Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



     I am writing this article in early March (10th) for the April issue.  I mention that because the dates for the R and O Conventions have passed.  However, the E and G Conventions occur in March.  DG David O'Kelley had a wonderful and very well attended Convention in Eugene on the U of O campus.  If you were unable to attend, you missed informative speakers, International Director Allen Snider and interacting with your fellow Lions.

     The winter storm of February 24 caused DG Kerith Vance to need to reschedule her Convention:  Her ID’s flight was canceled into PDX from Hawaii, roads were impassible and she did not have a choice.  She was able to reschedule her Convention for April 15.   All in all, it requires a lot of work.  I will see you there.

     DG Gail Black has her District E Convention set for Sutherlin on March 17-19 and DG Cheri Jackson has her District G Convention set for the Wildhorse in Pendleton on March 31-April 1.  Hopefully you will attend.  There is so much information about Lions that is available at conventions.  Together we have a good time.  Join us!

     April is the month for Officer elections in our Clubs throughout MD36.  I urge the current board members to notice and talk to your members and consider a new Lion for a position.  There are Lions that have talents you are not aware of.   Remember – just ask.  We need to inspire new Lions and take note of their ideas even if it is not “the way we always do things”.

     April is Environmental Awareness month.  Be sure to send your environment photos to CCE Phyllis Carlin in order to enter the annual competition that takes place at our Multiple District Convention May 19-21 in Seaside.  It is an amazing and fun event with wonderful photos from every corner of our multiple district (especially if there is a Corgi in the photo).

     April is also Family & Friends Awareness month.  Include your family and friends in Lions events and adventures.  They can help you gather items for your food pantry, attend a lunch with Lions, or collect glasses for our Sight & Hearing Foundation.  And, if you have friends or family with a place of business, be sure to give them an eyeglass collection box to help the Lions of Oregon recycle and send glasses all across the world.

     We have a lot to do and serve in our respective communities.  Together we can!

Let's Acquire New Members!

     Lions of MD36, our four District Governors are united in assisting Clubs in all four districts with increasing their membership.  The Governors obtained a grant from Lions International and they designed aids for that purpose.  The first product you will receive is a yard sign along with the metal stakes.  Each club will receives signs in accordance with the number of members they have recorded with LCI.

     We need all Club Presidents to encourage every member to display the signs.  They can be placed in the yard of their residence, place of business or anywhere they have approval.  Distribution of the product is essential.  A sign was ordered and created for every member of your club.  For this product to be helpful, it must be displayed.  Remember, more Lions results in more service to each community.

     The second product will be bumper magnets for your vehicles.  Again, a resulting increase in membership all depends on the distribution and display of the bumper magnets.

     I applaud DG Kerith Vance, DG David O'Kelly, DG Gail Black and DG Cheri Jackson.  There is constant talk concerning the loss of members since the depletion of membership during COVID.  However, our current District Governors grabbed hold of the issue and designed an innovative solution.  It can only have a positive result with your help.

     Let's use the new tools.  Let's acquire new members to Multiple District 36.

Together We Can!

February is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

     Fellow Lions, welcome to 2023!!  I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

     Our District Governors are halfway through their term and working on their District Conventions.  I encourage all members to help and support our District Governors. You will be surprised at the information you will obtain and the feeling of community from interacting with other Lions. Consider getting involved.  And, please attend, it is rewarding and fun.

     District R’s Convention is on February 4, and District O’s Convention is February 25.  The registration forms are in the January issue of the Oregon Lion magazine.  If you have not registered, you can call the Convention Chairperson.  We would love to see you.  And, do not forget our MD36 Convention is in Seaside on May 19-20.  The theme is 'Together We Can' and we need you there.

     The month of January was Hunger Awareness month.  Many clubs held food drives to help restock the shelves of local food pantries.  The increase in the cost of grocery items has made it difficult for many families throughout our Multiple District.  Food banks throughout Oregon/No. California are dealing with the increase in demand.  Lions will continue to give their support.

     The month of February is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  PDG Gary Mose is our Chairperson.  For information on donations contact Lion Gary at

     I look forward to attending the Conventions with you.  MD36 Lions are working hard to diminish hunger in our communities and supporting the efforts to diminish childhood cancer.

Together we can!!

CC Judith Poage

Accomplish Amazing Things Again In 2023

Happy New Year Lions of MD36!

     I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season with friends and family.

     We are halfway through the 2022-2023 term and I am very proud of all of the Club events you have supported including service projects, fundraisers and just fun events enjoying our communities.  Our Multiple District has shown an increase in visibility of Lions through the increase in community projects this term.

     This year has its challenges including flu season and new Covid variants.  Some folks mask, some stay home and others just go their own way.  However, Lions have a dedication to their community that pushes them forward.  One thing I know for sure:  MD36 Lions have and will accomplish amazing things again in 2023.

     All four Districts have lost struggling clubs and at the same time are adding members and working hard to strengthen our existing clubs.  During the lock down, events were presented via zoom.  Now, Lions are energized when meetings and events are in person.  And, visibility appears to be a key factor in our success within our communities also.

     January is Lions International Hunger Month.  Lions worldwide have service projects to fight hunger.  Many community food banks have a depleted supply after the demands during the holidays.  Clubs are starting food drives to help restock the shelves.  If your club hasn't scheduled one, now is a good time to start.  It will give you another service project with visibility in your Community.

CC Judith Poage

Council Chair News

     Here we are and the Holidays are arriving:  Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

     This is always when Lions are extra busy with their service to their communities.  Lions hold food drives and volunteer at their food pantries. 

