I am writing this article in early March (10th) for the April issue. I mention that because the dates for the R and O Conventions have passed. However, the E and G Conventions occur in March. DG David O'Kelley had a wonderful and very well attended Convention in Eugene on the U of O campus. If you were unable to attend, you missed informative speakers, International Director Allen Snider and interacting with your fellow Lions.
The winter storm of February 24 caused DG Kerith Vance to need to reschedule her Convention: Her ID’s flight was canceled into PDX from Hawaii, roads were impassible and she did not have a choice. She was able to reschedule her Convention for April 15. All in all, it requires a lot of work. I will see you there.
DG Gail Black has her District E Convention set for Sutherlin on March 17-19 and DG Cheri Jackson has her District G Convention set for the Wildhorse in Pendleton on March 31-April 1. Hopefully you will attend. There is so much information about Lions that is available at conventions. Together we have a good time. Join us!
April is the month for Officer elections in our Clubs throughout MD36. I urge the current board members to notice and talk to your members and consider a new Lion for a position. There are Lions that have talents you are not aware of. Remember – just ask. We need to inspire new Lions and take note of their ideas even if it is not “the way we always do things”.
April is Environmental Awareness month. Be sure to send your environment photos to CCE Phyllis Carlin in order to enter the annual competition that takes place at our Multiple District Convention May 19-21 in Seaside. It is an amazing and fun event with wonderful photos from every corner of our multiple district (especially if there is a Corgi in the photo).
April is also Family & Friends Awareness month. Include your family and friends in Lions events and adventures. They can help you gather items for your food pantry, attend a lunch with Lions, or collect glasses for our Sight & Hearing Foundation. And, if you have friends or family with a place of business, be sure to give them an eyeglass collection box to help the Lions of Oregon recycle and send glasses all across the world.
We have a lot to do and serve in our respective communities. Together we can!