Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



     Here we are in April and ready to elect our club officers.  It is also time when our next District Governor, Lion Ed Glad, is working to finish building his leadership team for 2023-24.  This includes Zone Chairs who want to build collaboration with their local clubs, as well as Lions with particular interest areas who want to participate in the District O Cabinet.  Are you interested in creating momentum and interest around environmental, hunger, vision, family and women's issues?  Do you have a passion for Leos, guide dogs, the peace poster contest or even Robert's Rules of Order?  Do you want to see change and be part of making it happen?  Maybe you've held a position for a while and are ready to give your skills to another role. If you are, we need you and want to work with you to serve the Lions Clubs of District O and their communities.

     Often new Lions and younger Lions have incredible skills and ideas that the rest of us need to grow from around 800 Lions in our District up to 1000 Lions and Leos or more!  They may not know how a club officer or district officer position works or what kind of time is involved.  They may want to take a fresh look at a club tradition to keep it strong and current.  If that is you or someone you know, please reach out to myself or Lion Ed.,  There is a way for you to contribute and bring value to your fellow Lions and community that will fit.  Believe me, we understand commitments to family, work, and other social groups and service projects and value your time and your effort enough to make it work.

     To build stronger clubs, larger networks, and engage in meaningful service to those around us, we need to think outside the box!  Check out this Lions International video and others on their website to learn more.

New Leaders, New Voices, New Opportunities

     Hello Lions!  Here we are in Spring already.  Now that the sun will start peeking out, I look forward to hearing and seeing all the club activities and service projects as we all get back out.  Keep the Hull Foundation and Gales Creek in mind for clean up days and other volunteer needs in the gardens and park spaces.  These are two great ways to provide service in the community and a fun way to engage new members and potential members of all ages in your activities.

     Now is the time to identify next year's club officers as well.  The reports for who they will be are due in April.  This is a great chance to give new Lions and Lions who maybe are not as new but have not had a chance to lead yet, an opportunity to try something new and gain new skills.  New leaders also give your club new perspectives on projects and new ideas as well.  Generate some energy and excitement into your club with new leadership.

     There is a Lions Leadership Institute in Sutherlin in April and there will be opportunities for learning about officer positions and leadership skills online and in person this spring through your District leadership team.  Lion 1VDG Ed Glad is our Global Leadership Team leader this year and is also next year's District Governor.  If you or a Lion you know are interested in leading at the district level or in helping build membership in new clubs and current clubs, please reach out to him.

     New leaders, new voices, new opportunities - these lead to growth in our clubs, our district and our multiple district.  Please consider adding your voice to the future of District O.

Now Is The Time To Help

      This February is our District O Convention and I hope to see many of you as we gather to celebrate our successes and take an opportunity to learn more about different service opportunities for our clubs.  1VDG Ed Glad will also lead a small group activity aimed at providing information for the goals and needs of next year’s leadership in our District.  Senator Gordon Smith will be speaking, and we will all have a chance to visit with our amazing International Director Bob Lee and his wife Pam from Hawaii.

     Convention is a great time for newer and seasoned Lions to get to know one another and find out what we are up to as a District.  This spring there will be opportunities to participate in a pediatric cancer walk and a brand new fundraiser for our international foundation!  There are always opportunities to serve with the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation as well as the various camps Lions support here in Oregon such as Gales Creek and the Hull Foundation.  Please watch your email for more information.

     Now is the time to help your community and inspire them and your Lions Club with a fun service project as the sun begins to return.  Perhaps this is a chance to gain some new members and help our District reach its membership growth goal.  New leaders may be waiting amongst your club to lead a project or take over as a club officer for next year.  It is not too late to encourage upcoming leaders to attend the Northwest Lions Leadership training in April.

     I look forward to seeing you this Spring as we all get out to support our communities!

February 25th Is Our Convention

     Happy New Year Lions of District O!  We made it to 2023 and I'm hearing about a lot of service projects and even a new group of Leos and Lions for us to celebrate about!