     Clubs throughout MD36 have a variety of projects.  Some collect hats, gloves and scarfs to donate to those in need.  Clubs with kitchen facilities are cooking thanksgiving dinner for residents while others are delivering dinners to those who are house bound.

     I recently received news of a club that has its members donate $25 (or more) gift certificates.  The gift certificates are donated to a women's shelter for abused women and their children. They can use the gift certificates for gas, baby food, personal items or whatever they need.

     We have Lions who help set up warming shelters and clubs that collect coats and blankets.  We know Lions who fill Christmas stockings with cookies, scarfs and small gifts and take them to a retirement home.  Lions and Leos throughout MD36 collect toys for children.

     Hood River Leos Club each year has a “Hit and Run Santa”.  Information on the ages of a family is collected.  The Leos obtain appropriate gifts – wrap them and tag them.  They arrive at the home the week of Christmas, leave the gifts on the doorstep, ring the bell and run (a lot of fun for the Leos and the recipients).

     Let's give our District Governors a Holiday gift and step up to a District leadership role.  Your Governors are in need of your help to keep our Districts serving their communities throughout MD36.  Your help is needed.  We appreciate all that you do.  We need you during the Holidays and throughout the year.  Join us - “Together We Can.”

Consider Having A Joint Meeting With Your Neighboring Clubs

     Fellow Lions, I am directing this article to our Club Presidents – the backbone of our work in our communities and our leadership.

     The four District Governors are in the middle of their respective club visits.  It would be helpful if you would consider having a joint meeting with your neighboring clubs.  Consider the promotion of camaraderie between clubs, the help you could be giving to small struggling clubs and the reduced travel for our Governors.

     District G recently held a combined meeting which included the Hood River Club, the Hood River Eye Openers, and the Odell Lions for District Governor Cheri Jackson.  It was held at Pietro’s Pizza Parlor.  It was a fun evening with Lion friends.  We talked about various projects and just enjoyed each other’s company.

     A similar combined meeting could be held by Crooked River Ranch Lions and include the Bend Lions and the Redmond Lions (Madras Lions also) at their amazing facility.  Every district has large clubs within a doable distance of travel from small clubs who are trying to maintain membership.

     Every district has smaller clubs who are struggling and would appreciate help.  Neighboring clubs can and should meet with them, find out their needs and help them to have successful projects.  It is the service projects in the community that bring in new members.  We are all Lions serving our communities and MD36.

     When a club is lost and the charter is revoked, it takes twenty new members to start another club.  If a club is closing down, however, the charter is maintained and the number of required new members is five.  I can tell you from experience that five is much easier to obtain.

     Club Presidents I am urging you to consider having a joint meeting with neighboring clubs.  The meeting can be held at a pizza parlor, in a back yard or park, or (if you’re lucky to have one) a club house.  You will enjoy the fellowship, find ways to help your neighboring Lions clubs and reduce the travel for your very grateful District Governor.


PDG Judith Poage

Council Chairperson


Labor Day is past and children are back in school. MD36 is busy with clubs donating school supplies, clubs donating backpacks and others collecting “Coats for Kids”. Lions are amazing.

Don’t forget our traditional: Flags for First Graders. Teachers and students both enjoy it. A Lion explains to the class what the red, white and blue represent as well as the stars and stripes. Each student is given a miniature flag. Everyone says the pledge of allegiance together. If you need flags, contact the Keizer Lions Club. It is Fun. And, there may be a future Lion in the class.

Start Making a Reader Today is an excellent program. Lions volunteer to spend personal time reading with a student. For more information, please contact PDG Carol Brink our Chairperson for the SMART Program.

Our Lions Quest Program Chairperson is PDG Jim Jaggers. Teachers who have participated in the program praise the material and approach. Lions Quest helps young people make good decisions and become good citizens. It gives advice on how to handle bullying. There are three parts: K thru 5, grades 6 thru 9, and grades 10-12. It is a one-day workshop for teachers and sponsored by a Lion’s Club. The program provides valuable tools. For more information contact: PDG Jim Jaggers.

And now we start our school vision screening. Please encourage all new members to participate. Often we get used to always using the same team for screening. Screening students is an excellent way to introduce a prospective member to what our Oregon Lions and Northern California Lions do.

Last year we screened 160,000 students. Our goal is 200,000 students. Be ready for a call from your Screening Event Coordinator.


Judith Poage

Council Chair

United In Helping

     Our name change was announced at the Lions International Convention in Montreal, Canada.  We are now:  Lions International.  The acronym, LCI, will remain in use.  LCI is a common phrase and internationally associated with Lions.  However, Lions International it is!

     Throughout MD36 we are moving forward, helping local clubs with service projects and membership.  Our four District Governors are on the road making visitations.  In the process, they are also inducting new members and motivated by your various service projects and ideas.

     Club Presidents, when you receive the call from your District Governor, try to schedule their visit to accommodate their schedule and as timely as possible.  They have a lot of area to cover.  Your District Governor will also be bringing new ideas and suggestions to help you serve your community.  They have suggestions for increasing membership, new service projects and ways to just have fun.

     MD36 has a District Governor who raises and trains horses; a District Governor with two dogs; a District Governor with two jobs and a cat; and a District Governor devoted to Ducks (??) !  Our Governors come from varied backgrounds and experiences; however, they are united in helping you and your club move forward with Lions International. 


Together We Can!

