Expanding On The Existing Relationship
Greeting Lions of District 36R,
I have continued to focus on visiting our clubs. At this point all my visits are scheduled and thank you to all that have made this happen. By the middle of December, I will have visited 29 of our 32 clubs and will finish up in mid-January. These visits continue to reinforce the many reasons that I became a Lion. I would highly recommend individual or club visits to our district’s clubs as it can also reinforce your commitment to Lionism.
This month I would like to call out my own club, Yachats, and the Waldport Lions club as they represent two clubs that are working together to increase service in our communities and fellowship with our members. Lion Presidents Kevin (Yachats) and TiAnne (Waldport) are expanding on the existing relationship between our two clubs. We even had a joint meeting where each club conducted their business, shared a meal and a speaker.
It appears that our District will not find a 1st Vice District Governor (VDG) this year and will have to appoint a PDG at the start of next year. To not have this to occur the following year, we have until the end of this year to either get a 2nd VDG or fill one of our other cabinet positions with someone willing to become the 1st VDG next year. In life we understand that it takes a team and when you have a team, positions complement each other, and all members find that their individual role is much easier to fulfill. We have four cabinet level positions open and a few more currently filled by PDGs who would happily step aside for someone with passion and energy.
We just had our second district cabinet meeting and had four clubs represented that participated in the activities. We continue to improve the format of the cabinet meeting and we did two exercises, a SWOT and needs assessment that will help us start discussions on the future direction of our District. Our multiple district (MD) PR grant ($16.5k our district cost $375) will also become real by the end of this year when we receive our yard signs and magnetic bumper stickers. We need an effective district and MD as grant money in Lions can only be accessed above the club level.
Happy Holidays - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Service