Involvement Of Our Members Is Key
Fellow Lions. Here we are deep into the Lions year with many areas going in the right direction. I would like to report a few more things about our District’s convention that we held in February. It’s about our basket raffle to help our pediatric cancer camps and our Heartfelt House. I can’t thank the clubs of 36-R enough for your fantastic baskets that you provided for this cause. I am pleased to say we brought in $656 to go towards these causes. The winning theme basket went to the Zone Chairs of District 36-R picked by ID Lion Deb Weaverling. The basket with the most tickets sold went to the Florence Lions. I would like to thank my home club Junction City Lions for helping me round the amount up to $2,000: which we will be dividing by presenting a check for $1,000 to Camp UKANDU, $500 to Camp Millennium and $500 to the Heartfelt House from District 36-R. All of our baskets showed SERVICE FROM THE HEART.
As I said earlier, we have accomplished many things in our District but we still have lots of work to do. On March 19th we held a Guiding Lion Training and an Orientation training: Two very important trainings for our District. Guiding Lions to go into our communities as we would like to establish new clubs and to canvas areas where we already have clubs, but are low in numbers. The other is Orientation for our new members and our established members needing a refresher as to why they became Lions. This will be conducted by your Zone chairs and your GAT team.
The last item we want to work on is RETENTION. We want to keep our meetings positive, upbeat and of interest to our members. Are we working on our programs? Are we getting feedback from our members? Are we asking our members to participate? All of this is part of retention. Involvement of our members is key. I often ask myself are we listening to our members? In my DG training we had a class on LISTENING and what I took away from that class was that if I'm talking I'm not LISTENING. We need to ask ourselves are we truly listening to our clubs’ members? I want to thank all of you for what you do for your clubs, your District and most of all for your communities.
SERVICE FROM THE HEART. I believe Lions Change Lives Today and Forever.
DG Lion Lynn 36-R