CC Judith L Poage

"Together We Can"

     Fellow Lions we are headed into a new Lion Year and we have a new theme for 2022-2023:  “Together We Can!”   We have a lot to accomplish.   Lions Clubs around the world lost members during Covid.  All four Oregon Districts had a loss.  Lions gave up social gatherings, holiday parties and in person meetings.  However, we still held food drives, clothing drives, delivered meals, constructed and delivered PPC, and many more activities of service.  Avoiding contact did not stop us.

     Now Lions are meeting in person.  Service projects are again visible to the public.  Clubs are seeing an increase in new member applications.  We are in the public and inspire others to join us and help others through our many projects.  With new members we benefit with new ideas and enthusiasm.  With new members we show that “Together We Can”.

     When you receive the July/August edition of the Oregon Lion Magazine, our new District Governors will have completed their training and trip to Lions International Convention in Montreal, Canada.  They also filled their slate of officers for their 2022-2023 term and set their goals.   We thank each and every one of you for stepping up and taking on a new position.  You make a difference in what Oregon Lions accomplish.  And you help our DGs achieve the goals they have set for their respective districts.  “Together We Can” with your help.  Thank you for stepping up to serve with us!!

     Our International President for 2022-2023, Brian Sheehan, adopted the theme of:  “Together We Can”!  The words energize us as we step out and serve our community with a renewed enthusiasm.

     We thank you for joining us on this new Lions journey for MD36.  We appreciate your ideas and your enthusiasm.  This year of service is will be exciting because:  “Together We Can”.


Council Chairperson

Judith Poage

See You On The Flip Side!

     Here we are in June already and this is my final authoring of this column.  I don’t know where the time has gone or how it went so fast but here we are at the end of another Lion’s year.  We have had a rather interesting ride this year as we have been able to come out of the pandemic and return to in-person meetings and conventions.

     Your Governors within each of the four districts has been exemplary as this group of Governors has brought your districts through the fog and into the light.  The work is never done but we are beginning to see changes in social patterns again and it’s time to get back out there.

     Your Council Chair and Governors for next year are going to do amazing things so be prepared to embrace their enthusiasm and ideas.  We all know that each year and each new Council of Governors brings with it new philosophies.  We need to be sure to look at these objectively and not dismiss them with negativity simply because they are new to us.  Where would we be in this world today if someone along the way hadn’t listened to and been willing to explore new ideas such as Thomas Edison and electricity, Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone, Charles Babbage and the computer, and probably most notably for us Melvin Jones and the service club model.

     There is a quote from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that reads “parting is such sweet sorrow”.  In this quote Juliet is saying good night to Romeo.  Their sorrowful parting is also “sweet” because it makes them think about the next time they will see each other. I have often likened this to when I leave a position.  It’s not that I will not still be around but it will certainly be in different circumstances and most likely less frequently.

     For all of you who know me fairly well you know that I love music and performing so maybe the best way to sum this up is in a few lines from this song by Green Day, Good Riddance I Hope You Had The Time of Your Life. “Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don't ask why. It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. It's something unpredictable, but in the end, it's right. I hope you had the time of your life. So take the photographs and still frames in your mind. Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time...For what it's worth, it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable, but in the end, it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.”

     I know I have had the time of my life serving as your Council Chair for the past 12 months and I will cherish this experience always.  I look forward to seeing all of you along the way as we journey into what lies ahead.

     I will leave you with one more music quote by Chicago from Where Do We Go From Here?  “Let's all get together soon, before it is too late.  Forget about the past and let your feelings fade away.  If you do I'm sure you'll see the end is not yet near.  Where do we go. Where do we go. Where do we go from here?”

     Yours forever in Lionism.  CC Bob Chaney.

Talk To All Of Your Members

Let’s culminate this year with positives:

     Positive One. The convention season is drawing to a close and will culminate this month with the Multiple District convention in Springfield. I am so pleased with this multiple district for having made each of the four single district conventions successes.  And as we put the mask mandate into the rear view - we put the finishing touches on the last of the individual district conventions the last week in March with District E’s and International Director Ken Ibarra and his companion Amy Fink.

It was a lot of fun and a good turnout as well. Thank you all for making that happen. It’s great to see clubs emerging from under the pandemic and once again meeting and getting back into our communities.

     Positive two. Now as we turn to the multiple district convention there has been a lot of consternation because up until just recently we had no location but that has been put to rest.

Also, as we scale it back to just two days, well really one day and an evening, we have moved the OLSHF Trustees meeting and the Council of Governors meeting to Friday, May 20, beginning at 9 a.m. with the trustees and following at 1:30 p.m. with the CoG. I am really looking forward to having International Director Justin Faber with us for the convention as our International guest.

     Positive three. As a part of the convention and continuing with our theme of We Serve we are asking that as a service project for the convention that everyone attending please bring a box or bag full of non-perishable food which will be donated to a local area food bank to aid in their fight against hunger. No one should ever have to go hungry or experience food insecurity and we will do our part to try and make this a reality.

     On a sad note, we were unfortunately unable to hold the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute in April because of poor response. We needed to have at least 15 registered participants and we were unable to get to that number. Although this is unfortunate, it’s not a total loss. The leadership and executive committee of the institute has decided that there will be another attempt to conduct the training this fall, probably in October. So all of you that were thinking about the April training but had not committed, get your calendars ready and reserve some time in October. The official announcement of the date will come sometime in early summer.

