Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


All I learned, I learned at the MD Convention

June Newsletter

         I hope you were at the Multiple District 36 Convention to learn about Projects Oregon (sponsored by a Public Relations grant from LCI). The Acts of Kindness project that started in March, the Projects Oregon display boards for clubs and the upcoming Cans for the Cause, all can be seen on The Projects Oregon Facebook page. To find the page, type into your web browser. It will help you find information about the projects, so that you can explain them to your club. Better yet, you can print out the information and take it to your next club meeting to share with your fellow Lions.
         I was so impressed with the convention presentations by Chair Bob Van Slyke and Chief Executive Officer Barbara Crow for Lions Vision Gift. The things they are developing right here in Oregon are helping to advance eye care throughout the world. The Lions of Oregon should be very proud of all they have achieved.
         Our visiting International Director John Pettis, Jr. and his wife Liz, were a delight to be with and shared their friendship with all who were there. I talked with him on the way back to the airport on Sunday. ID John stressed the importance of offering a sincere greeting and the gift of friendship at every club meeting, especially to visitors and new members. He joined his Lions club because of the warm reception he received as opposed to what he encountered at some other community service organizations. Why would anyone join a club that was not filled with potential friends? For those going to the USA\Canada Forum in Puerto Rico, be sure to seek ID John and Liz out. They will be there attending the Forum.
         I want to thank everyone involved with the Multiple District convention in Salem. What a wonderful opportunity to see your friends and learn about ideas to strengthen your club.  The convention team was led by PCC Bob Guerrant and CC Elect Joyce Anderson, with PCC Bev Bridgewater, MD GLT coordinator, handling the forums. All did an outstanding job. 
         I am sure there will be more written about the Multiple District 36 Council of Governors meeting the day before the Convention. But, I want to report on just one item: The Council’s approval of the Communication Task Force Committee’s recommendation to switch (3) three editions of The Oregon Lion magazine to the web. You will still receive your Oregon Lion in the mail (except for 3 issues) unless you opt-out. Opting-out saves the Multiple District about $6/Lion and, if you multiply that by about 4,000 Lions, it is a significant savings. The elimination of the 3 issues will allow the MD to continue providing the service that is needed without raising dues and without going into the red (which is not allowed by our by-laws). 
         Finally, I want to mention a couple of ways to financially help our Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation without taking anything out of your pocket: 1. AmazonSmile Foundation to benefit OLSHF: Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to OLSHF whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. 2. Fred Meyer Community Rewards to benefit OLSHF: Support OLSHF just by shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card. Please take a minute to link your Rewards Card to benefit OLSHF at It’s easy to sign up so that every time you shop, you bring hope to people in need of sight and hearing assistance!
          Make a great day!

District O - DG Sharon Rollins June 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District R - DG Greg Pierce June 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District E - DG Bruce Boone June 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District G - DG Bill Burley June 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

Looking for new members? Try a little friendship!

May Newsletter

Have you ever gotten dressed and realized that your sock had a hole at the big toe? What did you do? Throw it away and get a new one? Or did you put it on the other foot and hope the other sock did not have a hole in it too. I think that is a little like membership. If something does not work, you do not throw the whole thing away, you need to try something else. Even though this is the May issue of The Oregon Lion, I am writing this article in April, which is membership month, and Lions Worldwide Induction day is April 21st.  Sometimes I think we get too serious about “developing membership” and we try too hard to make membership in our club happen. I think we need to create an atmosphere of friendship at our meetings that any visitor can enjoy. 

My Club just had a speaker that talked about brewing beer at home. A subject of some interest to me personally, at least the beer part. I think we (my Lions Club) missed an excellent opportunity to invite the public and friends to listen to an enthusiastic speaker talk about a hobby he obviously enjoyed. We learned about the science, the equipment and the many different kinds of beer one can brew at home. What is the difference between a Lager and an Ale? Since the presentation, I now know that it is the yeast and the temperature. But, the best thing about the evening was the fun and shared friendship that happened during the meeting. I know anyone could have enjoyed our evening. The waiter kept asking questions throughout the evening; he would have enjoyed sitting and hearing the presentation. But, the presentation on home brewing beer is just an example of one kind of evening that can lead to reaching your club’s membership goals. If your club has a fun, friendly and interesting Lions meeting that visitors can come to, it is a membership meeting. 

Please take the time to read PCC Rod Bach’s article in this issue about the landslide in the Oso/Darrington area of Washington and the collection of funds for those in need in District 19-B.  I am sure our Lion friends to the North are doing all they can to help the slide victims and it is an opportunity for the Lions in MD 36 to help also.

Remember the Multiple District 36 Convention is on May 15th and 16th at the Salem Red Lion. International Director John Pettis, Jr. and his wife Liz will be joining us from Merrimac, Massachusetts. Please come and find a new friend.

Make a great day!

District O - DG Sharon Rollins May 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District R - DG Greg Pierce May 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District E - DG Bruce Boone May 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District G - DG Bill Burley May 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

Show Me a Little Kindness

April Newsletter
072509 50th Anniv OLSHF Gala 119.jpg

 I know many (I should say all of you) Lions are better writers than I am. Each month it is a struggle for me to find relevant topics that might be of interest to the Oregon Lion reader and then write about them.  I have started making notes about things I see and hear as I travel our great state so I am more prepared when the deadline looms ahead like dark forbidding clouds on the horizon.

