District Governors Break Ground
“October News Article”
Our District Governors are breaking new ground. I wonder if the Lions of Multiple District 36 realize that our 4 District Governors have made a commitment to each other for a net gain of 200 new members by June 30th, 2014. This is a massive goal, a humongous undertaking and they need our help. Each year the clubs of MD 36 are very successful at membership. We bring in hundreds of new Lions, but we also lose hundreds of Lions for many reasons. Some of those reasons a club can do nothing about, such as age and Lions moving to another location. But other things we can do something about, such as making certain that we are having interesting meetings and good projects as well as being a caring friend to our fellow Lions.
I know we are all working on creating better clubs for our members, so I am wondering if every club would accept a challenge to gain one new member by the New Year. If each club would be willing to do a little extra e.g., ask a friend to a meeting or project, ask one more persons to be a Lion, then we can contribute to our District Governors’ success. We, the Lions of MD36, need to do a little more this year. We have 167 clubs in MD 36 and if each club gained just one new member (in addition to their normal efforts) by the New Year, it would allow your District Governors to be off to a great start with their membership commitment.
If you need membership ideas, look to your Club Membership team. If they need ideas to increase membership, ask them to talk with the District Global Membership Coordinator. Your Zone Chair, along with the rest of the District Leadership Team, are always available to assist your club with ideas and suggestions.