     Positive four. I want to leave you with a challenge. That challenge is to talk to all of your members and find out what their needs are, be it financial or motivational, or whatever. Why? Because every year in May and June we see a huge exodus as clubs clear their books and the idea is to try and find out why members are wanting to leave and to try and alleviate the reason. We would really like to see every district finish with a positive net gain in membership, something that has not been accomplished in some time, but is very possible.

     Think about it. All it takes is just one ask. Hmmm. I seem to remember a campaign a couple of years ago that was something like that. I think it was Just Ask. The worst that can happen is they say no. And let’s once again take that one step further with Just Answer. I know that a lot of us have wardrobes made-up of shirts and hats and jackets and a lot of other paraphernalia that has the Lions logo on it. I know I do and almost every time I go somewhere I am asked about the Lions or the logo. That is where the Just Answer portion of the program kicks in. Hopefully you have that 30 second elevator speech on the tip of your tongue and are more than willing to share it with anyone.

     Well my fellow Lions as they say that’s a wrap and I hope to see you in Springfield in just a few days.

Inner Support for Outward Service

     I know, after reading the title of this article you probably went, “What?” and then said oh yeah CC Bob is at it again, but wait!  I urge you to read further.

     As you read this it is already into the month of April but as I write this I have just returned from the District G convention and am one week removed from the District O convention and I must say I am very pleased.

     As I made the seven-hour drive home from Baker City I kept replaying the convention in my mind and I was very happy with what I kept seeing. First, kudos should go to District G’s Convention Chair Janet Stafford for being able to secure the location in a pinch when the original site became unavailable.  She was able to get a location in Baker City on the same weekend as the O.S.A.A. 1A state basketball finals.  Second, seeing a brand new member attending the convention was heartwarming.  Chelsie Fisher was inducted into the Weston-McEwen Lions Club on February 11 and just three weeks later is attending her first district convention. Talk about your whirlwind courtship.  Chelsie, I applaud your passion and desire to be a part of Lions and to discover as much as possible as soon as possible.  I hope to see you at conventions for years to come.  Third, the support of fellow Lions for their newly elected District Governor Cheri Jackson. DGE Cheri was told Saturday that the current cabinet secretary and cabinet treasurer did not want to continue in those positions and that she would need to find someone to fill those cabinet positions.  Well within just a couple of hours she was able to report that she had two Lions step up and agree to fill the spots.  Thank you Betty Jane Bugbee and PCC Paul Zastrow for providing the inner support to allow for the continuance of outward service to not only the District, but to the communities served by Lions throughout District G.

     District G is still looking for more inner support as they need to fill the roles of 1st VDG and 2nd VDG but thanks to all of you who stepped up and are continuing to support Lions.  As I continued along the freeway on my journey home I also thought about how this same inner support had manifested itself at the District O convention with Lions stepping up there as well, namely DGE Kerith Vance and soon to be elected 1st VDGE Ed Glad.  I also thought how District R had experienced the same thing with DGE David O’Kelley having stepped up just a couple of months ago.  District E is now looking for some of this same inner support to allow the District to move forward in this upcoming Lions year. The District is need of a DGE and a 2nd VDG.

     It seems as though every year for the past decade we have struggled to find Lions willing to move forward in leadership roles and when we do find those who are willing they cannot do so because of requirements that have not been filled because we are so locked in to keeping people in positions just to have a body in place.  We need to look toward the future and move our new Lions into positions of leadership that will allow them to ascend to higher places and to fill other roles.

     The idea of bringing in new members shouldn’t be to just fill the seats at the meeting. The reasoning should follow right along with our motto “We Serve.”  Find their passion. Encourage their participation in filling positions within the club and beyond.  Let them know that they are more than just a number, they are a Lion!  This is the only way we can continue to provide inner support for the continuance of outward service.

     Again I applaud, Lions Janet, Chelsie, Betty Jane, Paul, Kerith, Ed and David for your dedication.  I also know that there are many more out there willing to do what these individuals have done so let’s make it happen!

     Thank you District R, O and G for great conventions and renewing my spirit.

Spring sprung, conventions done, institute coming, Oh, My!

Here we are in March already and as my dad always used to say “Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I know where some flowers is,” and although that may not be true everywhere, especially in the Northwest part of our state, we do know that convention season is more than half over. As you read this I will most likely be making the trek to the District G convention in Baker City. I cannot remember the last time we had a meeting of any sort in Baker City and I applaud DG Kathy Oliver for doing so. We seldom get out of the cycle that has District G conventions in Pendleton, Hood River and The Dalles.

     I was lucky and fortunate enough to attend both District R and District O conventions in February. Hooray for in-person. District R started the parade with the first in-person convention we have had in the multiple district in almost two years and it was so satisfying to once again shake a hand of an old friend or embrace a longtime colleague. I don’t know how we survived without it.

     Another positive note on the board is that it now appears that we have 1VDGs in every District and I would like to acknowledge these individuals for being willing to step up and take on leadership roles. Thank you Kerith Vance-O; David O’Kelley-R; Jerry Gomez-E; and Cheri Jackson-G.

     This brings me to the subject of leadership. We need leaders to carry the Lions banner into the future. One of the most rewarding opportunities for our future leaders is our very own Northwest Lions Leadership Institute (“NWLLI”). This leadership training is held here in MD36 and this year is set to take place in Myrtle Creek on April 8 – 10. The staff at this institute are your fellow Lion leaders. I have to tell a story about this institute.

     As most of you know I have a BA in Speech Communications and I have consulted and instructed before at leadership seminars. For several years the leaders in my club kept trying to get me to attend NWLLI and I kept telling them the same thing. I don’t need it. I can already teach the class.

