TEAMWORK: Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a team to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way.
Although LCI and our own common sense tell us that team work is the best way to get things done, this does not always seem to happen. In talking with the upcoming district governors who just returned from their training in Chicago, it appears that this coming year we will see even more emphasis being place on team work and rightfully so. As team members we can accomplish much more in our communities, our district and, yes, even our world, than we can as one person alone.
Our Global Action Team consisting of Global Service Team (GST), Global Membership Team (GMT) and Global Leadership Team (GLT) has been established to help make things happen by all districts working together as a team. It is really important that we look at the broader view, rather than just our own small community. We don’t hesitate to serve our local communities, but when it comes to the district and the multiple district, we fall down dramatically.
GLT: In every club there are leaders, though sometimes their potential is not readily apparent. Every club needs to take a good look at all their members and “teammates” and recognize those qualities in that person that makes them a leader. As an officer you are a leader and how far you want to go depends on many factors, such as time, work, family, etc. However, I have learned over the years that, if something means enough to me, I will find a way to make it happen. So be a leader and find more leaders, mentor those leaders, and get training for these potential leaders.
GMT: Membership is getting better in our Multiple District, but still not good. It falls upon each of us to go out and help the GMT to get new members, reinstate lost members and, of course, retain the members we have.
GST: I know it is difficult for the club secretary to always get the word out about the activities that are being done by the local clubs, but it is so important to tell our stories and our accomplishments. Report the service activities being done in your clubs as that is the gateway for new members and new leaders. When reviewing the activities from all our clubs, I am astounded at how little we do, when I know how much we do. So, use that “My Lion” app, use the GST and get that information out to the public.
Each district has a chair in each of these capacities and we all need to step up our game and support our Global Action Team. As we work together, we will definitely find that we are indeed “Looking Beyond the Horizon”.