Last month I wrote about Projects Oregon and Random Acts of Kindness. By now I hope that you all have received your mailings from the committee and have had a chance to compliment a stranger on their kindness to someone with the little yellow button.  I was not going to write more about the topic. And then I received my copy of a quarterly magazine from the University of Oregon, not surprisingly called Oregon Quarterly. This time when I opened it, it revealed an article by Alice Tallmadge about Philosopher Caroline Lundquest and her views on kindness. Caroline calls kindness an overlooked virtue. She says “Kindness is the enactment of a fundamental truth of human existence, which is simply that we are each other’s best and worst luck.” She goes on to write about how a gentleman in Sydney, Australia, who saved over 150 people from suicide with a cup of tea and a little kindness.  Type in “Angel of The Gap,” as the late Don Ritchie was known into your web browser and see his amazing story. Lions go out of their way to help others in the community and I can see a little of Don in many of the Lions that I know.

One of other items from my notes is the Lions Clubs Internationals’ program for waiving the entrance fee of $25 for U.S. Veterans joining a Lions club from 7-1-2013 to 6-30-2015. The returning men and women veterans offer Lions clubs a can-do attitude and an understanding of teamwork - both wonderful traits in a Lion member. One of the comments I have heard is why do I need to pay to volunteer? Well, our dues offer support to people around the world through humanitarian grants, remember River Blindness? In addition, they provide for the administration of our organization and for project insurance that every club needs. So the waiver reduces the cost just a little to help with that transition to Lions club membership. Go to the Lions Clubs International web-site and type in U.S. Veterans Program and see the resources that are available.

In this issue there is a survey about the Oregon Lion magazine and the options of moving the magazine to the internet. It will happen one way or another, sometime in the future, I am sure. The Communication Task Force just wants to make sure that whatever happens, it is the best that can be done for the Lions of Oregon. Please take the time to register your opinion with CCE Joyce Anderson or call and chat with me. My direct cell phone # is 971.506.5914 and I would be glad to discuss any of your concerns about the magazine.

Finally, the registration form is out and available in this issue (pg. 23) for the Multiple District 36 Convention on May 15th and 16th at the Salem Red Lion. Come and make a new friend.

Make a great day!

District O - DG Sharon Rollins April 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District R - DG Greg Pierce April 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District E - DG Bruce Boone April 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District G - DG Bill Burley April 2014 - Lion Magazine Article


Opportunity Is Knocking!

March Newsletter
072509 50th Anniv OLSHF Gala 119.jpg

     Hi everyone. I had a great opportunity as Council Chair to attend a meeting last week at the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation offices (OLS&HF). The Multiple Heath Screening Unit (MHSU) Committee was meeting to review promotional videos that the Foundation has been developing to promote the screening of school age students in Oregon. The program is growing (65,000 students screened this year) and will continue grow as the Foundation and the Oregon legislature work to make sure all students in Oregon are screened for sight and hearing. The videos (I think there will be three) that the Foundation is developing are going to be marvelous. The videos will help inform Lions and volunteers as well as the school administration about the screening program. But what I am really, really excited about is the OPPORTUNITY that the program offers Lions Clubs in Oregon. While the Foundation is clearly developing the videos to promote the screening program, the videos are also promoting the things that Lions do and the service we provide by way of the Foundation.

     As I have stated before, I believe we need members to do service in our communities and we need to offer service to potential Lion members. Oregon has is a big pool of volunteers. Look at the thousands who come out for the Run for the Cure or volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, but many do not want to belong to a service organization for a variety of reasons. That reluctance to join is what we need to aggressively address. The Foundation’s screening program will allow each club the OPPORTUNITY to have a built-in service project that can be offered to members and potential members. The Foundation has developed a calendar (it is on their web site) that will allow every Lion to volunteer to be a vision or hearing screener.

     In my Club, there are a number of Lions that like to volunteer together. With the use of the Foundation calendar, members of my club or your club can schedule a screening activity and invite potential members. For the potential member, volunteering with just a few club members is an easy first introduction to Lions. You then have an OPPORTUNTY to discuss Lions, how great your club is and the many friendships that have developed because of your involvement with Lions.

     The Foundation will need lots of community and Lion volunteers for the screening program in your area and around the state for the foreseeable future. Please consider taking advantage of the OPPORTUNITY to provide service and to use the program as a recruiting tool for your club.

        A different topic for your consideration is the District and Multiple District Conventions and this year - one day Conferences. Once a year the Districts and the Multiple District come together for business and pleasure. It is a time to see what is happening in the District, around the state and maybe even nationally in Lions. You can meet and vote for the leaders of your organization, attend a class or session on some aspect of Lions and, most importantly, renew old friendships and make new ones. I would challenge you to come with a question or concern you or your club has. With a little effort you will find someone at the convention that will have an answer or at least a direction to your answer. The Multiple District 36 Convention will be May 15th and 16th at the Salem Red Lion. Come and make a new friend.

Make a great day!

District O - DG Sharon Rollins March 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District R - DG Greg Pierce March 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District E - DG Bruce Boone March 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

District G - DG Bill Burley March 2014 - Lion Magazine Article

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925