This year we are putting a great deal of emphasis on the Global Action Team (GAT) which is comprised of the Global Leadership Team (GLT), the Global Membership Team (GMT) and the Global Service Team (GST). The first GAT meeting of 2018-19 was held in Bandon with 22 Lions in attendance. At that meeting we discussed the goals for the year for each of the four district governors and the progress they are making toward those goals, with everyone pretty much on track.
GLT reports showed that each of the districts have scheduled leadership training as well as having completed some training. The importance of doing orientation was also brought up by all. The need to train your replacements is essential, so that we can keep on going beyond the horizon. Also, of importance is promoting future leaders through the use of Lions University studies as well as the USA/Canada Forum and the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute.
Membership, of course, is always a big issue. All districts are working on obtaining a new club and looking for better ways to rejuvenate and reinvigorate existing clubs. Several ideas were proposed for retention of current members. One idea suggested by MD36 GMT Chair PDG Judith Poage was to provide each new member with their own eyeglass box for which they can be responsible, giving them immediate ownership in the club. A second idea was from District R where they are putting out a monthly Membership Newsletter, which each month addresses a new item worthy of review and/or action and which anyone can receive. If you are not receiving it and wish to do so, contact Chuck Blanchard at
Some of the districts have already established district service projects, while others are just getting started. MD36 GST Chair PCC Rod Bach gave us a slogan to use here- “Let’s share what we have, let’s not reinvent the world”. Distributed to all in attendance was a very simple survey from the American Diabetes Association that can be placed in Dr’s waiting rooms, or any place where people gather. It gives people a quick check to see if they might be prone to diabetes. Even though the survey does not reference the Lions, it is a very simple but effective project that can be used by all Lions in our fight against diabetes. It is also important that all clubs be given the MD36 service calendar highlighting each monthly service theme for the year. Be sure to let all clubs know the importance of reporting all service projects to LCI.
Bringing the GAT team together to share what each district is doing and what future plans they have gives all in attendance new ideas and concepts that can be incorporated into the individual plans that they are making.The next GAT meeting is scheduled for November 17at the Springfield Justice Center.Once again, we will collaborate to achieve the goals set forth by our international President as we set, by example, our creativity to look beyond the horizon.