     February 25th is our convention and I hope that many of you will be able to join us live in Portland to say hello and roar for all the service projects.  Service and leadership information and ideas will be presented, and we want your input on the focus of the District O Cabinet for next year.  We also hope you will bring a basket to raffle with our "paws for service" theme.

     It's time to take a moment to briefly look back to see how your club is doing and then make goals for the rest of this year.  How many new members do you want?  Who are your upcoming leaders that you can encourage to new roles?  What service project needs an update or needs to make way for a brand new idea?  Do you have a club member interested in helping lead the District in 2023?

     Keep your eyes and ears peeled for information on leadership training, officer training, a walk for pediatric cancer and a new LCIF fundraiser.  There will also be a chance to congratulate and support our newest Leos and Lions clubs!

     Huddle up with your club members in these last cold days of winter to plan and get ready for a wonderful second half of the Lion year!

Invite Community Members To Participate

     As we come to the halfway mark of our Lion year, so many of our clubs are in the midst of food basket projects, sock drives, warm clothing drives, toy give aways, bell ringing and more.  Thank you for all the service projects and the time you give to help others.

     As we enter the new year, there are a few things to put on your to do lists:

  1. Plan to attend District O Convention in SE Portland.  This is a chance to meet Lions from around the district and learn more about Lions service projects and leadership opportunities.

  2. Plan club time to talk about new club officers for next year.  Changing leaders gives a chance for new voices, new ideas, and leadership growth.

  3. Plan for potential leaders to attend the MD36 Lions Leadership institute in April of 2023.

  4. Check with your local schools to plan for activities next year such as flags for first graders, the peace poster contest, starting a Leos club, and learn if you need a background check in place for fall school screenings.

     Lastly, consider a multi club service project and invite community members to participate.  Plan now for an activity in the Spring or Summer that helps your club get to know your community and helps you find new club members.  Explore your area to find out if a potential specialty or branch club can be created.  Clubs made of young families, specific language groups or ethnicities, or even a shared interest such as sight loss, diabetes, or the environment, are growing around the world.

DG Kerith

Ways To Connect And Serve In Your Community

     I am so pleased to see how many of the clubs and Lions of District O are actively serving their community this fall!   One popular place to serve is your local school.  Many Lions used to spend a lot of hours volunteering to help with vision screening.  Lions are still ready to help but there are some things that change the way Lions are able to interact with a school.

     As vision screening methods changed and schools began increasing security features due to shootings and the pandemic, the number of volunteers needed and the method of signing up to help changed.  Most schools do still need and welcome volunteers and other support - however, they likely limit the number of people and require background checks.  Call your school to find out if you need a background check and how long it will last.  This will ensure you are able to sign up to help when it is time for screenings.

     When you call, ask about other ways to volunteer that will connect your club with the school and community.   Do they have a food pantry, clothes closet or need winter clothes like hats, gloves and coats?  As I've been out screening at schools, I've seen needs for paint, yard clean up, new trees.  Have you considered finding a local school that needs a garden or fresh flowers?

     Finally, remember our Lions programs like Quest, Smart and of course the Peace Poster contest for your 11 to 13 year old students.  All great ways to connect and serve in your community.  All of these provide opportunities to serve and to build connections with families, school staff and other community groups.  Together we can!

Help Support and Grow a Lion's Leadership Skills

This Lion year is off to a good start based on all the activities talked about at the clubs I’ve visited so far! Thank you to all the clubs who are working on their diabetes-related projects. Remember to send in your stories and pictures to Leah and the Lion Magazine so we can celebrate your success in service. Sending the information out to your local press will help spread the word that Lions are here and ready to help - this may even help find a new Lion for your club. Watch your emails for information from Lions International on World Diabetes Day in November and the many ways you and your club can get involved.

Now that we are a few months into our new year, I encourage you to look around and see the great leaders you have and the Lions who are becoming leaders or maybe don’t even realize their leadership potential yet. Please step beside them, thank them for service done and help them grow into their new roles. There are trainings available through Lions International on each club office and on other topics as well.

The USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum just completed in-person training in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but there are a lot of topics available through Lions University to help support and grow a Lion’s leadership skills and help their club become stronger in the process. Tentatively scheduled for April 21-23, 2023 the NW Lions Leadership Institute will hold a training here in Oregon that is a wonderful opportunity to develop skills and meet other Lion leaders.

