As we move into 2017, I want to wish all you Lions of Multiple District 36 a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We still have a lot to do in the next six months. There are five Conventions to prepare for in our district as well as the International Convention. All of us need to work hard in the next few months. Please help your District Governors and your Convention Chairs as they prepare. If you never have attended a Convention, think about attending. You won't regret it.
Now to get back to the New Year, a lot of us make New Year’s resolutions. Most of the resolutions go by the wayside before a month is up. My daughter, Joan, who is a member of the Elgin Lions Club, works out at the Pendleton Roundup Athletic Club. New Year’s Day she couldn't find a parking spot, but she said that all these people who resolved to work out this New Year will be gone before the month’s end. Then she will be able to park up front again. Why did I say this? I'm asking each Lion in District 36 to make a New Year’s resolution. This resolution would be to bring in a new member this year. Just think of the impact this would have on our state if each Lion brought in a new member. How many more projects we could do. How many more people we could help. New members bring new energy and new ideas. They also have a tendency to bring a new member. See how this could snowball. As an added benefit if we double our membership, we would then be eligible to run someone for International Director. As I look at the members in District 36, I see many people who would make great International Directors. So as we move into this New Year, please think hard about bringing in at least one new member.
Now I ask all of you to be safe out there. Our roads this winter are treacherous. When I look out my windows and see 15 feet of snow drifts with at least 4 feet on the level, I shudder because most of this state is experiencing similar conditions. Stay inside and stay warm.