Encourage Visiting Other Clubs In Your Local Area And Beyond
I am excited to begin my year as your District Governor. During my year as Vice-Governor I had the opportunity to see and talk to other clubs both large and small. What I have seen are some VERY GOOD clubs doing a lot of good for their communities and that gives me high hopes for our District. I will be starting my visitations soon to meet with all of you and be available to install those new members.
Something that I would like to encourage is visiting other clubs in your local area and beyond. These visits will build comradery, help with sharing ideas and help other clubs with activities if needed. Sharing ideas is so important: that’s why we must communicate through our reports. We now have a District Administrator that can help our club Presidents and Secretaries prepare reports and can also give instruction on reporting when needed. Did you know a club can have its own Club Administrator to assist the Secretary to report on club activities?
It’s important to learn something to progress in our lives and it’s also true in Lions. I hope to have some training sessions in your local areas and will have more on this later. Lions International has many short learning videos that can be viewed and they are easy to get to. How to get to Training - log onto: LionsClub.org then choose Members Resource Center > Training > Club Officers Training
There is so much more that can be seen on this website for all members, not just officers. I encourage you to go there and just see what’s available.
My theme is “BEE a Lion” besides being environmentally friendly, it has a two-fold meaning: Getting new Lion members, current Lions becoming involved in our clubs, and have fun BEEing a better Lion.
I look forward seeing and serving District 36E, Southern Oregon and Northern California.
PAUL NOVAK, District E Governor