From both the service projects and the leadership training you have the potential to impact your community, your Lions Club and more. Please consider a leadership role in your Lions Club or at the District Level and add your voice to plans and efforts to support and grow Lions in MD36 - Oregon and Northern California. Some of our amazing current leadership need more paws to help and others are ready to try something new and need someone to step into their role.

Encourage All The Clubs To Connect

     As we enter the fall and 2nd part of our Lion year, I look forward to visiting with more clubs.  Making connections with the clubs, club officers and Lions members creates opportunities for new ideas, collaboration and volunteer support for service projects and fundraisers.  It is also fun to hang out with other Lions doing great work in our communities!  I encourage our club Presidents and Secretaries to let the other clubs know about your activities.  Also let District O Secretary Carrie know and she can share the information throughout the district.  Invite another club or two or your whole zone to work together on a service project.  Zone Chairs can encourage these collaborations by checking in with the clubs in their area to find out what the needs are.  Smaller clubs may need their fellow Lions support to make a project happen.  Each club has its unique strengths, interests, and projects that we can support and inspire each other with.

     For this fall, I encourage all the clubs to connect with a service project related to diabetes.  We have the Gale's Creek Camp and Hull Foundation and Learning Center right here in District O.  Both of those organizations need Lions support from hands on volunteers to referring people to their services, and to support of fundraising efforts.  As knights of the blind, Lions know that diabetes is still the leading cause of blindness.  Consider an activity for White Cane Safety Day on October 15th.  Hull Foundation has a work day and a walk coming up that you can participate in.  In November Lions International will have a lot of material available regarding diabetes that you can share on social media or use at a community event or fundraiser to raise awareness of diabetes.  In my zone we will be doing a diabetic food drive for a local nonprofit.  So many options and ways to serve.  Remember to share your stories with your community and in the Lion Magazine or send them my way so we can share what District O Lions are doing together for diabetes awareness.

Get Involved In The Forward Momentum

     Here we are at the start of a brand new year.  Thank you to PDG Doug Loose for his leadership last year, and to all the Lions that provided leadership and support to District O in 2021-22.   I look forward to working with all of you this coming year to continue to build strength of leadership and service in District O and the Multiple District.

     My goals this year are to work with the leadership team to help all clubs have a net growth in membership with a focus on clubs with under 20 members.  As part of that goal, 1VDG Ed Glad and I will work with Zone Chairs and other leaders to build service projects and help our clubs be more visible in their communities.  Working together for service we can build membership and positively impact our community. The fall focus will be diabetes related service – keep an eye out for information from your Zone Chair and club leaders.

     Out of these service projects and membership growth we can look for and develop leaders in the Lions around us.  There are some amazing new Lions in our District as well as some who joined a while ago but have not felt ready or been given an opportunity to develop their leadership potential.  1VDG Ed and myself will be working with PDG Doug to continue efforts to get more Lions involved in our service and leadership projects at the District level.

     District 36-O has committee chairs that work to connect Lions to ideas and news for projects and club development as well as service and the international Lions organization.  Through leadership training, Zone meetings and projects, my team and I will be working to get information to all of you about those committees and how you can work with us to increase the impact of Lions throughout the District O community and beyond.

     Do you want to know more and get involved in the forward momentum of the Lions of Oregon and Northern California?  Email me at

DG Kerith

Welcome To Jubilant June My Fellow Lion’s

     What a great year it’s been for Lionism and service.  As I sit here writing this last article it’s a little surreal to think that my DG year is almost over so here is one last cast your way.  I’ve been saying the same thing over and over all year, go out and invite your friends and neighbors.  You can find those people who are like you everywhere you go if you just talk to them.

     It’s been a pleasure and an honor to serve as District Governor.  I will treasure this year forever.  There are so many to thank especially the VDG’s and our GAT team as well as the many, many who were there for me all year.  To my fellow DG’s thank you for being examples of what service from the Heart should be.  Again, I say thank you, thank you, thank you.