     Well when I became 2nd VDG I finally gave in, mainly because my mentors told me it was one of the requirements for a DG, which it is not, but it is highly recommended. I attended the institute and I am here to tell you it is and was one of the most rewarding experiences of not only my Lions journey but my life. I learned so much about myself and established friendships that will last a lifetime. I enjoyed my time so much that I decided I wanted to give back to this training and I started on a quest to become an instructor by attending and graduating from Faculty Development Institute and also earning my Doctorate from Lions University and now I am lucky enough to be able to instruct at NWLLI and hopefully can make the experience enjoyable for future Lions leaders.

     Those who attend will have the opportunity for growth in Lionism and personal development. Attendees receive hands-on training in Diversity, Lions Fundamentals, Local Issues and Opportunities, Motivating Club Members, Personal Mission Statement, Public Speaking, Setting and Reaching Club Goals, Time Management and Working in Teams.

     If you are interested in attending please give PCC Gail Black, PCC Vince Bishop, your DG or myself a call and we can get you started on the path to a rewarding experience.

The cost for the institute is $300 and that is all inclusive for the instruction, meals and hotel stay. Some districts do offer scholarships so check with your DG. Space is limited and not all applicants can be accepted so please call today.

     Finally, I want to once again offer kudos to District R Governor Lynn Coon and his team as he continues to move forward through this Lions year with a positive in membership. I think we can all learn from his example that honesty and passion do make a difference and Lions do change lives every day.

     See you at the G convention in Baker City and the E convention in Klamath Falls.

Conventions and Children

     It is February and time to start that trek around the state to the various district conventions and yes these are all in-person conventions, Yay!  As you read this you are probably getting ready to attend the District R convention in Corvallis set for Saturday, February 5, at the OSU CH2M Hill Alumni Center. That will be followed later on this month by the District O convention set for Saturday, February 26, at the Charlene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts in Astoria.

     As March rolls around District G will hold its convention set for March 4 and 5 at Sunridge Inn in Baker City.  Remember that the Council of Governors meeting will be that Friday, March 4, at 1:30 p.m. We will try and provide a Zoom meeting but that is not a given.  At the end of the month we will wrap up the district conventions with District E’s, which is set for March 26 at Yesterday’s Plaza in Klamath Falls.

     I am really looking forward to convention season. It’s a time that is needed and looked forward to, especially now as we emerge from the shroud of the pandemic.  At convention you not only have the opportunity for training but for networking with your fellow Lions and renewing friendships with Lions.  I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to all the conventions because it revitalizes my Lions spirit. It rejuvenates my soul and I love to see all of the friends that I have made over the years and, yes, I look forward to seeing Vince, so I look forward to seeing all of you and having the opportunity to interact once again.

     On a serious note this month is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month within Lions and I would like to offer a few items from Lions Clubs International on how we as Lions can get involved in doing something to help:

*Raise club awareness about childhood cancer by holding an educational talk with a healthcare professional or public health official at your club or district meeting or related events.

*Collaborate with a local childhood cancer hospital or support home staff to learn about the needs of their patients and families. Brainstorm ways your club can address key challenges and gaps.

*Research and develop a list of local childhood cancer organizations in your community to support future projects.

*Identify local advocacy events related to childhood cancer and explore ways to get involved.

*Identify nearby childhood cancer centers and support homes to request a wish or needs list. Conduct a drive to donate the requested items.

*Prepare healthy meals for families with children undergoing treatment. This can be done in collaboration with other community members to ensure the family receives food on a regular basis.

*Collect recyclable materials and donate the profits to a childhood cancer organization.

*Write cards full of well-wishes and share them with a local cancer center.

*Donate financial support or gift cards to identified families in need or a nearby childhood cancer center. This could cover expenses like gasoline, parking, food, medical expenses, etc.

*Make or buy new hats, caps, head scarves or blankets to donate to childhood cancer centers.

*Volunteer at a local childhood cancer organization fundraising event.

*Organize a community drive to assemble a toy library for the enjoyment of patients.

*Participate in a blood donation or bone marrow registry event to benefit cancer treatment.

     These are just some beginning ways to get involved in this fight.

     Finally, on a sad note. Most of you are probably already aware that at the beginning of this year we lost one of our longtime Lions and family members in the passing of PCC Don Adams. He severed as District Governor for District O in 1989-90 and as Council Chair in 1996-97. He was involved with the pin trading for a number of years and was a charter member of the Gresham Breakfast Club. Our condolences go out to his wife Nancy and the family. He will certainly be missed.

     Yours in Lions, CC Bob Chaney

And a Happy New Year!

     Hello my fellow Lions. Now that we have 2021 and the holidays in the rear view mirror I trust that everyone had a joyous holiday season and is reinvigorated to move forward with growing and strengthening our Lions family.  If you will remember from the last two month’s articles that I have written about the three areas that we constantly talk about in Lionism; Leadership, Membership and Service.  These areas of focus are ingrained in everything that we do just take a look at our Global Action Team.  What are the three positions that we appoint?  Global Leadership Team, Global Membership Team and Global Service Team.  We appoint someone to each of these positions on a multiple district and a district level so I thought that with so much emphasis being placed on these areas maybe it would be interesting to explore each area as an acronym. This of course is my interpretation of each.

     In November I discussed Leadership and in December we talked about Membership - so this time I have decided to take on Service.

