We Must Demonstrate Our Commitment To Providing Meaningful Services
Frequently, I hear concerns about clubs losing members or becoming inactive in their pursuits. Why would anyone want to be part of a club that isn't actively contributing? As Lions, we champion five global causes, each with a range of projects that clubs, regardless of size, can engage in. We have the flexibility to select projects and organize fundraisers that align with our capacities and resources. Lions Clubs International equips us with innovative suggestions and resources to think beyond conventional approaches.
Do we, as Lions, aspire to leave a lasting impact on our communities? To attract the younger generation, we must demonstrate our commitment to providing meaningful services. It's imperative that we promote and publicize what we do, showcasing the remarkable contributions of Lions. Surprisingly, many clubs are not sharing (and reporting) their accomplishments with fellow Lions or with Lions Clubs International. The broader community remains unaware of our efforts.
It's time we stand up and declare, "We are Lions, We Serve, and We will Change the world." The transformation may not happen in one monumental stride, but through a series of small, significant steps. Consider when we conduct vision screenings; by identifying one child with vision issues, we alter their world, unlocking new possibilities. In doing so, we've already changed the world.
Let's collectively commit to expanding our clubs and welcoming new members. This will ensure that we carry forward our legacy of service to our communities. Together, we can change the world.
Warm regards,
Steve Brewster, District Governor, MD36-E