Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Thanks To All Who Will Step Up To Serve

Lions changed my life

   Earlier this spring I went to Central Oregon Eye Care in Redmond to pick up some glasses and have them fitted. Instead of the gentleman who usually takes care of this, I was met by a young woman. It took me a moment to recognize her. It was Anna, my club’s first scholarship recipient. She looked and acted so grown up. Quite different from when we first met her 10 years ago as a high school senior.

   After she fitted my glasses we chatted about the scholarship program and I told her how it had grown. “Unlike the early years when we could only give one scholarship, we now give up to ten.” But then I said, “But none were more meaningful and special that the one we gave to you. And her reply to me was, “Receiving that scholarship changed my life. Without it I would not have been able to go to college and I wouldn’t be where I am today.

   You see, Anna was not the top in her class but when we interviewed her it became clear that she had a servant’s heart. The first in her family to go to college, she is now thriving. Her boss states that if ever we ever made a “right decision”, it was in selecting Anna to be our first scholarship recipient.

   A month or so later I was having my yard thatched. The gentleman doing the work brought his two sons to help. I mentioned our scholarship program. And he said, “Oh, you’re a Lion?” I answered affirmatively. He went on to say, “I was raised by a single mother. We didn’t have any money. You bought me glasses. And that changed my life.”

   Twice in two months I heard this. “Lions changed my life.” While not all our service can be placed in the “life changing” category, we do many things in service to others in many ways. And for those of us who desire to serve our communities and help others, Lions provides us with an amazing vehicle. As individuals, we can certainly do some things in service to others. But when we combine our talents and energies with likeminded people, our service is increased exponentially. So much can be done when we have “A Common Heartbeat for Service”. What a gift Lions is both to those who need help as well as to those who wish to serve.

It was a wonderful convention

   Having recently returned from the Lions State Convention in Bandon, I am reflecting on the wonderful time that we had in this beautiful location. It was our 100th convention and what a celebration it was. From great presentations, to a Pediatric Cancer walk, to the opportunity to exchange ideas with other Lions, to the renewal of friendships and the chance to make new friends, it was a special convention. I would like to give a shout out to the Convention Committee Host Clubs, the Bandon and Coos Bay Lions Clubs as well as to PDG Bryan Longland, the Host Committee Chairperson. I would also like to thank the Convention Operating Committee. Which has been meeting and planning since last fall to ensure that convention was a wonderful experience for us all.  Thanks go out to:

PCC Bob Chaney                            Chairperson, Protocol

PCC Vince Bishop                           Vice-chairperson

Lion Fran Silbernagel                     Secretary, Decorations

Lion Nancy Lockett                          Treasurer

PDG Tom Hilgers                            Registrar

Lion Jim Vincent                              Nominations and Credentials

PCC Joyce Anderson                     Facilities, Forums/Speakers

PCC Gail Black                                Forums/Speakers

PCC Paul Zastrow                           Basket Raffle

Lion Paula Hilgers                           Decorations

Lion Trudy Novak                             Decorations

PID Sunny Pulley                            Advisor

   Next year’s state convention will be held in Pendleton. Home of the Pendleton Round Up. Pendleton is seeped in history and is so much fun to visit. Hope to see you there!

Thanks for a wonderful year

   In closing, I would like to say thank you all for a wonderful year. Special thanks go out to our outstanding DG Team Ed Glad, Lynn Coon, Steve Brewster and Pete Runnels, who were the “Boots on the Ground” in terms of making things happen this year. I would also like to thank all who served as State Chairpersons of State Committees, all who served as District Chairpersons and on District Committees, all who served as Zone Chairs and all who served as club officers. Thank you for making our organization operate seamlessly.

   And finally, thanks to all who will step up to serve next year. In less than a month I’ll be turning over the reins of MD-36 to CCE Lynn Coon. Lynn has some innovative ideas and I’ll be excited to see what is accomplished next year.

   All the best to you all as we head into our Lions New Year of service. I look forward to seeing you during the upcoming year at conventions, at your club’s service projects and fundraisers and maybe even at a club meeting or two.


The best to you all,

CC Phyllis Carlin

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925