S – Selflessness. This is defined as concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own.  An example of this is a mother's devotion to her child causing her to always put the child's needs first, before her own. Devoted to others' welfare or interests and not one's own; unselfish; altruistic. Having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself but for others.

E – Empathy. This can be defined as the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. This is very important. As Lions in our service projects we interact with the less fortunate on a regular basis and we need to be aware of and able to understand their situation and the emotions that come with it.

R – Respect. For success in any endeavor anywhere you must have respect. Respect for what you are doing and the respect of others for doing it. We use the term Respect for others a bit flippantly but it rings true. Lions Clubs over the years have earned the respect of their respective communities through the actions of their members and they continue to garner that respect.

V – Veracious. This can be defined as speaking or representing the truth. We must always in everything we do as Lions, be honest and truthful. Sometimes this truthfulness may not be what someone wants or expects to hear but as the old adage goes honesty is always the best policy.

I – Imaginative. Be imaginative. Use your imagination to create and reinvent things to fit the changing world about us. Think outside the proverbial box and remember just because we have done it a certain way for a hundred years doesn’t mean we have to do it that same way for the next 100.

C – Commitment. This is paramount to the success of any service. This is a promise or agreement to do something. If you say you are going to be there, be there. This also walks hand in hand with responsibility and integrity.  If you don’t honor the commitments that you have made then your credibility is no longer valid and as Lions we must always strive to keep the highest credibility possible.

E – Enthusiasm. Strong excitement about something. A strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy. Basically have fun and enjoy whatever you are doing. Don’t make it look like a painstaking task to provide the service. Show those receiving the benefit of our selflessness, empathy, respect, veracious, imagination, commitment and enthusiasm that we are proud of and enjoy providing service to others.

     Finally, I want to take a moment to remind Lions that we are renewing our Northwest Lions Leadership Institute this April 8-10, 2022, in Myrtle Creek so if you have ever wanted or even thought about attending this incredible learning opportunity the time is now.  I have to tell on myself a little. For years my club tried to convince me to attend but I always told them that I didn’t need to because I already had all that knowledge and expertise. Finally, they convinced me to go and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. So much so that I am now an instructor at this conference and eager to provide leadership skills to others.  So if you are interested let your club President or Secretary or your District Governor know.

     Until next time and remember to continue to strive to Restore the Pride Through Service.

CC Bob Chaney


     If you will remember from last month’s article that I wrote about the three areas that we constantly talk about in Lionism; Leadership, Membership and Service. These areas of focus are ingrained in everything that we do just take a look at our Global Action Team. What are the three positions that we appoint? Global Leadership Team, Global Membership Team and Global Service Team.

     We appoint someone to each of these positions on a multiple district and a district level so I thought that with so much emphasis being placed on these areas maybe it would be interesting to explore each area as an acronym. This of course is my interpretation of each.

     Last month I discussed Leadership so this time I have decided to take on Membership.

M – Mentor. We have to remember to continuously mentor new members.  A mentor is a person or friend who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modeling positive behaviors. An effective mentor understands that his or her role is to be dependable, engaged, authentic, and tuned into the needs of the mentee 

E – Encouraging. We must always offer encouragement to our fellow Lions for any job. Positive reinforcement is paramount to continued success and sustainability

M – Meaningful. Make all experiences meaningful for your fellow Lions. We have to continue to make their existence and experience within Lions meaningful.

B – Believable. This goes hand-in-hand with meaningful. Our mission and reason for doing what we do has to be believable and has to continue to be so. If people don’t believe in the cause then the sustainability that we need is lost. Projects and our actions have to reflect this or people will lose interest.

E – Excitement. Continue to make all aspects of Lionism exciting for each member. When we start being complacent is when we lose our edge and begin to lose members. You have heard the old adage “the fire inside” well there is truth to this. Making things exciting keeps people wanting to be involved and be a part of the excitement.

R – Respect. For success in any endeavor anywhere you must have respect. Respect for what you are doing and the respect of others for doing it. We use the term Respect for others a bit flippantly but it rings true. Lions Clubs over the years have earned the respect of their respective communities through the actions of their members and they continue to garner that respect.

S – Supportive. As Lions we must be supportive of one another and of our communities. New and experienced members alike need to have that support of their fellow Lions albeit through an encouraging word or an atta boy. After all by definition To be supportive is to give help or assistance, or to hold something or someone up

H – Helpful. I think this may be the easiest one to explain but the hardest one to do. We all know what it means to be helpful but I think the hardest thing is to know when to be helpful without making the person feel helpless. Probably the easiest thing is just to offer assistance for any and all situations and let others know it is there whether it is used or not.

I – Imaginative. Be imaginative. Use your imagination to create and reinvent things to fit the changing world about us. Think outside the proverbial box and remember just because we have done it a certain way for a hundred years doesn’t mean we have to do it that same way for the next 100.

P – Pride. Always have pride in what we do as Lions. That doesn’t mean puff up the chest and be egotistical. What it means is be proud of what being a Lion means and that you are a part of that prideful tradition.

     I know I cut this a little short but I did want the opportunity to say Happy Holidays to all members of Multiple District 36. I hope this festive time of year finds you and yours in the best of spirits especially with the trying times we have experienced over the last two years.  The greatest gift anyone has ever received is family and we need to embrace it and enjoy it because if this has taught us anything it has taught us about the fragility and fleetingness of life.  I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays.


     There are three areas that we constantly talk about in Lionism:  Leadership, Membership and Service. These areas of focus are ingrained in everything that we do just take a look at our Global Action Team. What are the three positions that we appoint? Global Leadership Team, Global Membership Team and Global Service Team.

