Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


The Best Part Of Being A District Governor

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     Welcome to 2021!  I pray we are on an upward swing for fighting Covid-19; and getting somewhere near our “past” normal.  Covid-19 has really thrown us for a loop this year and probably into 2121 also.  We have lost that wonderful feeling of seeing each other and our members in person; then throw in some fires of 2020 and the damage that many members experienced.  All and all 2020 has been one heck of a learning experience.

     Hoping you all had a Merry Christmas even with all the restrictions.  Our area here in District E is listed as an Extreme Hazard Area, we have restrictions running out our ears.  Do that, and don’t go there, eat at home, social distance, no more than a certain amount of people to gather together, and wear your mask to make sure you are not spreading the virus to other, hopefully most people are doing this to help slow down the spread of Covid-19.

     My year as District Governor is half over and my visitations are nearly done.  As I tell each club I visit, “This is the best part of being a District Governor, getting to meet the members and hearing about their projects and other fun activities.  I have really enjoyed the visitations.

     Remember that January is Hunger Awareness month.  Please don’t forget about our local Food Banks.  Things run short during the holidays and we have already had the fires and Thanksgiving, thus a hard time for our local Food Banks.

     We will be starting to prepare for convention time, March is not that far away.  We are hoping for a personal convention, but could be forced into virtual.  There goes our personal connections again.  As you know, we lost our 2nd Vice President who had to resign for personal reasons; and he will be greatly missed.  We are looking for a replacement.  Give that some thought - - we need a replacement, let me know if you are interested.

     I hope you had a good Christmas and are ready to move forward into 2021 and the challenges that come with it.  Please remember our motto “we serve” as we head into a new year.

     I wish everyone a “Happy New Year.”

Continue to Support Those in Need

     As Lions our service to our communities is most important at this time of year - - helping those who are less fortunate.  I know that many of our wonderful Lions clubs provide food baskets or make donations to those organizations that do supply food and gifts to those in need.  In addition, I see this as a time for personal involvement as well.  Find that person or family that needs an extra measure of love and kindness in this season and give of yourself.  Adopt a family, pick a child’s name off of a tree with different boys and girls ages and provide a gift, or invite someone who is alone over to dinner.  I know with COVID 19, we are hampered on doing some things; but try your hardest to give of yourself to those in need.

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     One club I just visited gave out 62 food baskets last year and they are hoping to increase that amount this year. Another club is purchasing Christmas trees (got a special from the tree seller) and will take them to needy families in their communities. Still another group will furnish tree decorations and attach them to the trees when given out and adding some food baskets where needed.  So, continue to support those in need.  You will be the winner in the long run and everyone will be able to have a wonderful Christmas.  There will be trees, decorations, food, love and kindness; and isn’t that the reason “We Serve” for the season and all year long.

To Give Back And Return The Help They Received

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     Since this article will show in the November issue of our Lions magazine, it is time to say thanks.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner- - -Happy Thanksgiving to all our members.  As Lions, this is the perfect time to reach out to those who could use some help in the coming months; it is just one holiday after another.  We had Halloween last month, Thanksgiving this month and Christmas in December.  We must look among our neighbors and friends to find people who need our assistance this time of the year.  We Lions can offer our assistance with food baskets or just bags of groceries full of items to make someone’s Thanksgiving Day a treat like a turkey with all the trimmings and a good feeling that someone cared about them and their needs.  Then we could follow up with a Christmas basket of a ham dinner or we could provide dinners at local shelters.  If every club in District E (or all clubs) could provide such items for the folks who have lost their jobs, lost their homes and are in need of assistance, we could really make a difference in the lives of several families over this period of time.  What do you think?  Can we Lions do this?  Can we pull together to make many happy families over this time period.  Please do your best for needy people.

     While doing my visitations, I was visiting a club that had a couple attending their meeting who was interested in joining their club.  After the meeting I talked with this couple. They told me that they had received a holiday basket from a Lions Club several years ago.  Times were hard and they were having trouble feeding their family; then along came a wonderful basket of food.  This is one of the reasons they wanted to join Lions, to be able to give back and return the help they received.  So, I told them about the plan that District E has for new members between now and the end of the year, and how much they could save by joining.  Maybe this could happen in your club too.

Volunteering is Beneficial

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     I have a questions for you?  We, as Lions, will most likely know the answer but maybe it will give us something to think about or to realize the benefits we receive.

     Why is volunteering important?  The obvious reason is "to be able to help others," but what does it do to and for the volunteer?