     Cast your line in the water or better yet jump in. If we each one reach one we can Catch our Limit together.

As always in your service DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Majestic May My Fellow Lions


     This seems to be a difficult subject for a lot of our clubs. What does communication look like and who are we communicating with? First and foremost open communication in our clubs is vital to our health and growth. Does your club have a newsletter? If not it should.  This could be as simple as a quick email or text talking about what’s going on this week in your club.

     Are your club leaders in regular communication with all the membership? I know we at the district level try to communicate on a regular basis with emails and in person visits but we can’t be everywhere. Our clubs are all doing service but is your club reporting this service on MYLION? If not, why not? If you are unable to perform this task please ask how we can help you, we do have a district administrator who is willing and very capable of helping you.

     Is your club communicating with the public? Do you have someone at the very least posting to social media about the service opportunities that are going on? This is a very easy and surprisingly effective tool to bring in new members.

     As we move into May the clubs that are busy doing service are growing and recruiting vibrant new Lion’s to help.  This is very exciting to hear -- keep up the good work!  Has your club set any goals for service, LCIF donations and new members? You should as this is a great way to get motivated as a club and personally. If we Each One Reach One we can all catch our Limit.

     Summer is looming and the fish are biting, take some time to get yourself out there and Catch Your Limit. Remember to teach someone what you know, to pass on all the secrets of catching the big one.

     Talk to each other and report the service you’ve done.

In your service, DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Auspicious April

My Fellow Lion’s


      Wow, I can’t believe it’s really April already.  Spring is in full swing with so many things to do and think about.  It is the perfect time to focus in on planting the seeds of service for our communities.  This month’s focus is supposed to be Competition but we as Lion’s really don’t need to compete as we are the best and largest service club in the world.  What we are really talking about is being distracted by all the things competing for our time, this is the true competition.  Stay focused.  We are the people who like to help others while making life a little better for someone in need whether it’s with glasses, a little food or just maybe you asked someone to help you help others which is the greatest gift we can give.  A little love and acceptance go a long way.

     It's been an amazing year of service so far and I’ve had so much help from you all.  Thank You!   We all need a team around us to be able to do the things we do.  Not only to be able to do more but for encouragement.  It’s difficult to stay motivated on your own but with the help and excitement from your team we can keep providing the service that people around us need. If you don’t have a team join one, create one, build on your successes for if you are a Lion, you are Great. One profound thing I’ve learned these past couple years is never ever let another Lion fail. We need to be lifting the others in our clubs up to their full potential. We all have different gifts and skills we can use to help our own club members, so we need to be bringing in new members to teach as well as learn from.

     Spring is here so it’s time to dust off the gear, oil the reels, and check for leaks in the waders. The fish are hungry and moving around. This is the time to pounce on them with your favorite lure. This is also the time to show someone your favorite hole to fish in and how to catch em. Be patient as the bite will turn on you and you just never know when, so keep your hooks sharp and your bait fresh then your well on your way to not only Catching your Limit but helping your neighbor to catch theirs as well. This is the best thing we can do. Don’t get swallowed up by the competition.

In your Service DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Magnificent March my Fellow Lions: Expecting The Big Win

What does this mean to you, your club, our District? I know what it means to me:  finding a quality service project, putting together a team and plan to accomplish it; and finding someone new to join in in the fun. Spring is in the air, a time of new growth, a time of renewal, it is the time of planting and cultivating.  March is for Membership growth.

     I know I’ve said this before, but have you asked your neighbor, your friend, your children, your parents, your tax person, your drycleaner, the person you sit next to at church?  Listen.. I could go on and on, but you get the point that if we want to continue to be Lions and help others then we need to continue to grow our clubs. This is the perfect opportunity for new and exciting service, this will bring new members as well as reinvigorate the rest of the club. The water may still be a bit chilly, but the fish are starting to move around. This is your opportunity to Catch the Big One!

     Are you starting to look into the future of your Lion’s career?  Have you been in a leadership position?  Do you want to be?  LCI offers so much leadership training it’s amazing. People pay thousands for the kind of training we have at our fingertips. It’s all online and available to you. We also have a special opportunity for in-person training at the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute April 8-10. This is a great time to hone your skills as a Lion leader. It’s your time to shine and guide us into the future.