     We appoint someone to each of these positions on a multiple district and a district level so I thought that with so much emphasis being placed on these areas maybe it would be interesting to explore each area as an acronym. This of course is my interpretation of each.

I felt that starting with Leadership was appropriate with several positions throughout the multiple district committees and also on the district level are currently open. Hopefully someone will be inspired to step up and take o none of these roles.

L – Listen to your fellow Lions. We can always learn from those around us, including our direct reports. Effective listening gives you knowledge and perspectives that increase your leadership capacity. Being open to feedback and new ideas from your fellow Lions helps you learn and grow as a leader

E – Engage with your fellow Lions by doing so it energizes others and keeps people focused on purpose and vision with contagious positivity

A – Aspire your club members and other Lions to achieve something greater. Aspire them to grow their leadership depth, assess how they can lead more effectively in career services today, and explore what it takes to advance.

D – Develop hopes and dreams among Lions throughout the multiple district

E – Empathize with others as you engage and develop their skills. People will trust leaders and feel a greater sense of engagement and commitment when there is alignment between what the leader says and does. All that understanding of someone’s situation should turn into compassion and action. Empathy in action is understanding a person’s struggles and offering to help. It is appreciating a person’s point of view and engaging in a healthy debate that builds to a better solution

R – Respect your fellow Lions. We must as leaders recognize the inherent worth and value of the other person, and honor that inherent worthiness in our words, actions and behaviors

S – Serve your fellow Lions their success is also your success. Pitch in and do the work alongside others. Lead by example.

H – Humble. Be so in everything that you do it shifts attention away from you and focuses on the contributions and needs of those around you.

I – Integrity is essential. Integrity is being honest, trustworthy, and reliable. Leaders with integrity act in accordance with their words (i.e. they practice what they preach) and own up to their mistakes, as opposed to hiding them, blaming their team, or making excuses.

P – Passion for and Pride in work. True leaders have the innate ability to motivate others to achieve better results. Leading with a passion is what separates great leaders from the “wannabees.”

     So how do you inspire your fellow Lions to deliver superior results? To inspire passion in others; you must first be passionate yourself. People follow someone who is passionate versus someone who is just going through the motions. First, believe in what you’re doing and that conviction will spread. You can’t ignite passion with a wet match.

     Next month I will delve into Membership.

Council Chair Bob Chaney

We Must Find and Develop New Leaders

October 2021 - Lions Magazine 

    Let’s remember our motto “We Serve”.

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     Well here we are three months into this new Lions year and Lions are starting to get acclimated to new positions and new leaders.

     I feel that MD36 is extremely lucky this year to have this team in place. These District Governors have hit the ground running, amid all the turmoil and continuous pitfalls of COVID, and are once again embracing in-person visits with their constituents.

     Currently numbers in our multiple district are on the negative side as a whole but one District, R, is at a positive and kudos are in order for District Governor Lynn Coon and his leadership team.  As for leadership, there have been some trainings offered but one I would like to highlight is one of our premier opportunities that only comes around every two years and it is happening this Lions year. I am talking about the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute. Plans are to hold the event in April 2022. Organizers of this event have tentatively chosen April 9 and 10, but this can change. The main thing to remember is that it is happening so get those up and coming leaders ready to attend.

     As for service, all of the clubs in MD36 perform service every day and as we progress through the re-opening of our state we will continue to see more opportunities arise for Lions to aid in.

     I would like to now reiterate the goals that I set for this year that I provided to many at the Council of Governors meeting in August. Please don’t run them through the SMART Goal test because I am sure they will fail because some are very philosophical.

     First, I wanted to assist the multiple district in emerging from the COVID age and re-establishing in-person meetings. I think we have begun to accomplish that to a certain degree with our gathering in Rockaway in August and we will continue to make these meetings in-person and work toward an in-person MD convention in May.

     Second, I want to address an almost forgotten piece of the membership puzzle and that is retention.  One of my goals is to see the number of Lions leaving decreased this year. How do we accomplish this? By working together as a team (GAT) to determine why the majority of Lions are leaving and then make changes to our individual and collective policies and procedures to stop the mass exodus.

     The third goal I have is to increase the awareness of Lions throughout our communities and states. This goes back to the old adage of the largest service in the world but the best kept secret.  How do we get out of this enigma?  By promoting any and all events we do as Lions.  Our multiple district has a public relation manual that is available for anyone to use and we also have a MD Public Relations committee with representatives from each district who are more than willing to help with promotion of Lions.

     Fourth, I would like to be able to eradicate the blinders, barriers and territorial borders that we have established over the years. We must remember and embrace our Lions Clubs International motto “We Serve”.  This doesn’t say that only Bob from the Myrtle Creek Lions serves.  We have to be willing to work together and do away with the old school ground mentality of “if I don’t get my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.  We have to work as one to continue to further our cause and to survive in this current environment.  If we are willing and able to do this I see great things on the horizon for our multiple district.

     Finally, I would like each and every one of us to look for leaders in our clubs. We are severely lacking in new leaders in our multiple district. If you look at our current list of MD committee chairs and the officers and committee chairs of each district you will see a number of vacancies, especially in cabinet positions, and a lot of familiar names filling positions for another term.

     We must find and develop new leaders and the only way to do that is to ask someone or allow someone who asks to take on a role. So what if they make mistakes or do it differently, we all have!

     These are a few of my goals for this year.

