Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


How can a club meet the challenge of change?

     I move that we reboot 2020 and start over again at 01/01/2020. Do I have a second? How about an Amen?

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     Who would not like a do-over for this year? But there have been some very positive things happening because of COVID. For starters, the availability of PPE, masks, and cleaning supplies is getting better all the time. There are some neat and innovative masks available; I have three with Lions faces on them. Lions are learning how to continue to serve our communities albeit under trying circumstances, discovering new projects and new skills; meeting in new ways, and confronting and dealing with (gasp!) change!

     For many of us, we and our clubs have run for years on inertia and tradition. Ask yourself when your club last started a new project or fundraiser or when did you last elect a new slate of club officers? If you cannot remember the “whens,” then it is time to do something to refresh your club. The old traditional activities are fine, but honestly, do they seem more like work or fun? How about dull and routine or exciting and engaging? Are they helping to recruit new members or scaring them away? Do they attract the same level of public engagement they used to or is interest and attendance dropping off? Is your club dynamic or static? Is the public taking your club for granted?

     How can a club meet the challenge of change? Check the resources on MyLCI:

     NAMI (North American Membership Initiative) PDG Gary Mose and I are putting together training to be presented at Cabinet, Zone, and club meetings. NAMI is the LCI campaign to reverse years of declining Lions membership. The latest Lion Magazine has a great article about NAMI. Be sure you read it.

     Reporting via MyLion. I look at LCI reports of 36G club activities and, believe it or not, it appears that some clubs are doing little, even before COVID. The problem is not inactivity; it is not following the old adage “the job’s not done until the paperwork is done.” Lions do the paperwork online on MyLion. LCI depends on these numbers to apply for grants from big foundations, organizations that want proof that the money they give to Lions is being well managed and spent. Please do your part and report all activities, projects, fundraisers, Lion, and volunteer hours worked and the number of people served. It is critical information and it is often missing. Report your club’s foundation work too if you have a 501(c)(3).

     Stay healthy, wear a mask, wash your hands, and respect others.

John Taylor, 36-G District Governor

Reach Out To The Members Of Your Club

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As I write this, the topic on everyone’s mind is the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and all the trouble and disruption it has caused. Umatilla County has reverted to Baseline after a failed reopening. Despite this, Lions can and must carry on with our charitable work.

To this end we must learn to meet safely and as the Brits say, carry on. (Vultures simply say carrion and leave it at that.) How can we carry on? There are several encouraging things I am seeing in District 36-G.

  1. An increasing use of Zoom to meet, plan and implement club activities. I am reaching out to club presidents to see where, when and how their clubs are now meeting so I can arrange visitations in person or by Zoom.

  2. A few clubs like Arlington are experimenting with meeting in person where there is sufficient space to socially distance from each other, wearing appropriate PPE. The Dalles is experimenting with hybrid meetings, with some members online and others in person, socially distanced and masked, in a shelter at Sorosis Park. I thank Lion Tim McGlothlin for inviting me to attend via Zoom.

  3. Don’t feel helpless. Use this opportunity to learn and innovate. Grow your club! Be open to new ideas, projects, and fundraisers. For how-to ideas watch programs at LCI’s Virtual Classroom site, This is a great place to go to for fundraising and project ideas and Lions training.

  4. Reach out to the members of your club, especially those you haven’t had any contact with for some time. Invite them to a Zoom meeting if you are having them; offer to help them make the connection if they are unsure how to join by phone or computer. Keeping a member is easier than recruiting a new member.

  5. As one positive example of coping with COVID, the Hermiston Lions have instituted a $10,000 grant program, awarding grants of $500 to $2,000 to help businesses and others survive COVID.


  • If you: have not already heard, Kathy Oliver has volunteered (Hot dang!) to become the 36G First Vice District Governor. My personal thanks and those of the district for stepping up. The wife of the infamous PDG Steve Oliver, Kathy is a Zone Chair and as President of the Elgin Lions Club she brings a depth of experience in Lions to the position that few can equal.

  • PDG Gary Mose has graciously accepted the position of NAMI Champion, (North American Membership Initiative,) a title and responsibility in keeping with his role as the District’s GMT (Global Membership Team) leader.

  • There are important positions on the 36-G leadership team yet to be filled. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about how you could get involved.  We need someone for: 2nd Vice DG, Region 2 Zone 2 Chair, Constitution & Bylaws, GLT (Global Leadership Team,) GST (Global Service Team,) and Policy Manual.

  • District 36-G Officer training, via Zoom, is being planned and will be announced shortly.

Stay Safe, Stay Well

July/August 2020

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Any PDG will affirm that when they sit down to write their first column for the Oregon Lion it is with a certain feeling of amazement that it is they and not someone else doing the writing, as in “What the heck am I doing?” This year and my term as governor of 36-G (at 48,277 square miles the largest of Oregon’s four districts) is shaping up to be anything but traditional what with ongoing local flood relief efforts and the COVID-19 pandemic. I wish there was a different cliché besides “a new normal” but even with my divergent thinking I can’t come up with one. Expect us to do things differently so we (me AND you) do not contract or spread this deadly virus while we work to serve our communities yet trying to conserve our financial resources.

In coming issues of the Oregon Lion, I want to share my thoughts (although some less charitable acquaintances would say I should keep them to myself) regarding:

  • Teleconferencing (i.e. Zoom, GoToMeeting) - How they can help Lions meet and conduct business safely and efficiently, without hours and miles of expensive and inconvenient travel.  Expect to see a lot of meetings (Cabinet, Zone, Committee, and some club visitations) handled this way.

  • District Leadership including District, Zone, and Clubs - We urgently need a First and Second Vice District Governors, a GLT for Leadership Development, a GST for Service Programs as well as a couple of other positions if you want to step up and help.

  • NAMI (North American Membership Initiative) - We need to retain our members, and adding new members and clubs.

  • Diabetes Awareness -This is personal to me and one reason I’m in the COVID high-risk group.

  • Oregon Lion Prepared / Alert (Disaster Planning and Relief) - Lions are woefully unprepared statewide, not just District 36-G. I am now serving on the Blue Mountain Region Long Term Recovery Group and Unmet Needs Roundtable, trying to help the survivors of the February floods while dealing with FEMA and other agencies.

  • 36-G and MD36 Conventions – Hopefully, we will get to have them this year.

  • Training – Utilizing LCI and District resources and Zoom, we will wherever possible bring pertinent, interesting, and informative training to YOU!

  • Squirrels and nuts – There will be a lot of scurrying around.

Want to listen to some remarkably interesting LCI webinars on a variety of topics? Go to the LCI Virtual Events Center where you can register to participate in an upcoming event or watch a previously recorded event. You will be glad you did!  Speaking of squirrels – be sure you take a look at

Stay safe, stay well, and wash your hands frequently!

Together in Lionism, John Taylor 36-G District Governor

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925