     We have a rare happening in our District this month: The Portland Downtown Lions are turning 100 and are celebrating on Mar 12th starting at 5pm.  As one of the oldest Clubs in LCI this a very special thing.  Contact PID Dr. Sunny Pulley for ticket info.

     Is your boat on the water?  Are you fishing?  Every time you go out or get on the phone expect to catch the big one.  The Big Win.  Alone we can do so little, but together we can accomplish anything!  If you need help, ask.  Have you contacted a member you haven’t seen in a while?  If not please do as we need to stick together as Lions.

     Together we Can Catch our Limit.

In your Service DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Fabulous February My Fellow Lions

Resetting our goals and expectations:

     This is the time of year when we evaluate what we’ve done and how it’s going. Have we been providing quality service to our community?  Do we need to raise more funds to provide for the basic needs of those we care for? How are those in your Club faring, have you reached out?

     Goal setting can be tedious, or it can be a fun team building event. Start small like getting 1 new member or starting one new service project. We all get stuck in a rut. Well, it’s time to get out your rut and onto bigger and better things in your service career. It’s time to check your bait or lure to make sure there’s a hook on it. Some of you are fishing hookless or not fishing at all so get your line in the water and check the hook as it’s time to Catch the big one.

     Two things are happening this month. First of all it’s the month of love and it’s time for us to show our Service from the Heart. How can your club be of better service? What can we do to serve from the Heart this month and every month? Second of all it’s convention season. This is a very exciting time to reconnect with friends from other clubs as well as get new ideas and reinvigorated with enthusiasm. This year District 36-O convention will be in Astoria at the Charlene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts, 588 16th St., on February 26th, sign up now. This is going to be an interactive event showcasing the many areas of service we provide and our mighty OLSHF. There are many areas we can better help our own foundation in all the services they provide.

     It’s time to move forward planning for your club’s success, time to start building momentum or continuing to build for some of you, time to try new things (maybe a LEO club a Branch club or a Boy Scout troop).  Has your club ever sponsored a Peace Poster or Essay? Now is the time to get it ordered and get ahold of the local school. Teachers are desperate for a positive thing to share with their classes and this could be it. Has your club helped LCIF lately? If not, why not? They are always helping us. Has your club been reporting on MyLion? If not, why not? We now have a district administrator who would be more than happy to help you report as well as any zone chair can also help.

     If you’re not catching fish maybe it’s time to move your boat to a different part of the lake, the fish are out there we just need to be there to catch them.

In Your Service, DG Doug

Welcome to 'Journey January' my fellow Lions, what do you do when you lose the big one?

     How do we deal with loss? Whether it’s that we actually lost someone close to us in our club due to death, life change, moving or just quitting.  Do we shut down, do we close the club, do we take some time and grieve the loss, or do we come closer together and redouble our efforts to provide more service to honor those who have left us?  This is a great time to check ourselves, to figure out if we are providing a service our community needs, not just doing what we’ve always done.  Check your bait and hooks to make sure you are doing what needs to be done and ensure not to lose the next big one.

     Let me ask you this, why would I want to join your club?  Yes I’m a helper, a server, a person who is crazy busy with life and helping others already.  Why in the heck would I want to be involved with you and what you’re doing?  Would you listen to my concerns, my interests and the things I care about?  We all have busy lives with work and families who need us, the many things that pull our attention during the days.  Are your clubs offering a purpose to the very newest person and all club members or do we try to assimilate them into what we are already doing?  Do we offer them a place to use their talents, to grow their leadership skills, to build into them the things needed to serve those who need us?

     Why do people quit?  Did they get their feelings hurt?  Did they find that there is just no place for them or they didn’t fit in?  Does your club provide a mentor for the new people so they know what’s going on and can find a place to serve?  Are you in touch with your club members on a weekly basis, if not why not?  We as Lions cannot and will not let another Lion fail no matter what!  If your partner has a big one on the line it’s your job to net it and make sure it stays in the boat.  I know we all go through our ups and downs, when we are up let’s help those who are down.