Yours in Lionism, Council Chair Bob Chaney

So Many Resources at Your Fingertips

September 2021 - Lions Magazine

Step up and lead.

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     We as Lions over the last several years have got caught up in a growing concern of loss of members. This is a legitimate problem throughout North America. Clubs have been losing members at an alarming rate and district losing clubs and the snowball effect continues except in the opposite direction, uphill.

     Which brings me to the substance of this rant, loss of leadership. As we lose members we are also losing the pool of leaders that have been percolating.

     I know as I made my rounds as District Governor in 2017-18 I identified several promising leaders in the clubs within my district and then just two years later when I made the trek again in my second stint a lot of these individuals were gone or not interested in moving up in district leadership.  I know that this scenario is not unique to District 36E, just take a look at our committees in each of the four districts and at the cabinets in a couple of our districts.

     It hearkens to the old saying that good people are hard to find but I think the good people are there they are just a little gun shy about stepping up because of some of the horror stories and myths they had been told.  So for those of you that are out there and would like to take advantage of the leadership opportunities that Lions offer go ahead and step up and lead.  There is a network of individuals who are willing to assist you in any capacity that is needed.  There are so many resources at your fingertips from the assistance of the LCI website to your district governor and Global Action Team.

     This year’s group of District Governors made a concerted effort to bring new faces into leadership roles wherever they could and this philosophy has been embraced as several of the multiple district committees have new chair persons.  Some have hit the ground running and are enthused about their role and you will see the trickle-down effect of this as we progress through this Lions year.

     Another big thing on our leadership plate is the return of Northwest Lions Leadership Institute. The exact date has not been nailed down as of this writing but will be by the time you read this but it is going to be in April of 2022.  For those of you who have had the opportunity to attend this leadership training you know what I am talking about when I say it is one of the most rewarding and inspiring experiences that you will have in your Lions journey.  For those of you who haven’t have the pleasure of attending one get in contact with your club secretary or the cabinet secretary or even your district governor and tell them you want to attend.  This will not only provide you with leadership training that you will use in Lions but it will provide you with enrichment in your personal life.

     Finally, if you have been thinking about taking on a leadership role at the club level let someone know you have this desire to do more. Tell your club president or secretary.  If you have a passion to serve in any specific area that the district committees address let your district governor know or if there is an area not covered by one of the committees, take the initiative and step up and lead by creating.

There are many different ways to lead and be a leader all you have to do is step up and through the enthusiasm that new leaders bring we will continue to restore the Prides of this multiple district.

And as always I thank each of you for your service to Lions.

     Council Chair Bob Chaney

Lions, The Greatest Service Organization In The World But The Best Kept Secret.

Let’s get loud about Lions

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     Hello everyone, I’m baaaaaack! And so is the Multiple District, to in-person meetings that is, Yaaah!  I am so looking forward to seeing each of you in-person and being able to embrace or shake hands or just converse.

     This last year and a half has been trying not only for all of us Lions who have “suffered” through countless Zoom meetings and not been able to put boots on the ground but to those who have lost in their everyday lives.  The floods, fires and this pandemic have certainly taken a toll on all of us individually and collectively so as we start to emerge from under this guise let’s remember why we are Lions, To Serve! 

     This year first and foremost we are going to have fun.  You have a Council of Governors who are looking forward to serving each of their districts and having a lot of fun in the process.

     Probably the biggest concern facing Lions in the multiple district and throughout North America is membership. We are losing Lions at an alarming rate and if we are not able to stem the tide we will soon be unable to conduct business.  But here’s the thing. It’s not that hard to ask someone to join and if we all ask at least one person odds say that between 30 and 50 percent will say yea. What does that mean?  If you look at our current numbers across our Multiple District you will see a total of 2,997 that would translate to between 899 and 1498 new members. Just saying, can you imagine the influx of new ideas and energy and passion?

     That brings me to the theme for the multiple district for this year.  Restoring Prides Through Service.  What does this mean?  Well we as Lions were able to provide some much needed service in the form of meals up in the Gates area following the wildfires and this service will go a long way to keeping the Lions name known and even possibly re-establishing a club in that area.  Also all of the outreach that clubs have done through all kinds of service have resulted in new members like the Mt Hood club who had a net gain of 10 in membership this last year.  We sometimes don’t know that breadth and depth that our service projects have on individuals and on a community as a whole.

     There are times when we become discouraged or disenchanted with some of the things we do and these last 18 months has certainly played heavy into that. I know personally that I was starting to be a bit disillusioned but when we were able to get together for training the passion and enthusiasm of your District Governors reinvigorated my soul.  I know this group is going to do great things this year so I hope you give them the opportunity to lead.

     Another issue I see that is paramount with this group is making sure that everyone is willing to work together. As our motto says We Serve. I know that most of you will remember my first term as District Governor I had a theme of Together We’ll Restore the Roar and I still feel that way that by working together across all borders that we will be able to return Lions clubs to the robust and vibrant entities they were.

     I have long been a proponent of tooting our own horn, Roaring, if you will and we must continue to do this in order to get away from that old saying I have heard since I joined Lions some 18+ years ago, Lions, the greatest service organization in the world but the best kept secret.  Let’s not let Lions be a secret any more. Scream it from the rooftops, shout it from the mountain tops, show it in everything we do.

     We are the best and largest service organization in the world and we should be proud of that fact.  So remember as we traverse through this coming year we are going to make a lot of noise and get loud about Lions and have a lot of fun doing so as we Restore Prides Through Service all across this multiple district.

Council Chair Bob Chaney

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925