Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


It Is Awesome to be a Lion and Serve the Communities of Oregon & Northern California

Greetings fellow Lions of MD36, have I said lately how awesome it is to be a Lion and serve the communities of Oregon & Northern California. Serving with you Lions has been a journey and as your council chair has given me the opportunity of meeting so many with the same mindset as myself. Lions with the heart for service. I wonder where the year has gone as we are in the second half of this Lions year. I would like each of our clubs to reevaluate where you are with your goals and do, we need to adjust for the remainder of this Lions year. How are we doing at getting our service reported to LCI? As you know, the reporting of service is our way of sharing with others our service successes. We do the service, be proud of what you do. How are we doing with donations to OLSHF and LCIF. You know with your club donations there are opportunities for awards to present to your club members. How many read in the last donation request from LCIF that district 36-R was highlighted as receiving a $10,000? Grant for disaster preparedness.  How are we doing with membership growth and retention? What can we do to keep our members and what can we do to grow our clubs? The more members the more services we can provide for our communities.

 Your multiple district GAT team is setting the five-year plan goals starting with year 1. The team is focused on three main initiatives to start with.

1.      Recruitment campaign: One of the most effective ways to recruit is JUST ASK, have your club hold a membership drive. It can generate interest in your club, and it can put your club in front of more potential members. It can get your club more involved with your community. It will put your club out where the public sees them and the service they provide.

2.      Open house for your club: When organizing and holding an open house in your community make it a fun and informational event. Be prepared with Lions’ material of what Lions are all about. What’s in it for them if they join. Be ready to address questions as they arise. Remember one important thing and that is to listen and find out what their passions are and think how we can implement their passion into the club.

3.       Onboarding: This is the process of introducing your new members to the culture of Lions and your own club. This will also send a warm message to the new members and provide them with understanding and will make them outstanding members of your club. It will also give the new members the confidence that their membership and service are making a difference.

   As we continue this five-year plan it will continue with next year’s council and thereafter as we grow our multiple district back to the numbers we used to have before covid set in and changed everything. At this writing we will have already had Lions Clubs International 2nd Vice President Mark Lyons here to present a MD 36 Mission 1.5 workshop. I hope those of you that attended came away all fired up to help our Multiple District grow. As you know membership is a passion of mine because I want others to have the same opportunity of serving others and the fellowship of other Lions.  To quote the late President of the United States Lion Jimmy Carter: LIONS CHANGED MY LIFE. I WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN AMBITIOUS ENOUGH TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR OF GEORGIA. I WOULD NEVER HAVE DREAMED OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE LIONS.  End quote. Now I’m not saying you will be governor or the president of the United States if you’re a Lion but when I joined 35 years ago I never dreamed I would have had the opportunity and honor  to serve as a District Governor twice or have the honor to serve as your Council Chair this year but joining the largest service organization in the word has changed my life because I was asked .

One of the goals this Lions year was to develop more leaders to serve the clubs, the districts and to serve the multiple district .  There is a great opportunity to attend the Northwest Lions Leadership training along with fellow Lions from MD 19. Our Global Leadership Team leader PCC Lion Rod Bach has secured a grant from LCIF to pay the tuition for ten Lions to attend May 1-4 in Post Falls Idaho. If you are interested in furthering your knowledge and developing leadership skills. These skills are not only to help as a Lion but can be used in your workplace, your community and your everyday life. It is a great way to grow while learning with like-minded Lions wanting to make their mark and make a difference. So please contact PCC Lion Rod at and make plans to grow as a leader.

Lastly don’t forget its convention time so register and support your District Governors and fellowship with fellow Lions.

They start February 8th 36-R International guest ID Anthony Paradiso -Corvallis, Oregon

March 21st / 22nd   36-E International guest PIP Brian Sheehan/Lion Lori – Central Point, Oregon

March 28th /29th 36-O International guest ID Bert Nelson / Lion Pamela – Milwaukie, Oregon

April 4th/5th 36-G International guest PIP Joe Preston / Lion Joni- Hood River, Oregon

May 15th- 18th Multiple District 36 International guest ID Hans Neidhart/ Lion Shari- Pendelton, Oregon

Thank you, Lions for your support of your District Governors and myself and giving us the opportunity of serving the Lions throughout MD36. Serving from the heart. Together making our mark and making a difference.  Council Chair Lion Lynn Coon MD36

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925