     Oh by the way let’s not forget to have FUN.  If it’s no fun then what’s the point? Alone we can do so little but Together We Can Catch The BIG One!

     As always In Service

DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Delightful December my Fellow Lion’s “Rewards of Lionism”

     What are the Rewards we receive in our Lion lives? When we’ve asked our neighbor to join us in service, when we’ve completed testing those kids at the school, we’ve helped feed the hungry with food boxes, we’ve picked up the trash on our street or the street of someone who can’t or won’t, we’ve raised a ton of money in our “Dollars for Diabetes” campaign, what is the reward?  The reward is the satisfaction of helping those who can’t help themselves and having fun doing these things with our friends old and new.  All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do.  Together we can catch our limit!

     The holiday season is upon us.  There are people out there with no families to celebrate with.  We can be that family to them, we can help them, we are helping them, we should be helping them.  Let’s be the shining lights out there.  Let’s show people what we do and how we do it.

     The satisfaction comes from the preparation for the next fishing trip ”service project” fishing in your favorite hole “fundraisers” and catching the big one “ helping those in need”.

     Again. I say Thank you for all you do! Together we can catch our limit.

In Service DG Doug

Hello My Fellow Lion’s and Welcome to Nudge November


     As we head into the holiday season and get very busy with friends and family we are going to look at “when” is a good time to fish for new Lions. Do you only fish when the weather is just right? You have the perfect gear? Is the tide in or out? Or do you go out when a storm is coming, the wind is up, and the waves are splashing at your feet? Your gear is tattered… but you always keep your hook sharp. Or do we fish whenever there is a moment in our lives that we can scratch out a little time no matter what the conditions are?  The funny and fun thing is there is no right or wrong answer. The real question is, are you using your talents? The When is now.

     November is Diabetes awareness month. I propose we collect Dollars for Diabetes, that’s what we’ll be focused on in District O. So during your coat, sock, blanket and canned food drives let’s be looking for corporate sponsors (if you don’t ask you won’t get).

     “When” is when we make a moment in our busy lives to help others.  When we are out and about is a great time to invite someone new. If you don’t throw your line in the water, you won’t catch the big one. Even if you are at home, you could be emailing your contacts or on Next Door or FaceBook talking about what your club is up to and what you just did. Post pictures on Instagram of the pair of glasses you got for someone in need. Make a video and put it on YouTube of your club picking up trash (oh and get a corporate sponsor for the dumpster) or just giving a coat to a child. We can all use our free time wisely and help the next generation to do the same thing. If we add fulfilling things to our lives, there is no need to escape.

     Together if We each One Reach One We can Catch our limit!

In Service, DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Opportune October my Fellow Lion’s

October 2021 - Lions Magazine
Why do we want to Catch our Limit?

dg doug 2021.jpg

      “Why” is the subject for this month.  Why do we do what we do? What is our purpose, personally and as a club? Why do we spend months planning and getting prepared for that food box delivery, that parade to collect teddy bears, collecting the glasses and then sorting them, testing all the kids (as we can at this time) but they’ll for sure need us soon, giving out glasses and hearing aids to those in need, oh and the umpteen other projects we do throughout the year? Then comes the fundraising to support all these projects along with LCIF, OLSHF, camps Ukandu, Gales Creek, Oral Hull and Taloali, the Sight and Hearing Taskforce, and all the other things we support as clubs and individually.

     Some of our clubs have a strong Why and some have weak and or have lost their Why over the years. What is important is that the stronger clubs help the clubs who are in need or want help by becoming Certified Guiding Lions. This is an easy thing we can all do to get back to the basics of lionism. It’s all online and doesn’t take long to do. You may even learn something new and revitalize your Why.

     People need purpose in their lives, and we all have specialized skills that if we join with others can really help those in need. So, as we have our clubs with all the different roles in them, find the one that suites you and help others in their roles. If you’re lacking in an area, then that’s the person you need to recruit. We are the people that others turn to for help and for service. You are my people, and I am yours. Find your niche in the group but always be thinking about who is going to do your job next and mentor them, then its time for you take on another role.

