Creating Harmony Through Service
December: The wonderful season of enhanced sharing by our clubs and Lions to help those less fortunate in our communities. It’s the time to reach out in smiling fellowship to help folks challenged by the rain and cold temperatures, by the inability to provide sufficient nutrition for themselves and their families and by difficulty in trying to provide an enjoyable holiday experience.
Each community in our Multiple District has marvelous holiday sharing projects. I have learned of amazing food drives that provide hundreds of families with a box of staples and special holiday items. Coat, scarf and glove drives are providing much needed warmth for folks of all ages. One club has told me that a donor has provided many bags of stuffed animals to be distributed to kids for a holiday gift of comfort!
Does your community have a program in which families can be adopted by Lions and other caring groups? What a difference we can make by making personal contact with a family (of any size and composition) and working with them to provide needed food and holiday gift items. I remember clearly the family that my club adopted three years ago and the happiness that shone in the little boys’ eyes when they saw their red wagon and other gifts – they still send us photos!
The generosity that we as Lions share isn’t being done for pats on our backs, but instead to provide folks with necessary items while giving them the dignity and respect that they deserve. The level of service that we give to others, worldwide, is truly amazing! The joy that we, as fellow human beings, receive from helping others opens our hearts to even more work in our communities.
At this very special time of the year, enjoy all that the season has to offer and spend time with your families and friends to recharge your heart for further Lions service.
Jane Goodall, the renowned zoologist, has said: “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference to make”.
A very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year to you all!