     Volunteering is beneficial as it connects us to others.  It has been shown to reduce stress, combat depressions and provide a sense of purpose to a person's life.  It builds self-confidence and self-esteem, as doing good for others and the community helps to create a sense of accomplishment.  Working as a volunteer can give a sense of pride, creating a more positive view of our own life and future.  An increasing number of studies suggest that people who give their time to others might have a longer lifespan,  a lower mortality rate, and are less likely to have high blood pressure.

     Volunteering boosts mental health simply because it makes you happier.  Human beings are hard-wired to give to others and, by measuring so-called brain activity and happiness hormones, researchers have found that being helpful to others can deliver great pleasure.  Studies show that the more a person volunteers, the more benefits they'll experience.

     Guess we as Lions have figured this out already, but these are good points to remember when asking someone to join our organization.  When asking a person to join you can mention your AHA moment - - -what happened when you found that special reason why you are a Lion.  Along with joining a group of people who want to help others, you will join a friendly body of volunteers, a family feeling of working together for the betterment of mankind and the fellowship of being involved with those who want to make things better for others.

Through December 2020 - The New Member Fee To LCI Has Been Waived!

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I am writing this article today and pretending that I am headed to the Lions International Convention in Singapore.  I am excited and know that I will come home with tons of information to share with my district.  It was exciting to plan to go to another country and meet new people there and see friends I made while in Chicago at the DG Training. But, thanks to the Corona Virus that is taking over our lives, there is no International Convention, and new and wonderful things are not to be told to us. We are in a new world as far as travel and togetherness are concerned.  We are in a learning situation to which we all have to adjust while continuing in the world of Lions and being prepared to help as many as we can of those needing our assistance.

The theme this year for International President Dr Jung-Yul Choi is “United in Kindness and Diversity”   and initiatives will focus on four key elements of Lions International that are essential to our mission of service:  Addressing global causes by serving local needs; Supporting our global foundation, LCIF; Inspiring kindness with our stories of service; and Empowering our clubs to serve safely.

Within our own United States one of our main initiatives that we are focusing on this year is Membership and utilizing NAMI (North American Membership Initiative). Through December 2020, the new member fee to LCI has been waived and here in District E we have set up a dues plan for new members to pay 1/2 of the required club dues for their first year, then 2/3 for the second year and then the full dues on the third year.  The loss in dues to LCI will be covered by the district. This 2/3-year plan constitutes somewhat of a retention plan along with less cost to join the organization. Sometimes funds make a big difference, so hopefully this will be a help in bringing in new members. Then it is up to us in the clubs to make sure that we keep them.

I am looking forward to starting my official duties as District Governor in August with doing the installation of officers for the Canyonville Club on August 1.  Following that my first visitation will be in Powers on the 11th of August. Then I will head over to the east side of the district to the Klamath area.  Our first District Cabinet meeting will be held in Klamath Falls on August 29.  The club has arranged for the location to be such that we will be able to have social distancing, but we are also asking that masks be worn as well.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who agreed to fill the District Cabinet positions for this year. I know that you will all do a great job in fulfilling the duties of the position you have accepted.  I also want to give a special thanks to PCC Joyce Anderson, PCC Gail Black and CCE Bob Chaney for all their continued support.

Remember - Family, Friends, and Fellowship for this coming year. In Lionisim we are family, we make new friends but keep the old and fellowship is invaluable to all.  Thanks for reading this and we will talk again next month.

Friends, Family, and Fellowship

July/August 2020

As I am writing this article, I'm wondering what kind of changes we will see this coming year.  I feel it will be a bit different from previous years due to COVID-19.  We will see more technology and less face-to-face contact.  Actually, each has its good points.

With less face-to -ace contact, we will not be traveling as much and we will miss the physical contact of some of our usual meetings--no hugs, no crowded rooms with 10 at a table, and no physical contact.

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With tech meetings like Zoom or Go to Meetings, we will be able to talk to each other on our phones back and forth and try not to talk over one another.  This will be a good method for members who are not into the tech world or who don't own a computer.  I have attended some good GAT meetings using the Go to Meeting app.  I have also had some very good Zoom meetings.  With Zoom you can see each other and still try have to try and not talk over each other.  But, yes, you do need a computer!

My theme this year is Friends, Family, and Fellowship.  All Lions are our friends. I'd like to see more family meetings with younger members who will be able to feel free to bring their children if they want and, of course, all Lions include Fellowship.

I'd like to thank Immediate Past District Governor Bob Chaney for his dedication to the members of 36-E and look forward to his input and continued support.

I also look forward to traveling to the clubs in 36-E and meeting with the members of each and every club.   I will make personal visits and try to avoid tech visits as much as possible, after all how can I get to meet and enjoy each of you who will attend the meetings??

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925