. 

     I ask that you please report your service to LCI. I know some clubs are not meeting but still doing service within their community. I encourage clubs of 36-R to report it. 

     We have added a new position and member to our cabinet. It is Lion Michael Ward of the Central Lions and his position is District Administrator. Lion Mike will have access to our clubs of the district to help turn in our reports such as MMR's, Service, and PU101's. Lion Michael's email is Please reach out to him and let’s get the clubs credit for their service he is ready to help report.

     Leadership training:  As you read this article our district will have already done another Region and Zone Chair training. The class was taught by the GAT team. PCC Lion Rod Bach did a great job putting this training together. Our Zone Chairs are great Lions that have stepped up to help our clubs and district be successful. They want their clubs to reach out to them but I know they will be reaching out to you because this is what they know will help the communication in our district. 

     Another area we are working on is Disaster Response. Our cabinet Chair is Lion Dori Showell and she has reached out to the clubs of 36-R in order to hear the needs and desires for disaster preparedness in our communities. Additionally, in the near future, she is working on a seminar about valuable information we could all benefit from to use in our own community if the need arises. Lion Dori can be reached at

     Membership is going well, in 36-R.  As a district we are at a positive net growth. Lions of 36-R keep up the good work. Invite your friends and your neighbors to service projects with you. Be proud to be a Lion and don't be afraid to share. I know I would not have joined Lions 31 years ago if I had not been asked. 

     Lions of 36-R Thank all of you for what you do. Let’s keep SERVING FROM THE HEART and Lets Change Someone’s Life Today..

It Takes A Team

September 2021 - Lions Magazine

Hello Lions,

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            Wow.  It’s hard to believe when you read this article we will already have two months behind us in our Lion’s year. I'm still excited for what this Lion’s year will bring us. We had our first ever Lions International convention done virtually. Hope some of you got to listen and enjoy it. It was filled with information. There was a great segment on International President Doug Alexander from his neighborhood in New York. Lion President Doug is the real deal. He is all about service. I know I joined Lions because of the service they do for their communities. WE all had that one bond when we joined Lions and that bond was and is service to others. 

     When we do service in our communities we do it as a team.  We do it because of that bond we all have of helping others. TEAMWORK is the ability to work together towards a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. So I ask each of you Lions and Lions clubs to continue to work as a team as we SERVE our communities. We've seen many changes in the way we do service but Lions are a resilient pride. We find ways to continue to serve others. While we are not sure about this crazy pandemic and how it will affect us - we continue to adapt to safe ways to serve. In my governor school we talked about change and the way we are going about things in life and one common thing we all agreed to was that the only thing constant in life is change and if anyone can adapt to change I believe it is the LIONS.

     I talk a lot about service but I want to tell you the vision our District has about membership. When we are doing our service projects consider inviting your friends, or maybe your neighbor to help with your service project. Then invite them to a meeting and let them learn more about the Lions and what we do. Who knows this might be the link we are looking for to gain membership. 

     Helen Keller was asked the question: Is there anything worse than no sight?  She replied “Yes.  Having sight but no vision."  We as a District do have a vision and that vision is to gain members, gain two new Lions clubs and adding another Leos club or two. The time is ripe as people are ready to get involved with some service organization. Why not the Lions club -- the largest service organization in the world? 

Remember your cabinet is here to serve you Lions and to help each club be successful. I ask every club to support your club president as they direct your club. They cannot do it alone, it takes a team. Be proud to be a Lion and have fun in your club. 

     It's going to be a great year for our Lions as we continue our journey together in service to others. "SERVICE FROM THE HEART."  I believe Lions Change Lives Today.  So let’s go out and change someone’s life.

District Governor Lion Lynn Coon 36-R

Service From the Heart

July/August - Lions magazine

     Greetings Lions of 36-R.

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     As your new District Governor I look forward to visiting all of your clubs, meeting all of you and serving alongside each of you Lions of 36-R.  As this 2021-2022 new Lion’s year begins I want you to know that 36-R’s District Cabinet is looking forward to great things for our District and for our clubs.

      I am excited to be your District Governor and make this journey this Lion’s year with each of you.  One thing I want the Lions of 36-R to know is that we as a Cabinet are here to serve you.  It's your club your way but we are here to help the clubs succeed and serve their communities.  We all share a bond and that is the service we do for others.  New clubs.  New members.  New opportunities to lead, to grow, to encourage and to do good things.

     Our incoming International President Doug Alexander's theme this year is Service From the Heart.  I encourage each Lion of 36-R to follow the lead of President Alexander and go out there and serve.  When we serve from the heart it is contagious and others will follow.  

     As Mohammed Ali said and I try to follow this very thought "Service is the rent we pay for our time here on earth." 

     So Lions of 36-R – let’s have fun this Lion’s year.  Let’s help one another serve others in our communities.  Let’s grow our club membership because as you know the more members we have the more service we can do.

     I thank you for this opportunity to serve YOU the Lions of 36-R this Lion’s year.

District Governor Lion Lynn Coon 36-R

Look for Opportunities


     Well, we’ve finally made it to the end of this year and it’s been a rough ride – what with COVID and wildfires. 

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     The response to the wildfire disasters was unbelievable.  The Santiam and Holiday Farm fires were devastating but District R Lions were there to help with volunteers, supplies, and donations.

     We obtained an LCIF disaster grant for $10,000, which was spread around to the fire areas.  We set up an account with our District Treasurer so people had a place to send financial donations.  

     As a result of the response we received throughout the District, the four District Governors recognized the need for better disaster response and proposed setting up an Oregon Lions Disaster Recovery Foundation.  Donations would be tax-deductible for individuals and businesses and would also make us eligible to receive grants from larger grant organizations. To take advantage of that requires us to have a 501(C)(3) foundation.  Many clubs in the District have 501(C)(3) foundations and are well aware of the benefits of having this type of foundation.  If you attended the 36-R convention, you heard opinions from various levels of Lions leadership that in the future it will be necessary to have advance planning so we can be prepared when the next big disaster (think Cascadia) happens. 

     The other major events, of course, were COVID and the lack of in-person meetings and service projects.  This continues to be a problem and there’s no telling when it will end.  We obtained an LCIF grant for $10,000 for COVID relief and we contacted County Emergency Managers about how to best disperse this grant money, which was to purchase personal protective equipment and share it among the counties.

     We wrapped up the year with our District convention.  It took several Lions working together to make this happen.  We had an International Director from Oklahoma who shared lots of LCI information.  We had eight breakout sessions about a variety of topics.  A big “Thank You” to the Convention Committee that put together a totally virtual convention.

     International President’s Certificates of Appreciation (the 4th highest award in Lions) were presented to Lion Karen Norton of the Eugene Downtown club, Lion 1VDGE Lynn Coon of the Junction City club, and Lion Ward Frederick of the Silverton club.  A special Club Excellence Award was presented to the Silverton Lions Club for their organization and support of the Santiam Fire field kitchen, where hundreds of evacuees, volunteers, and first responders were fed for over two months.

     By now, you should have new club officers in place.  Get all your club members involved.  Look for opportunities to recruit new members.  Get creative with service projects.  To club leadership: “Bring out the best in the team by challenging them with tough but achievable goals, encouraging them with sincerity and trust, motivating them with a compelling vision and listening to them with empathy.”  -- Kai-Fu Lee, CEO of Sinovation Ventures

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925