     The need for a “Why” is huge! Have Fun, provide quality Service, help where and when you can, invite others, and find your WHY. Why do we throw that last cast at the end of the day? Because you never know what or who will be on other end of that line. Instead of one last cast lets make it 10 so that we can help others to catch their “Why” and “Together We Can Catch Our Limit.”

Serving from the Heart, DG SuperDoug

Welcome to Striking September My Fellow Lions


How can you catch your limit?

dg doug 2021.jpg

     This is an easy one and we all know the answer, Have Fun & Good Bait. Find and provide quality service to your community and just ask people to help. Ask your neighbor, your friends, people who are busy, people with lots of time, the clerk at the store. Show them your enthusiasm, tell them your story, listen to theirs. If you use the right bait you can’t seem to keep ‘m off the hook. People will be asking you what the Lions are up to.  Again, if we “Each one Reach one” we can catch our limit.

     Summer is waning and we are getting ready for Fall so now is the time for even more service to begin. We’ve just gotten the reports from our area GAT team and the news is great for growth. As I’ve been saying and will keep on saying, there’s never been a better time than now to be a Lion! The need is huge and so are our hearts for service, here and around the world. People are looking for purpose in their lives.


     Hope and I have had a very busy summer of club visits, service projects, fundraisers, BBQ’s, and family gatherings. This year has started out great and we have started gaining momentum in our district so let’s keep it up. Together we can serve and have fun doing it.

Use the right Bait and have Fun you can “Catch your Limit”

Yours in service DG SuperDoug

Together We Can “Catch Our Limit”

July/August - Lions magazine

Happy Summer Fellow Lions,

Are you satisfied in your Lionism? ... ”Catching your Limit”

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     As we enter a time of renewal and get past our long Covid winter I really feel like this is going to be the best year ever. I love fishing and will be using a lot of fishing analogies such as “Catching your Limit”.

     My goals this year are simple, first of all FUN: Lets have FUN in all we do in service because otherwise what’s the point? Second, GROWTH: I see a year filled with growth like we’ve never seen before. The needs are bigger and people are needing purpose in their lives so all we have to do is invite them to join us. Third, COMMUNICATION:  As some of you know I’m a bit of an over communicator but I think its important for everyone to know what’s going on, so expect a phone call….. or 6 😊. And finally, back to FUN: Again, if we don’t have fun then what’s the point!?

     So, as we go through Summer and into the Fall does your club have service projects lined up? Are you meeting? Are you reporting? Do you have a plan? We cannot accomplish greatness alone so find a friend and go out to find more friends to be a part of the greatest service club in the world. If you need help call me, text me, email me as I’ll be fishing with you. Together we can “Catch Our Limit.”

     When you are raising money do you feel satisfied? Or when you are testing at the neighborhood school and find a child with a great need of glasses are you satisfied?  When you made that mask or flipped a burger or just helped your neighbor-friend are you satisfied? You just gave someone a pair of glasses, picked up a piece of trash, fed a homeless person, helped a child go to college…….ARE YOU SATISFIED?!  We do so much and can do so much more if we only had more people to help. So now go find a friend. Just one and invite them to be a LION because it is so satisfying. Go out, “Catch Your Limit”, and have FUN doing it.

     The actual goals I am sending to LCI are that we are going to start 2 new clubs, strengthen the clubs that are struggling, increase our clubs to more than 75% reporting ( I think we can do better than that) and have 100% of clubs giving at least a little to LCIF as they have helped us so much. We have a great GAT team to help us reach these goals starting with 1VDG Kerith Vance, 2VDG Ed Glad, PDG Bert Diamond GLT, PDG Terry Bowman GMT, Fae Lloyd GST, and our Zone Chairs 1 Ray Montgomery, 2 Ed Glad, 5 Mary Karter, 6 Fae Lloyd, and 7 Steve Studer-Carrie Bartley. How can you help you ask? Well, that’s easy. Just start telling everyone you meet about how much fun it is to be a Lion. We can’t do it without you so help us to “Catch our limit” this year and in the years to follow.

 Yours in Service DG Super Doug

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Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925