Volunteering is Beneficial
I have a questions for you? We, as Lions, will most likely know the answer but maybe it will give us something to think about or to realize the benefits we receive.
Why is volunteering important? The obvious reason is "to be able to help others," but what does it do to and for the volunteer?
Volunteering is beneficial as it connects us to others. It has been shown to reduce stress, combat depressions and provide a sense of purpose to a person's life. It builds self-confidence and self-esteem, as doing good for others and the community helps to create a sense of accomplishment. Working as a volunteer can give a sense of pride, creating a more positive view of our own life and future. An increasing number of studies suggest that people who give their time to others might have a longer lifespan, a lower mortality rate, and are less likely to have high blood pressure.
Volunteering boosts mental health simply because it makes you happier. Human beings are hard-wired to give to others and, by measuring so-called brain activity and happiness hormones, researchers have found that being helpful to others can deliver great pleasure. Studies show that the more a person volunteers, the more benefits they'll experience.
Guess we as Lions have figured this out already, but these are good points to remember when asking someone to join our organization. When asking a person to join you can mention your AHA moment - - -what happened when you found that special reason why you are a Lion. Along with joining a group of people who want to help others, you will join a friendly body of volunteers, a family feeling of working together for the betterment of mankind and the fellowship of being involved with those who want to make things better for others.